PARENTS: No ScHOOL BLuEs? CHECJ( Our DJVERSIONs, PAGE 10 ~~-----~~~~~-- ~ . .. •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •!• 87th Year, Issue 23 © 1997 June 27, 1997 Newark, Del. • 50¢ 1 ~ -- - Rental THIS WEEK permit fee , IN SPORTS doubles RICE By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER FOllOWS EWARK CITY COUNCIL approved an ordinance on FATHER'S NMonday night to double a rental permit fee despite accu. atioQ that their actions were ··. illy'' and' FOOTSTEPS. unfair to both landlords and tenants. 15 Under consideration wa a bill to raise the annual fee for single-farnily­ ' type dwelling or duplexe · from $150 · IN LIFESTYLE to $300. The $35 annual fee for multi ­ '• family dwelling will go to $55. The amount of the increase wa deliberate­ ly calculated to cover los es to the city when enforcing the building code'in FAME AND rental s. According to city manager Carl FORTUNE< Lu ft , between I994 and I 997, costs for WAfTING See RENTALS, 13 ..... ONQVC. 8 'COPS IN THE NEWS MORE' GoRE HONORED allowing FOR LIFETIME more cops ' OFYWCA EWARK POUCE were among four Delaware agencies haring N nearly $500,000 in redeploy­ WORK. 4 ment grant recently under the Biden Crime Bill. The program called COPS MORE is de igned to allow police to do more community policing. "COPS MORE allow police departments to put more cop on the treet serving the public, IRON Hill instead of behind a de. k pu hi n.g paper," sa id Biden , adding that the pro­ EXPANDS ject wa part of hi s pledge to pul NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY KELLY BENNETI I00,000 more police on treet across the United States. BREWING Officer David Martin said the GoNE FISHIN' $93 075 allotted to Newark will be matched with an e timated $31,000 CAPACITY. Arnold Saunders casts his line into White Clay Creek on Wednesday. He came out to the creek to from the city. "We plan to use the 5 keep cool and enjoy the weather. See COPS, 12 ..... INDEX NEWS 1·5 Sexual assaults on c~eds may be related POLICE BLOTTER 3 By MARY E. PETZAK a man asked for direction to a man who kidnapped and attempted attempted to . exually assault her. OPINION 6 campus location. During the con­ to a sault a coed on May 21. The woman wa able to fight off LIFESTYLE 8 NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ver ation, the u pect grabbed the In the earlier incident, a 24- the attack and flee to jogger woman' brea t. The woman man­ year-old female student told police along Creek Road who called THE ARTS 9 EWARK POLICE believe aged to escape without injury and that she was walking east on police. DIVERSIONS 10 sexual a ault on two dif­ the man fled in a mall, black Elkton Road around 12:30 p.m. Davi aid police advi e Nferent Univer ity of pickup truck. when a white male approximately women not to allow stranger to CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 Delaware coeds in the past month Davis aid the suspect in the 19 years of age approached her. get· close ~nough to grab them SPORTS 15·18 may be related. second incident, described as a The suspect lured her into his when engaged in conversation in According to media officer white male in his early 20s, 5 feet, dark gray vehicle on the pretense this way. COMMUNITY · 19 Curt Davi , a female student was 10 inches tall with a thin build, of needing direction . Anyone with infonnation about REAL ESTATE 20 walking on New London Road blonde hair and bl~e eyes, He then drove her to a ecluded either incident is a ked to call around 6:30 p.m. on June 17 when matched the de cription of the Newark Police at 366-7111. CLASSIFIEDS 21·28 area on Creek Road where he t '"' " I " • ,J PAcE 2 • NEwARK PoST • JuNE 27, 1997 I ALL CARS, lRUCKS &VANS AR~ DIR~CT FROM TH~ MANUFACTURER! .. ,. .. .. .. ' http://www.ncbl.com/posU j NE 27, 1997 • NEWARK PosT • PACE 3 ANNUAL TENT SAbE Nt .