Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51364-7 - Crisis, Revolution, and Russian Jews Jonathan Frankel Index More information Index Aaronsohn, Aharon, 143 Statutes of, 35, 39, 42, 50, 53 Abrahami, Zvi, 160 Alsace, 284 Abramovich, Rafael, 11, 216, 222, Altmann, Alexander, 293–94 230 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Abuya, Elisha ben, 275 America, 69, 172, 221 Adler, Cyrus, 307 American Communist Party, 221 Agnon, S.Y., 188 American Jewish Committee, 3, 5, 69, 143, Agudat Israel, 20, 232 224, 224n21, 231–33 Ahad Haam, 17, 66, 108–9, 114, 127–29, American Jewish Conference, 228, 231–33, 146, 179, 193–94, 201n48, 247–48, 233n59, 234 251, 253, 266–67 American Jewish Congress, 138, 146, 224, Al parashat drakhim (“At the 226, 232 Crossroads”), 107 American Jewish Joint Distribution An-sky on, 97 Committee, 5, 140–41, 234 and Kishinev pogrom, 263 American Jewish Relief Committee for Aharoni, Arye, 73n4 Sufferers from the War, 141n15 Aharonovich, Yosef, 187n6, 190 American Labor Party, 220 Alexander II, 1, 285, 298, 308–9 Amerikanstvo, 19, 58 Alexander III, 60, 276 Am Olam, 19, 20n10, 22, 283 Alexandria, 28, 49 Amsterdam, Avrom, 173 aliya, 17 Anderson, Benedict, 35n12 Second, 10, 70, 128, 173–74, 183–88, Anglo-French free trade treaty, 38 189n12, 191n19, 193–94, 202, 204, Anglo-Jewish Association, 3, 30, 139, 206, 212, 214, 214n79, 215, 220 306 Third, 71, 153, 174 An-sky, S. (Shloyme Zanvil Rappoport), See also Yishuv 4, 103, 116, 116n48, 278, Alkalai, Yehuda, 29 Chapter 4 al-Karmil, 199 In Shtrom, 11, 72, 73, 75–88, 91–2, Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums, 33, 94–5, 97 35, 46–8, 50–3 Di shvue (The Oath), 82 Alliance Israelite´ Universelle, 35–53, 306, Tsum Bund (To the Bund), 82 307 anti-Semitism, 15, 58–60, 150n46, 165, and Russian Jewry, 21–2 166, 168, 229, 234, 244, 265, 269, and Zionism, 143 279 establishment of, 2, 5, 17–18, 30, 37, anti-Zionism, 65, 138, 149, 159, 186 291 Socialist/Left, 4, 160, 162–64, 173, 176, Manifesto – “Appel a` tous les Israelites,”´ 179, 228 35, 36n17, 40, 42, 53 Soviet, 167–68, 170–71, 176–77 Statement of Goals (Expose´), 35–6, 40, Soviet Anti-Zionist Committee (ASKO), 42–4, 51, 53 166 311 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51364-7 - Crisis, Revolution, and Russian Jews Jonathan Frankel Index More information 312 Index Arab-Jewish relations/conflict, 10, 98, 161, Berdyczewski, Micha Yosef, 105, 187, 163, 178, 184–89, 189n12, 190, 188 190n16, 191–95, 195n30, 196–204, Berlin, 30, 177, 214, 240, 253, 256, 268, 208n64, 209–10, 212, 213n75, 268n117, 273, 279, 285–86, 288, 228–30 297, 300 and Arab nationalism, 176–77, 198–99 Congress of, 31 and Communists, 176–77 Berger, Yitzhak, 113 Arbeter Tsaytung, 59 Berkowitz, Y. D., 73n4 Archives Israelites´ , 33, 37, 39, 45, 51 Berlin, Naftali Zvi, 21 Aronson, Grigorii, 222 Bern, 82 Assembly of Jewish Notables, 287–88 BetAriffarm,187n6 assimilation, 16, 105, 159, 196, 246–47, Biale, David, 294 Chapter 11 Bialik, N., 96, 114, 119n54, 263 of Western Jewry, 17, 24–5, 249, 269 “Masa Nemirov,” 96n64, 119n54 Astruc, Aristide, 38 “In the City of Slaughter” (“Ba’ir Austria, 33, 134, 153, 267, 285 haharega”), 96, 96n64, 114–15, Reichsrat of, 70, 