STARFLEET Communiqué Issue Number 148, Aug./Sep. 2008 A newsletter publication by STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. Table of Contents STARFLEET Communiqué Just When I Thought I Was Out... They Pulled Me Back in!!! by COMM Jonathan Lane 3 Number 148 STARFLEET Communiqué Submission Guidelines 4 Publisher: Jonathan Lane Report from the Commander, STARFLEET by FADM Sal Lizard 5 Editor-in-Chief: Prasith Kim-Aun, DMD The STARFLEET Volunteer by VADM Garrick Halverson 6 Content Editor: Robert Kitson USS Bonaventure Celebrates Twenty Years as a STARFLEET Chapter by CAPT Charles Rizzo 7 Layout: Prasith Kim-Aun, DMD Creator of Brewster Rockit Made Honorary Member... by CAPT Charles Rizzo 7 Front & Back Cover: Peter Christian Proof Readers: Will Devine, Susan Fox, USS Sol Celebrates Her 25th Anniversary by ADM Carol Thompson 8 Alex Rosenzweig, Janice Willcocks Operations Report by ADM Michael Urvand 9 Communications Report by Jonathan Lane 10 Published by: Introduction from the Content Editor, STARFLEET Communiqué by MAJ Robert Kitson 11 STARFLEET, Report from the Commandant, STARFLEET Academy by ADM Peg Pellerin 12 The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. 928 South Court Street Ask Prigal: A Monthly Q&A Session from the Enlisted Point of View by PVT Prigal 14 Circleville, OH 43113 The Dream in Action! by VADM Garrick Halverson 15 USS Commonwealth Activities by CAPT James Cecil 15 Send submissions via e-mail to Report from the Chief of Shakedown Operations by RADM Warren Price 16 [email protected] Classifieds: Wanted - Artists for Starship/Station Schematics 17 or any written papers to the address above. Chief Financial Officer's Report by COMM Michael Stein 18 My New Feelings about Star Trek XI by COMM Jonathan Lane 20 Postmaster, please send address corrections to: What an IC! by ADM Marlene Miller 22 Bran Stimpson Photos from the International Conference 2008 24 STARFLEET Member Services "Trash or Treasure" by ADM Helen Pawlowski 26 1120 Magnolia Street Denver CO 80220 The IC to Me by ADM Helen Pawlowski 26 The Popsicle Fleet by ADM Helen Pawlowski 26 The STARFLEET Communiqué is a publication of the Communic- ECAB Report by VADM Garrick Halverson 27 ations Department of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek A Tale of the Triplets by ADM Sherry Anne Newell 31 Fan Association, Inc. It is intended for the private use of our Modherr oiuu'n Lloannen'galae Eredhin Khre'Riov Ekhaem tr'Hveinn by VADM Richart Hewitt 31 members. STARFLEET holds no claims to any trademarks, copyrights, or properties held by Paramount or their parent com- Attention on Deck! by MGEN John Roberts 33 pany Viacom. Proposed Change to the Organizational Structure of the SFMC... relayed by BGN Sean Niemeyer 33 Awards Issued at the 2008 SFMC International Muster 34 The contents of this publication are Copyright © 2008 FORCECOM Report by MGN Linda Olson 35 STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. SFMC Scholarship Program relayed by BGEN Sean Niemeyer 35 and/or the original authors. All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be copied or republished in any way or form Introduction from the Academy Director, NCO SFMC by MGSGT John Kiwi Kane 41 without the written consent of the Office of the Chief of RPS Makes Debut at IC 2008 by BGEN Sean Niemeyer 41 Communications, STARFLEET. SFMC Presents Its First Conflict Resolution Award by BGEN Sean Niemeyer 42 INFOCOM Report by BGEN Sean Niemeyer 43 (USPS 017-671) Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office Introduction of the USS Tang by COMM Peter Lutz 44 of Tecumseh, Oklahoma, under the act of March 8, 1879. The Communiqué is published bi-monthly by STARFLEET, The USS Tang (SS 306) - The Final Patrol submitted by COMM Peter Lutz 44 International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.; 928 South Court STARFLEET International Membership Application 46 Street; Circleville, OH 43113. Staff of STARFLEET International 47 Shore Leave Photos 48 Due to scheduling difficulties, the submission deadline for CQ #149 will have passed by the time this issue gets into members' hands. The deadline for submissions for CQ #150 will be November 15, 2008. Page 2 Chief of Communications, STARFLEET Just When I Thought I Was Out... They Pulled Me Back in!!! By Commodore Jon Lane get quite as much help as I’d hoped, and despite year’s IC in Denver to explain his reasons. I Your new Chief of Communications my own rushing, there were still late CQs for reas- didn’t agree with those reasons, but I