UNIVERSITY OF KLAIP ĖDA LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HISTORY ROMAN ŠIROUCHOV CONTACTS BETWEEN PRUSSIANS AND CURONIANS IN THE 11 TH – EARLY 13 TH CENTURIES, ACCORDING TO THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL DATA Summary of doctoral dissertation Humanities, history (05 H) Klaip ėda 2012 The dissertation was prepared at Klaip ėda University during 2007-2011 Scientific supervisor: prof. habil. dr. Vladas Žulkus (Klaip ėda University, Humanities, History – 05 H) The evaluation of the dissertation and the public defence will be carried out by the University of Klaip ėda and the Lithuanian Institute of History appointed Scientific Committee for History: Chairman: Prof. habil. dr. Algirdas Girininkas (Klaip ėda University, Humanities, History – 05 H) Members: Dr. Eugenijus Jovaiša (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Humanities, History – 05 H); Dr. Vykintas Vaitkevi čius (Klaip ėda University, Humanities, History – 05 H); Prof. dr. Ilona Vaškevi čiūtė (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Humanities, History – 05 H); Doc. dr. Gintautas Zabiela (Klaip ėda University, Humanities, History – 05 H) Opponents: Prof. dr. Albinas Kuncevi čius (Vilnius university, Humanities, History – 05 H) Doc. dr. Valdemaras Šim ėnas (The Lithuanian Institute of History, Humanities, History – 05 H) The public defence of dissertation is announced to take place on the 16 th of November, 2012 at 13:00 in the Senat Hall of the University of Klaip ėda. Address: Herkaus Manto Street 84, LT-92294, Klaip ėda, Lithuania. The summary of doctoral dissertation was dispatched on October 16 th , 2012. The dissertation is publicly available at the libraries of the University of Klaip ėda and the Lithuanian Institute of History. KLAIP ĖDOS UNIVERSITETAS LIETUVOS ISTORIJOS INSTITUTAS ROMAN ŠIROUCHOV PR ŪSŲ IR KURŠI Ų KONTAKTAI XI – XIII A. PRADŽIOJE ARCHEOLOGIJOS DUOMENIMIS Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Humanitariniai mokslai, istorija (05 H) Vilnius Klaip ėda 2012 Disertacija rengta 2007-2011 metais Klaip ėdos universitete Mokslinis vadovas: Prof. habil. dr. Vladas Žulkus (Klaip ėdos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H) Disertacija ginama Klaip ėdos universiteto ir Lietuvos istorijos instituto istorijos mokslo krypties taryboje: Pirmininkas: Prof. habil. dr. Algirdas Girininkas (Klaip ėdos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H) Nariai: Dr. Eugenijus Jovaiša (Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H); Dr. Vykintas Vaitkevi čius (Klaip ėdos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H); Prof. dr. Ilona Vaškevi čiūtė (Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H); Doc. dr. Gintautas Zabiela (Klaip ėdos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H) Oponentai: Prof. dr. Albinas Kuncevi čius (Vilniaus universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H); Doc. dr. Valdemaras Šim ėnas (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H). Disertacija bus ginama viešame Istorijos mokslo krypties tarybos pos ėdyje 2012 m. lapkri čio 16 d., 13 val. Klaip ėdos universiteto Senato sal ėje. Adresas: Herkaus Manto g. 84, LT–92294, Klaip ėda, Lietuva. Disertacijos santrauka išsiuntin ėta 2012 m. spalio 16 d. Disertacij ą galima perži ūrėti Klaip ėdos universiteto ir Lietuvos istorijos instituto bibliotekose. Introduction This dissertation is the first comparative study of the post- Viking age Prussian and Curonian material culture. The very problem of the contacts between Prussians and Curonians in the 11 th – beginning of the 13 th centuries is rooted in the discussion of the Lithuanian ar- chaeologists and their colleagues in Kaliningrad region of the strong impact of Curonian culture on Prussians in the 10 th – 12-13 th centuries. Thus, the relations between Prussians and Curonians have been strongly overestimated for many years, despite the lack of sufficient quantity of material evidences. The actual study is a chance not only to answer this and other questions related to the problems of trans- regional contacts in the area of South-Eastern Baltic, but to compare the statistical data of Prussian and Curonian ornaments, arms, horse har- ness, ceramics, different tools and imported goods with some general features of burial rite, cemeteries based on social structure, trade routes; and to clarify the chronology and typology of the grave goods itself. The goals of dissertation - Determination of the character and intensity of trans-regional and trans-tribal contacts between Prussians and Curonians on the basis of the study of materials from cemeteries and settlements of the 11 th - 13 th centuries - Comparison of the features of burial rite and the social struc- ture 5 - Review of the distribution and redistributions of imports and