*: Schools that teach both citizenship and PSHE School’s Name Website Address Contact Info T: 020 7736 7138 Lady Margaret School, http://www.ladymargaret.lbhf. E: 1 *Lady Margaret School Parsons Green, LONDON sch.uk/ [email protected] SW6 4UN bhf.sch.uk 39 Graham Terrace, T: 020 7730 2971 2 * Francis Holland School http://www.fhs-sw1.org.uk/ E: office@fhs- London, SW1W 8JF sw1.org.uk 1 Loudoun Road, St. T: 020 7266 4840 https://www.arnoldhouse.co. E: 3 *Arnold House School John's Wood, London, uk [email protected] NW8 0LH o.uk *Cardinal Vaughan Cardinal Vaughan T: 020 7603 8478 4 Memorial RC Boys http://www.cvms.co.uk/ Memorial School, 89 E: [email protected] School Addison Road, London T: 020 7376 3019 http://www.chelsea- 5 *Chelsea Academy Chelsea AcademyLots E: admin@chelsea- academy.org/ Road,London,SW10 0AB. academy.org T: 020 7931 9469 http://www.eatonsquarescho E: 6 *Eaton Square School ol.com/ registrar@eatonsquar 79 Eccleston Square, eschool.com London SW1V 1PP St Michael's Building, 98 Regency St, London, T: 020 7969 1950 ( SW1P 4GH (Year 10-13) Year 10-13) 7 *Grey Coat Hospital http://www.gch.org.uk/ St Andrew’s Site 020 7969 1998 (Year7- Greycoat Place 9) E: London SW1P 2DY( Year [email protected] 7-9) The Harrodian School, T: 020 8748 6117 E: 8 *Harrodian Prep School http://www.harrodian.com/ Lonsdale Road, London, [email protected] SW13 9QN om Latymer Upper School, T: 020 8629 2024 http://www.latymer- King Street, 9 *Latymer Upper School E: head@latymer- upper.org/ Hammersmith, London upper.org W6 9LR Kensington Avenue *Norbury Manor http://www.nmbec.org.uk/pag T: 020 8679 0062 Thornton Heath 10 Business and Enterprise e/default.asp?title=Home&pi E: Surrey College for Girls d=1 [email protected] CR7 8BT T: 020 8749 1141 Phoenix Academy, The http://www.phoenixacademy. E: 11 *Phoenix Academy curve, Shepherds Bush, org.uk/ admin@phoenixacade London, W12 0RQ my.org.uk T: 020 7348 1752 St James Senior Girls’ *St James Senior Girls' E: 12 www.stjamesschools.co.uk School, Earsby Street, School [email protected] London W14 8SH k St Paul’s Girls’ School, T: 020 7603 2288 Brook Green, E: 13 *St Paul's Girls' School http://spgs.org/ Hammersmith, London, [email protected] W6 7BS rg T: 020 7610 9018 Bishop's Ave, London, E: 14 *The Moat School http://moatschool.org.uk/ SW6 6EG [email protected] g.uk T: 020 8735 4950 Ark Burlington Dames Ark Burlington Dames E: 15 http://burlingtondanes.org/ Academy, Wood Lane, Academy bda.school@burlingto London, W12 0HR ndanes.org Ashbourne Sixth Form T: 020 7937 3858 College, 17 Old Court https://www.ashbournecolleg E: 16 Ashbourne College Place, Kensington, e.co.uk/ admissions@ashbourn London, W8 4PL, United ecollege.co.uk Kingdom Bassett House School, 60 Bassett Road, North T: 020 8969 0313 17 Bassett House School https://www.bassetths.org.uk E: Kensington, London W10 [email protected] 6JP Cambridge School, 61 T: 020 8735 0980 http://www.cambridge.lbhf.sc E: 18 Cambridge School Bryony Road,London, h.uk/ [email protected] W12 0SP f.sch.uk Chelsea Independent http://chelseaindependentcoll 517-523 Fulham Rd T: 020 7610 1114 19 College ege.com/ LondonSW6 1HD, UK E: [email protected] City of London School for City of London School Girls, St. Giles' Terrace, T: 020 7847 5500 20 http://www.clsg.org.uk/ E: for Girls Barbican, London EC2Y [email protected] 8BB 199 Westminster Bridge T: 020 7935 8411 21 DLD College London