Group Subgroup Formation Member Supergroup* Group* Group+ Formation+ Subgroup* Member+ Formation* Lithology Other information Kipushi Kundelungu Shales Kipushi EXPLANATION Grand Lower Conglomérat Carbonate rocks Nguba Nguba Muombe Kakontwe Kundelungu Kakontwe Kakontwe Mixed sandstone, siltstone, and Grand carbonate Mwale Conglomerate Mwale ~740 Ma Mixed carbonate and siliciclastic Upper Gritty siltstone Mwashia Mwashia Middle Mwashia Siltstone-shale Lower Sandstone Conglomerate Diamictite Breccia Bancroft RU.1 Basement gneiss Intrusive gabbro Katanga Bancroft Upper Roan Upper Roan Bancroft Kanwangungu Kirilabombwe Roan Roan Kanwangungu RU.2 Evaporitic depositional environments Kibalongo Antelope Kibalongo RL.3 Kitwe Chingola Kitwe Chambishi Chingola RL.4 Nchanga and Pelito-arkosic Kitwe Rokana Pelito-arkosic RL.5 Main ore- Lower Roan Ore Shale Lower Roan Copperbelt Orebody Ore Shale RL.6 bearing interval Mindola Mindola Clastics Mindola Kafue and Konkola Mutonda, Kafufya, RL.7 and Chimfunsi Figure 8. Zambian stratigraphic column showing mineralized interval and nomenclature used in previous studies and this report. Names from Clemmey (1974) and Cailteux and others (2007), indicated with a cross and blue, shaded columns. Names from Selley and others (2005), indicated by an asterisk and beige, shaded columns. Usage in this report shown with gray background. FORMER SUPERGROUP GROUP SUBGROUP FORMATION NOMENCLATURE LITHOLOGY (François, 1987) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO AND ZAMBIA ± 500 Biano—Ku.3 Ks.3 arkoses, conglomerates, argillaceous sandstones Ma Sampwe—Ku.2.3 Ks.2.2 dolomitic pelites, argillaceous to sandy siltstones Ngule—Ku.2 Kiubo—Ku.2.2 Ks.2.1 dolomitic sandstones, siltstones and pelites Kundelungu—Ku Mongwe—Ku.2.1 Ks.1.3 dolomitic pelites, siltstones and sandstones (formerly Upper Kundelungu—Ks) Lubudi—Ku.1.4 Ks.1.2.4 pink oolitic limestone and sandy carbonate beds Kanianga—Ku.1.3 Ks.1.2.2 and 1.2.3 carbonate siltstones and shales Gombela—Ku.1 Lusele—Ku.1.2 Ks.1.2.1 pink to gray micritic dolomite ± 620 Ma Kyandamu—Ku.1.1 Ks.1.1 Petit Conglomérat (glacial diamictite) Monwezi—Ng.2.2 Ki.2 dolomitic sandstones, siltstones and pelites Bunkeya—Ng.2 dolomitic sandstones, siltstones and shales in northern areas; alternating Katete—Ng.2.1 Ki.1.3 Nguba—Ng shale and dolomite beds ("Série Récurrente") in southern areas (formerly Lower Kipushi—Ng.1.4 Ki.1.2.2 dolomite with dolomitic shale beds in southern areas Kundelungu—Ki) Kakontwe—Ng.1.3 carbonates; Zn-Cu-Pb Muombe—Ng.1 Kaponda—Ng.1.2 Ki.1.2.1 carbonate shales and siltstones; "Dolomie Tigrée" at the base ± 750 Ma Mwale—Ng.1.1 Ki.1.1 Grand Conglomérat (glacial diamictite) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO ZAMBIA FORMER GROUP SUBGROUP FORMATION NOMENCLATURE LITHOLOGY LITHOLOGY FORMATION SUBGROUP (François, 1987) Kanzadi—R.4.3 R.4.2 sandstones or alternating siltstones and shales Katanga Mwashya (formerly Kafubu—R.4.2 carbonaceous shales dolomitic shales, gray to black carbonaceous Upper Mwashya)—R.4 shales, quartzites Mwashia dolomitic shales, siltstones, sandstones, including Kamoya—R.4.1 conglomeratic beds and cherts in variable position (formerly Lower Mwashya): dolomites including Kansuki—R.3.4 R.4.1 volcaniclastic beds; Cu-Co dolomites to arenitic dolomites interbedded Bancroft Mofya—R.3.3 dolomites, arenitic dolomites, dolomitic siltstones with dolomitic shales; intrusive gabbros Kanwangungu (formerly Carbonate Unit or Upper Roan) RU.1 and RU.2 Dipeta—R.3 argillaceous dolomitic siltstones with interbedded Kirilabombwe R.3.2 sandstone or white dolomite; intrusive gabbros argillaceous dolomitic siltstones ("Roches Greso- R.G.S.—R.3.1 shales with grit (Antelope Clastics) Kibalongo RL.3 Schisteuses") Roan—R stromatolitic, laminated, shaly or talcose dolomites (2.3.1); locally sandstone Kambove—R.2.3 dolomite, argillite beds at top Chingola RL.4 at the base; interbedded siltstones in the upper part; Cu-Co R.2.2.2 and 3: dolomitic shales containing carbonaceous Pelito-arkosic arkoses, sandy to dolomitic argillites Dolomitic shales— horizons; occasional dolomite or arkose RL.5 R.2.2 Mines—R.2 R.2.2.1: arenitic dolomite at the top and dolomitic shale at the base; Kitwe pseudomorphs after evaporite nodules and concretions; Cu-Co arenites, argillaceous dolomites, argillites, Ore Shale RL.6 stromatolitic dolomite (R.S.C. 2.1.3), silicified/arenitic dolomites dolomites, evaporites; Cu-Co Kamoto—R.2.1 (R.S.F./D. Strat. 