Continuing previous meetings: Forum Carpaticum 2010 (Krakow, Poland), Forum Carpaticum 2012 (Stará Lesná, Slovakia), Forum Carpaticum 2014 (Lviv, Ukraine), Forum Carpaticum 2016 (Bucharest, Romania) addresses the need to make a bridge of smart sustainable development in the Carpathians with scientists, stakeholders, institutions, NGOs, communities. The Carpathian Region – the Green Backbone of Europe – faces many opportunities as well as challenges to the future development of the area. The stakeholders, decision makers and research communities can use them wisely for the enhanced protection and sustainable development of the Carpathians. These overall goals meet well with the EU 2020 Cohesion Policy, which proposes “Smart”, “Sustainable” and “Inclusive” to be the keywords when addressing the main priorities for the near future. Forum Carpaticum 2016 „Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive“ proposes to concentrate on these priorities and to debate how they can be implemented in the Carpathian Region, during the following main thematic sessions: Smart Carpathians session aims to present and discuss the leading edge achievements in: recent and future information and communication technologies; emerging paradigms and methodological developments; front-rank research infrastructures, capacities and innovations; open knowledge, information and data systems applications, in particular those of Carpathian interest. Sustainable Carpathians is expected to cover the topics that consider: climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management of the Carpathian ecosystems; measures aimed at the environmental protection, efficient use of natural and cultural resources of the region; transition towards low-carbon economy; sustainable transportation networks in the Carpathian Ecoregion; phenology and citizen science to the Carpathians. Inclusive Carpathians are seeking for contributions dealing with: promotion of employment (green jobs) and support of labour mobility across the Carpathians to attain the targeted EU employment quotes; innovative approaches and solutions for empowering people and for creating sustainable job opportunities for women, young, elder and disabled people; challenges of overcoming poverty in the Carpathians, issues of social and territorial cohesion and social exclusion; sustainability and enhancement of good quality education and equal access to lifelong learning - to prevent brain drain and to attract brain gain; enhancement of institutional capacities and public administration for becoming more service - and goal orientated, implementation of the EU structural and investment funds and avoidance of overlapping responsibilities and splitting of competencies in disciplines with manifold and conflicting interests. The Conference Abstracts of the 4th Forum Carpaticum 2016 Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive Editors: Mihaela Verga, Gabriela Manea English Proofing: Ana Irina Lequeux Dincă The abstracts included in this volume were selected and subject to reviewed by the Forum Carpaticum Scientific Committee. Final version of the abstracts reflect the work of their authors and published here in as submitted to the committee of the 4th Forum Carpaticum. Published online at: www.forumcarpaticum.org by Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, N. Bălcescu, 1, 010041, Bucharest, Romania Front page: Elżbieta Laszczak, Dominik Kaim, Katarzyna Ostapowicz, Elena Matei Photos: Elena Matei, Andrei Mihai Bogdan FORUM CARPATICUM 2016 Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive 1 S 44C Science for the Carpathians FORUM CARPATICUM 2016 Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive September 28 – 30, 2016 Bucharest, Romania CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS Mihaela Verga, Gabriela Manea (Editors) www.forumcarpaticum.org Bucharest, Romania FORUM CARPATICUM 2016 Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive 2 Forum Carpaticum 2016 Scientific Board Chaired by: Ovidiu BADEA, INCDS "Marin Drăcea”, Elena MATEI, Bucharest University, Marcel MÎNDRESCU, Suceava University, Romania Astrid BJÖRNSEN GURUNG, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland Iurij BIHUN, Shelterwood System, USA Anita BOKWA, Jagiellonian University, Poland Andrzej BYTNEROWICZ, USDA Forest Service,Pacific Southwest Research Station, USA Nicolae CIANGĂ, Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Ştefan COJOCARU, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iaşi, Romania Pavel CUDLIN, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic Lucian DINCĂ, INCDS ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania Liliana DUMITRACHE, University of Bucharest, Romania Monica Stefania DUMITRASCU, Romanian Academy, Institute of Geography, Romania Ľuboš HALADA, Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS, Slovakia Christian HOFFMANN, EURAC, European Academy, Bolzano, Italy Ioan IANOŞ, University of Bucharest, Romania Cristian IOJA, University of Bucharest, Romania William