honored ons frustratingly beyond my control. Issues them and respected Sal for being open with me. Remember that scene from “Star Trek: The Mo- #142, #143, and the strangely half-sized #144 tion Picture” where McCoy first beams up to the were my legacy to STARFLEET. Not the pretti- After Sal and company took office in January, I Enterprise? The scene goes something like est issues, not the worst either. But they brought continued to be less than thrilled with their per- this… us to the end of the second Les Rickard adminis- formance. And I didn’t keep my mouth shut, tration, and now a new team was coming in. I either. While I’m not a rabble-rouser, and I Kirk: Well, for a man who swore he'd never re- was, mercifully, done with the STARFLEET always try to be polite and courteous when I dis- turn to Starfleet-- Communiqué. I could return to my previously agree with someone, I still stridently disagreed McCoy: Just a moment, Captain, sir. I'll explain scheduled, peaceful life. Or so I thought… with a number of the actions being undertaken what happened. Your revered Admir- by the new administration. Many in my al Nogura invoked a little-known, home region (Region 4), as well as else- seldom-used reserve activation where in the Fleet, were feeling as clause. In simpler language, though many high-level decisions were Captain, they drafted me! being made without a lot of visibility to Kirk: They didn't! the general membership. And I freely ad- McCoy: This was your idea. This was mit that my voice was a vocal one on the your idea, wasn't it? Region 4 chat list. Now, it didn’t happen for me exactly So you can imagine my nervous reaction like that, but it sorta feels that way, to seeing an e-mail from Sal Lizard, the let me tell ya’. One minute I’m mind- Commander, STARFLEET himself, say- ing my own business, the next I’m ing simply, “Jon, please give me a call at the new Chief of Frackin’ Communic- your earliest convenience.” ations for STARFLEET. Oh, frack! Now I’d done it! I was being called to the principal’s office! Let Me Take a Step Back I’ve been in STARFLEET for--oy!-- Why Sal Wanted Me twenty-five years. I won’t give you the full history and resume (I’ll save As it turned out, Sal wasn’t contacting that for a future issue), but suffice it me in order to blast me with full phasers. to say that, if it’s happened in Fleet, No, instead he wanted to offer me the I’ve been there, done that, got the T- position of Chief of Communications, shirt, and in some cases, MADE the STARFLEET. Peter Christian had to T-shirt. step down for personal reasons, and Sal thought I would make an excellent And so it came to pass that, at Commodore Jon Lane demonstrates that resistance is, indeed futile. Comm Chief. IC2007, the then-Chief of Communic- (Photo supplied by Jon Lane) ations, Dixie Halber sought me out The first thing I asked Sal (and I kid you and begged me to take over production of the I Didn’t Vote for Sal not) was, “Okay, dude, if I say ‘no’, who do you STARFLEET Communiqué. There were only call next?” three issues to go for the year, they were already It’s no secret. My support was initially behind quite late, and no one else was willing to take the Joost Ueffing, although I eventually voted for Sal said no one. He really didn’t have a “go to” job. With her promise of help for me from other Emmett Plant. I had nothing against Sal Lizard guy if I turned him down. Rob Kitson had ex- Fleet members, I volunteered to produce those personally; I simply believed he had made some pressed some interest in the position, but Sal last three issues for the previous STARFLEET Ad- bad decisions during his campaign, such as opt- wanted someone with a longer history in the or- ministration. ing to minimize his participation on the STAR- ganization, and Rob has been a member of Fleet FLEET Election Chat List. Sal was aware of my for a relatively short time. And of course, I had The sprint to the end of 2007 was wild. I didn’t disapproval, and he even took me aside at last done three issues of the CQ before. Page 3 “But I don’t agree with your policies, Sal. I think be CQ Editor-in-Chief, and Pete Christian would was for me getting CQ 142, 143, and 144 out the you’ve made some bad decisions, and I’ve told be helping him. Rob Kitson would be collecting door. There is also another potential complica- people that. I’m not gonna sit on the EC and just articles and content. All I would need to do tion: my wife and I will be starting the adoption agree with you.
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