BIBLIOGRAPHY Note: Bracketed items refer to those works not in the original thesis, and include both John Fletcher’s additional writings of relevance and others’ more recent scholarship on Kircher. Bracketed pagination, numeration and other minor details refer to those parts of Fletcher’s original bibliography left incomplete which the Editor has not been able to verify. A. Kircher’s Works 1. Printed Works (in Chronological Order) 1 Ars magnesia. Würzburg, E.M. Zinck, 1631, 4o; [viii] 63 pages. Dedicated (25 Sep- tember 1631) by J.J. Schweigkhard von Freihausen to Franz, Graf von Hatzfeld, Bishop of Bamberg-Würzburg. 2 Primitiae gnomonicae catoptricae, hoc est horologiographiae novae specularis. Avignon, J. Pilot. 1635, 4o; [xii] 228 [xvi]. Dedicated (10 May 1633) to J. de Cambis, P. Carre, D. de Lagnes, D. d’Orsan, B. Siffredy and C. Sylvestre of the Avignon City Council. 3 Prodromus Coptus sive Aegyptiacus. Rome, Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1636, 4o; [xviii] 338 [ii]. Dedicated (2 August 1636) to Francesco, Cardinal Barberini. 4 Specula Melitensis encyclica. Naples, S. Roncaglioli, 1638, 4o; [viii] 63. Dedicated (6 January 1638) by S. Imbroll to J.P. de Lascaris-Castellar. 5 Magnes, sive de arte magnetica. Rome, H. Scheus, 1641, 4o; [xxxiii] 916 [xxxii]. Dedicated (4 May 1641) to Emperor Ferdinand III. 5a Magnes, sive . Cologne, J. Kalcoven, 1643, 4o; [xxx] 797 [ixl]. Dedicated (4 May 1641) to Emperor Ferdinand III. 5b Magnes, sive . Rome, B. Deversin and Z. Masotti, 1654, 2o; [xxxii] 618 [xxviii]. Dedicated (1 January 1654) to King Ferdinand IV. 6 Lingua aegyptiaca restituta. Rome, H. Scheus, 1643, 4o; [xxv] 622 [lxvi]. Dedi- cated (7 November 1643) to Emperor Ferdinand III. [Note: JF also used Ms version from the Bibliotheca Anglicana, Rome (Ms 631. m. O. 285).]. 7a Ars magna lucis et umbrae. Rome, H. Scheus, l646, 4o; [x1] 935 [xv]. Dedicated (November 1645) to Archduke Ferdinand. 7b Ars magna lucis et umbrae. Amsterdam, J. Jansson van Waesberghe, 1671, 2o; [xxxvi] 810 [ix]. Dedicated (November 1670) to J.F. von Waldstein. 8 Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni. Rome, heirs of F. Cor- belleti, 1650, 2o; [xxiv] 690 [iv] 462 [xxxviii]. Dedicated (8 December 1649) to Archduke Leopold Wilhelm. 8a Philosophischer Extract und Auszug aus der Musurgia universalis, Tr. A. Hirsch. Schwäbisch-Hall, J.R. Laidig (pr.), 1662, 8o; [xviii] 376 [xxv]. Dedicated to Joachim Albrecht and Heinrich Friedrich, Grafen von Hohenlohe und Gleichen; Franz and Philipp Albrecht, ‘Herren zu Lympburg.’ 9 Obeliscus Pamphilius. Rome, L. Grignani, 1650, 2o; [1xix] 560 [xxix]. Dedicated (4 October 1650) to Pope Innocent X. 10 Oedipus aegyptiacus. Rome, V. Mascardi, 1652–1654, 2o; vol. I [c] 424 [xxxix]; IIa [ii] 440 [xxx]; IIb 546 [xxvi]; III [ii] 590 [xxxv]. Dedicated (January 1655) to Emperor Ferdinand III. 11a Itinerarium exstaticum. Rome, V. Mascardi, 1656, 4o; [viii] 464 [xxiv]. Dedicated (June 1656) to Queen Christina of Sweden. 566 bibliography 11b Iter exstaticum coeleste, ed. K. Schott. Würzburg, J.A. and W. Endter, 1660, 4o; reprinted in Würzburg, 1671. Dedicated (8 September 1660) by K. Schott to Joachim von Gravenegg, Prince Abbot of Fulda. 