HARIYO BAN PROGRAM Semiannual Performance Report 15 July 2016 – 30 December 2016 (Cooperative Agreement No: AID-367-A-16-00008) Submitted to: THE UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEPAL MISSION Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal Submitted by: WWF in partnership with CARE, FECOFUN and NTNC P.O. Box 7660, Kathmandu, Nepal 1 February 2017 Table of Contents LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................................................ iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 1 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Goal and Objectives .................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Overview of beneficiaries and stakeholders ............................................................................. 2 2.3 Working areas ............................................................................................................................. 3 2. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE REPORTING PERIOD .................................................... 4 2.1 Objective 1: Biodiversity conservation...................................................................................... 4 2.2 Objective 2: Climate change adaptation ................................................................................. 11 2.3 Gender and Social Inclusion .................................................................................................... 18 2.4 Governance ................................................................................................................................ 21 2.5 Highlights of achievements at working unit levels ................................................................. 23 3. OVERARCHING THEMES AND ACTIVITIES.......................................................................... 32 3.1 Startup Activities................................................................................................................... 32 3.2 Small Grant Program ........................................................................................................... 33 3.3 Internship ............................................................................................................................... 33 3.4 Communications.................................................................................................................... 33 3.5 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning ................................................................................ 34 3.8 Sustainability ......................................................................................................................... 35 4. MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................. 35 4.1 Coordination and Collaboration .......................................................................................... 35 4.2 Operating Environment including Risk and Mitigation Plan ........................................... 35 5. OPPORTUNITES AND PROSPECTS FOR NEXT SIX MONTHS ........................................... 36 5.1 Opportunities ......................................................................................................................... 36 5.2 Prospects for the next six months ........................................................................................ 36 ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................................. 37 ii List of Figures Figure 1: Map showing Hariyo Ban working landscapes ............................................................................. 3 Figure 2: Results chain for Objective 1: Improve the conservation and management of GON-identified biodiverse landscapes-CHAL and TAL ........................................................................................................ 5 Figure 3: Results chain for Objective 2: Reducing climate change vulnerability in CHAL and TAL ...... 12 Figure 4: Map showing planned interventions for first year in Shuklaphanta Brahmadev Complex ......... 23 Figure 5: Map showing planned interventions for first year in Bardia-Karnali Complex .......................... 24 Figure 6: Map showing planned interventions for first year in Banke-Kamdi Complex ............................ 25 Figure 7: Map showing planned interventions for first year in Chitwan Barandabar Complex ................. 26 Figure 8: Map showing planned interventions for first year in Seti sub-river basin ................................... 28 Figure 9: Map showing planned interventions for the first year in Marsyangdi sub-river basin ................ 29 Figure 10: Map showing planned interventions for first year in Daraundi sub- river basin ....................... 31 List of Tables Table 1: Total beneficiaries reached/participated in Biodiversity Conservation activities ........................... 4 Table 2: Summary of progress on biodiversity activities.............................................................................. 6 Table 3: Total beneficiaries reached/participated in Climate Change Adaptation activities ...................... 13 Table 4: Summary of progress on Climate change activities ...................................................................... 14 Table 5: Total beneficiaries reached/participated in GESI related activities .............................................. 18 Table 6: Summary of progress on GESI activities ...................................................................................... 19 Table 7: Total beneficiaries reached/participated in Governance activities ............................................... 21 Table 8: Summary of progress on Governance activities ........................................................................... 22 Table 9: Major interventions and significant achievements in Shuklaphanta-Brahmadev complex .......... 24 Table 10: Major interventions and significant achievements in Bardia-Karnali complex .......................... 25 Table 11: Major interventions and significant achievements in Banke-Kamdi complex ........................... 26 Table 12: Major interventions and significant achievements in Chitwan Barandabhar complex ............... 27 Table 13: Major interventions and significant achievements in Seti sub-river basin ................................. 28 Table 14: Major interventions and significant achievements in Marsyangdi sub-river basin..................... 30 Table 15:Major interventions and significant achievements in Daraundi sub- river basin ......................... 30 Table 16: Progress on the start of activities ................................................................................................ 32 iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACA Annapurna Conservation Area ACAP Annapurna Conservation Area Project AWP Annual Work Plan BaNP Banke National Park BIA Biodiversity Important Area BNP Bardia National Park BZ Buffer Zone BZCFUG Buffer Zone Community Forest User Group BZUC Buffer Zone Users Committee CA Conservation Area CAMC Conservation Area Management Committee CAPA Community Adaptation Plan of Action CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CBAPU Community-based Anti-Poaching Unit CCA Climate Change Adaptation CDMC Community Disaster Management Committee CFUG Community Forest Users Group CHAL Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape CLA Collaborating, Learning and Adapting CLAC Community Learning and Action Center CNP Chitwan National Park CSO Civil Society Organization DADO District Agriculture Development Office DDC District Development Committee DDRC District Disaster Relief Committee DEOC District Emergency Operations Centre DFO District Forest Office DHM Department Of Hydrology and Meteorology DNPWC Department of National Parks & Wildlife Conservation DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DSCO District Soil Conservation Office DSCWM Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management EFLG Environment Friendly Local Governance FECOFUN Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal FEMMP Framework Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan GBV Gender Based Violence GCF Green Climate Fund iv GESI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion GoN Government of Nepal GRR Green Recovery and Reconstruction HH Household HWC Human Wildlife Conflict ICA Integrated Capacity Assessment ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development IGA Income Generating Activities IRBM Integrated River Basin Management ISWMP Integrated Sub-Watershed Management Plan LAPA Local Adaptation Plan of Action LDRMP Local Disaster Risk Management Plan LHFGs Leasehold Forestry Groups LRP Local Resource Person MCA Manaslu Conservation Area MCAP Manaslu Conservation Area Project MEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning MOFALD Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development MOFSC Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation MOPE Ministry of Population and Environment MoWCSW Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare NAP National Adaptation Plan NCDMC National Network of Community Disaster Management Committees NRM Natural Resource Management NTNC National Trust for Nature Conservation PA Protected Areas PANI Program for Aquatic Natural Resources Improvement PES Payments
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