1: REGD. ~~61· Panaji, 28th February, 1980 (Phalguna 9, 1901) SERIES III No. 48 .-.......... 'IOFFICIAL' 'GAZETTE GOVERNMENT.. OF' GOA, DAMAN AND DIU 6-1>. A<)dition and alteration to Public Health Centre at GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN Qh.icalim. AND DIU Estimated cost Rs. 1,27,075-43; Earnest Money Rs. 3,177/-; Time: 180 days -including monsoon; Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. Works, Education and Tourism Department 6-<>. Const. of approach road to Bogmallo Beach Phase I. Public Works Department Estimated cost Rs. l,94,318-38j Earnest Money .ns. 4,875/-, Time: 2()() days including monsoon; Cost Office of the Executive Engineer 1-Buildings & Communication of Tender Rs. 30/-. (South) F.tord. 6-<1. Land Development aroWld I.T.I. Campus at Fanna­ gudi-Ponda. Tender Notice No. PWD/EElfIl&C/(SOUTH)/16/80 Estimated Cost Rs. 3,14,365-95; Earnest Money Rs.. 7,859/-; Time: 270 days including monsoon; IJQfJt & Executive Engineer I, P. W. D., Buildings Communication of Tender Rs. 30/-. (South), Fatorda-Margao, invite on behalf of President of :India. sealed Percentage/item rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors upto 2.30 p. m. on 5-3-80 for the PERCENTAGE RATE: :following works: 7. Additions and alterations to the library Building of College of Engineering at Farmagudi. ITEM RATE: El'timated cost at Rs. 78,897-97; Earnest Money 1. Construction of Restaurant and DOrmitory at Colva Ro. 1,972-00; Time: 120 days excluding monsoon;_ Beach. Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. Estimated at Rs. 10,06,873-85; Earnest Money Rs. 20,000-00; Time: 275 days including monsoon; 8. Construction of Proposed Lock up for <Marmagoa Cost of Tender Rs, 50/-. Police Station at Marmagoa. (Retendered 4th" time). Estimated at Rs.. 46,883-32; Earnest Money 2. Construction of Gadgapath road to Chandranath Rs. ~,152-00; Time: 122 c,'lays excluding monsoon; Temple Hill in 3 kms. (Retender). Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. Estimated at Rs. 8,34,468-59; Earnest Money 9. Construction of a stage and shed for Engineermg Rs. 20,000,00; Time: 300 days including monsoon; College at Fannagudi ~Ponda. Cost of Tender Rs. 40/-. Estimated at Rs. 38,259-98; Earnest MQ1i&y S. Construction of School Build~ at Balna Vasco. " fts. 957-00; Time: 120 days excluding monsoQt\"; Estimated at Rs. 7,01;444-86; Earnest Money Cost of Tender Rs.. 20/-. Rs. 14,029-00; Time: 300 days including monSOCIl; " Cost of Tender Rs. 40/-. 10. 90nstruction of 'B' type (twin) quarters at Betki for Medical (Retender)~ 4. Construction of fA' type quarters two building (G+2) 12 flats .'B' type one building (G+1) 8 flats and Estimated at Rs. 51,710-86; Earnest Mol'lE'Y IC' type qtrs. one building (6 flats) for the staff of Rs. 1,293-00; Time: 180 days includ1ng monsoon; Cost Health Department at Ponda (Retender). of Tender Rs. 20/-. Estimated at Rs. 5,14,732-01; E"arnest"' :M:~ney Rs. 10,295-00; Time: 365. days including monsoon; 'l.'he ,tender will be opened .immediately .on the same day Cost .of Tender Rs. 40/-. at.. ~.oo. ,po m. Condition and ten.der forms can be had ,from the office upto 4.00 p. m. till 3-3-80 on all working days . .5. Addition and alteration to T. B. Sanatorium at Monte­ -Margao. (Retender). The intending Tenderer will have to produce Income Tax Estimated at" "Ra. '4,56,-59:4';'68; EarneSt;;.: Money Clearance Certificate at the time of buying of tender.' Rs. 11,413-00; Time: 300 days including monsoon; Cost of Tender Rs. 40/-. The tender of the Contractor who do not deposit the money in the ::prescribed" form is' liable' to -be'" reJeCted. ~-8.. Proposed construction of Restaurant and toilet Block in the development scheme near Airport road junction Right to reject any or all the tenders without ~signing at Chicalim-Vasco (Retender). :~ny rea"son' thereof is reserved~ Estimated at' as. l,65~708~i1; Earnest Money Rs. 4,143-00; Time: 180 days including monsoon; Fatorda-Margao, 20th February, 1980.. - The Executive Cost of tender Rs. 30/-. Engm.e:er, Sd/~. 66& SJ!)RIJ!)S m No. 48: . ; Work. 0;';.;0. 111- (PHE) Po.oj; (Goo) ";", Tender Notice NP.. ;FHE~!)I/Adm-4/40/,{9-80 ;'\;' ,,, The Executive Engineer, PHE-N (WDm) -PWD. Panaji~Goi,. re-invites . on behalf of the President of India, Sealed item rate/percentage rate tender, from the apPFOVed 'In(t:eUgible contractors upto 3.00 p. m. on 29-2-80 for the below mentioned works: - . Estimated cost Earnest money Time limit Cost ot Sr.-No. Name of the work tender Rs. Rs. Rs. 1.