12 Iter exstaticum II. Rome, V. Mascardi, 1657, 4o; [xxiv] 237 [xiii]. Dedicated (1 November 1657) to King Leopold Ignaz. 13 Scrutinium pestis. Rome, V. Mascardi, 1658, 4o; [xvi] 252 [xv]. Dedicated (22 February 1658) to Pope Alexander VII. 13a Scrutinium pestis, Preface: C. Lange. Leipzig, heirs of Schürer and Götze, 1659, 12o; [xlviii] 427 [il]. Dedicated (22 February 1658) to Pope Alexander VII. 13b Scrutinium pestis, Preface: C. Lange. Leipzig, heirs of Schürer and J. Fritzsch, 1671, 4o; [viii] 148 [xxviii]. Dedicated (22 February 1658) to Pope Alexander VII. 13c Naturliche und medicinalische Durchgründung der leidigen ansteckenden Sucht. Augsburg, J.C. Brandan, 1680, 8o; [viii] 302 [xvii]. Dedicated to Augsburg City Council. 13d Naturlyke en geneeskonstige navorsching der peste, Tr. Z. van de Graaf. Rotter- dam, A. van Waesberghe, 1669, 8o. 14 Pantometrum Kircherianum, ed. K. Schott. Würzburg, heirs of J.G. Schönwetter, 1660, 4o. Reprinted in Würzburg, 1669; [xiii] 408 [xx]. Dedicated (12 March 1660) to Christian Ludwig, Duke of Mecklenburg. 15 Diatribe de prodigiosis crucibus. Rome, V. Mascardi, 1661, 8o; [viii] 103. Dedi- cated (25 March 1661) to Archduke Leopold Wilhelm. 16 Polygraphia nova et universalis. Rome, Varesi, 1663, 2o; 148. No formal dedica- tion, but printed under the auspices of Emperor Leopold I. 17 Mundus subterraneus. Amsterdam, J. Jansson van Waesberghe, 1664–1665, 2o (44.5 x 28); [xxxviii] 346 [vi], [xii] 487 [ix]. Dedicated to Pope Alexander VII (vol. 1) to Emperor Leopold I (vol. 2) (June 1663). 17a Mundus subterraneus. Amsterdam, J. Jansson van Waesberghe, 1665, 2o (39.8 x 24); [xxxiv] 346 [vi], [xii] 487 [ix]. Dedicated to Pope Alexander VII (vol. 1), Emperor Leopold I (vol. 2) (June 1663). 17b Mundus subterraneus. Amsterdam, J. Jansson van Waesberghe, 1678, 2o; [xxi] 366 [vi], [x] 507 [x]. Dedicated to Pope Alexander VII (vol. 1), Emperor Leo- pold I (vol. 2) (June 1663). 17c D’onder-aardse weereld. Amsterdam, J. Jansson van Waesberghe, 1682, 2o; 425, 416. Dedicated to Pope Alexander VII (vol. 1), Emperor Leopold I (vol. 2) (June 1663). 18 Historia Eustachio-Mariana. Rome, Varesi, 1665, 4o; [xii] 184 [xi]. Dedicated (12 April 1665) to G.N. di Conti, later (15 February 1666) cardinal. 19 Arithmologia sive de abditis numerorum mystetiis. Rome,Varesi, 1665, 4o; [xvi] 301 [ix]. Dedicated (17 July 1665) to Count F. Nádasdy. 19a Kircher, A., Iter cometae anni 1664 a 14. Decemb. usque ad 30. Romae observa- tum. Rome, 3. Jan. 1665 (Broadsheet). 20 Ad Alexandrum VII. Pont. Max., Obelisci aegyptiaci . interpretatio. Rome, Varesi, 1666, 2o; [xxiv] 146 [iv]. Dedicated (June 1666) to Pope Alexander VII. 21a China illustrata. Amsterdam, J. Jansson van Waesberghe, 1667, 2o; [xviii] 237 [xi]. Dedicated (8 December 1666) to G.P. Oliva SJ. 21b China illustrata. Antwerp, J. de Meurs, 1667, 2o; [xiv] 246 [x]. Dedicated (8 December 1666) to G.P. Oliva, SJ. 21c La Chine illustrée, Tr. F.S. d’Alquié. Amsterdam, J. Jansson van Waesberghe, 1670, 2o; [xviii] 367 [xii]. Dedicated (by Jansson) to F.M. Le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois. 21c Toonneel van China, tr. J.H. Glazemaker. Amsterdam, J. Jansson van Waesber- ghe, 1668, 2o; [viii] 286 [x]..
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