r GROUCHO'S FUTURE //7 /9Cji)\ Is Up To You! ARE GIVEAWAY SHOWS Getting Out Of Hand? / COMPLETE LOGS MBER *qr.- The Down-to-Earth Story of Clint W lk BIG MAN FROM CHEYENNE' Seen On The Video -Radio Scene KBIG received the award for Most Consistent News Coverage by a local station in a recent Radio and Television News Club awards presentation. Accepting for KBIG are Alan Lisser, left, Margee Phillips, Jeff Donnell who presented the trophy on behalf o'e the club, and Larry BerriII. THE DICK TUFELD family at home KABC-TV's person- ality gives a ride to wife Adrienne, Bruce, 4, and Lynn, 2. FOR NINE years David Valle has conducted newscasts for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company over CBS-Radio but only recently met his boss, Frederic W. Ecker, left, president of Metropolitan. a n MRS. COLLEEN ROVER, 17. di mother of two children, was given the Jack McCoy glamour treat- ment on Glamour Girl because she was a fine mother. TN -Radio Life (Formerly Radio-Tell.% ision Life). November 3. ou. 31. No. 12, 1.:%elyn A. Itigsby. Managing Editor. rabl,slted week') to ) Tele, ision News Syndication, Inc.. at LOS Aligrie.e. California. nietineSS 91111 Editorial Offices 1610 N. .%rgyle A) it.. Los .‘tigrles ?It IIllollywmA Station), California. 1'1 fitaly n ..1 4-925 . Single col a., 15, su bscription ti.S.1141 :t year, for two years, $11.90 for three years, TV-Radio Life was entered a,. Second Class Matter, September IL 19114, at Los :Angeles, 11941cr Act of March 3. 1819. November 3, 1956 Page Two K USG-FM, operated by the University of Southern California, brings an ever-increasing circle of listeners discriminating fare ranging from draina to philosophy. By Bill Weber higher IQ audience does actually exist and finds interest in weightier subject matter than is generally of- fered." Audience Reaction That such an audience does exist in Southern California is evidenced HE CULTURE vultures mercial broadcaster reach for his Mil. by letter writing, many letters from who decry the lack of town and gin—is Philosophy Forum. persons coming here from the east taste, intelligence and Headed by USC's Dr. William Werk- who are looking for stations on the what not that radio broad- meister, director of the School of coast carrying too calibre material casting is accused of airing may Philosophy, Philosophy Forum is a similar to that which they knew in hang up their crying towels. That is, lecture series presented by campus different parts of the country. An- if they tune in KUSC, the FM station and visiting professors of the various other sign of listener interest may be operated by the University of South- schools of philosophy from Socrates gleaned from the fact that at a. re- ern California. to Sartre. Is there an audience for cent Southern California hi-fi show If your taste runs to the little such a program? You can't discount over 1000 requests were received from performed classic Jacobean dramas, the heavy land highbrow) mail re- potential listeners wishing to receive you may want to tune in A New sponse indicating this to be one of the monthly KUSC program schedule. Way To Pay Old Debts. The White KUSC's most widely listened to pro- Why is so little known to4 the Devil, or The Revenger's Tragedy. grams. general public about KUSC? One These titles, unfamiliar to most Another program of this calibre factor is the reticence of academic modern playgoers, are, of course, that has found wide response is institutions to highly publicize activi- important dramas in the development Renaissance Lectures, a series on that ties, and, of course, the limited budg- of the English theater. period contributed to by USC's top et for publicizing of programs. Of if Shakespeare is your dish vou men and guest philosophers. KUSC-FM was founded in 1946 may want to hear Julius Caesar- or Additional tidbits in this smorgas- under the auspices of the Hancock King Henry IV. If a Sir Walter Scott bord of intellect is Astronomy Tour Foundation and is owned and op- fan, you might be interested in the given by Dr. Gibson Reeves, the erated by the University of Southern adaptation of The Bride of Lammer- astronomer; Readings From Troy in California under the supervision of moor as a serial. in which English department profes- the Department of Telecommunica- KUSC programming originates sors, including Dr. Frank Baxter, tions. Offices, three fully equipped from two sources—discriminating se- present their favorite prose and studios, and transmitter are located lection of this country's and inter- poetry readings: and campus visitors on the USC campus. national broadcasting sources carried such as Max