http://www.dldcollege.co.uk/ Road, London, SE1 7FX E: [email protected] 59 Queen's Gate, South T: 020 7225 0577 22 Duff Miler College http://duffmiller.com/ Kensington London SW7 E: 5JP,UK [email protected] T: 020 7976 5456 http://www.fairleyhouse.org.u 30 Causton Street, E: 23 Fairley House School k/ London, SW1P 4AU [email protected] rg.uk Frederick Hugh House, 48 T: 020 7349 8833 http://www.frederickhughhou E: 24 Frederick Hugh House Old Church Street, se.com/ info@frederickhughho London SW3 5BY use.com Fulham College Boys’ T: 020 7381 3606 Fulham College Boys http://fulhamcollegeboys.squ School Kingwood Road E: 25 School arespace.com/ Fulham,London, SW6 [email protected] 6SN et T: 020 7381 0861 Fulham Cross Girls’ Fulham Cross Girls' http://fulhamcross.squarespa E: 26 School Munster Road School ce.com/ school@fulhamcollege Fulham,London, SW6 6BP .net Hill House School, Sixth T: 013 0277 6300 http://www.hillhouse.doncast E: 27 Hill House School Avenue,Auckley, er.sch.uk/ [email protected] Doncaster DN9 3GG ter.sch.uk Kensington Aldridge Kensington Aldridge http://www.kensingtonaldridg T: 0207 313 5800 28 Academy, 1 Silchester eacademy.co.uk/ E: [email protected] Academy Road, London, W10 6EX T: 020 7731 9300 Kensington Prep School, http://www.kensingtonprep.g E: 29 Kensington Prep School 596 Fulham Road, London dst.net/ [email protected] SW6 5PA st.net T: 020 7616 4400 http://www.lansdownecollege 40-44 Bark Place, London E: 30 Landsdowne College .com/ W2 4AT, UK info@lansdownecolleg e.com T: 020 7235 2855 22-24, Pont Street, http://www.morehouse.org.uk E: 31 More House School Knightsbridge, London, / [email protected] SW1X 0AA .uk Norland Place School, 162- T: 020 7603 9103 http://www.norlandplace.com E: 32 Norland Place School 166 Holland Park Avenue, / [email protected] London, W11 4UH om Parayhouse School, Colet T: 020 8741 1400 E: 33 Parayhouse School http://www.parayhouse.com/ Gardens, London, W14 s.jackson@parayhous 9DH. e.com T: 020 7828 0881 Pimlico Academy, Lupus http://www.pimlicoacademy.o E: 34 Pimlico Academy Street, London, SW1V rg/ enquiries@pimlicoaca 3AT demy.org T: 020 7589 3587 http://www.queensgate.org.u 131 – 133 Queen's Gate, E: 35 Queen's Gate School k/ London, SW7 5LE [email protected]. uk Queen's College, 43-49 T: 020 7291 7000 36 Queens College London http://www.qcl.org.uk/ Harley Street, London, E: [email protected] W1G 8BT T: 020 8748 7600 Sacred Heart High http://www.sacredhearthigh.o 212 Hammersmith Road, E: 37 School rg.uk/ London W6 7DG. [email protected] h.uk T: 020 7328 0904 St George's Catholic Lanark Road, Maida Vale, E: 38 http://www.stgeorgesrc.org/ School London W9 1RB [email protected] g St Thomas More St Thomas More Language College, T: 0207 5899734 39 http://www.stmlc.co.uk/ E: Language College Cadogan Street, Chelsea, [email protected] London SW3 2QS The Fulham Boys School, T: 020 7381 7100 http://www.fulhamboysschool E: 40 The Fulham Boys School Mund St, Gibbs Green, .org/ info@fulhamboysscho London, W14 9LY ol.org T: 020 7352 7077 The Hampshire School http://www.thehampshiresch The Hampshire School, E: 41 Chelsea oolchelsea.co.uk/ Chelsea, London SW3 6NB info@thehampshiresc hoolchelsea.co.uk The London Oratory The London Oratory http://www.london- T: 020 7385 0102 42 School, Seagrave Road, School oratory.org/ E: [email protected] London SW6 1RX St Marylebone C.E. T: 020 7935 4704 https://frog.stmarylebonesch