
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11786-0 - The Female Voice of Myanmar Gregg E. Gardner: Khin Myo Chit to Aung San Suu Kyi Nilanjana Sengupta Index More information Index A-bat-hpyay Nya, 198 authoritarianism, 86 Abhidhamma, concept of, 282 autonomy of individual, 260 action, 261 avirodha (non-opposition), 290 ahimsa (nonviolence), 39 awza (influence), 5 akaukwun (collector of sea customs), 3 Ayaung Thit (New Ray) Journal, 190–192, akunwun (collector of land revenue), 3 228 Alice in Wilderness, 65 Bagan, 199–202 All Burma Federation of Students’ Union Bamakhit newspaper, 63, 138 (ABFSU), 189, 194, 198, 205, 226 Bamakhit propoganda paper, 131 All Burma Peasants’ Organization, 121 Bandung Conference (1955), 167 All Burma Students’ Democratic Front Bar Dan Yeik (In the Shade of the Indian (ABSDF), 192, 214 Almond Tree), 181 All Burma Students’ Union (ABSU), 28, Barthes, Roland, 183–184 30, 103, 112 Battle of Upper Burma, 5 Al Qaeda, 318 Bauktaw Sun Lun Gu Kyaung monastery, Amay Shay-saga or The Mother’s Wise Words, 59–61 129 Bearer of the Betel Casket, The, 46 American Baptist Mission (ABM) School, Beauty Magazine, 222 92, 94–95 Beggar and the Princess, The (Hmawbi Saya Amnesty International, 205, 269 Thein), 57 Amyotha Hluttaw (House of Nationalities), Bharatmata, 324 328 bicameral parliament, 221 Ananda-Thuriya, 12–13 bi-zadon, 24 Anawrahta of Burma, 16 Bogyoke (Burmese equivalent of General), 10 Anglo-Burmese Wars (1826, 1852-53 and Boh Htika (expert commentary on 1885-86), 67, 87–88, 160 Europeans), 90 Anti-Fascist Organisation (AFO), 113 Bombay Burma Store, 107 Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League Border Area Development Program of (AFPFL), 31, 96, 101, 103, 114–115, SLORC, 215 117–118, 120–121, 138, 141, 216, 221, Bose, Subhas Chandra, 266 275, 319–320 Bowman, Vicky, 204–205, 217 Aris, Michael, 246–247, 257–258, 265, 269, British Burma trade magazines, 9 275, 281, 287, 299, 302, 325 British colonisation/colonialism, 4, 20 Art–Not Trash–For People’s Sake, 11 British Council, 308 Association of Southeast Asian Nations British Pegu Club, 37 (ASEAN), 192, 216, 292–293, 305, 313 British Public Works Department, 89 Aung San, 250 Buddha, 59, 90, 168, 170, 275 Aung San of Burma: A Biographical Portrait Buddhahood, 273 by his Daughter, 250 Buddha Tha-thana Noggaha (BTN), 90, Aung, U Phyo, 93 92–93 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11786-0 - The Female Voice of Myanmar Gregg E. Gardner: Khin Myo Chit to Aung San Suu Kyi Nilanjana Sengupta Index More information Index Buddhism/Buddhists, 59, 90, 122–125, 162, Burmese nationalism, 276 170, 203, 222, 249, 266–267, 273, 290, Burmese Nationalist Movements (1940- 312, 316, 325 1948), 29 -Burman majority, 318 Burmese New Year, 12 catholicity of, 261 Burmese opera, 13 criticism of notions of mettā and sacca Burmese stage, 12 (truth), 261 Burmese water festival (Thingyan), 12 emphasize Buddha pragmatic nature of Burmese Women’s Society, 39 teaching, 249 folklore, 16 Caged Ones, The, 131 Gandhi explored potential of, 264–265 cakkavattin (Sanskrit cakravartin or king), 291 growth in Mandalay and Bagan, 199– capitalist culture, 110 202 13 Carat Diamond and Other Stories, The, sangha, 38 10, 46, 63, 71 Suu Kyi’s concern to use in