Shulman, the writer. KUSC-FM also plays another im- to local listeners through tape and and Robert Maynard Hutchins, for- portant role, that of a laboratory for recording. plus the diversified cul- mer University of Chicago wonder students of the Department of Tele- tural and intellectual contributions boy and now head of the Ford communications. The station, how- of professors and students of the Foundation. ever, is operated on a voluntary ba- USC campus. "Not being bound by commercial sis by undergraduate students head- Many of the drama programs are demands. KUSC feels itself fortunate ed by graduate students working for of BBC origin, bringing players of in being able to present programming master's and doctor's degrees. Wil- the Old Vic and such stage stars as representative of the cultural life liam Stedman, program director, is John Gielgud, Marius Goring, Flora and thought surrounding a great now working on a doctor's thesis later Robson and others. university," observed William Sted- to be published in book form. His Music of Russia, for example, was man, program director, speaking on subject is the story of the American soap opera. a tape made by the American So- behalf of Dr. Kenneth Harwood, gen- ('iety of Friends, a Quaker organi- eral manager of the station and head This fall sees the premiere over zation working on the international of the university's Department of KUSC of Fifty Years of Growth, a scene. Telecommunications. documentary s. eries based on Amer- ica in the twentieth century for Biographies in Sound is of domestic "In programming, therefore, we which USC was awarded a $5000 origin and features the life stories are in the position to offer a wide grant by the Ford Foundation as told by their friends of such greats variety of material not offered by through the National Association of as George Bernard Shaw, Ernest any other station." Stedman said. Educational Broadcasters. Depart- Hemingway, Frank Lloyd Wright. "We are of the opinion from our ment of Telecommunications mem- Carl Sandintrg and others. studies that there are perhaps three important factors in attracting bers heading the pro'ect are Stuart Rich In Subject Matter listeners to our programs — the M. Cooney, Jr., producer; Edward As may be imagined, the wealth tremendous interest that is develop- DeRoo, director; and Donald Price, of material offered through the re- ing in hi-fi, in which, of course, the researcher and writer. sources ot USC is equally rich in the FM broadcast fits; the discour- So for those Southern Californians subject matter offered. agement of many radio and TV lis- seeking the unusual and stimulating Interestingly enough, one of the teners with the commercialization in broadcast fare give KUSC a whirl. most popular KUSC programs—an and formulization of so much broad- You'll find it at 91.5 on your FM offering that would make any com- casting today; and the fact that a sets. November 3, 1956 Page Three TH E DOWN-TO-EARTH STORY 0 before. But this time, coming from an established actor like Johnson. the ABC-TV star took the suggestion seriously. As a result, he and his wife. yerno. and their four-year-old daughter. Valerie. took off for Hollywood. Big Break For Big Man For a short time, he worked as a Ç ...)/7 HERE'S SHORTY?" a "bouncer" at various night clubs ••,..,„ man yelled, as he around Los Angeles. Finally, he got passed a table at. the his big break when he landed the Warner Bros: commis- role of "Cheyenne" in the popular sary. Warner Bros. feature seen on KABC- "He's coming in a few minutes," TV. Channel 7, and coast-to-coast on press agent Jack Casey replied. smil- the ABC-TV network. ing. "I'm in the acting business be- A few minutes later. "Shorty" did cause I hope to make a good living enter. All six-feet-six, 235 pounds of out of it," Clint admits "'Cheyenne. him. of course, was my first role and I Those who know him realize there was a green-horn when I started. I are two self-ev ident facts about Clint still have a lot to learn, naturally. Walker's mammoth frame: there's but one thing is certain: 'Cheyenne' not an ounce of fat on him—and not has given me the confidence I need." an ounce. of phoniness. either. The TV role has also given him a lot more than just confidence. Al- Although he only arrived on the most broke when he first arrived two Hollywood scene two years ago, and years ago, Clint and his family have has actually been a TV star for the just moved into a new home in North past year, there's too much in Clint's Hollywood. down•to-earth background and basic nature to ever really change him.
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