The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 25, No. 5 September/October 2009 In this issue The 31st EOS/ESD Symposium is a From the President Success in Anaheim! David E. Swenson, page 4 Dr. Steven H. Voldman Symposium Awards, pages 2-3 ESD Symposium General Chairman IEW Call for Presentations, page 6 Symposium Call for Papers, page 7-8 It was a great pleasure to be the Gen- Standards Activity Update, pages 9-10 eral Chairman of the 2009 EOS/ESD Symposium in Anaheim, California Q & A, page 11 held from August 30th - September 4th, 2009. a tradition and have the opportunity to ESD on Campus, page 12 This year, the EOS/ESD Symposium invite more faculty allowing our ESD Local Sparks, pages 13-14 attendance exceeded 300 people. The society to grow. ESDA Spotlight, page 15 conference this year was a lot of fun, During the Assocation Luncheon a with great events, good food, excellent special talk was given by Dr. Jeremy Online Training, page 16 California vintages of wine, and excel- Smallwood, Chairman of IEC TC101 – Electrostatics. the talk was titled “The Calendar, page 17 lent assistance from the Disneyland staff. The weather was beautiful, and Strange World of Static Electricity and there were fantastic fireworks every International Standards” covering some www.esda.org evening after dusk. of the strange and humerous affects Some of the highlights of the Sym- that ESD has had on industries. In the next issue of posium this year included a Keynote This year at the EOS/ESD Symposium, talk in the biomedical field, The there was significant growth in publica- Threshold... Keynote talk given by Dr. Shekar tions in the area of micro electrome- 2009 EOS/ESD Symposium featured Rao, of Texas Instruments was titled chanical (MEMs), advanced CMOS ten interactive workshops. The topics “Emerging Trends of Medical Devices devices, and ESD device level testing. of the workshops included ESD de- and Opportunities for Semiconductor In the Exhibit Hall, the latest advance- sign, simulation, test, control methods Chip Technology.” The talk discussed ment in vendor materials and equip- and many others. Symposium partici- biomedical directions for chip devel- ment was shown. The exhibit hall was pants enjoyed great opportunity for opment. Faculty were invited from filled with exhibitors from corporations lively discussions and learning from four different universities that provide to universities in the ionization, materi- ESD industry experts as well as shar- research and development in the field als, conductive polymers, consulting to ing their own experiences. Detailed of ESD. Vice President Ker Ming-Dou device-level test equipment. report on 2009 EOS/ESD Sympo- of I-Shou University (Kaohsiang, sium workshops will be published in Taiwan), Professor J.J. Liou of To liven up the event, Disney characters November/December issue. University of Central Florida (UCF), even entered the technical sessions Professor Albert Wang of University of and the exhibit hall, shaking hands, California Riverside (UCR), and Pro- and greeting the attendees. fessor Kaustav Banerjee of University Was this event a good time? Yes! Be- of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) tween the food, the weather, the venue, provided lectures on ESD research in the staff and a good program to keep their respective research groups. This us busy, it was a good EOS/ESD event was a great success, with many stu- ...a great EOS/ESD event! dents from these universities attending. See you in Sparks (Reno), NV in 2010, In future years, we hope to make this at the 32nd EOS/ESD Symposium. September/October 2009 Symposium Award Recognition! Numerous individuals contribute to the success of the industry, organization or events. For those who go above and beyond, the ESD Association annually recognizes individuals who have made a last- ing impact on the Association or on the ESD industry. These awards are presented at the annual EOS/ESD Symposium. Outstanding Contribution Award ESD Symposium General Chairman Reinhold Gaertner Dr. Steven H. Voldman The Outstanding Contributions Award is The Symposium General Chairman is rec- awarded to an individual who has made a ognized for the time and contributions put major contribution to either the develop- forth in the organization and planning of ment or the operation of the ESD Associa- another successful EOS/ESD Symposium tion or has had a significant impact in the event. field of EOS/ESD. Symposium Award Arnold Steinman Industry Pioneer Recognition President Award Award Evan Grund Steve Fowler The President’s award is presented in The ESD Association Industry Pioneer recognition of significant contributions, lead- Award is presented to an individual whose ership and management that has enhanced contributions, vision and service helped to ESDA operations and effectiveness in serv- Volunteer Award form, or significantly change, the industry. ing industry and the organization. Tim Prass TPC Award David F. Barber Sr. Memorial Award Joel P. Weidendorf Memorial Award David Tremouilles Carl Newberg Fred Tenzer (Horst Geiser received the award for David) The David Barber Sr. Memorial Award is The Joel Weidendorf Memorial Award is The ESD Association Technical Program presented to an individual who has made a presented to an individual who has made a Committee award honors an individual for significant contribution to the development, significant contribution to the development outstanding contribution to the Symposium organization, management and growth of of ESD Association Standards. Technical Program Committee. the EOS/ESD Symposium. 