KEETON, University of Vermont, USA Ivan KRUHLOV, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine Jacek KOZAK, Jagiellonian University, Poland Jan KNORN, Geography Department of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Germany Gabriela MANEA, University of Bucharest, Romania Stanisław MALEK, University of Agriculture, Krakow, Poland Katalin MAZSA, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary Bogdan MIHAI, University of Bucharest, Romania Mirosław MIKA, Jagiellonian University, Poland Alexandru NEDELEA,University of Bucharest, Romania Maria NIJNIK, The James Hutton Institute,Scotland, UK Katarzyna OSTAPOWICZ, Jagiellonian University, Poland Ionel POPA, INCDS ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania Flaviu POPESCU, INCDS ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania Bohdan PROTS, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine Ionuţ SĂVULESCU, Bucharest University, Romania Felicia-Aurelia STĂNCIOIU, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Maria RĂDOANE, Suceava University, Romania Despina SAGHIN, Suceava University, Romania Tomáš VRŠKA, Silva Tarouca Research Institute & Mendel University, Brno, Czeck Republic Bartlomiej WYŻGA, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Liliana ZAHARIA, University of Bucharest, Romania Joanna ZAWIEJSKA, Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland Forum Carpaticum 2016 Organizing Committee Elena Matei, Bucharest University, Romania Iuliana Vijulie, Bucharest University, Romania Ovidiu Badea, INCDS ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania Ecaterina Apostol, INCDS ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania CristianTălângă, Vice-dean, Faculty of Geography Elena Bogan, Bucharest University, Romania Bucharest University, Romania Ionela Grădinaru, Suceava University, Romania Ion Pargaru, President OMTR, Romania Ştefan Leca, INCDS ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania Gabriela Manea, Bucharest University, Romania Dana Mohor, INCDS ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania Mihaela Verga, Bucharest University, Romania Bogdan Olariu, Bucharest University, Romania Andreea Andra-Topârceanu, Bucharest University, Mădălina Teodor, Bucharest University, Romania Romania Mirela Paraschiv, PARG, Bucharest University, Romania Roxana Cuculici, Bucharest University, Romania Marina Rujoiu-Mare, Bucharest University, Romania Ana Irina Lequeux Dincă, Bucharest University, Romania Diana Silaghi, INCDS ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania Dominik Kaim, Jagiellonian University, Poland (S4C) Mihai Tentiş, Bucharest University, Romania Laura Târlă, Bucharest University, Romania FORUM CARPATICUM 2016 Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive 3 Organizers: University of Bucharest - Faculty of Geography National Institute of Research and Development of Forests ”Marin Drăcea” “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava University In partnership with: Parliament of Romania-Chambers of Deputies-Commission of Education, Research, Youth and Sport Institute of Geography - Romanian Academy With the support of: FORUM CARPATICUM 2016 Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive 4 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Tuesday, September 27 Registration 16:00-20:30 Ramada Majestic Hotel, Calea Victoriei 38-40, Sector 1, Bucharest Code: 010082 Wednesday, September 28 Registration 7:30-9:00 Parliament Palace Opening ceremony 9:00-9:40 Parliament Palace Hall: C.A. Rosetti Coffee break 9:40-10:00 Restaurant Room Plenary session 1 10:00-12:00 Hall: C.A. Rosetti Sponsors presentation 12:00-12:30 Hall: C.A. Rosetti (entrance) Thematic session 1 Thematic session 2 Thematic session 3 12:30-13:30 12:30-13:30 12:30-13:30 Smart Carpathians I Sustainable Carpathians I Sustainable Carpathians II Hall: 1 FPC Hall: C.A. Rosetti Hall: 3 EC Lunch 13:30-15:00 Restaurant Room Thematic session 4 Thematic session 5 Thematic session 6 15:00-16:30 15:00-16:30 15:00-16:30 Sustainable Carpathians III Smart Carpathians II Inclusive Carpathians Hall: C.A. Rosetti Hall: 1 FPC Hall: 3EC Posters and coffee break: 16:30-17:00 C.A. Rosetti (entrance) and Restaurant Room Workshop 1 Thematic session 7 Workshop 2 17:00-18:30 17:00-18:30 17:00-18:30 Education for Sustainable Sustainable Carpathians IV The Potentials of a Carpathian Development in the Carpathians Hall: C.A. Rosetti Convention Protocol on Sustainable Hall: 3 EC Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) for Fostering Innovative Agricultural Initiatives to Promote the Vitality of Rural and Peripheral Areas in the Carpathians Hall: 1 FPC CITY Tour 18:30-20:00 SCIENCE FOR THE CARPATHIANS SSC 18:30-19:30 Hall: C.A. Rosetti Thursday, September 29 Plenary session 2 9:00-11:00 Hall: C.A. Rosetti Photos 11:00 C.A. Rosetti Posters and coffee break 11:00-11:30 C.A. Rosetti (entrance) and Restaurant Room Thematic session 8 Thematic sessions 9 Thematic session 10 11:30-12:45
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