_i_ COLLEGE WEEK Weekly announcements for the Bennington College Community May 25 to June 3, 1984 Vol. LXXXVINo. 12 CALENDAROF EVENTS / . Frida y, May 25 t ~- 8 p.m .... * The Dance Division presents Maximum Tech. I. Works by Andrew Gross­ man, Carol Mendizabel, Aileen Ghee, Jenny Eddins, Petra Franklin, Beth Donaldson Jack Mooreo !1artha Hill. Saturda y , May 26 11 a.m. * Learn about chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for world peace through individu~l. hap·piness. People who have been practicing for over 10 years will _.be present. Buddhistt · Seminar. CommonsWest o 7 p.m. * The office of the Dean of Faculty and the Division of Natural Science and Mathematics present, "Plastic Surgery: its Scope and Concepts", a lecture .by Renee Bennett O'Sullivan, M.D., F.A.C.So ('51). Dr. O'Sullivan studied sculpture and science at Bennington College. She , ; is now a clinical instructor in ijurgery at Harvard Medical School and in private practic.a. She will give an introduction to the multi­ .faceted field of plastic surgery and its art and will talk about her experiences practicing plas _tic and reconstructive surgery in Indonesiao · Slides will be shown. Barn -1.. : 8 p.m. * The Dance Division presents Maximum Tech. 1. Works by Andrew Gross­ man, Carol Mendizabel, Aileen Ghee, Jenny Eddins, Petra Franklin, Beth Donaldson, Jack Moore. Martha Hill. 9 p.m. · * Film Once Upon A Time In · The West: Charles Bronson, Henry Fonda, Jason Robards, . Claudia Cardinale. Don't let the silliness of the title fool you; this is one of the best westerns ever made. Director Sergio Leone .made this one after he made the films that made Clint Eastwood famous (Fistful! Of Dollars; The Good, The Bad, And The Ugl y).Already regarded as a minor classic by _film cultists; this exciting tale is :.,:,. helped by (now get this) Bronson being cast as the good guy and Fonda being cast as the meanest .of all possible villains .. (also - Our Gang sho .r~; Cartoons; Flash Gordon 1111 ) • Tishman Hall • EVENTSASTERISKED* ARE OPENTO THE PUBLIC AS WELLAS THE CAMPUSCOMMUNITY •" College Week - page 2 Sunday , May 27 2 p.m. * Repeat of film Once Upon Ao Time In The West. Tishman Hall. 2:30 porn.* Bennington College Music Division presents a Senior Conce~t by Cynthia Murphyo The program includes traditional songs and works by Purcell, Beethoven, Ponchielli, Czerny, Bartok, Debussy, Meyer, Ronell Loessler, Calabro and Murphyo Performers: The Bennington College Chorus, Randall Neale, Director; Patricia Applebaum Marianne Finckel, John Hendrick, Lise Kreps, Brian Mindlin, Cynthia Murphy, Penelope Owen, Alejandro Sanchez-Navarro, Su Lian Tan, Jeffrey Taylor, Antony Widoff, Eric Zinman. Greenwall Music Workshop. 7:30 p.m.* Gang of Four Productions presents,in conjunction with the Bennington College Drama Division,Four Pla y . The Transfi guration of Benno Blimpie by Albert Innaurato, directed by Michael Goldstein. A Kind of Alaska by Harold Pinter, directed by Andrew Hirsch God by Woody Allen, directed by Anthony Koplin. Dickinson 207. - 8 pa mo * The Dance Division presents Maximum Tech. I. Works by Andrew Gross­ man, Carol Mendizabel, Ailleen Ghee, Jenny Eddins, Petra Franklin, Beth Donaldson, Jack Moore. Martha Hill. 8 p.m. * Film Hearts And Mindso Oscar-winning documentary about our misguided involvement in Vietnam. Intense, regardless of one ' .s political per­ suasiono Sponsored by Student Services for Marcia Carlisle Tishman Hall. Monday, May 28 7:30 p.m.* Gang of Four Productions Presents,in conjunction with the Bennington College Drama Division,Four Play. A Kind Of Alaska by Harold Pinter directed by Andrew Hirsch o The Bear by Anton Gl1:ekh v, directe .d_ by Stephen Nunns. God by Woody.Allen, directed by Anthony !\oplin. Dickinson 207. -- · 8 p.m. * Film Why Work?. Broadcast by Bill Moyers' Journal on PBS, this docu~ menta~yy on U.S. and European labor relations examines employee attitudes toward work and the issues surrounding the challenge to traditional hierarchical forms of workplace management. Surveys wo~k, labor laws, and participatory democracy from historical and compara­ tive perspectives. Awarded Blue Ribbon at the 1979 Am.erican Film . Festival. 60 minutes. Sponsored by the Social Scien .~e Division. Tishman Hall. 8:15 p.m.* Bennington College Music Division presents a vocal concert by Frank Baker's students, The students will be presenting a variety of° vocal works. Each student's selection will be approximately 1 minute in length. Greenwall Music Workshop. College Week - page 3 Tuesday, May 29 ·'' 1 p.m. House chair .pe;rsons meetingo Stokes. 6 p ..m. Student Council meeting. Green dining roomo 7 p.m. * ·The Black Music Division will present Dennis Charles, drummer, at their t'1'orkshop in Paul Robeson House. Charles has worked with many performers in this genre of the music, among them are Cecil Taylor and Steve Lacey. He has just returned from a European tour where he re­ corded some new music for Soulnote in Milan, Italy. 