G }pzpvuGhukGz{yh{lnplzGvmGi|zhuaGkl}lsvwtlu{GvmG{olGjp{Gpu{vGhGvjlhuG jhwp{hsGGpuG{olGYXz{Gjlu{|yGvyG{olGlyhGvmG{olGuvy{olhz{GhzphG G GsllG G kGnGGwSGiGtGj GjG G G G jGG}GGiG XUGjGGiGGGGGG jGGiG iG GGGGGGGGGGGrG GG GGGX`^WUGOYXLGGGPUGiGGG GG GG GGSGGGGGGGSGG¡G G GGGGOGGGGGG GGUPUGjG GGGG GGGG GGGGGG UG pG G G G G G G G G G G G G G GGGGG UG kGwGGiG {GGGG GiGGG GGGGGG G uG hG G G G G G G G G G G G G Ol|SG uhm{hSG G G uG hPUG ~G rG G G G G G G G G G G G G SG iG G G G G G G GGGGGG GG GGGGGUG Strength Weakness G XG G x its world-third container port x x lack of the function as managemental center Geopolitical location (linking the continent in the region and the ocean) x x lack of usable land (shortage of sites, high managemental center of the southeastern land price) Korea with the population of 8 millions x lack of the cash cows and leading industries x abundant quality human resources local universities has produced Opportunity Threat x Construction the new port (with 30 berths) x The promoted brand of Busan by x Relaxing the control of capital areas successful host of international events x Increasing the outflow of local quality human x Pursuit of the balanced development of the resources nation and the decentralization of power x Dispersion of the national port functions by x Implementation of the policy to be the the "two-port policy" central country of the Northeast Asian economy G YG G YUG}GGiGGkGGGkG Vision of the City The Ocean Capital in the 21st Century or the Era of the Northeast Asia Objectives of the City A central city of logistics and business in the Northeast Asia A central management city of the southeastern economic region in Korea A central city of oceanic culture and tourism in the Northeast Asia Directions of A central city of logistics and business in the Northeast Asia Development x To develop the port of Busan into a hub port of the Northeast Asia x To develop Busan into a central city of business in the Northeast Asia x To expand infrastructures for the international and great-sphere logistics Central management city of the southeastern great-sphere economic region x To develop the western Busan into a supply base of parts of high-tech products and materials x To develop the eastern Busan into an industrial cluster of oceanic bio- industry x To foster the talent in the region A central city of oceanic culture and tourism in the Northeast Asia x To develop the city into a center of film industry in Asia x To expand world-class infrastructure for oceanic culture and tourism x To establish the best infrastructures for international meeting industry in the Northeast Asia G G ZG G Development Strategy x To make an integrated strategy to achieve the 3 major objectives and 9 tasks x To host the Olympics in 2016 to realize the vision of Ocean Capital of Northeast Asia z GGG GGGGGGGGGG¡GGG x ~GGaGGGGGGGO GGGiGuG wSGGGGGGGGGSGGGG¡PG x jGGaGGGGGGGGGO GGGG ¡SGGSGGG¡GGPG x lGGaGGGGGGGO GGGjGj SG GlGiG{GhSGGGPG GGuGz 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