societal Castro, Fidel, 209 healing, 297 Chang, Jung, 255 Vipassana meditation, 281 charkha, 38 Buddhist Pilgrim’s Progress, A, 61 Chauk oilfield, 28 Burma, 2–3, 40, 275 Chettiars (Indian money lenders), 97 collapse of rice trade, 97 Chindwin river, 14 feature of post-independence, 140 Citizenship Law (1982), 169 gained independence on 1948, 67, 115 Civil Disobedience Movement, 37, 40 Gandhi impressed by ingenuity of civil resistance, 264–265 indigenous spinning wheel, 39 civil society, 203 Japan alliance on, 32 civil society organisations (CSOs), 321 Marxism in, 111 Cold War, 207 nationalism, 255–264 colonial economic exploitation, 110 pre-independence nationalist aspiration, colonial government, 3 167 Colourful Burma, 50, 68 Burma Book Club, 27 Committee Representing the People’s Burma Communist Party (BCP), 101, 103, Parliament (CRPP), 303–304 115, 134, 140, 159 Communist Party, 103, 140, 257 Burma Defence Army (BDA), 34–36 Communist Party of Burma (CPB), 112, Burma Independence Army (BIA), 5, 32, 133, 141–142, 169, 189, 191, 216 34, 112–113, 251, 254 community life, 3 Burma Journal, 25, 105 cultural divide between Mandalay and Burman privilege, 264 Rangoon, 87 Burma Round Table Conference, London, 21 Cultural Revolution of China, 133 Burma Socialist Programme Party (BSPP), culture of contempt, 52–53 66, 84–86, 124, 155, 161, 166–170, 174– Cyclone Nargis, 219, 303 175, 178, 188–190, 192, 216, 265, 290 Dagon Magazine, 25–26, 105 Burmese Days (George Orwell), 2 Dah Balm, 9 Burmese hardwood (pyinkadoe), 15 Dahma Tat, 43 374 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11786-0 - The Female Voice of Myanmar Gregg E. Gardner: Khin Myo Chit to Aung San Suu Kyi Nilanjana Sengupta Index More information Index Dalrymple, William, 255 Deedok gya-ne (Deedok Weekly), 25 dana (donation), 62 democracy, 222, 289–292 Dandi March (Salt March), 37, 193, 271 democracy first, 292 “Dandruff in My Halo” editorial in WPD, 13 Democratic Party for New Society (DPNS), Daung, Shwe U, 96, 113, 119 192, 194, 198, 205, 226 Daw Amar, Ludu, 5, 27, 44, 114, 118, Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), 283–284 138–140, 143–144, 158, 167, 171–172, demonetization, 187 179, 181, 186, 199, 214, 221, 253, 264, Derrida, 183 323, 355–356 dhamma, 47, 291 description of favourite teachers, 95 dhammakatikas, 39 distress among rice cultivators of Dhammapada, 60 Mandalay, 97 D-Hlaing Journal, 255, 321, 331 early writings of, 108–111 D-Hlaing (D-Wave or Democracy Wave) economic crisis in family, 98 Journal, 250 editorials from 1956-57, 119–122 Do Ayay (Our Cause) Journal, 190–191, 229 impact of Leftist unity programme, Dobama Asi-ayone (We Burmans) 116–118 movement, 28–29, 31, 42–43, 66, 68, influence by Kodaw Hmaing, 90 112, 263, 266, 325 joined National School in 1931, 97 Dobama Central, 112 lessons of nationalism, 93 Dobama Sinyetha Asi-ayone (DSA), 33–35 Mandalay D-Saga (Democracy Words), 250 adult life of, 87–89 dukkha (suffering), concept of, 48, 272–273, hesistant in criticism of Western 279–280 trends, 88 revolution in, 83–87 Earnshaw, Catherine, 26 marriage with U Hla, 107 East Asiatic Youth League (EAYL), 34, 103 as mother and daughter, 134–138 East Asia World Economic Forum, 313 moved to Rangoon, 99 education, 20, 25, 31, 34, 39, 52–54, 