2 September/October 2009 Symposium Symposium Paper Awards The Symposium Outstanding Paper Award A special recognition cites the best paper went to HBM ESD Failures Caused by a from the 2008 RCJ ESD Symposium- Parasitic Pre-Discharge Current Spike Japan. This year’s Friendship Award was presented to Melanie Etherton, Victor Axelrod, James ESD Parameter Extraction W. Miller, Haim Marom, Freescale Semi- by TLP Measurement ORANGEWOOD conductor; Tom Meuse, Thermo Fisher Yasuhiro Fukuda, Tomomi Yamada, Oki Scientific Engineering, Co., Ltd.; Masanori Sawada, CHILDREN’S Hanwa Electronic Industry Co., Ltd. Foundation Contribution At this year’s EOS/ESD Symposium, the ESD Association was pleased to ESD ASSOCIATION sponsor one of Anaheim’s local char- The Best Paper Award awarded to ELECTS BOARD MEMBERS ity organizations. The Orangewood A Study of Cable Discharge Events and Children’s Foundation is a shelter for Other Short Time Pulses of Cabled MR AND OFFICERS FOR 2010 children who were the victims of abuse, Sensors Election results were reported during neglect and abandonment. The Or- Icko Eric Timothy Iben, IBM the annual ESD Association business angewood Children’s Foundation con- meeting luncheon at the 2009 EOS/ tinues its efforts by meeting the needs ESD Symposium, in Anaheim, CA. of children in the foster care system, developing a wide range of activities, Elected to the Board of Directors, by scholarships, support and programs to the members of the ESD Association, give every child every chance to suc- for a three-year term from January 1, ceed. 2010, to December 31, 2012, were Nate Peachey, RFMD; Tim Prass, Raytheon; With the support of members and Kathy Muhonen, Penn State Erie, The attendees at the 2009 EOS /ESD Behrend College; Terry Welsher, Dan- Symposium we were able to help this The Best Student Paper was awarded to gelmayer & Associates. important organization with a donation Design Methodology of FinFET Devices of . that Meet IC-Level HBM ESD Targets $2,776 The Board of Directors also elected its S. Thijs, G. Groeseneken, IMEC vzw and officers for a one-year term of January Our sincerest thank you to all who Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; C. Russ, 1, 2010, to December 31, 2010. The contributed. H. Gossner, Infineon Technologies AG; D. following officers were elected: Donn Trémouilles, LAAS/CNRS; A. Griffoni, Uni- versity of Padova; D. Linten, M. Scholz, N. G. Bellmore, Advanced ESD Services Collaert, R. Rooyackers, M. Jurczak, IMEC +, President; Leo G. Henry, ESD/TLP vzw; M. Sawada, T. Nakaei, T. Hasebe, Consultants, LLC, Senior Vice Presi- Hanwa Electronics Ind. Co. Ltd.; C. Duv- dent; and Terry Welsher, Dangelmayer vury, Texas Instruments and Associates, Vice President. September/October 2009 From the President ESDA activities.... One of the things we try to do most items produced by the Association. years is find a way to support the The vast majority of these items can host city or a charity in the local now be done in the office, giving us community where we hold our the ability to print on demand and Symposium. This year we chose reduce printed copy inventory. This Orangewood Children’s Foundation. helps reduce a tremendous amount Orangewood deals with child abuse of waste since print runs can be cases and offers some unique much smaller. In the Standards area services to assist young people that alone, we do not have to have a suddenly become “emancipated” stack of published documents on the from the foster care system when shelf as they can be printed to order. they turn 18 years old. Many of Since Standards documents change these young folks have a great deal every so often (5- year reviews), of difficulty getting started in life having an inventory almost always after foster care and Orangewood has led to a large amount of waste in provides much needed assistance the past. The office can now manage and guidance. Symposium attend- printing deadlines better which also Our 2009 EOS/ESD Symposium ees had the opportunity to contrib- assists the volunteers responsible will be history by the time you are ute to the Foundation while at the for content and editorial review. reading this issue of Threshold. Symposium and received a special This has been a pretty trying year button to wear with their Name Electronic delivery of Standards and the Board of Directors and Badge.
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