innovations in the region - Investigation of the possible areas of direct or mediator inter- actions of considered cultures And finally, revision of the tendencies and opinions on the men- tioned questions that existed before. The main objectives of dissertation Are the following: - Comparative and comprehensive analysis of the main types of ornaments, tools and imported goods common both to Prussians and Curonians during the 10/11 th -13 th centuries - Artefacts peculiar only for Prussians or Curonians in the 10/11 th -13 th centuries comparative analysis - Comparative study of Prussian and Curonian burial rites of the 11 th -13 th centuries: “collective” cremation graves, graves with arms and horse harness, supposed mail graves with some of female artefacts etc. - The question of probable Curonian warrior-horsemen and fe- male cremation graves in the area of northern Prussians - Review of the main possible routes of trade and communica- tion between Prussians and Curonians in the late 10th -early 13 th centu- ries together with special focus on the Curonian Spit as the possible area of direct cultural transaction of two cultures. 6 Chronology and characteristic of the period Main chronological interval of study generally corresponds to N. Blomkvist‘s “long 12 th century” (1075–1225), which reflects the events of transition from “Viking to Crusades” in Western Balts area. Although artifacts and some burial rite features of the earlier (9th –10 th c.) and later (13 th –14/15 th c.) periods served to show the development of certain forms and continuity of material and spiritual Prussian and Curonians cultures. Archeologically this time interval complies to the Engel-Heym-Hoffmann “H” period and more common “late Iron Age” or “Early Medieval” periods in the East Baltic region. The startup point for this chronology was assumed for two main reasons as: - Prussian graves of the 9 th -10 th centuries are extremely rare and badly investigated. - Most of the 11 th century Southern Curonian graves are already cremations. This makes Curonian artefacts, burial rite and social struc- ture more comparable with the Prussians’ ones. The upper limits of the investigated period are framed by Ger- man colonisation and the beginning of the process of “Europeanisa- tion”, which changed the Western Balts way of life during the 13 th cen- tury. The decline of the transit trade with Scandinavia, the home of newly formed feudal kingdoms, fixed by sudden decrease of Scandina- vian imports from the beginning of the 11 th century within the entire area of research, had a greater influence on Southern Curonian economy and culture having isolated them from the outer world. Although Prussians 7 and Curonians were either kept in sight of Danish and Sweden political ambitions up to the beginning of the 13 th century. Unless Curonians, Prussian tribes were more deeply involved in such a political event of the European history of the 11 th -13 th centuries as a historical long term processes of feudal division of Poland in the second third of the of the 11 th – beginning of the 13 th c., and indirectly – in the feudal division of Russia of the same period. If the relations with Russian principalities are fixed for Prussians only by extremely increasing number of Eastern imported goods, the neighbouring with Poland – in trade and war, had gradually changed the social, economical and political life rather from the outside as from inside of the Prussian society. This quotation is to explain. the difference of historical circum- stances, which have had the certain impact and had led to some changes, and differences in development of Prussian and Curonian cultures from the beginning of the 11 th century. These and other suspected historical contexts are richly supplied and illustrated here with appropriate ar- chaeological data. Territory of the study The main territory of research includes the Northern Prussia: Sambian peninsula, Pregel, Deima and Frisching (Prochladnaja) down- stream areas (Sambian-Natangian group) and Southern Curonian lands of Pilsotas, M ėguva and Ceklis. This area was selected due to the fact that both the historical land of Sambia and today’s Klaipeda (Pilsoto) district are recognized for the 11 th -13 th centuries to be Prussian and 8 Curonian economic, administrative and cultural centers. The main source of this investigation, cemeteries and less numerous settlements of the period are concentrated and better explored exactly within this area. In addition Sambia’s and South Curonia’s close geographical situation, such as similarities in their landscape and climate, had to create similar social and economic background. Despite the fact, that this study highlights particularly coastal areas, materials from Prussian and Curonian
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