EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2004 2009 Committee on Legal Affairs JURI_PV(2006)0503_1 MINUTES Meeting of 3 May 2006, from 15.00 to 18.30, and 4 May 2006, from 9.00 to 12.30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 15.20 on Wednesday 3 May 2006, with Andrzej Jan Szejna (Vice-Chairman) in the chair. In the presence of the Council and the European Commission 1. Adoption of draft agenda Decision: The draft agenda was adopted in the form shown in these minutes. 2. Chairperson's announcements The Committee decided to set a deadline for the motion for a resolution on the Statute of the Members (Privileges and immunities) on 10 May 2006 at noon; the vote will take place on 30 May. The Committee appointed: Mr Lehne as Rapporteur for the immunity case of Mr Onesta. Opinions: Ms Wallis as Draftswoman for the 2007 Budget; Ms Breyer as Draftswoman for Innovative medicines; PV\617577EN.doc PE 374.327v01-00 EN EN Mr Gargani as Draftsman for the amendment of Rules 3 and 4 of the Rules of Procedure: Ms Kauppi as Draftswoman for Liabilities of carriers of passengers by boat in the event of accidents; Ms López-Istúriz as Draftsman for Civil liability and financial guaranties for ship- owners: Ms Panayotopoulos as Draftswoman for Vousaari Cargo Port (petition); Ms Kauppi as Draftswoman for Consolidation of financial services. 3. HEARING: The concept of the trust in common law jurisdictions The following spoke: the Chair, Richard Frimston (Partner, Russell-Cook Solicitors, London), (Giuseppe Gargani, Chairman, in the chair) Giuseppe Gargani, Professor Aldo Berlinguer (University of Cagliari), Laurent Chambaz (Avocat – UGGC et associés, Paris). Questions: the Chairman. Answers: Laurent Chambaz 4. Succession and wills - Green Paper JURI/6/29436 Rapporteur: Giuseppe Gargani (EPP-ED) The following spoke: the Chairman, Maria Berger, Manuel Medina Ortega, Francesco Enrico Speroni, Rainer Wieland, Gabriele Stauner, Diana Wallis. The Committee welcomed the intention of the Rapporteur to prepare a new version of the draft report and decided to further discuss this issue. 5. The limitation periods in cross-border disputes involving injuries and fatal accidents JURI/6/33025 PR - PE367.972v01-00 Rapporteur: Diana Wallis (ALDE) The following spoke: the Rapporteur, Manuel Medina Ortega, Gabriele Stauner. PE 374.327v01-00 2/9 PV\617577EN.doc EN Decision: the Committee decided to invite two experts at the next meeting in order to provide the relevant statistical data. 6. Payment services in the internal market JURI/6/32377 Draftsperson: Rainer Wieland (EPP-ED) The following spoke: the Rapporteur, Jean Allix (Commission), Jean-Paul Gauzès. 7. Mutual information procedure in the areas of asylum and immigration JURI/6/35958 Draftsperson: Diana Wallis (ALDE) The following spoke: the Draftswoman. Decision: the Committee unanimously decided to maintain Article 171 as the appropriate legal basis for the Commission’s proposal. 