262n90 115n41 Austria-Hungary/Habsburg Empire, 36, Biltmore program, 232 39, 60, 125, 146, 149, 158, 262n90, Bilu, 19, 23 285, 302 Birobijan, 169, 230 autoemancipationism, 18–19, 30, 58 Bismarck, Otto von, 38 autonomism, 4, 62, 66, 108, 173, 217–18, treaty of 1871, 270 239–40, 243, 246, 256–57, 261, Bittelman, Alexander, 220, 227 265–69, 275, 277, 280 Black Hundred organizations, 60, 63 Axelrod, P., 59 Bloch, Simon, 37–8, 38n25, 39–40, 51–2, 52n74 Bakon, Yitzhak, 98–9, 108, 113n35, 116, Blood Libel, 5 116n50, 121n57, 128 Bloody Sunday (9 January 1905), 61 Balfour Declaration, 132, 143, 146–49, Blumenfeld, Efraim, 196 163, 177, 226 Board of Delegates of American Israelites, Baltic states, 269 43–4, 44n47 Baltimore, 47, 53 Board of Deputies, 43, 45, 46, 306–7 Bar-Giora, 70, 184, 197–99, 208n64 Bobruisk, 116n50, 117 Bar-Kochba, 205, 208n64, 214 Boevoi otriad (kamf organizatsiye), 61, 70, Baron, Salo Wittmayer, 240, 261, 295 79 Bartal, Israel, 306, 307 Bolsheviks (Bolshevik regime, party), Bartanovsky, Zvi, 188 11–12, 136, 149, 150n46, 151, Bar Yohai, Shimon, 205 152n52, 154, 163, 166, 169–72, 175, Bar Yosef, Hamutal, 99 212, 226, 235, 269–70 Baskin, Joseph, 221 Boreisha, Menachem, 231 Beduin, 190, 197, 213n75 Borne,¨ L., 284, 291 Beilis trial, 153 Borokhov, Ber, 113, 113n36, 119–20, 164, Belgium, 35 175, 195–97, 215 Belinsky, Vissarion, 102 “Our Platform,” 175, 196 Ben-Ammi (M. I. Rabinovich), 263 Borokhovtsy, 195 Belorussia, 217, 242 Bramson, Leon, 260 Belostok, 107–9, 129, 159 Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 145, 223 Ben-Chananja, 39 Brenner, Yosef Haim, 4, 89, 89n39, 173, Ben-Gurion (Grin), David, 10, 170, 174, 187–88, 193, 202, 204, 206, 208–10, 176, 179, 183, 195, 197, 213, 211n70, 212, 214, Chapter 5 213n75, 220 A kleyner felieton, 121n57 “From Petah Tikva to Sejera,” 212 Baemek akhor (“In the Valley of Ben-Hillel Ha-Cohen, Mordechai, 107n22 Trouble”), 109 Benisch, Abraham, 30, 38n24, 44–6, 50 Bahoref (“In the Winter”), 100, 104–5, Ben-Zakai, Yohanan, 248 105n14, 106, 109 Ben Zvi, Yitshak, 195–98, 207, 212–13 Ben mayim le-mayim (“Between the Berdichev, 221 Waters”), 208 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51364-7 - Crisis, Revolution, and Russian Jews Jonathan Frankel Index More information Index 313 Briyah ’aluvah (“A Miserable Being”), Central Committee for the Relief of Jews 106 Suffering Through the War, 141n15 Der kampf, 107, 173 Central Powers, 134, 138, 144 Hu amar lah (“He Told Her”), 114, Cesarani, David, 32 115n41 Chaikovsky, Nikolai, 116, 116n49 Mialef ad mem (“From A. to M.”), 117, Chanin, Nokhem, 226, 234 124 Charney, David, 220 Mi’ever legevulin (“Beyond the Limits”), Cheka, 270 124 Cherny peredel, 59 Mikhtavim lerusiyah (“Letters to Chernyshevsky, N., 243, 251 Russia”), 118 China, 11 Min hameizar (“From the Narrows”), Chinese Communist Party, 132 117 Chorin, Aaron, 289–90 Misaviv lanekuda (“Circling the Point”), Churchill, Winston, 10, 131, 152 100, 117, 120, 122 Cincinnati, 44 Mizvah, 105 Civil War in Russia, 1, 5, 12, 134–35, Shana ahat (“A Single Year”), 117 136–37, 153, 166–67, 221, 228, 241, Brezhnev period, 171, 177 253, 257, 268–69, 273 Brinker, Menachem, 99, 102, 129 anti-Bolshevik/White forces, 134–38, British