
1853 Design For thE NEw York Crystal PalAce 1870 BEach PNeumAtic trAnsiT 1997 Switch 1904 No cenTral Park 1871 BroadwAy railway Sidewalk 1995 REPoHistoRy 1992 GreeNed MAnhanttan 1946 RooFtoP Airport, WEst SidE 1968 Wall Of Oil BaRreLs 1967 NeW york habitaT 1951 WashingTon SquAre south ANd souTh VilLagE Title i 1916 GreAter new york 1951 Conveyor BetweEn TiMes SquAre ANd grAnd cEntral 1917 Architectural ConsPirators 1939 SkyscrapeR airPorT for City of Tomorrow 1971 Third city: new york of BrAinS 1989 The HomEleSs PRojection: A ProPoSal foR The City of new york 1967 PneUmAcosm 1960 Mandatory Fallout shelterS for eveRy StructurE in New york By 1963 1999 Second New York lower manhattan 1969 landliNeR 1908 GranD Hotel for New york citY 1931 ChrystiE-ForsytH streeT housing DeveloPmeNt 1934 Filling in tHe hudSoN 1867 NeW EAsT riveR 1926 Steel CathedrAl For a million PeoPle 1969 SkyscrapeR in Manhattan 1960 FalL-out SheltEr 1930 Six story highWay 1969 Slung City (Park AvenUe) 1963 East island 1970 FLoating iSlAnD:to travel around ManhaTtAn islAnD 1976 RemoVal of MAnhattAn islAnD 1966 Rolls roYcE grillE on WAll Street 1970 VerTical hoUsing eleMents over WilliamsbUrg bridgE 1908 King’s dream Of New york 1960 Manhattan island dome 1942 WartiMe Housing in The New York metRoPolitan area: WhaT The fedErAl And state ageNcies Are DoiNg, And, what ThEy Ask LocAl PubLic 1969 NeW york city aS 51St State BodieS ANd Civic organizationS to Do : A SErieS of StateMenTs Prepared for the citizEnS’ houSing counciL of New york 1966 Third city 1797 Mangin-goerck PlAn 1969 The contiNuous MonumEnT, New York city ExTrusion 1986 Public ARt Fund Messages to the PUblic 1900 NeW york city, AS it wilL Be in 1999. Pictorial forecast of The citY 1969 Underground citY 1910 A boulevard UNdeR The seA FroM brooklYn To Staten islAnD 1895 Hudson River Bridge froM 57th streeT to hoboken 1989 Unit MuLtiplE comP (housTon) 1983 BridgE Of houSes on the chelSeA highline, -82 1969 Underground citY 1924 PlaN to drAin East riveR 1967 Leapfrog Housing, eaSt harlem triangle/PArk aveNuE 1970 SUrvivAl domE 1972 The citY of the Captive globe project 1919 RooF LandiNg stRiP 1971 PalmTree island (OasiS), Project, new York, new York 1929 SkyscrapeR bridges Storefront for Art Nonprofit Organization and Architecture US Postage Paid 1968 NeW york BirdcAge — ImAgiNing Architecture PRoject New York, NY 97 Kenmare Street, New York, NY 10012, Tel. 212.431.5795 Permit #2667 1965 ProPosed Colossal monUmEnt for Park Avenue, n.y.C. — Good humor BaR www.storefront.org 1922 ManhattAn extEnded 1964 Urban Renewal In NEw york city ProjEct 1977 GreeN SkyScraper 1970 ExPeriMenTal grEenhouse foR the coUrTyArd of u.n. international school In new York 1967 LoweR manhattan ExPressway 1961 BAnniNg cars in Manhanttan 1929 The MEtRopolis Of tomorrow 1929 PlaNning the greAt meTroPolis: the 1929 regionAl PlaN Of New york ANd itS EnviRons 1932 FLoating AirtpoRt 1973 SySteModule 1975 RooSevelt IslAnd HouSiNg competition 1927 GoVernOrs iSlAnd Airport 1964 Walking citY, new York 1972 PRoposAl for ThE increasing OF Ecological experiences 1969 Invisible eNergy In Chile Plays A ConcErt iN New york 1965 HarLem power PlaNtS 1979 SkyscrapeR in New york city 1961 Design LoiTering PAST fVTUrES, 1975 RooSevelt IslAnd CompetiTioN, table Of thE BUilding Typology for thE deSign, 1975 rooSeVelT IslAnd, New york PRESeNT, FutUrES Oct. 6 – Nov. 27, 2012 1963 “Walk-On” CiTy 1984 MonastEry, neW York city No 8305 Exhibition Opening: Oct. 5, 2012, 7 – 9pm 1797 Mangin-goerck PlAn 1978 GymnasiUm bridge Project Past Futures, Present, Futures 1963 SuperstruCtUrE OveR manhattan Curated by Eva Franch i Gilabert Exhibition Design by Leong Leong Graphic Design by Project Projects 1931 Three deck City 1995 VesSeL Of aniMals and biRds Image Support by Planar Curatorial Team: Chialin Chou and Greg Barton 1986 TiMes Square Plaza desigN, “thE Big Apple”, neW York new York 1969 ComPrehensiVe city ProjEct 1966 UniVeRsal city This exhibition is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and Control Group and sponsored by Planar and Arup. 1960 loweR manhattan ExPressway 1950 HiroshiMa usa: can anything be done About It? .
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