Price List of NIGER 25 03 2020

Price List of NIGER 25 03 2020

NIGER 25 03 2020 - Code: NIG200101c-NIG200113d Newsletter No. 1271 / Issues date: 25.03.2020 Printed: 27.09.2021 / 09:40 Code Country / Name Type EUR/1 Qty TOTAL Stamperija: NIG200101b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Elvis Presley (85th anniversary of Elvis Presley (Elvis Imperforated €15.00 - - Presley 1935–1977; Graceland) Background info: Elvis FDC €7.45 - - Presley 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood Series 60) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200101c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Elvis Presley (85th anniversary of Elvis Presley (Elvis Imperforated €15.00 - - Presley 1935–1977; Marilyn Monroe 1926–1962)) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200101d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Elvis Presley (85th anniversary of Elvis Presley (Elvis Imperforated €90.00 - - Presley 1935–1977; Marilyn Monroe 1926–1962)) FDC €39.70 - - FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200102b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Fire engines (Fire engines (Ferrara Freightliner Imperforated €15.00 - - Pumper) Background info: Renault Midlum 240.14 CCF; FDC €7.45 - - Oshkosh A/S32P-19A) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200102c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Fire engines (Fire engines (Spartan Crimson Pumper; Imperforated €15.00 - - Oshkosh A/S32P-19A; OSHKOSH T-1500; Renault FDC €7.45 - - Midlum 240.14 CCF)) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200102d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Fire engines (Fire engines (Spartan Crimson Pumper; Imperforated €90.00 - - Oshkosh A/S32P-19A; OSHKOSH T-1500; Renault FDC €39.70 - - Midlum 240.14 CCF)) FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200103b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Tall ships (Tall ships (Christian Radich) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: Larus marinus; Sørlandet) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200103c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Tall ships (Tall ships (Anna-Kristina; Stabben Imperforated €15.00 - - Lighthouse; Statsraad Lehmkuhl; Sørlandet; Svanhild; FDC €7.45 - - Feistein Lighthouse)) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200103d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Tall ships (Tall ships (Anna-Kristina; Stabben Imperforated €90.00 - - Lighthouse; Statsraad Lehmkuhl; Sørlandet; Svanhild; FDC €39.70 - - Feistein Lighthouse)) FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200104b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Steam trains (Steam trains (9P-13231) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: MÁV 394,057) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200104c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Steam trains (Steam trains (TKh 4207; Ty2-81; L- Imperforated €15.00 - - 1160; MÁV 370)) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200104d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Steam trains (Steam trains (TKh 4207; Ty2-81; L- Imperforated €90.00 - - 1160; MÁV 370)) FDC €39.70 - - FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200105b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Speed trains (Speed trains (700 Series Shinkansen) Imperforated €15.00 - - Background info: TGV 001; Frecciarossa 1000) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200105c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Speed trains (Speed trains (TGV 001; Amtrak Acela Imperforated €15.00 - - Express; Eurostar e320; Frecciarossa 1000)) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200105d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Speed trains (Speed trains (TGV 001; Amtrak Acela Imperforated €90.00 - - Express; Eurostar e320; Frecciarossa 1000)) FDC €39.70 - - FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200106b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Butterflies (Butterflies (Aglais io) Background info: Imperforated €15.00 - - Papilio glaucus; Anthocharis cardamines caterpillar) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200106c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Butterflies (Butterflies (Anthocharis cardamines; Imperforated €15.00 - - Carterocephalus palaemon; Battus philenor; Cupido FDC €7.45 - - minimus)) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200106d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Butterflies (Butterflies (Anthocharis cardamines; Imperforated €90.00 - - Carterocephalus palaemon; Battus philenor; Cupido FDC €39.70 - - minimus)) FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200107b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Kingfishers (Kingfishers (Alcedo azurea) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: Halcyon leucocephala) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200107c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Kingfishers (Kingfishers (Alcedo atthis; Pelargopsis Imperforated €15.00 - - melanorhyncha; Dacelo novaeguineae; Megaceryle FDC €7.45 - - alcyon)) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200107d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Kingfishers (Kingfishers (Alcedo atthis; Pelargopsis Imperforated €90.00 - - melanorhyncha; Dacelo novaeguineae; Megaceryle FDC €39.70 - - alcyon)) FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200108b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Flying dinosaurs (Flying dinosaurs (Eudimorphodon Imperforated €15.00 - - ranzii) Background info: Pterodactylus antiquus) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200108c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Flying dinosaurs (Flying dinosaurs (Pterodactylus Imperforated €15.00 - - antiquus; Anhanguera blittersdorffi; Dsungaripterus FDC €7.45 - - weii)) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200108d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Flying dinosaurs (Flying dinosaurs (Pterodactylus Imperforated €90.00 - - antiquus; Anhanguera blittersdorffi; Dsungaripterus FDC €39.70 - - weii)) FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200109b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Orchids (Orchids (Cattleya intermedia) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: Dendrobium nobile “Paula”) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200109c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Orchids (Orchids (Dendrobium nobile; Cypripedium Imperforated €15.00 - - passerinum; Oeceoclades spathulifera; Cymbidium FDC €7.45 - - “Enzan Knuckle”)) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200109d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Orchids (Orchids (Dendrobium nobile; Cypripedium Imperforated €90.00 - - passerinum; Oeceoclades spathulifera; Cymbidium FDC €39.70 - - “Enzan Knuckle”)) FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200110b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Shells (Shells (Naticarius alapapilionis) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: Tonna galea) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200110c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Shells (Shells (Turbo sarmaticus; Tonna dolium; Cassis Imperforated €15.00 - - cornuta; Strombus latissimus)) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200110d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Shells (Shells (Turbo sarmaticus; Tonna dolium; Cassis Imperforated €90.00 - - cornuta; Strombus latissimus)) FDC €39.70 - - FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200111b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Bee-eaters (Bee-eaters (Merops philippinus) Imperforated €15.00 - - Background info: Merops bulocki) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200111c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Bee-eaters (Bee-eaters (Merops orientalis; Merops Imperforated €15.00 - - pusillus; Merops ornatus; Merops persicus)) FDC €7.45 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200111d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Bee-eaters (Bee-eaters (Merops orientalis; Merops Imperforated €90.00 - - pusillus; Merops ornatus; Merops persicus)) FDC €39.70 - - FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200112b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Herons (Herons (Nyctanassa violacea) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: Nycticorax nycticorax; Nycticorax caledonicus; FDC €7.45 - - Cochlearius cochlearius) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200112c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Herons (Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax; Egretta Imperforated €15.00 - - garzetta; Cochlearius cochlearius; Botaurus FDC €7.45 - - lentiginosus)) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200112d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Herons (Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax; Egretta Imperforated €90.00 - - garzetta; Cochlearius cochlearius; Botaurus FDC €39.70 - - lentiginosus)) FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Stamperija: NIG200113b NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Tropical fishes (Tropical fishes (Cantherhines Imperforated €15.00 - - macrocerus) Background info: Chaetodon xanthurus; FDC €7.45 - - Pterois volitans; Chaetodon citrinellus) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200113c NIGER 2020 Perforated €4.95 - - Tropical fishes (Tropical fishes (Chromobotia Imperforated €15.00 - - macracanthus; Epinephelus striatus; Arothron hispidus; FDC €7.45 - - Chelmon rostratus)) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: NIG200113d NIGER 2020 Perforated €29.70 - - Tropical fishes (Tropical fishes (Chromobotia Imperforated €90.00 - - macracanthus; Epinephelus striatus; Arothron hispidus; FDC €39.70 - - Chelmon rostratus)) FDC imperf. €100.00 - - Total 39 diff. Perforated x 1: €514.80 STAMPERIJA Ltd. POBOX 5 RIESES POST, Vilnius distr. LT-14028 Lithuania E-mail [email protected]

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