SENEGAL RIVER DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (OMVS) -------------------------------------------------------- GEF Project/Senegal River Basin ----- Component 3 ---------------------------- ooooooooooooo---------------------------- Transboundary Diagnostic Environmental Analysis of the Senegal River Basin Regional Synthesis OOOOOOO Report: Published Version Date : June 2007 ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADB African Development Bank AGCD General Administration for Cooperation and Development (Administration Générale de la Coopération et au Développement) UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CRODT Oceanography Research Center, Dakar-Thiaroye (Centre de Recherche Océanographique Dakar-Thiaroye) CSS Senegalese Sugar Company (Compagnie Sucrière Sénégalaise) DNCN National Directorate of Nature Conservation - Mali (Direction Nationale de la Conversation de la Nature Mali) DNH National Directorate of Hydraulics (Direction Nationale de l’Hydraulique) DNPIA National Directorate of Animal Production and Industries (Direction Nationale des Productions et Industries Animales) DRPIA Regional Directorate of Animal Production and Industries (Direction Régionale des Productions et Industries Animales) EDM Mali Engergy Company (Energie du Mali) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FCFA French Community of Africa Franc FOSA Forestry Statistics and Outlook Study for Africa GEF Global Environnement Facility GERF Rural Space and Forest Management in Guinea (Gestion de l’Espace Rural et des Forêts en Guinée) GIWA Global International Waters Assessment IGN National Geographic Institute of France (Institut géographique National de France) IRM Islamic Republic of Mauritania IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature LCC Local Coordination Committee LERG Laboratory for Teaching and Research in Geomatics (Laboratoire d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Géomatique) MAB Man and Biosphere NBA Niger River Basin Authority NCC National Coordination Committee NDF Nordic Development Fund NGO Non-Governmental Organization OMVG Gambia River Development Organization (Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Gambia) OMVS Senegal River Development Organization (Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal) ORSTOM Office of Scientific Research for Development through Cooperation (Office de Recherche Scientifique des Territoires d’Outre Mer) PASIE Environmental Impact Mitigation and Monitoring Program (Programme d’Atténuation et de Suivi des Impacts sur l’Environnement) i PDIAIM Project for Integrated Development of Irrigated Agriculture in Mauritania (Programme de Développement Intégré de l’Agriculture Irriguée en Mauritanie) PDIAM Rural Integrated Development Project for Downstream of Manantali Dam (Projet de Développement rural Intégré à l’Aval du barrage de Manantali) PND Diawling National Parc (Parc National de Diawling) PRODESO Western Sahel Livestock Development Project (Projet de Développement de l’Elevage au Sahel Occidental) PSE Sectoral Water Project (Projet Sectoriel Eau) SAED Société d’Aménagement et d’Exploitation des terres du Delta (National Company for Land Management and Use in the Senegal River Delta) SAP Strategic Action Program SBDT Société de Bauxite de Dabola-Tougué (Dabola-Tougué Bauxite Company) SEMOS Société d’Exploitation des Mines d’Or de Sadiola (Sadiola Gold Mining Operations Company) SMK Société Minière aurifère de Kalinko (Kalinko Gold Mining Company) SNSI Senegalese National Standard Institute SODESP Livestock Development in the Sylvo-Pastoral Area Company (Société de Développement de l’Elevage dans zone sylvo-pastorale) SOE Service de l’Observatoire de l’Environnement (OMVS) (Environmental Observatory) SOGED Société de Gestion et d’Exploitation de Diama (Diama Management and Operations Company) SOGEM Société de Gestion de l’Electricité de Manantali (Manantali Energy Management Company) SONADER Société nationale pour le développement rural (National Rural Development Company) SRB Senegal River Basin TDA Transboundary Diagnostic Environmental Analysis TDAT Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Team TEA Transboundary Environmental Analysis TLU Tropical Livestock Unit UCAD Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USAID United States Agency for International Development USD United States Dollar ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................................... i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4 1. PRIORITY ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS ............................................................... 6 1.1. Land degradation ............................................................................................................. 6 1.1.1. Deforestation ............................................................................................................ 7 1.1.2. Erosion and siltation .............................................................................................. 10 1.1.3. Land salinization and loss of farmland .................................................................. 16 1.1.4. Overgrazing ............................................................................................................ 18 1.1.5. Bush fires ................................................................................................................ 22 1.1.6. Desertification ........................................................................................................ 24 1.2. Water supply and quality ............................................................................................... 26 1.2.1. Water supply in aquifers ........................................................................................ 27 1.2.2. Surface water supply ............................................................................................. 28 1.2.3. Water quality .......................................................................................................... 29 1.3. Invasive species ............................................................................................................. 36 1.3.1. Typha australis ....................................................................................................... 36 1.3.2. Salvinia molesta ..................................................................................................... 39 1.3.3. Pistia stratiotes ....................................................................................................... 39 1.3.4. The issue of water hyacinth .................................................................................... 40 1.4. Waterborne diseases ...................................................................................................... 42 1.5. Conservation of biodiversity ......................................................................................... 45 1.5.1. Fish fauna ............................................................................................................... 45 1.5.2. Wetlands ................................................................................................................. 48 2. CLASSIFICATION OF PRIORITY ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS ................... 50 3. POSSIBLE RESPONSES TO PRIORITY ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS ......... 56 ANNEX 1. CONTACT PERSONS ....................................................................................... 61 ANNEX 1.1. CONTACT PERSONS DURING THE REGIONAL SYNTHESIS PHASE 61 ANNEX 1.2. STAKEHOLDERS DURING THE NATIONAL TDA PROCESS .............. 66 ANNEX 2. REFERENCES CITED ...................................................................................... 72 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since the early 1970s, climate in the Sahelian and Sudanian areas (where the majority of the Senegal River Basin is located) is marked by chronic rainfall and water deficits, which have put this area into a major ecological crisis. This crisis has been intensified by demographic growth, also unprecedented, and by the expansion of cultivated land and livestock farming. All of the river basins located at the same latitude as the Senegal River (the Gambia River, Niger River and Lake Chad Basins) have faced serious ecological challenges over the last three decades. Deforestation, overgrazing, siltation, loss of plant and animal biodiversity, etc. have had varying impacts throughout the region but are all part of a common landscape affecting all its basins, including the Senegal River. In addition, because of its hydro-agricultural developments (and particularly the large dams), the Senegal River is one of the most modified Sahelian river basins due to human intervention. Investments in controlling water here have created other ecological challenges. Today, one of the greatest development challenges for the Senegal River Basin’s resources and conservation of its biodiversity concerns the massive presence of aquatic invasive species (particularly Typha). All evidence indicates that invasive plant proliferation has been promoted by large infrastructure projects, the two large reservoirs upstream (Manantali) and downstream (Diama) and the surrounding irrigated areas that together have changed the river’s hydraulic regime and water quality. In addition
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