Landis Property: Data Recovery at Three Prehistoric Sites (41PT185, 41PT186, and 41PT245) in Potter County, Texas Volume II: Appendices By: J. Michael Quigg, Charles D. Frederick, Paul M. Matchen, and Kendra G. DuBois Prepared for: Prepared by: Bureau of Land Management Rio Puerco Field Office Albuquerque, New Mexico TRC Environmental Corporation Austin, Texas TRC Report No. 150832 June 2010 Landis Property: Data Recovery at Three Prehistoric Sites (41PT185, 41PT186, and 41PT245) in Potter County, Texas Volume II: Appendices By: J. Michael Quigg, Charles D. Frederick, Paul M. Matchen, and Kendra G. DuBois Prepared for: Bureau of Land Management Rio Puerco Field Office Albuquerque, New Mexico Prepared by: TRC Environmental Corporation 505 East Huntland Drive, Suite 250 Austin, Texas 78752 J. Michael Quigg, Principal Investigator TRC Report No. 150832 BLM Delivery Order Number NAD080024, Contract Number NAC050010 June 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME II Page CHAPTERS 1-14…………………………………………………………………….....see Volume I APPENDIX A BACKHOE TRENCH DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................... 617 APPENDIX B ARTIFACT DISTRIBUTIONS .......................................................................... 671 APPENDIX C OBSIDIAN SOURCE ANALYSIS .................................................................... 685 APPENDIX D BIOSILICATE ANALYSIS AND PALYNOLOGY ......................................... 695 APPENDIX E CHERT SOURCING IN THE TEXAS PANHANDLE: COMPOSITIONAL ANALYSES OF CHERT AND JASPER SOURCES AND ARTIFACTS, LANDIS PROPERTY PROJECT .................. 735 APPENDIX F STARCH ANALYSES FROM THE BLM LANDIS PROPERTY .................... 767 APPENDIX G ANALYSIS OF LIPIDS EXTRACTED FROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL BURNED ROCK AND POTTERY RESIDUES FROM SITES IN POTTER COUNTY, TEXAS ............................................................................ 791 APPENDIX H STABLE ISOTOPE ANALYSIS ON BISON BONES ..................................... 827 APPENDIX I PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF ABORIGINAL CERAMICS FROM THE BLM LANDIS PROPERTY, TEXAS PANHANDLE ............................. 833 APPENDIX J INSTRUMENTAL NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS OF CLAYS AND CERAMICS FROM THE TEXAS PANHANDLE .................................. 857 APPENDIX K RADIOCARBON ASSAYS ............................................................................... 873 APPENDIX L FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF STONE TOOLS FROM BLM PROJECT - LANDIS PROPERTY IN THE TEXAS PANHANDLE (SITES 41PT186 AND 185/C) ........................................................................... 967 APPENDIX M LATE HOLOCENE PALEOENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY OF UPPER WEST AMARILLO CREEK VALLEY, TEXAS ................................ 995 APPENDIX N PLANT REMAINS FROM 41PT185/C, 41PT186, AND 41PT245 ................ 1035 APPENDIX O MULTI-INSTRUMENT GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS AT 41PT185, 41PT186, AND 41PT245 ................................................................ 1047 APPENDIX P DIATOM PALEOENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SEDIMENTS FROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE 41PT185/C, BLM PROJECT- LANDIS PROPERTY IN THE TEXAS PANHANDLE, POTTER COUNTY, TEXAS .......................................................................................... 1091 APPENDIX Q METRIC AND NON-METRIC DATA FOR ARTIFACTS FROM THE LANDIS PROPERTY SITES (41PT185, 41PT186, AND 41PT245) AND PROJECT ARTIFACT DATABASE ..................................................... 1119 APPENDIX R ORGANIC RESIDUE (FTIR) ANALYSIS OF BURNED ROCK, GROUNDSTONE, AND LITHIC SAMPLES FROM SITE 41PT185/C, POTTER COUNTY, TEXAS .......................................................................... 1161 Technical Report No. 150832 i This page intentionally left blank. APPENDIX A BACKHOE TRENCH DESCRIPTIONS BACKHOE TRENCH DESCRIPTIONS Prepared for: TRC Environmental Corporation 505 East Huntland Drive, Suite 250 Austin, Texas 78752 Prepared by: Charles D. Frederick, Ph.D. Geoarcheological Consultant Dublin, Texas Landis Property: Data Recovery at 41PT185, 41PT186, and 41PT245, Potter County, Texas Bureau of Land Management TRENCH 1 Location: 0230420E 3900247N Core of T1 surface on the right bank meander south of 41PT186 Geologic Units: Unit E resting unconformably upon a thin, truncated remnant of Unit D. Cultural material: Broad ash bed between 7-10 cm, presumably clearance related; no other material observed. Comments: Near channel overbank facies with multiple weakly developed buried soils. Zone Horizon Depth (cm) Description 1 C 0-7 Brown (7.5YR 4/3, m) loam, loose, weak fine subangular blocky structure, abrupt wavy boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 2 C 7-10 White (10YR 8/2, m) silt loam, loose, single grain, abrupt discontinuous boundary, violently effervescent, Ash, thin but extensive bed of ash, probably result of land clearance activity, with an oxidized rim beneath it in a few places. 