The ST Marylebone CE School, 64 Marylebone E: 43 ool.com/index.phtml?d=5599 School info@stmarylebonesch 49 High Street, London, W1U 5BA ool.com T: 0203 3930969 St Paul's Centre, Macbeth http://www.tlgwestlondon.org. E: 44 TLG West London Street, Hammersmith, uk/ [email protected] London, W6 9JJ rg.uk T: 020 7121 0600 Sir Naim Dangoor Centre, http://www.westminsteracade E: 45 Westminster Academy 255 Harrow Road, London my.org.uk/ admin@westminsterac W2 5EZ ademy.org.uk T: 020 7798 9081 Westminster Cathedral Ambrosden Avenue, E: 46 http://www.choirschool.com/ Choir School London,SW1P 1QH [email protected] m Wetherby Senior School, T: 020 7535 3530 https://www.wetherbysenior.c E: 47 Wetherby Senior School 100 Marylebone Lane, o.uk admin@wetherbysenio London W1U 2QU r.co.uk T: 020 8743 5668 http://www.woodlane.lbhf.sch Du Cane Road, London, E: 48 Woodlane High School .uk/ W12 0TN [email protected]. sch.uk T: 020 8743 3856 https://www.youngdancersac 25 Bulwer Street, London, E: 49 Young Dancers Academy ademy.com W12 8AR youngdancersch@aol. com School’s Name Website Address Contact Info 1 Loudoun Road, St. T: 020 7266 4840 https://www.arnoldhouse.co. E: *Arnold House School John's Wood, London, uk [email protected] NW8 0LH o.uk Kensington Aldridge Kensington Aldridge http://www.kensingtonaldridg T: 0207 313 5800 Academy, 1 Silchester eacademy.co.uk/ E: [email protected] Academy Road, London, W10 6EX The Fulham Boys School, T: 020 7381 7100 http://www.fulhamboysschool E: The Fulham Boys School Mund St, Gibbs Green, .org/ info@fulhamboysscho London, W14 9LY ol.org Topics related Notes PSHE is taught in timed lessons. Citizenship is • Human rights issues addressed with other areas of the curriculum. PSHE is taught in Year 7 Religious Studies CC and PSHE PSHE and CC in KS3 and KS4 PSHE and CC taught in KS3 along with 3Certs • Preparing to play an active role as citizens • Developing good PSHE relationships and respecting the differences between people KS3: PSHE taught weekly KS4: PSHE taught biweekly CC is taught one session per week throughout the academic year. CC is only taught as a Youth justice system discrete subject in year 9,10 and 11. • Rights and responsibilities PSHE & CC are taught in • Government and politics years 7-9 PSHE is taught in year 7 CC and PSHE PSHE is taught in years 7- • Rights and responsibilities 10 • PSHCE (Personal, Social, health, Citizenship & Economic Education) is provided • PSHCE (Personal, Social, health, Citizenship & Economic Education) is provided PSHCE is considered a core subject in KS4 Personal PSHE sessions (NOT A CURRICULUM PIECE) PSHCE for Primary School PSHE is offered for one period in year 10 GCSE ( PSHE) SIXTH FORM • PSHCE Citizenship is taught as a full course • Empathy PSHE in KS4 PSHE is implemented in year 7-8 • Impact of stereotyping PSHE is taught at year 7 SIXTH FORM PSHE through religious studies • PSHCE (Personal, Social, health, Citizenship & Economic Education) is provided • Britain: a multi-cultural and PSHE is pastoral multi-ethnic society PSHE is offered for years 7, 8 and 9 PSHE PSHE PSHCE is provided for KS3 • Human rights and 4 • PSHCE (Personal, Social, health, Citizenship & Economic Education) is provided Citizenship in the core curriculum The requirements for citizenship for the most part form an integral part of other subjects.
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