University of South Florida Scholar Commons Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications 3-1-2007 SFRA ewN sletter 279 Science Fiction Research Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/scifistud_pub Part of the Fiction Commons Scholar Commons Citation Science Fiction Research Association, "SFRA eN wsletter 279 " (2007). Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications. Paper 94. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/scifistud_pub/94 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. #1T. Jan/Feb/"ar~h100T • Editor: Chrisiine Mains l1anaging Editor: Janice M. Bossiad Nonfiction Reriews: Ed McKnishi Science Fiction Research Fiction Reriews: Association Ed Carmien SFIUI Rerie"" The SFRAReview (ISSN 1068-395X) is published four times a year by the Science Fiction Research As­ III THIS ISSUE: sociation (SFRA) and distributed to SFRA members. Individual issues are not for sale; however. starting with issue SFRA Business #256. all issues will be published to SFRA's website no less than 10 weeks Editor's Message 2 after paper publication. For information President's Message 2 about the SFRA and its benefits. see the Minutes of Exec Board 3 description at the back of this issue. For a membership application. contact SFRA Treasurer Donald M. Hassler or get one from the SFRA website: <www.sfra.org>. Non Fiction Reviews SFRA would like to thank the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin-Eau Claire for its as­ Allen Constructions g sistance in producing the SFRAReview. Fan Fiction & Fan Communities 10 Allen Theory I 2 SUBMISSIONS The SFRAReviewencourages all submis­ Caped Crusaders 101 14 sions, including essays, review essays that Superman on the Couch 15 cover several related texts, and inter­ Fantasy by Lobdell 16 views. If you would like to review non­ Literary Galaxy of Star Trek 20 fiction or fiction. please contact the respective editor. Fiction Reviews Christine Mains, Editor Box 66024 Deliverer 22 Calgary,AB TIN IN4 The Android's Dream 23 <[email protected]> Gradlsll 24 Janice M. Bogstad, Managing Editor Rollback 25 239 Broadway St. Sun of Suns 26 Eau Claire WI 54703-5553 <[email protected]> Ed McKnight, Nonfiction Editor I 13 Cannon Lane Taylors SC 29687 <[email protected]> Ed Carmien, Fiction Editor 29 Sterling Road Princeton NJ 08540 <[email protected]> ) SFRA BUSINESS Edlltor's Message Christine Mains News Items: \Vbw, it's dlat time again? As far as I can tell, we just celebrated Christmas! The British Science Fiction Asso­ .\nd now we're well into dle New Year. That means, among odler d1i.ngs, a new ciation Awards were presented at executive committee, whose contactinfomlation is on the back page ofme SFRA the 2007 Eastercon. Novel: End of Retielv. It means a new conference is almost upon us, and President Adam Frisch the World Blues, by Jon Courtenay encourages everyone who can make it to Kansas City to make dleir plans soon. Grimwood; Short Fiction: "The Sadly, I won't be seeing you mere dUs year (too much teaching in Spring term), Djinn'sWife," by Ian McDonald;Art­ but I am very much looking forward to 2008 in Dublin. work: Angelbot, by Fanghorn. And now it's time for dle broken record again. In dle last issue, we were able to include a contribution to me Approaches to Teaching series by Neil The winner of this year's Philip K. Easterbrook, and we (still) hope to include a piece on Approaches to Teaching Dick Award for best paperback Heinlein in dle nextissue (and ifyou have any thoughts at all on teaching Heinlein original has been announced as in dle classroom, whedler it's a few sentences to share your own experience or a Chris Moriarty's Spin Control. A couple of paragraphs on what you would do if you could, please contact me). Special Citation was issued for Eliza­ \Ve'd love to be able to run someming in me "\pproaches series in every issue, so beth Bear's novel Carnival. ifyou have any dlOUghts on any aspect ofteaching science fiction, any experiences you'd like to share, please drop me a line. The inductees into the Science Fic­ And on dlat note: If you have ever had any trouble emailing me, please tion Hall of Fame, housed at the email anyone of the odler SFIL\ Editors to pass along a message to me.