\ \I 1 r, )', · ·:· POLICE BLOTTER • Police Blotter is compiled the garage. The homeowner Can we help? Friday, Jtine 27 • 8 AM - 8 PM each week from the files of the said nothing was disturbed or Newark Police Department, the missing. Offices: The paper's offices are located conve­ Saturday, June 28 • 8 AM - 4 PM New Castle County Police niently in the Robscott Building, 153 E. Department and the Delaware Chestnut Hill Rd., Newark, DE 19713. Office Solid.Oak and Cherry State Police by staff writer Newark Bagel hours are 8:30a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Mary Petzak. store burglarized Phone: (302) 737-0724 Firsts Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 ;k - Siltg/e Drunken teen Sometime overnight on June e-mail: [email protected] , Chairs 17-18 an unknown person or On the lntemet: http://ncbl.com/posV breaks into porch persons kicked out the glass in To subscribe: Call737-0724 or 1-BQ0-220- seconds a rear doo~ at Newark Bagel on 3311. Cost is $15.95 per year to'New Castle · On June 20 around 1: 10 East Main Street. An undis­ County addresses. To begin a subscription, * a.m. a resident on Arbour clo~ed ~ount of money was simply call. · Drive found a 16-year-old taken from the cash register j To place a classified: Call1-800-220-1230 * Sets male, who appeared intoxicat­ and the tip jar. Police are inves- . o4d. ~ To place a display ad: Call 737-0724. ed, itting in a chair after the tigating. ~he HE STAFF of the Newark Post is anxious to assist cotofs ./ youth broke into screened porch of the home. The resi ­ Treaders and advertisers. Reporters, writers, edi­ * dent told police the boy had Teen robbed tors and salespeople can be contacted as listed * Child~ come to the front door of the at knifepoint below: Bar Clz . -e~s home and been told he did not James B. Streit, Jr. is the publisher of stools lltrs belong there about I 0 minute. On June 18 around 1 J: 15 the Newark Post. He sets policies and before he broke into the p.m., in the Newark Shopping manages all departments in the Newark office. Call him at 737-0724. porch. Police said the boy, Center, a - 17-year-old male allegedly threatened a 15 - Mary E. Petzak is the associate editor. * who was conscious but disori­ She reports on government, education '* Pedestal ented, was charged with crim­ year-old male -with a knife and police news. She can be contacted.. Extension inal mischief, criminal tres­ and · removed $3 from the - at 737-0724. rcibtes · !/~hies pass and underage con ump­ younger boy's pocket. The Marty Valania prepares the tion. suspect was charged with rob­ sports pages of this newspaper. The bery and possession of a sports editor is seldom in the office, weapon · during the commis­ however, he checks in fre,.quently. Leave 300 oil sion of a felony. messages for Marty at 737-0724. Kelly Bennett is the Newark Post's staff filters taken photographer and production editor. Newark Police report that Alcohol arrests at Among his assignments is coordinating the entire staff's work and assembling it on June 22 around 8:15 p.m. a shopping center onto the news pages each week. Call him t:............a..!:'l unknown suspect stole 300 oil at 737-0724. filters valued at $900 from the On June 7 around 11:15 p.m., Newark Police arrested Julia R. Sampson is the office manager 896 Gulf Station on South and editorial assistant who processes College Avenue. The uspect, Heather Marie Steele, 20, and most press releases. She prepares obitu­ Kenton Chair Shop described as a white male with Lisa Ann Pojerowski, 18, for aries and the Diversions calendar. Julia brown hair, in his 50s, 5 feet, underage possession after also writes feature and news stories. I 0 inches tall and 180 po~nds, they were found sitting in a Contact her at 737-0724. 302-653-2411 fled in a green sedan. vehicle at the Newark Phil Toman has been the paper's arts 1/4 mile northwest of light in Kenton, DE on Delaware Rt. 42 Shopping Center with 20- editor since 1969. Well-known in the ounce bottles of St: Des · arts community, he writes his weekly Home entered Special Brew, an alcoholic column from his Newark home. Leave during day beverage. messages for him at 737-0724: On June 20 around 11 p.m. Other contributing writers include Jack Bartley, Sometime between ll :30 three teenage boys, I 6, I 8 and Elbert Chance, Marvin Hummel, Ruth M. Kelly, Patricia a.m. and 2:10 p.m. on June 19 20 years, were charged with A. Koly, James Mclaren and Shirley Tarrant. Leave messages for them at 737-0724. an unknown person or persons underage consumption after pulled the screen out of a din­ police found they had con­ '! Tina Wlnmill is the Newark Posfs ing room window in a resi ­ sumed alcoholic beverages in advertising director and manages the local sales team . She can be reached dence on Country Club Drive. the parking lot of the shop­ ~liii&,...J at 1·800·220-3311. Police said it appeared the ping center. unknown person exited through Jim Galotf services advertising clients in the south Newark, Bear, Glasgow and Routes 40/13 area . Call him at 737- 0724. Bob Leake sells advertising in the greater Newark jULY 41H TRASH area.
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