AUSTRALIA LOCAL PAGES AUSTRALIA LOCAL PAGES AREA LEADERSHIP MESSAGE “Whether by Mine Own Voice or by the Voice of My Servants, It Is the Same” By Elder Paul Lekias Area Seventy Elder Paul Lekias s early as I can recollect, I have Their message is not new. As we Christ.”7 Joseph Smith was commanded Aalways strived to live by the fol- review the Lord’s standard works, we to “preach naught but repentance.”8 lowing formula: obedience plus hard find example after example of what We know that God “is the same work equals happiness. I have applied the Lord’s “secrets” to His servants may yesterday, today, and forever”9 and this way of life at work, in my studies consist of. Enoch was charged with therefore can safely assume that and as a full- time missionary serving the commission to “go to this people, prophets and apostles of our day are in Christchurch, New Zealand (1987– and say unto them—Repent.”4 Ezekiel commanded to preach repentance to 89). It has been particularly important was given the charge to be a “watch- all the world. As we obey their counsel to Sister Lekias and me as we have man unto the house of Israel . and and direction, over time we experi- raised our four children in the gospel. give them warning from me.”5 Samuel ence a mighty change of heart, with The Saviour came in the meridian the Lamanite prophesied “whatsoever the desired outcome being “that we of time to fulfill His Father’s will. He things should come into his heart”6 have no more disposition to do evil, came “to seek and to save that which and admonished the Nephites that but to do good continually.”10 was lost.”1 Following the Saviour’s “nothing can save this people save it be The invitation to change is extended Crucifixion, His voice was heard repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus with the first and second great com- among the people on the American mandments11 in mind and a desire continent, inviting them to “offer for a to accomplish the great work of our sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a Heavenly Father. The love President contrite spirit.”2 Prophets and apostles Thomas S. Monson has for each of help us offer such a sacrifice as they us is evidenced in all that he does. We teach, testify and invite all to come only need look back at the last general unto Christ. As we obey their teach- conference to be reminded of how he ings and keep the Lord’s command- and the Lord wish to bless our lives, if ments, we will prosper in the land, as we would but obey. Lehi and others have clearly stated in the Book of Mormon. 1. Kindness: “Let us examine our lives As we consciously make an effort Over the dispensations of time, and determine to follow the Savior’s to follow and implement the Heavenly Father has always followed direction and counsel given from example by being kind, loving, and 3 12 a pattern which continues today. How our leaders, we (like Lehi’s family) charitable.” grateful we are for this pattern, where will be directed to our “promised 2. Read the Book of Mormon daily: prophets and apostles are called to land,” even the celestial kingdom. “My dear associates in the work of lead and guide us in these latter days. the Lord, I implore each of us to September 2017 A1 prayerfully study and ponder the know that as we apply the scriptural facilities at Temple View, Hamilton. Book of Mormon each day.”13 mandate “Whether by mine own He was joined by Apostle Neil L. 3. As we sustain and follow our living voice or by the voice of my servants Andersen and Bishop Dean M. Davies prophet, President Monson, we too [including our Area Presidency and of the Presiding Bishopric. can be like Alma of old, who believed local leaders], it is the same”16 to our “Temple View is a special, sacred in the words of Abinadi, who was lives, the Lord’s promised blessings place,” President Eyring said. “It really a holy prophet, “and according to will be ours. We will find greater joy is. Every time I’m here, I have that his faith there was a mighty change in our homes, in church attendance, at feeling. I’ve been here with President wrought in his heart.”14 work, in our studies and in our journey Hinckley and President Monson before. through life. I so testify in the name of I could feel the faith of the people then. Our leaders can be likened to the Jesus Christ, amen. ◼ There are great people here.” Liahona found by Lehi and his family. NOTES President Eyring had a packed The pointers of the Liahona (like a com- 1. Luke 19:10. schedule on his visit to Temple View, 2. 