ABOUT THE AUTHORS BONSIEPEN, WOLFGANG (1946): Research Fellow, the Hegel Archive, Bochum; co-editor of Hegel's Phenomenology (1980), 1827 Encyclope­ dia (1989); research interests - post-Kantian philosophy of nature; address - Hegel-Archiv, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Overbergstrasse 17, Postfach 102148,44801 Bochum 1, Germany. BORZESZKOWSKI, HORST-HEINO VON (1940): Professor of Theoretical Physics, East Berlin; research interests - history of science, epistemology, theoretical physics; address - the former Einstein Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse 17a, 14482 Potsdam, Germany. BRACKENRIDGE, J. BRUCE (1927): Professor of Physics, Lawrence Universi­ ty; research interests - Newton's early dynamics and the opening sections of the Principia; address - Department of Physics, Lawrence University, Post Box 599, Appleton, Wisconsin 54912, U.S.A. BRONGER, PATRICK P.A. (1972): is studying Philosophy and Econometrics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam; special interests - methodology and the philosophy of mind; address - Struissenburgdwarsstraat 128, 3063 BV Rotterdam, The Netherlands. BUCHDAHL, GERD (1914): Readerin the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, emeritus; research interests - metaphysics and the philosophy of science, especially Kant and the dynamics of reason; address - Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RH, England. BURBIDGE, JOHN W. (1936): Professor of Philosophy, Trent University; President of the Hegel Society of America 1988/90, author of Hegel's Logic (1981), Within Reason (1990), Logic and Religion (1992); address -'- 379 Stewart Street, Peterborough, Ontario K9H 4A9, Canada. M. J. Petry (ed.), Hegel and Newtonianism, 721-726, 1993. 722 About the Authors BunNER, STEFAN (1958): Research Assistant, Research Institute for Phi­ losophy, University of Hanover; research interests - Hegel's philosophy of nature, Spinoza's concept of space; address - St.-Peter-Strasse 2, 69126 Hei­ delberg, Germany. DREES, MARTIN (1955): Member of the Arbeitskreis zu Hegels Naturphiloso­ phie; research interests - Hegel's and Holderlin's development, the founda­ tions of philosophy, the theory of dialectic; address - Wittelsbacherring 27, 53115 Bonn, Germany. ENGELHARDT, DIETRICH VON (1941): Director of the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science, University of Lubeck; author of Hegel und die Chemie (1976), Historisches Bewusstsein in der NaturwissenschaJt (1979), Klassiker der Medizin (1991); research interests - philosophy of medicine, medical ethics; address - Konigstrasse 42, 23552 Lubeck, Germany. FALKENBURG, BRIGITTE (1953): Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Constance; trained in both Philosophy (Bielefeld) and Physics (Heidelberg); research interests - traditional natural philosophy, especially Kant and Hegel; modern philosophy of science, especially the problems of particle physics; address - Monchhofstrasse 5a, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. FLEISCHHACKER, LOUK E. (1936): Associate Professor of Logic and the Phi­ losophy of Mathematics, Technical University Twente; trained in mathemat­ ics and mathematical logic at Amsterdam; research interests - mathematical thought in technology and philosophy; address - Faculty WMW, P.O. Box 217, Twente University, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands. GARRISON, JAMES W. (1950): Professor of Philosophy, Virginia Polytechnic; research interests - mathematical logic and the history and philosophy of sci­ ence; address - 226 War Memorial Hall, Virginia Polytechnic, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0317, U.S.A. GJERTSEN, DEREK (1933): Research Fellow in Philosophy, University of Liverpool; author of The Classics of Science (1984), The Newton Handbook (1986), Science and Philosophy (1989); research interest - science and mod­ ern irrationalism; address - 1 Ash Grove, Formby, Merseyside L37 2DT, England. GOWER, BARRY (1941): Lecturer in the Philosophy of Science, University of Durham; research interests - early nineteenth-century German science and About the Authors 723 philosophy, the development of probabilistic reasoning in science; address - Philosophy Department, Durham University, 50 Old Elvet, Durham DHI 3HN, England. GRATIAN-GUINNESS, IVOR (1941): Reader in Mathematics, Middlesex Uni­ versity; edited the Annals of Science 1974/81, founder-editor of History and Philosophy of Logic 1980-, author of Convolutions in French Mathematics (1990); research interests - the foundations of mathematics; address - 43 St. Leonard's Road, Bengeo, Hertfordshire SG14 3JW, England. GUICCIARDINI, NICCOLO (1957): Research Fellow in Philosophy, University of Bologna; author of The Development of Newtonian calculus in Britain (1989); research interests - the history ofthe calculus and applied mathemat­ ics; address - via Polibio 5, 20144 