3 C 10-28 Yellowish brown (10YR 5/4, m) silt loam, very friable, moderate medium subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, few granules throughout; Unit E. 4 Ab 28-50 Dark gray to dark grayish brown (10YR 4/1 to 4/2, m) loam, friable, moderate medium subangular blocky structure, gradual smooth boundary, violently effervescent, few bits of charcoal scattered throughout, buried soil; Unit E. 5 AC 50-81 Dark grayish brown (7.5YR 4/2, m) loam, firm, weak coarse prismatic structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 6 C 81-90 Brown-yellowish brown (10YR 5/3.5, m) slightly gravelly to gravelly loamy sand, loose, single grain, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, approximately 40% coarse fragments which are mostly sub-rounded caliche smaller than 1 cm in diameter, largest clast observed was 3 cm long; Unit E. 7 C 90-98 Yellowish brown (10YR 5/4, m) loam, hard, massive, clear to abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, <1% coarse fragments; Unit E. 8 C 98-102 Brown (7.5YR 5/4, m) sand to loamy sand, slightly hard, weak medium subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, many (~50%) dark colored very dark gray to dark gray (10YR 3/1 to 4/1) worm casts, few granules throughout, original bed was a fairly clean sand prior to being run through by worms which resulted in a finer texture overall; Unit E. 9 2Ab 102-118 Dark gray (10YR 4/1, m) loam, hard, weak coarse subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, few (1-2%) coarse fragments. 10 2C 118-128 Brown (7.5YR 5/4, m) slightly gravelly loamy sand, slightly hard, massive, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, ~10-15% coarse fragments, numerous granules impart a speckled appearance; Unit E. 11 3Ab 128-145 Brown (7.5YR 5/4, m) loamy sand to sandy loam, hard, weak medium subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 12 3C 145-150 Brown (7.5YR 5/4, m) slightly gravelly loamy sand, slightly hard to loose, massive to weak very coarse subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, 5-15% coarse fragments; Unit E. 13 3C 150-167 Brown (7.5YR 5/3, m) sandy loam, hard, weak very coarse subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 14 3C 167-176 Brown (10YR 5/3, m) gravelly loamy sand, loose, single grain, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, 40-50% coarse fragments; Unit E. 15 3C 176-196 Brown (7.5YR 4/3, m) loamy fine sand, very friable, weak very coarse subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. Technical Report No. 150832 621 Appendix A Backhoe Trench Descriptions Zone Horizon Depth (cm) Description 16 3C 196-198 Brown (7.5YR 5/4, m) loamy sand, slightly hard, massive, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 17 3C 198-203 Brown (7.5YR 5/4, m) slightly gravelly to gravelly sand, loose, single grain, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, 15-30% coarse fragments; Unit E. 18 3C 203-225 Brown (7.5YR 5/3, m) loamy sand, slightly hard, weak medium subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 19 3C 225-231 Brown (7.5YR 5/4, m) sandy loam, slightly hard, massive, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, 5% coarse fragments, few calcium carbonate filaments; Unit E. 20 3C 231-250 Brown (7.5YR 5/4, m) loamy sand, friable, weak medium subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, few (1- 3%) calcium carbonate filaments; Unit E. 21 3C 250-260 Brown (7.5YR 5/3, m) loam, hard, moderate to strong medium subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 22 3C 260-268 Brown (7.5YR 5/3, m) loamy sand, slightly hard, massive, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 23 3C 268-280 Pale brown (10YR 6/3, m) slightly gravelly sandy loam, very friable to loose, single grain, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent; Unit E. 24 3C 280-308 Pale brown (10YR 6/3, m) sand, loamy sand and very fine sandy gravel, loose to very friable, single grain to massive, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, zone comprises several thin beds; Unit E. 25 4Ck 308-320 Brown (7.5YR 5/3, m) loam to silt loam, firm, moderate medium subangular blocky structure, abrupt smooth boundary, violently effervescent, few to common (5-7%) calcium carbonate filaments, a bulk sediment sample of this zone collected from 310-313 cm yielded an age of 2180 ± 40 years B.P. (Beta-328307);Unit D. 26 4C 320-330 Brown (7.5YR 4/4, m) very gravelly sand, loose, single grain, violently effervescent, 60-70% coarse fragments,
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