Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-50996-1 - The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences, Second Edition Edited by John P. Smol and Eugene F. Stoermer Index More information Index α-mesohaline, 292 Ad´elie Land/George Vth Coast, 391 α-oligohaline, 292 Adelie penguin, 499 β-carotene, 14 ADIAC project, 25 δ15N, 455, 500, 503, 505, 507 Adirondack Mountains, 102, 108 ∂30Si, 427 Adirondacks, 105, 111 10Be, 277, 415 adnate, 479 134Cs, 302 adnate diatoms, 254 137Cs, 88, 156, 259, 302, 329, 477 Adriatic, 328 13C, 327, 335 aerial habitat, 465–70 13C/12C, 318 aerial photo, 88 14C, 311, 314, 329, 415 aerobiologist, 552 15N, 314, 318, 327, 335 aerophil, 553 15N/14N, 318 aerophilic diatom, 479, 481, 486 1913–18 Canadian Arctic Expedition, aerophilous diatom, 91, 271, 468, 250 488 210Pb, 88, 94, 105, 156, 259, 329, aerosol, 552 364, 477 aeroterrestrial diatom, 465 235U, 600 Afar Rift, 192 34S/32S, 318 AFDM (see also ash-free dry mass), 60, 62 Abbagadasett River, 336 Africa, 175, 177, 189, 190–3, 197, aberrant diatom shape, 70 198, 199, 201, 222, 348, 374, ACC (see also Antarctic Circumpolar 393, 441, 481, 552–3, 554, 556, Current), 438, 445, 446 570 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry African rift lake, 225 (see also AMS), 361 Afrocymbella,211 accumulation rate, 24, 26, 132 agar plate, 552 Achnanthes, 65, 68, 111, 135, 163, agriculture, 103, 134 165, 231, 239, 269, 296, 297, AIES (see also Autecological Index of 350, 468 Environmental Stressor), 482 Achnanthidium, 62, 64, 65, 66, 291, AIR, 575 566 air root, 347 ACID, 70 Akaike Information Criterion, 33 acid deposition, 140 Al (see also aluminum), 108 acid rain, 100–13 Aland˚ Islands, 514 acidification, 23, 98–113, 138, 240 Alaska, 250, 251, 326, 365, 479, acid-mine drainage (see also AMD), 481, 488, 489, 498, 503, 524, 104–5 553 acid neutralizing capacity (see also Alaskan Current, 389 ANC), 111 Albania, 209 acidobiontic, 99 albedo, 232, 276, 442 acidophilous, 99 Alberta, 488, 507 Actinocyclus, 223, 298, 352, 388, 407, Alboran Sea, 389 408, 528, 561, 563 Alert, 252, 253, 257 Actinoptychus, 433, 442 Aleutian Low, 413, 414 active layer, 254 Aleutian Megathrust, 366 Ad´elie Coast, 393 alewife, 561 Ad´elie Land, 391–2, 415, 416 alfalfa, 502 655 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-50996-1 - The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences, Second Edition Edited by John P. Smol and Eugene F. Stoermer Index More information 656 Index alkalibiontic, 99 Antarctic Circumpolar Current Aulacoseira, 93, 104, 111, 135, 153, BDP, 213, 215 alkalinity, 237, 242 (see also ACC), 438, 445 157, 177, 191, 192, 197, 200, Bear Island, 251 alkaliphilous, 99 Antarctic Cold Reversal, 406 212, 213, 216, 219, 223, 235, Beaufort, 314 Allan Hills, 554 Antarctic Convergence, 275 236, 241, 352, 503, 535, 552, Belcher Islands, 260 allergen, 552 Antarctic Geological Drilling, 424 553, 554, 555 Belgium, 155, 317, 527 allochthonous, 87, 94, 174, 360, ANtarctic geological DRILLing Australia, 91, 93, 127, 142, 161–2, Belridge Diatomite, 525 409 project (ANDRILL), 442 190, 290, 314, 331, 332, 346, Benguela Upwelling System, 386, Alnus, 231 Antarctic Ice Sheet, 277 427, 