•\ppar­ Science Fiction Museum in Seattle, endy dlere is a very occasional and very weird glitch in my email (somedling my have been announced. The induc­ ISP is unable to track down) that responds to a very few emails with a note mat I tion ceremony will be held on June am not accepting callers (or some such wording to mat effect). I really do want to 16 in conjunction with the presen­ hear from SFRA members widl dleir dlOUghts and ideas on dle Review, so please tation of the Locus Awards. This don't let a little technological gnome stand in me way ofour communication. year's inductees include: Gene Wolfe, Ridley Scott, Ed Emshwiller, SFRA BUSINESS Gene Roddenberry. Preslldent·s Message Adam Frisch The winners of the Tiptree Award have been announced. Half Life, by During dle coming two years your SFRA Executive Committee will con­ Shelley Jackson; tinue to emphasize our organization's groWdl. New teclmiques we are putting in The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Gar­ place in order to maintain and increase our membership range from dle creation den, by Catherynne M.Yalente. Spe­ of attractive SFIL\ wristbands advertising our organization's name (available cial Mention for James Tiptree, Jr.: beginning dlis summer at Kansas City) to dle addition of Loms magazine as a The Double Life ofAlice B. Sheldon, by readily available new subscription/renewal option for SFIL\ members starring in Julie Phillips. 2008. SFIL\ VP. Lisa Yaszek and Secretary Shelley Rodrigo are also updating our recruitment brochure for this summer's meeting. In addition, as part of her The Lambda Award nominations, recmitment responsibilities Lisa has begun a systematic search ofSF-related pub­ given for Gay, Lesbian, lications and conference presentations for new contact nmnes + a systematic search Transgendered, and bisexual writ­ for previous members who might once again be interested in renewing meir ing have been announced. The fi­ memberships. i\ll of dlese initiatives should help widen our organization's ap­ nalists in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror peal and effectiveness. category are Carnival, by Elizabeth TIle one major change all members will notice will be dle earlier renewal Bear; Mordred, Bastard Son, by Dou­ dates for 2008 membership. Initial renewal-request letters for 2008 will go out glas Clegg;A Strong and Sudden Thaw, during the first couple \veeks of September (rather than between Thmlksgiving by R.W Day; Izzy and Eve, by Neal mld Christmas, \vhen everyone's short on cash), widl follow-up reminders in Drinnan; Spin Control, by Chris early Nm-ember. One ob\-ious advmltage of tillS earlier renewal calendar is dlat all Moriarty. members who re-up by Dec. 1 can be promised uninterrupted joumal subscrip­ tions, without mlY of those irksome (mld tmlgential) postcards sent direcdy from ( ) the publishers warning of impending termination. "\1so, SFR.c-\ will have fewer ( costs sending out back issues to members who renew late (you'd be surprised the hassle and cost that late renewals entail), and future secretaries and VP's will have an easier task identifying and attempting to re-establish contact with members who don't renew. The Crawford Award for the best Meanwhile, your executive committee is continuing to search for and debut fantasy book has been pre­ implement improvements that should make networking with colleagues ever sented to M. Rickert for her collec­ more efficient and useful. By tlus summer's meeting changes to the SFR.c-\ website tion Map of Dreams. should be in place, including a password-protected area where tile 2008 "-\nnual Directory can be posted online (you'll still get your hard copy oftile Directory in The Dell Magazine Award for un­ tile fall) witllOut being accessible to those nasty web cra\vlers looking to expand published fiction by an undergradu­ the Empire of Spam. We also are hoping to update tile SFR.c-\ website on a more ate was presented to Natty regular basis; we're looking for a volunteer who will take an hour or so of Ius/her Bokenkamp of Stanford University; time once a month to scour our Listserv and a few other sources and tllen send our \Vebmaster Sam information on tile latest SFR.c-\ news, awards, paper calls, The Lord Ruthven Award recog­ projects, etc. to update our website. For tllis small but very useful sen-ice tile nizes excellence in vampire fiction. volunteer will be able to augment his/her resume witll tile title of "SFR.c-\ \\'eb This year,awards were presented to Content Director," no minor addition in what one ofmy former students called Barbara Hambly for her novel the "doggy-dog world of academics." (Let me know if you're interested in tllis Renfield: Slave of Dracula and Bruce new position.) "\nd speaking of tile Listserv, the executive comnuttee continues McClelland for Slayers andTheirVam­ to take all appropriate steps to assure tile free exchange of relevant S.F. informa­ pires: A Cultural History of Killing the tion on tllis wonderful site. Dead. Finally, SFR..-\ has confirmed commitments for its annual meetings tl1rough 2010 (after Kansas City this summer there will be mcetings in Dublin The nominees for this year's Hugo [2008], Atlanta [2009], and Phoeni..:·; [2010]), ,md we ha\-e already received prelinu­ Awards have been announced.
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