8. Any other business - Term of office of the Directors of Community Agencies The following spoke: the Chairman, Maria Berger, Bert Doorn. The debate within the Committee showed that the last proposal of the Austrian Presidency was widely welcomed. The meeting adjourned at 17.30 and resumed on Thursday, 4 May 2006, at 9.15 with Giuseppe Gargani (Chairman) in the chair. In camera 9. Parliamentary immunity of Mr. Onesta Rapporteur: Klaus-Heiner Lehne (EPP-DE) The following spoke: the Rapporteur, Gérard Onesta (heard), Manuel Medina Ortega, Francesco Enrico Speroni, Monica Frassoni, Maria Berger, Michel Rocard, Diana Wallis, Rainer Wieland, the Chairman, Hans-Peter Mayer. Decision: after hearing Mr Onesta, the committee decided that his case did not raise a PV\617577EN.doc 3/9 PE 374.327v01-00 EN question of parliamentary immunity; the committee therefore asked the Rapporteur to prepare a draft letter for the next meeting. VOTING TIME In the presence of the Council and the European Commission 10. The implications of the Court's judgment of 13 September 2005 (Case C-176/03 - Commission v. Council) JURI/6/32998 Rapporteur: Giuseppe Gargani (EPP-ED) The following spoke: the Rapporteur, Francesco Enrico Speroni, Maria Berger. Decision: the following amendments were adopted: 2, LIBE C, 5, LIBE G, 8 (orally modified), 1, 10, 14 (first part), LIBE para. 6, LIBE para. 7, 17, 18 (first part), 22+18 (second part); the following amendments were withdrawn: 3, 4, 11; LIBE para. 2 was adopted without votes under enhanced cooperation; the Committee adopted the amended report with 14 votes in favour, 7 against and one abstention. 11. Measures to give effect to accession to the Geneva Act concerning the international registration of industrial designs JURI/6/32918 Rapporteur: Michel Rocard (PSE) The following spoke: the Rapporteur (who withdrew his amendment). Decision: the Committee adopted the draft report unanimously. 12. Accession to the Geneva Act concerning the international registration of industrial designs JURI/6/32920 Rapporteur: Michel Rocard (PSE) The following spoke: the Rapporteur. Decision: the Committee adopted the draft report unanimously. PE 374.327v01-00 4/9 PV\617577EN.doc EN 13. Research, technological development and demonstration activities (seventh framework programme, 2007-2013) JURI/6/34522 Draftsperson: Aloyzas Sakalas (PSE) The following spoke: the Rapporteur, Hiltrud Breyer. Decision: the following amendments were adopted: 14, 15, 17-19, 37 (with one sentence withdrawn), 20-25, 26 (without the phrase 'non-genetically modified'), 27, 29, 31-33, 35, 38 (as am to Art. 6; first and second indents withdrawn), 39, 2 (first part), 3, 6-8, 10-13; the Committee adopted the amended report with 15 votes in favour, 8 against and one abstention. 14. Recent developments in and prospects for company law JURI/6/34531 Rapporteur: Andrzej Jan Szejna (PSE) The following spoke: the Rapporteur, Klaus-Heiner Lehne, Hans-Peter Mayer. Decision: deadline for amendments on 19 May 2006 at noon; vote on 21 June 2006. 15. Exchange of views with Ms Karin Gastinger, Minister of Justice, Austrian Presidency The following spoke: the Chairman, Karin Gastinger, Diana Wallis, Maria Berger, Klaus-Heiner Lehne, Eva Lichtenberger, Hans-Peter Mayer. The Committee welcomed the progress made by the Austrian Presidency in the areas falling within Ms Gastinger’s responsibilities. 