479, 481, 482, 552, 554, 393, 394, 441 Alosa, 561 Antarctic Intermediate Water, 441 556 Bering Sea, 430, 524, 580 Alpha Ridge, 440 Antarctic Ocean, 456 Austria, 130, 175, 239, 241 Bering Strait, 250 alpine, 231–42, 257, 476, 507, 577 Antarctic Peninsula, 267, 268, 269, Austrian Central Alps, 239 Berkeleya, 296, 348 alpine lake, 175 270, 271, 277, 392–3, 402, Austrian Tyrol, 113 beta-carotene, 504 Alps, 127, 141, 201, 231, 239, 240, 408, 415, 425, 442, 553 Autecological Index of Betula, 231 241 Antarctic Polar Front (see also APF), Environmental Stressors, 482 Bhalme–Mooley Drought Index (see Altiplano, 222 275, 455 autochthonous, 87, 94, 174, 387, also BMDI), 202 altitude, 275 Antarctica, 190, 259, 409, 414, 427, 409 bicarbonate, 189 aluminosilicate, 431 433, 437, 438, 440, 443, 469, automixis, 12 Biddulphiopsis, 350, 353 aluminum (see also Al), 122, 301, 328 499, 501, 505, 554–5 auxospore, 12, 543 Big Crocodile Lake, 352 Amatsu Formation, 431 ANTARES-JGOFS programme, 390 Aveiro,315 Big Moose Lake, 111 Amazon, 431 antelope, 506 Avicennia, 347 bilaterally symmetric, 10 Amazonia, 490 Anthropocene, 258, 401, 613 Avrainvillea, 352 billabong, 91, 479, 482 AMD (see also acid-mine drainage), anticyclones, 554 AWMN, 112 biofilm, 4, 316 104 APF (see also Antarctic Polar Front), Axel Heiberg Island, 252, 259 biogenic silica (see also BSi), 86, 92, ameboid gamete, 10 455, 456, 457, 458, 459 Azov Sea, 563 142, 212, 219, 298, 299, 327, Amery Oasis, 268 apicomplexan, 9 Azpeitia, 352, 389, 394, 395, 405 373, 429, 437, 454–60, 483, ammonia, 310, 499 application, 209 570 ammonia volatilization, 503 aquatic vegetation, 309 Baby Lake, 110 biogeographic distribution, 252 ammonium, 278, 310, 311 Aral Sea, 223, 552 Bacillaria, 350 biogeography, 25, 347–8, 468–9, amphiphilic block copolymers, 598 Araphidineae:Centrales ratio, 127 BackSound,314 544, 560, 612 Amphora, 191, 312, 337, 350, 352, araphids, 62, 65 back-scattered electron imagery, biological pump, 454, 459 353, 358 archeology, 225, 260, 514–19 411 biomass, 16, 70, 104 Amphorotia,211 Archipelago Sea, 299 backwater, 87, 91 biomass assay, 62–3 amplitude, 42 Arctic, 44, 93, 175, 231–42, 268, bacteria, 14, 62, 277, 318, 352, 474, BioMEMS, 591 AMS (see also accelerator mass 277, 297, 402, 406, 408, 426, 542 biomimetic, 596–8 spectrometry), 361 427, 430, 434, 435, 439, 440, bacterial oxidation, 104 bionanotechnology, 596–8 AMS 14C, 88 442, 443, 468, 469, 470, 476, Baffin Island, 113, 251, 252, 253, biotribology, 599 Amu Darya, 223, 225 487, 488–90, 499, 500, 505, 257, 259 bioturbation, 156, 289, 315, 429 anadromous, 498–9 506, 536, 553, 555 Bahamas, 353 biovolume, 24, 26 anaerobic, 311 Arctic Ocean, 435 Baikal Drilling Project, 213 bird, 444–6, 499–501, 502, 504–5 anaphase, 13 Arctocephalus, 501 Baird Inlet, 253 Biscayne Bay, 329, 337–9 Anatolian Plateau, 190 Ard`echec River, 563 Baja California, 468 bison, 506 Anaulus, 435, 540 Ardissonea, 350, 352 Baldeggersee, 27, 141 bivalve, 316, 540 ANC (see also acid neutralizing areolation, 406 Balder, 527 Black Sea, 92, 287, 288, 289, 297, capacity), 111 Arizona, 194 Bali, 99 298, 300, 301, 302–3, 439, 556 anchovy, 547 Arkona Sea, 298 ballast water, 300 Blackwater Draw, 518 ancient