Milan, Italy. IHMIG, KARL-NORBERT (1958): Research Fellow, Ecclesiastical University of Bethel, formerly Research Fellow in the philosophy of mathematics at the University of Bielefeld; author of Hegels Deutung der Gravitation (1989); research interests - the history and philosophy of mathematics; address - Kollwitzstrasse 1,33613 Bielefeld 1, Germany. ILLETIERATI, LUCA (1963): Research Fellow in Philosophy, University of Padua; research interests - philosophy and science during the nineteenth cen­ tury, Hegel's conception of nature and of the organism; address - 94 Viale Verona, 36100 Vicenza, Italy. KLurr, PETER MARTIN (1959): Research Fellow, European Laboratory for Particle Physics, Geneva; trained in both High Energy Physics and Philoso­ phy (Amsterdam); research interests - the foundations of physical science, the history and philosophy of nature; address - 29 Ie Clos des Vignes, 01630 St. Genis-Pouilly, France. LUNTEREN, FRANS VAN (1958): Lecturer in the History of Science, Universi­ ty of Utrecht; research interest - the history of physics since the eighteenth­ century; address -Institute for the History of Science, University of Utrecht, Nieuwegracht 187, 3512 LM Utrecht, The Netherlands. MELICA, CLAUDIA (1961): Research Fellow in Philosophy, University of Rome La Sapienza; has published on Hemsterhuis's optics, KoynS's interpre­ tation of Hegel, Italian philosophy; present research - Hegel's philosophy of religion; address - Via L. Rizzo 14,00136 Rome, Italy. 724 About the Authors MENSE, ANDRE (1963): is studying Philosophy and Jurisprudence at the Erasmus University Rotterdam; special interests - methodology, ethics and the history of philosophy; address - Koppeldijk 78, 3079 IT Rotterdam, The Netherlands. MILLER, ARNOLD VINCENT (1899-1991): Member of the Hegel Society of Great Britain; widely known on account of his translations of Hegel's Science of Logic (1969), Philosophy of Nature (1970), Phenomenology (1977) etc.; his daughter Mary Lettington now has care of his papers; address - 17 Lower Street, Stroud GL5 2HT, Gloucestershire, England. MOORE, A.W. (1956): Tutorial Fellow and University Lecturer in Philosophy, St. Hugh's College, Oxford; research interests - metaphysics, philosophical logic, philosophy of mathematics; author of The Infinite (1990); address - St. Hugh's College, Oxford OX2 6LE, England. MORETTO, ANTONIO (1943): Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Uni­ versity of Sassari; author of Hegel e la Matematica dell'Infinito (1984), and of numerous articles on Hegel's philosophy of mathematics; research inter­ ests - history and philosophy of mathematics and physics, German Idealism; address - Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia, Universita di Sassari, via M. Zanfari­ no 62, 07100 Sassari, Italy. NEUSER, WOLFGANG (1950): Guest Professor of the Philosophy of Sci­ ence, University of Cassel (1990), Catholic University of Rio Grande (1992), Chairman of the Arbeitskreis zu Hegels Naturphilosophie; widely known on account of his edition of Hegel's De Orbitis Planetarum (1986), Newtons Universum (1990), Die Schriften Giordano Brunos (1991) etc.; address - Unterer Fauler Pelz 6, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany. PATER, CEES DE (1943): Lecturer in the History of Science, University of Utrecht; author of works on Musschenbroek(1979) and S Gravesande(1988); research interest - the history of Newtonianism in the Netherlands; address - Institute for the History of Science, University of Utrecht, Nieuwegracht 187,3512 LM Utrecht, The Netherlands. PETRY, MICHAEL JOHN (1933): Professor ofthe History of Philosophy, Eras­ mus University Rotterdam; edited Hegel und die Naturwissenschaften (1987), co-edited Hegels Philosophie der Natur (1986); research interests - the histo­ ry and philosophy of mathematics and the natural sciences; address - Maarten Dijkshoornlaan 33,3055 AS Rotterdam, The Netherlands. About the Authors 725 Pozzo, RICCARDO (1959): Research Fellow, University of Trier; author of Kant und Logik (1989), Hegel: Introductio in philosophiam (1989); research interests - the history of logic, the methodology of science - Corso di Porta Ticinese 87, 20123 Milan, Italy. PRIEST, STEPHEN MARTIN (1954): Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Edin­ burgh; author of The British Empiricists (1990), Theories of Mind (1991), Merleau-Ponty (1993), editor of Hegel's Critique of Kant (1987,19922); address - Department of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, David Hume Tower, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JX, Scotland. SARLEMIJN, ANDRIES (1938): Professor of the Methodology, History and Philosophy of Technology, Eindhoven Technical University; research inter­ ests - the history of science and technology; address - De Dijkakker 8, 5511 KX Knegsel, The Netherlands. SNELDERS, H.A.M.
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