3 Nephi 9:20. pass) “did work according to the faith 3. See Amos 3:7. touring the Wendell B. Mendenhall 4. Moses 7:10. and diligence [work] and heed which 5. Ezekiel 3:17. Library, including the Matthew Cowley we did give unto them.”15 As we con- 6. Helaman 13:3. Pacific Church History Centre and 7. Helaman 13:6. sciously make an effort to follow and 8. Doctrine and Covenants 19:21. Museum. 9. 1 Nephi 10:18. implement the direction and counsel 10. Mosiah 5:2. “There is a reason we talk about given from our leaders, we (like Lehi’s 11. See Matthew 22:36–39. our families,” he said. “We don’t just 12. Thomas S. Monson, “Kindness, Charity, family) will be directed to our “prom- and Love,” Ensign, May 2017, 67. want to do good with our families; we 13. Thomas S. Monson, “The Power of the ised land,” even the celestial kingdom. Book of Mormon,” Ensign, May 2017, 87. want to do temple work so we can be Like each of you, I love and sustain 14. Alma 5:11–12. sealed. People will come to the centre, 15. 1 Nephi 16:28. our prophets, seers and revelators. I 16. Doctrine and Covenants 1:38. particularly people who are from this area, and have wonderful spiritual experiences. I can imagine people in the spirit world cheering!” LOCAL PAGES He then visited the Kai Hall and made sure to have an intimate meeting with around 50 former labour mission- President Eyring Leaves aries in the George R. Biesinger Hall. His Mark on New Zealand Many of the labour missionaries By Shilo Kino in attendance played a huge role in building Church College, chapels and t’s not every day you get a visit from President Henry B. Eyring, First the temple in New Zealand. I two Apostles. Counselor in the First Presidency, was Kahu Katene gave President Eyring, But for the Saints in Temple View, in New Zealand to dedicate the new Elder Neil L. Andersen and Bishop Hamilton, it was an occasion they will David O. McKay Stake and Cultural Dean M. Davies and other visitors a never forget. Events Centre and other buildings and special Maori welcome. A2 Ensign AUSTRALIA LOCAL PAGES PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIBRARY PUBLIC AFFAIRS “I saw him coming in and I just started to sing ‘Whakaaria Mai.’ It wasn’t planned. It led to the special spirit that I felt in the room. It was like having the Lord in our presence, an absolutely special privilege.” President Eyring then headed off President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency, was in New Zealand to dedicate the new David O. McKay Stake and Cultural Events Centre to watch over 200 Saints perform in and other buildings and facilities at Temple View, Hamilton. a cultural celebration held at the new David O. McKay Stake and Cultural Events Centre. President Eyring then thanked the build Church College and the temple “It was a wonderful celebration,” missionaries. “You have been labor- in 1952. Sister Kershaw served as a President Eyring said. “It was very ing in the Lord’s service,” he said. “He secretary for a year and a half. unique to this place. Superbly done. I appreciates you. I express for Him and “To have him personally thank us, couldn’t believe it. It had a great spirit.” the Savior appreciation for you all.” it was very inspiring,” she said. “And to On Saturday morning, Saints gath- Former labour missionary Sister think he actually asked to have time to ered at the new stake centre and all Lillian Kershaw, 81, was at the service. spend with us. He didn’t have to come over the world via social media to Her late husband, Tom, served for and say thank you. But he did. It was a witness President Eyring dedicate the nine years as a Brick layer, helping beautiful experience. He was just lovely. Temple View facilities. President Eyring greets the labour missionaries. President Eyring addresses the labour President Eyring addresses missionaries. the Hamilton Saints. PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIBRARY PUBLIC AFFAIRS September 2017 A3 He told the Saints the dedication “The Lord did it—and the disciples Church’s Pacific Area Presidency. He was “a grand beginning”. who sacrificed and served each other will continue to serve in leadership He spoke about arriving in New and served Him for generations.” assignments at the Church’s headquar- Zealand 40 years ago, taking some time Before he dedicated the facilities, he ters in Salt Lake City, Utah. to be alone and climb a hill until he was reminded everyone of the meaning: Upon receiving the assignment to almost level with the temple spire.
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