Conjoint Committee, 143 149–50, 150n46, 270 British White Papers of 1939, 233 Clayton, Gilbert, 152n52 Brody, 23 Clermont-Tonnerre statement, 287 Brutzkus, Julius, 260 Cohen, Borekh Mordkhe (Virgily), 107, Buber, Martin, 137, 214 107n22, 220 Buchanan, George, 137 Cohen, Gershon, 303–4 Buckle, H. T., 243, 251, 253 Cohen, Yaakov, 197 Bund, 4–6, 10–11, 88n34, 120, 148–50, Cohn, Albert, 44, 49 157, 159–60, 217, 246, 250, 256, Comintern, 150, 153, 168, 171, 174–76, 274, 278 227 and Russian Revolution of 1905–07, 57, Second Congress of, 167 61–9, 264 Seventh Congress of, 177 and Zionism, 160, 163–66, 175–76, Communists, 11, 140–53, 168–77, 215, 228–29 222, 228–29, 232, 234 Ans-ky, 76–84, 84n29, 85–8, 93–7 bloc, 171, 177 Bolshevism against, 167–74, 216 Comte, A., 243, 251 Brenner, 107, 107n22, 108–9, 109n27, Consistoire Central, 26, 30, 39, 46 114, 116n50, 117, 118n53, 121, 123, Constantinople, 23, 28 128–29, 173 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, seventh earl of Central Federation of Bundist Shaftesbury, 22, 28–9 Organizations in America, 63 Cossacks, 85–6, 89, 119n54, 135, 139, Galician, 69 198, 219 Fourth Congress, 108, 108n25, 159 Cremieux,´ Adolphe, 25–6, 30–1, 35, 38, Friends of, 63 42, 45, 49, 291, 306 ideology, 6n3, 7n4, 169, 217 Crimea, 169 in Poland, 226, 233, 250n37 Crimean War, 34 in the U.S., 68–9, 172, Chapter 9 Kombund (the Communist Bund), Damascus, 24–5, 28, 28n25, 49 168 Christian population of, 38 Damascus Affair/Case, 5, 15, 17–18, 23–8, Cahan, Abe, 172, 227 30, 57, 137, 289, 291 Cahen, Isidore, 38, 51 See also Jewry of Damascus Cahen, Samuel, 37 Debs, Eugene Victor, 222 capitalism, 196, 290 Derenbourg, Joseph Naftali, 289 print-capitalism, 35n12 Der fraynd, 72–3 Carlyle, Thomas, 126n74 Der Jude, 26 Carr, E. H., 9 Der Orient, 30, 33 Carvallo, Jules, 38, 46 Der veg, 73 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51364-7 - Crisis, Revolution, and Russian Jews Jonathan Frankel Index More information 314 Index Der veker, 228, 230, 232, 234 Educatore Israelita´ , 41 Der yidishe kemfer, 213n75 Egypt, 28, 31, 136, 270 Deutscher, Isaac, 12 Ein Ganim, 184 Dewey, Thomas, 220 Einhorn, David, 47, 50, 50n67, 53, 222, Diaspora/Exile/Galut, 15, 90, 97, 108, 234 125, 175, 179, 191, 201–2, 202n50, Eisner, Kurt, 151 204–6, 206n58, 207–8, 212, 235, eksterny, 103, 196, 254 240, 256–57, 261–62, 266, 266n108, Eliasberg, Mordekhay, 21 275, 281, 290 emancipation, 2–3, 16, 18, 30, 38, 46, kibbutz hagaluyot (“ingathering of the 57–8, 60–1, 153, 245, 264, 267–68, exiles”), 113, 178–79 274, 281, 286–87, 291, 307 nationalism, 172, 214, 235, 239, 280 Endelman, Todd, 296 shlilat hagalut (“negation of the exile”), Enlightenment, 244, 254, 274, 282–85, 179, 255, 280 288–89, 307 Di fraye arbiter velt, 121n57 Entente Powers, 144 Dinur (Dinaburg), Ben Zion, 17–18, 21, Epstein, A., 94n54 247, 254n56, 278, 280–81, 286, Epstein, Shakhne, 222, 224–25 290–91, 305 Epstein, Yitshak, 193 Be-mifneh ha-dorot, 17, 280 Erlich, Henryk, 220, 227, 250n37 Disraeli, Benjamin, 190n16 Eshkol, Levi, 183 Di varhayt, 73 Etkes, Emanuel, 297 Dizengoff, Meir, 263 Ettinger, Shmuel, 33, 280–81, 286–87, Djemal, Pasha, 136, 138, 142
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