2.1.2), gray argillaceous dolomitic siltstone at the base (Grey R.A.T.); pseudomorphs after evaporites at the contact with R.A.T.; Cu-Co conglomerates, coarse arkoses and R.A.T.—R.1 red argillaceous dolomitic siltstones, sandstones and pelites ("Roches Argilo-Talqueuses") Mutonda argillaceous siltstones Mindola—RL.7 base of the R.A.T. sequence—unknown quartzites Kafufya < 900 Ma basal pebble and cobble conglomerate pebble and cobble conglomerate Chimfunsi ± 2,050 Ma KIBARAN AND PRE-KIBARAN Figure 9. Chart showing the lithostratigraphic correlation of the Katanga Supergroup between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia. Modified from Cailteux and others (2005b) and Batumike and others (2007). 26° E 28° E DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Tenke Kwatebala "J "J Fungurume Kamoto-KOV-Musonie-Mupine "J"J "J Kansalawile-Mambilima "J "J "J DIMA "J Mutanda-Ya-Mukonkota "J "J Kambove Principal-Kambove West Kimbwe Lualaba River "J Kinsevere ZAMBIA Lubumbashi 12° S Konkola-Musoshi "J "J Chingola-Nchanga "J Mufulira Chambishi Main "J "J and West Chambishi Southeast "J "J Mindola- Nkana N-S Ndola "J Baluba-Muliashi- Luanshya ZAMBIA 14° S Kabwe Political boundaries from U.S. Department of State (2009). 0 25 50 75 100 KILOMETERS Africa Lambert Conformal Conic Projection. Central meridian, 28° E., latitude of origin, 0°. 0 25 50 MILES EXPLANATION 20° E 30° E 40° E Assessed sediment-hosted copper tract KENYA 002rfceCu1000a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 002rfceCu1000b THE CONGO TANZANIA 002rfceCu1000c Area of map 002rfnbCu1001 10° S 002ssCu1002 ANGOLA Katanga sedimentary basin ZAMBIA Sediment-hosted copper ZIMBABWE "J Group site 20° S Deposit NAMIBIA BOTSWANA Prospect Figure 18. Map showing permissive tracts for sediment-hosted stratabound copper associated with the Roan Group, Central African Copperbelt, Katanga Basin, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia. 26° E 28° E 20° E 30° E 5° S DEMOCRATIC TANZANIA REPUBLIC OF Shimbidi Fwalu Tondo Pungulume Kwatebala THE CONGO Kabunda North Kabwelunono Sefu Southeast Kalukundi- Mwandinkomba Kii Kakavilondo Area of map Kinsankata Pumpi Kansalawile-Mambilima Dilala East Mutoshi South "J "J Fungurume Kananga Northwest "J Kingamyambo Pungulume Kalukundi "J Shinkusu Mukandila Manda Kakonge West West Kesho Pumpi Zaka Kakonge East Kamoto-KOV-Musonie-Mupine Mutoshi (breche) Tenke Karoanzo ANGOLA Mashitu Principal-Anticline Kiwana II Kilamusembe "J Mutoshi Luita Kakanda East-Kakanda North-Kakanda South Kabwimia Kakontolwa "J Kababankola DIMA "J Musonie East "J Kolwezi Chabara "J Kisanfu Mupapala Saafi Mutaka North ZAMBIA Kampase Nioka East Lufomboshi Mukondo Bangwe Kamfundwa Kampina Kalabi Kanunka Kalumbwe-Myunga Nioka West Mutanda-Ya- Disele/Kankeru Taratara Kamoya Nimura Deziwa Mukonkota Kampamba "J West Kazibizi Kabolela North and South "J M'Sesa Kasompi Kabolela East Kambove Principal-Kambove West ZIMBABWE West Milebi Siniaparara Kamoya East Lufungu Kavungo Kamatanda Kavundi Northwest Kamoya Karajipopo 20° S 11° S Kanaronga Ludjiba Shamitumba Likasi Lac de Retenue Menda Kamonga West Kalongwe Guluwe Shituru de la Lufira Kawesitu North Shomberwa Mirungwe Shinkolobwe Signal Djambelwa Kasala Kebumba EXPLANATION Mindigi Swambo Kafumbaswambo Kanshishi Kansongwe Kimbwe Nambulwa Kiamoto West Mwombe Kamwale Wusumbu Kibolwe Karoano Luishia Shandwe Kapota Central Kiamoto Kapota West Assessed sediment-hosted copper tract Judeira Kampesimpesi Mapandwe Kipoi North Kapota Southwest Kapota South 002rfceCu1000a "J Kinsevere 002rfceCu1000b Lualaba River DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 002rfceCu1000c OF THE CONGO Lukuni Lupoto Luiswishi Sediment-hosted copper Bumen Kasonta Ruashi "J Group site Niamumenda Etoile Extension Kasonta South Karu East Etoile Deposit Karavia Kasombo I ! Kasombo II Unnamed Lubumbashi Prospect 12° S ZAMBIA Kipapila Mwati Mabaya Political boundaries from U.S. Department of State (2009). 0 20 40 60 80 KILOMETERS Africa Lambert Conformal Conic Projection. Central meridian, 26° E., latitude of origin, 0°. 0 20 40 MILES Figure E7. Map showing tract location, known sediment-hosted stratabound copper deposits and prospects for tracts 002rfceCu1000a, b, and c (Southern, Central, and Northern carbonate écaille), Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia..
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