7 p.m. * Videotape~ Richard Foreman's -Cit y Archives will be shown for Image and Sound 2 . and Jphn Pruitt -.will .-speak about ··the tape afterwards • Mr • Pruitt is Professor of film at Bard College. Video Studio. 7:30 porno Community meeting with President Hooker. Barn 1. 7:30 p.m~ Gang of Four Productions presents,in conjunction with the Bennington College _Drama Division. Four Pla y . The Transfi guration of Benno Blimpie by Albert Innaurato, directed by Michael Goldstein. A Kind of 'Alaska by Harold Pinter, directed by Andrew Hirsch. The Bear by Anton Chekhov, ··directed . by Stephen Numns. Dickinson 207. 9 P .m. * Film Throu gh A Glass Darkl y o Ingmar Bergman's four- character drama about the just- released mental patient, her husband, her father and her younger brother who ,spend the summer together on a secluded is­ land. Moody evocative story of insanity / well _ deserved Oscar winner. (also - The Dot and the Line). ·Tishman Hall Wednesday, May 30 · 12: 30 * Al-Anon meeting. '-' If there is someone in your life whose drinking up- to sets · yotl, come and share your experiences with those who have felt 1:30 p.m. that way too and have learned to feel better about it. Dickinson 117 1 p .m. Community Life committee meeting. , New dining room. 2 porn. Senior commencement meeting. Green dining room. 5 p.m. All interested hikers will '.meet to plan the final outing of the term which will be either an overnight hike or a canoe trip.. This trip is scheduled for Saturday, Juneo 2. New dining room. 6 :15 p.m. Food committee meeting. All representatives at 'tend.Green dining room. - 7:30 p ..m~ Gang of Four Productions presents,in 'conjunction with the Bennington College Drama Division • Four ..Play • The Transfi guration of Benno Blimpie by Albert Innaurano, directed by Michael Goldstein. The Bear by Anton Chekhov, directed by Stephen Nunns. God by Woody Allen, di- rected by Anthony Koplin. Dickinson 207. -- College Week - page 4 8:15 p.mo * The Music Division presents a Senior Concert by Arny So Hart and Lilo Kantorowicz-Glick. Performers include: Judith Bettina, Louis Calabro, Jacob Glick, Sue Ann Kahn, Jeffrey Levine, Brian Mindlin, Maxine Neuman, Alejandro Sanchez-Navarro and Elizabeth ·Wright. Greenwall Music Workshop. 10 P•Ill 0 * Repeat of film Throu gh A Glass Darkly. Tishman Hall. Thursda y', May 31 ~': 1 p.m. * Elevent,.h in th~ series of "Civilisation" films by Kenneth Clark and · sponsored by the Film Society and Student Services.Fallacies of Hope 6:30 p.m. Discusses the rise of Romanticism and dislllusionment in the 19th century, considering the French Revolution and its aftermath, and focusing on the works of Byron, Beethoven, Blake, David, Delacroix, Rodin and Daumier. Tishman Hall. 4:15 p.m. * The Work of Gomis, Anthropology Film series.Traditional Healer in Sri Lanka. 46 minutes. Directed by Yvonne ·Hannemanno .Early 70s. A beautifully filmed account of treating the fright illness of a small boy through an elaborate _ceremonial spanning several'days, which includes demon impersonation, masked dancers, firetorch dancing, etc. Tishman Hall. 6 p.m. Cat committee meeting. Anyone with problems or suggestions, please ~ttend. · Swan living room. 7 p.m. * The Drama Division presents: A Phoenix Too Fre quent ·by Christopher Fry A Senior Project in directing for Michael Haddad A Senior Project in design for Matthew Monaghan with Marguerite Foster, Veneita Porter, and Zaraawar Mistry. Lighting designed py Jonas Gjertsson; costumes designed by Lauryn Axelrod. Stage Managed by Abby Gampel Facsimile Theatre. May 31 - June 3. · 8 p ..m. Class in basics o-f martial arts. :,Jo previous knowledge needed. Classes include: stretching, exercises .and meditation Upstairs in Commons. 8:15 p.m. * The Black Music Division in Concert. One in a series of faculty concerts, exhibits and lectures sponsor~d by the Dean of the Faculty. Also sponsored by _the Callie Goldstein Memorial Fund. Re~eption following in the Robeson House. Paul Robeson House. 9 p.m. * The Green Mountain Forum Thursday Night Film Series presents: Between Men. The .maki~g of a soldier. Focuses on the processing of males into fighting machines in the u.s. · army. Shows the •military to .be a microcosm of American societal attfrudes that _try to ex­ clude all that is felt to ~e.·"feminine" 'trom ·a'.cceptahle male be­ havioro Includes 'clfpe f'L~Olll old s'oldio:a. rnvvie'S ' (featuring 'Ronald Reagan). Tishman Hail. College Week - page 5 10:30 p.m. * Erica Bornsteiµ ;and .Anna~Kar~lia Coates present their Senior : nance Concert .in Usdan,Gallery with music by Jonathan-Bepler~ words by Mile~ Bellamy and film by Rachel Fine. One night only. Saturday, June 2 6 p.m.
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