57–58, pagoda festivals, 92 97, 104, 133, 141, 160 post-1962 writing, 125–129 English, 92 practising Buddhists, 125 public, 21 prided from abstaining girlish pursuits, 99 western, 67, 88 Pyidawtha Plan (1952), 118–119 8-8-88 Movement, 146, 188, 191, 228, 323 reaction to student strikes, 100–102 Elizabethan literature, 10 representation prostitution for class Enterprise Nationalization Law of 1963, 160 division, 131 returned to campus after boycott, 105 Facebook, 321 schooling of, 94–97 female bodhisattva, 245 Shwe In Bin monastery, 90 female education, 21–22 Soe Win eldest son of, 132–134 female infanticide, 18 traditional convictions, 88 Feminist Manifesto, A (Lucy Komisar), 51 writes first poem after intermediate, 98 fiction writing of 1960s, 181 Daw Khin Kyi Foundation, 307 Fielding-Hall, H., 14, 18–20 Dazaungdaing thieves festival, 133 First World War, 23 375 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11786-0 - The Female Voice of Myanmar Gregg E. Gardner: Khin Myo Chit to Aung San Suu Kyi Nilanjana Sengupta Index More information Index Flowers and Festivals Round the Burmese hpon (human mystique), 50 Year, 46, 48–49 Hsinbyumya-shin, 4 Foreigner Registration Card (FRC), 169 Htaung-hnint Mi-gin (Jail and Mother), Foucault, Michel, 183 135–137 Freedom from Fear, 250 Htin, U, 93 Furnivall, J S, 20–21, 111 htok-tin (print-submit) system, 180 Hugo, Victor, 24 Galay, Shwe-Yo Ba, 128 Human Rights Watch, 205 Galon Tat, 43 Ganda Lawka (The World of Books) idea, 261 magazine, 42, 99 Imagined Communities, 260 Gautama Buddha, 45 Indian National Congress, 38 General Council of Burmese Associations individual response, notion of, 276–277 (GCBA), 37, 39, 42, 93, 109 Indo-Burmese riots (1930), 42 General Council of Sangha Sameggi Intellectual Life in Burma and India under (GCSS), 38 Colonialism, 256, 259–261, 264 Ghare Baire (Home and the World), 264 International Network of Engaged gharry (horse drawn, closed carriage), 98 Buddhists, 299 Greek mythology, 49 Inwa Bridge, 14 Guardian, 10 Irrawaddy Journal, 224 Guardian Magazine, 51 Irrawaddy Literary Festival, first, 255 Gya-ne-gyaw Journal, 45 Irrawaddy river, 2, 14, 57 Gyi, Ko Ko, 225, 321 Gyi, U Maung, 25, 56, 58, 68, 96, 109 Jacobean literature, 10 Gyi, Zaw, 106, 201 jatakas, 54, 58, 86, 170, 271 550 Jataka Tales, 16 Hamlet, 12 Jinnah, 245 han thit movement, 181–182 Joung, Po Than, 145 Hein, Ba, 28-29, 112, 138 Ju, 181 Her Infinite Variety, 63 Heroes of Old Burma, 46 ka-byas (half castes), 91 Hind Swaraj, 270, 280, 291, 296, 312 Kachin Independence Army (KIA), 123, 169 Hinduism, 261 Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO), Hindu Mahasabha, 38 169, 285–286 Hin-lin Kywin-kyan (All of This and Kachin Rifle, 116 Nothing), 163 Kahson (May) festival, 92 History of British India ( John Stuart Mill), 18 kala, 94 Hla-Daw Tha Sagar, 14 kalatha, 15–16 Hlaing, U Chit, 38, 143 Kalay Declaration, 319 Hmaing, Kodaw, 25, 56, 90, 175, 264 kamma (Sanskrit karma), doctrine of, 273, Home Rule agitation, 38, 40 276, 279 Home, Work, Hate, Fail, 63 Karen National Defence Organisation hpa me-thila (a prostitute nun), 53 (KNDO), 116 376 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11786-0 - The Female Voice of Myanmar Gregg E.
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