To the Council Delegates Copenhagen, 11-13 May 2012 Dear Delegates, We inform you by this separate letter that the EGP Committee proceeds with the proposal to the Copenhagen Council to withdraw the membership of the ‘Confederación de los Verdes de Espana’. We have sent you a separate mailing on the issue to avoid all confusion or running the risk that the issue will not be picked up from the mails with general information to the EGP Delegates. We know this is a delicate and sensitive issue and that is why we want you to be fully aware of all the facts. You have received in November 2011 and in February 2012 a full dossier (annex) stating the European Green Party repeatedly received information that the Confederación has not been functioning properly. Procedure at the Council We have scheduled a closed session in the Copenhagen programme, on Saturday from 9h00 to 10h00, for Delegates only, to discuss and give you the opportunity for questions and answers. Naturally we will give the representatives of the Confederación the floor as well to enable them to express their view on the matter. We bring the membership issue to the vote on Sunday morning at the beginning of the voting session, where we will proceed as in a normal voting session and give the floor to one speaker pro and one speaker contra before proceeding towards the vote. More information The Committee received, among others, complaints on the Confederación regarding the following points: no respect for their statutes and internal democratic rules, lack of clarity as regards the leadership, lack of transparency and doubts regarding the existence of the legal seat of the party. The Confederación has not been able to abide by their own statutory requirements for years, nor adhered to internal democratic procedures, and the EGP has received complaints on this from several of the member parties of the Confederación. In October 2011 the European Green Party received notice that 13 out of the 16 of the confederated parties and local groups of the Confederación have now adhered to EQUO, and those parties and groups do not consider the Confederación as an existing party. …/ European Green Party, aisbl - 31, Rue Wiertz, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, Phone +32 2 626 07 20 Fax +32 2 626 07 29, [email protected], www.europeangreens.eu /… Since the dossier sent in February, we received a letter from the Confederación de Los Verdes, which you can find in annex. In this letter, the Confederación repeats most of the arguments we already went through in previous correspondence and confirmed to us what we consider the most important point of this procedure, meaning the fact that the Confederación is not a working structure and that its membership is not clear. The definition of who is a member and who is not and the disputes around statutes, fees and lists have been going on for years, as you can see in the letters and exchanges of mails in the dossier. On the other hand, it is a fact that the process of reunification of the Green groups and parties is continuing in Spain and that the Congress of EQUO will take place on July the 6th 2012. The Committee is aware that withdrawal of membership is a serious issue and that some of you might want extra information. We would greatly appreciate it if you would contact us should you need more information and/or contact us with any questions that you might have. Attached you will also find the draft emergency resolution tabled by the Committee. With kind regards, Jacqueline Cremers Secretary General EGP Mob +32 485 487 609 3 Annexes: - Draft Emergency Resolution on Withdrawal Confederación de Los Verdes - Letter from Confederacion de Los Verdes, received on 30 April 2012 - Dossier on the re-unification process of Greens in Spain – until 9 February 2012 European Green Party, aisbl - 31, Rue Wiertz, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, Phone +32 2 626 07 20 Fax +32 2 626 07 29, [email protected], www.europeangreens.eu !" #" $" %" Draft Emergency Resolution to the Copenhagen Council &" Tabled by the EGP Committee '" (" On: Withdrawal of membership of the Confederaci!n de los Verdes, Spain )" *" !+" The EGP Committee has supported for over two years the process of Green reunification in Spain !!" including all the parties of the Confederación, although this has not yet succeeded in integrating 3 out !#" of 16 parties in this process. The EGP Committee has received complaints about the lack of internal !$" democracy and functioning of the Confederación de los Verdes and has been informed by 13 out of !%" the 16 nominally constituent parties that they no longer adhere to the Confederación. The !&" Committee therefore considers that the Confederación is no longer functioning as the federation of !'" the Spanish green parties and local groups, and thus would like to end the Confederacións’ !(" membership of the EGP. !)" !*" The European Green Party states that: #+" #!" The European Green Party no longer recognises the Confederación de los Verdes as one of the ##" member parties of the European Green Party and withdraws the membership rights and obligations #$" of the Confederación de los Verdes as of the date of the adoption of this resolution. #%" #&" More information: dossier on reunification process of Greens in Spain. EGP Copenhagen Council, 11-13 May 2012 – draft Emergency Resolution tabled by EGP Committee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