lake, 209–25 arsenic, 334 Baltic, 174 Bleakeleya, 350, 352 Ancylus Lake, 293, 514 artificial impoundment, 91–3 Baltic Ice Lake, 293 bloom ecology, 545–6 Andes, 194 artificial neural network (see also Baltic Sea, 104, 287, 288, 289, 290, blue-green algae (see also Andes Mountains, 466 ANN), 36, 40, 329 291, 292, 295, 296, 297, 298, cyanobacteria), 59, 66, 160, ANDRILL, 424, 442, 444 artificial substrata, 60 299, 300–1, 302–3, 309, 312, 267, 298 Androscoggin River, 336 ash-free dry mass (see also AFDM), 329, 334, 411, 514, 561 BMDI (see also Bhalme–Mooley anemonefish, 350 60 Banks Island, 252 Drought Index), 202 Anglo-Saxon period, 133 Asia, 223, 554, 556 Barataria Estuary, 316 Bod´el´e, 553 Angola, 553 assumptions, 36–7 Barbados, 434, 553 Bod´el´e Basin, 553 ANN (see also artificial neural Asterionella, 93, 102, 218, 502, 503, bar-built estuary, 325 Bod´el´e depression, 552, 556 network), 40, 329 563 barcoding, 612 bog, 360, 474, 485, 487 Anomoeoneis, 104, 191, 194, 277 Asterionellopsis, 301, 540 Bare Lake, 498 Bogoria, 199 anoxia, 91, 122, 129, 324 Asterolampra, 428 barnacle, 426 Bolidomonad, 8 anoxic, 326, 440 asymptote, 64 Bartonian, 434 bolidophyte, 9 Anoxic Factor, 142 athalassic, 257 Batchawana Lake, 177 Bolin Billabong, 479 Antarctic, 267–78, 297, 395, 401, Atlantic Coastal Plain, 479 Bathurst Island, 252, 260, 506 Bolivia, 209, 222 402, 406, 408–9, 413, 426, 431, Atlantic Gyre, 386 battery, 598 Bolivian Altiplano, 190, 200 441, 442, 443, 444, 467, 469, atmospheric N deposition, 142 bay, 87 Bolivian Pantanal, 490 470, 487, 544, 570 atmospheric transport, 552–6 Bay of Brest, 317 Bond Cycle, 222, 223 Antarctic Bottom Water, 441 atoll, 347 Bayesian inference method, 46 Boothia Peninsula, 255 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-50996-1 - The Diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences, Second Edition Edited by John P. Smol and Eugene F. Stoermer Index More information Index 657 bootstrap, 37, 131 California Current, 393 CDD, 242 chloroplast, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16 boreal, 231, 488–90 Caloneis, 352, 468, 488, 500 CDOM (see also chromophoric Cholnoky, B. J., 5 Bornholm Basin, 298 Cameroon, 177, 179, 553 (colored) dissolved organic chromalveolate evolutionary group, Bosmina, 502, 503 Campania, 545 matter), 231, 232 8 Boso Peninsula, 431 Campbell Island, 275 cell size, 12, 542 chromium, 334 bostrychietum, 347 Campylodiscus, 199, 237, 255 cell wall, 11 chromalveolate evolutionary group Bothnian Bay, 104, 287, 291, 292, Canada, 44, 87, 88, 92, 93, 98, 105, Cenozoic, 13, 216, 271, 428, 431, 8, 15 297 111, 127, 134, 140, 141, 142, 433–4, 436, 438, 441, 442, chromophoric (colored) dissolved Bothnian Sea, 289, 297 154, 158, 160, 175, 179, 181, 523, 525 organic matter, 231 Bougdouma, 200 189, 196, 209, 234, 236, Central Walvis Ridge, 386 Chrysanthemodiscus, 350 Bouvet Island, 390 249–60, 287, 365, 427, 468, Centrales, 10, 62, 65 chrysolaminarin, 15 box-whisker plot, 26 479, 481, 485, 488, 489, 506, Centrales:Penales ratio, 127 chrysophyte, 110, 298, 477, 537 Brachysira, 104, 105 544, 545, 547, 563, 566 centric diatom, 10, 12 cichlid, 209 brackish,
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