16. Follow up on the progress of the working group on "Contract law" Rapporteur: Klaus Heiner Lehne (PPE) The following spoke: the Rapporteur, Diana Wallis. PV\617577EN.doc 5/9 PE 374.327v01-00 EN 17. Date and place of next meeting Tuesday, 30 May 2006, from 15:00 to 18:30 PE 374.327v01-00 6/9 PV\617577EN.doc EN LISTA DE ASISTENCIA/PREZENCNÍ LISTINA/DELTAGERLISTE/ANWESENHEITSLISTE/KOHALOLIJATE NIMEKIRI/ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΠΑΡΟΝΤΩΝ/RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/LISTE DE PRÉSENCE/ELENCO DI PRESENZA/APMEKLĒJUMU REĢISTRS/DALYVIU SARAŠAS/JELENLÉTI ÍV/REĠISTRU TA' ATTENDENZA/PRESENTIELIJST/LISTA OBECNOŚCI/ LISTA DE PRESENÇAS/PREZENČNÁ LISTINA/SEZNAM NAVZOČIH/LÄSNÄOLOLISTA/DELTAGARLISTA Mesa/Predsednictvo/Formandskabet/Vorstand/Juhatus/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Ufficio di presidenza/Prezidijs/Biuras/Elnökség/Prezydium/ Predsedníctvo/Predsedstvo/Puheenjohtajisto/Presidiet (*) Giuseppe Gargani (P), Andrzej Jan Szejna (VP), Rainer Wieland (VP), Katalin Lévai (VP) (1) Diputados/Poslanci/Medlemmer/Mitglieder/Parlamendiliikmed/Μέλη/Members/Députés/Deputati/Deputāti/Nariai/Képviselõk/ Membri/Leden/Posłowie/Deputados/Jäsenet/Ledamöter Maria Berger, Rosa Díez González, Bert Doorn, Monica Frassoni (2), Piia-Noora Kauppi (2), Klaus-Heiner Lehne (2), Marcin Libicki (2), Hans-Peter Mayer, Aloyzas Sakalas, Francesco Enrico Speroni, Gabriele Stauner, Diana Wallis, Nicola Zingaretti (1), Jaroslav Zvěřina, Tadeusz Zwiefka Suplentes/Náhradníci/Stedfortrædere/Stellvertreter/Asendusliikmed/Αναπληρωτές/Substitutes/Suppléants/Supplenti/Aizstājēji/ Pavaduojantieji nariai/Póttagok/Sostituti/Plaatsvervangers/Zastępcy/Membros suplentes/Náhradníci/Namestniki/Varajäsenet/ Suppleanter Hiltrud Breyer (2), Nicole Fontaine (1), Jean-Paul Gauzès (1), Roland Gewalt (2), Eva Lichtenberger (2), Toine Manders (2), Manuel Medina Ortega, Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Michel Rocard, Andrzej Tomasz Zapałowski (2) 178 (2) Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann (2), Peter Liese (2), Miroslav Mikolášik (2), Kathy Sinnott (2), Patrizia Toia (2), Stefano Zappalà (2) 183 (3) 46 (6) (Punto del orden del día/Porad jednání (PJ)/Punkt på dagsordenen/Tagesordnungspunkt/Päevakorra punkt/Ηµερήσια ∆ιάταξη Σηµείο/Agenda item/Point OJ/Punto all'ordine del giorno/Darba kārtības punkts/Darbotvarkes punktas/Napirendi pont/Punt Aġenda/ Agendapunt/Punkt porządku dziennego/Ponto OD/Bod programu schôdze/Točka UL/Esityslistan kohta/Föredragningslista punkt) Observadores/Pozorovatelé/Observatører/Beobachter/Vaatlejad/Παρατηρητές/Observers/Observateurs/Osservatori/Novērotāji/ Stebetojai/Megfigyelõk/Osservaturi/Waarnemers/Obserwatorzy/Observadores/Pozorovatelia/Opazovalci/Tarkkailijat/Observatörer Alexander Arabadjiev (1), Cristian Dumitrescu Presente el/Přítomný dne/Til stede den/Anwesend am/Viibis(id) kohal/Παρών στις/Present on/Présent le/Presente il/Piedalījās/ Dalyvauja/Jelen volt/Preżenti fi/Aanwezig op/Obecny dnia/Presente em/Prítomný dňa/Navzoči dne/Läsnä/Närvarande den: (1) 3.5.2006 (2) 4.5.2006 PV\617577EN.doc 7/9 PE 374.327v01-00 EN Por invitación del presidente/Na pozvání predsedy/Efter indbydelse fra formanden/Auf Einladung des Vorsitzenden/Esimehe kutsel/ Με πρόσκληση του Προέδρου/At the invitation of the Chair(wo)man/Sur l'invitation du président/Su invito del presidente/ Pēc priekšsēdētāja uzaicinājuma/Pirminikui
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