· Laying and jointing C. I. conveying main ~rom P. 70 2p.060.20 502.00 60 days 20.00 to Curti Reservoir at Ponda. including monsoon Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. Con­ do not deposit Earnest Money in prescribed form are liable­ ditions and tender forms can be had from his office on any to be rejected. working days upto 4.00 p. m. on 28M 2-SO. If required by post The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to accept or an amount of Rs. 10/- (Ten only) will be charged extra. reject any or aU the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Tender fonus will be issued oilly on production of a valld Panaji, 20th February, 1980. - The Executive Engineer,.. Income tax clearance certificate. Tenders of Contractors who T. K. Mohandas. Tender Notice No, PHE-N/Adm-4/41/79-80 The Executive Engineer, PHE~N (WDm) PWD, Panaji-Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India," Sealed item . rate/Percentage rate tender from the approved and eligible contractors/suppliers upto 3.00 p. m. on 4-3-80 & 7-3-80, at Sl. No.4 for the below mentioned work/supply. Estimated Earnest Time limit Cost of Sr. No. Name of the work/supply Cost Money Tender fonn Rs. Rs. Rs. 1. Procurement of C. I. D. joint for Porvorim distribution net work. ....................................................... 15,235-00 381-00 30 days 20/- including monsoon. 2~ ,~_rocurem~nt of Vaccum pump for Opa Water Works 10,250-00 257-00 30 days 20/- including monsoon. 3. Procurement of instruments for P. H. E. Laboratory at Tonca ........................................................ 27,459-30 690-00 45 days 20/- including monsoon. 4. Construction of A. B, C, type Staff Quarters at Curti 6,02,550-91 12,051-00 400 days 40/- including monsoon. Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. Condi­ pliers who do not deposit Earnest Money in prescribed form_ tions c'and tender fOrInS can be had from his office on any are liable to be rejected. working days upto 4.00 p:tm. 'on 3-3-80 & 6-3-80. If required by post an amount of Rs. 10/- each & 20/- will be charged The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason extra. thereof. Tender forms will be issued only on production of a valid Panaji, 22nd February, 1980. - The Executive Engineer,. Income tax. clearance certificate. Tenders of contractors/sup- T. K. Mohandas. Tender Notice No. PHE-N/Adm-4/42/79-80 "The "Ex~utive Engineer, PHE-N (WDrn) PWD, Panaji-Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, Sealed item ""rate/percentage rate tender from the approved and eligible Suppliers upto 3.00 p. m. on 7-3-80 for the below mentioned work/supply. " Cost of .sr. No. Name of the work/supply Estimated Cost Earnest Money Time limit Tender Form ·Rs. Rs. Rs. lo Procurement of Brass fitting in Divisional store. 23;065-60 580-00 30 days 20/- including monsoon 2: Procurement of cast iron saddle pieces of various sizes, for A. C. Pipes. 27,500-00 690-00 60 days 20/- including mo~n >~'ffi iFjJJBJl,U:t18,Y, J1J8(){if/l/ALGUNA 9, .19(1) 669 Tenders win- be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. Con­ Conigendum ·d~tions and tender. forms can be had from his office on vny working days upto 4.00 p. m. on 6-3-80'. If required by post Read: Tender Notice No. PHE-N/Adm/41/79-80, dt, 22-2-80. ·an amount of Rs. 10'/- each will be charged extra. The above Tender. Notice stands modified as follows" in .Tender forms will be issued only on production of a valid respect of the works at 81. No.4• lncome tax clearance certificate. Tenders of suppliers who do (1) Construction of A, B, C type staff quarters at CUrti. not deposit Earnest Money in prescribed form are liable to be rejected. (a) Estimated cost ................ _...... RH. 6,01,797-90 (b) Earnest Money ..................... : RH. 12,036-00 The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders Without assigning any reason All other tenus and conditions of the above Tender Notice thereof. in respect of the Said works remain Wlchanged. Panaji, 23rd February. 1980. - The Executive Engineer. Panaji, 25th February; 1980. - The Executive EngineerJ T. K. Mohandas. T. K. Mo/umda.s. • Works Division Xtl-- FAtorda.Morgao (GOIf!l- Tender Notice No. PWD/CDxiI/TECH/F.20/18/79-80· The Executive Engineer, S. I. P. Canal Division XII, Public Works Department. Fatorda-Margao, Goa invites on behalf of the President of India, Sealed Item Rate tenders upto 4-3-1980 for the following work: -, Estimated Earnest Time LimU Cost 01 tender ·Sl'.
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