Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18263-9 — The Ottoman 'Wild West' Nikolay Antov Index More Information 305 Index Page numbers in bold refer to illustrations. Abdal Cüneyd, 58 Abdüssamed Fakih, 64 Abdal Murad, 57 Abdüsselam Bey, 152 Abdal Musa, 55n. 63 , 57 , 61n. 88 , 83n. 195 Abrittus, 166 , 167 abdalan- ı Rum , see Abdals of Rum Abu’l- Fida, 97 Abdals of Rum administrative language in Anatolia, 72 , 79 – 80 of Ottoman Empire hagiographic traditions of, 226 , 231 , 232 and confessional vocabulary, 278 Otman Baba’s branch of for districts, 109n. 60 in general, 93 for saints, 217 coherency of, 218 – 19 Agrizinus, 166 convent network of, 142 , 219 – 20 Ahi Musa, 59 in Demir Baba’s vita , 207 , Ahmed Bey, 173 218 – 19 , 224 Ahmed Pasha, 86 founding of, 62 Akyazılı Baba heterodoxy of, 244 – 45 death of, 217 marginalization of, 281 and death of Kademli Baba, 213 in Otman Baba’s vita , 72 , 73 mausoleum of, 215f. 6.2 persecution of, 241 , 278 – 79 peregrinations of, 214 – 15 relationship with as “pole of poles,” 72 , 89 , 143 , 209 , Bektashis, 248 210 , 211 followers of Bedreddin, 248 – 49 relationship with Kızılbaş , 249 – 50 Demir Baba, 209 Ottoman Empire, 216 – 17 , Ottoman Empire, 216 238 – 40 , 279 in vita of Demir Baba, 207 , 209 , sedentarization of, 86 – 87 , 89 , 93 , 245 213 , 214 – 15 and Shi‘ism, 246 waqf of, 216 , 217n. 41 practices of, 59 , 218 , 245 mention of, 9 , 77 use of term, 55 , 55n. 66 Ala al- Din Kayqubad I, 53 mention of, 9 , 205 Ala al- Din Kayqubad II, 96 see also abdals of Rum ; Akyazılı Baba ; Ala Kilise (sub- province), 109 , 113 , Demir Baba ; Kademli Baba ; 126 – 27 , 127n. 36 Otman Baba Albania, 18 , 32 , 39 abdals of Rum Alevi- Bektashi, 3 , 7 , 8n. 19 practices of, 59 see also Bektashis ; Kızılbaş relationship with frontier lords, 55 – 56 Algar, Hamid, 246 use of term, 54 – 55 , 72 Ali b. Abi Talib, 73 , 75 , 148 , 226 , 235 , see also Abdals of Rum ; colonizing 245 , 246 dervishes Ali Baba (son of Tay Hızır), 142 , 215 , 221 , Abdi Dede, 211 , 222 221n. 50 , 281 Abdurrahman Baba, 234 Ali Beg ̌ Tay Hızır, see Ali Baba 305 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18263-9 — The Ottoman 'Wild West' Nikolay Antov Index More Information 306 306 Index Ali Büzürk, 239 in Hezargrad (city), 173 Ali Dede, see Hacı Ali Dede in Razboyna, 261 – 62 Ali Pasha, 225 , 234 , 240 in Shumnu (city), 138 , 184 alms- tax (zakat ), 258 in Ş üca Dede (convent of), 141 Amasya, Treaty of, 23 , 130 in Topuzlar, 147 Anatolia in waqf mezra‘a s, 149 Abdals of Rum in, 72 , 79 – 80 Bali (son of Emir Gazi), 190 anti- Ottoman rebellions in, 23 , 101 , Bali Bey, 151 – 52 , 153 103 , 136 , 170 , 251 Bali Bey bin Sungur, 171 Babai Revolt in, 53 – 54 , 97 Bali Efendi, Sheykh, 8 , 104 , 113 cult of the saints in, 97 Balım Sultan, 69 , 82 , 243 , 246 deportations from Balivet, Michel, 101n. 29 , 249 to Balkans, 43 , 119 , 283 Balkans to Cyprus, 42 – 43 , 124 Christian coalition in, 99 deportations to, 89 Christian communities in, see Christian division of, 98 villages/ communities migration from Christian neo- martyrs in, 35 to Balkans, 95 – 96 Christian Orthodox Church in, 274 to Deliorman, 123 colonization of, see colonization to northeastern Balkans, 119 cult of the saints in, 40 , 51 , 97 , 227 migration to deportations to, see deportations of colonizing dervishes, 50 Hurui sm in, 76 of Oghuz, 50 Islam in, see Islam Mongol invasion of, 50 , 98 mixed communities in, see mixed Ottoman expansion in, 17 , 22 villages/ communities see also Sultanate of Rum Muslim communities in, see Muslim “Anatolia Transplanted? Patterns of villages/ communities Demographic, Ethnic and Ottoman expansion in, 16 – 18 , 19 , Religious Changes in the District 65 – 66 , 98 – 99 of Tozluk (N.E. Bulgaria), 1479– Ottoman rule in 1873” (Kiel), 9n. 21 perceptions of Andreas del Palatio, 106 in general, 30 – 31 , 32 anti- Ottoman rebellions, see revolts/ as martyrium , 31 – 32 rebellions of Turkish historians, 32 archiepiscopal seat, 189 , 196 urban development, see urban Arslan Köy (Lâvino), 234 development artisans see also northeastern Balkans ; specii c in Cumalu, 199 cities ; specii c countries ; specii c in Eski Cuma (city), 199 provinces ; specii c sub- provinces ; in Hezargrad (city), 176 , 177 specii c villages listings of, 174 – 75 Barkan, Ömer Lüti , 37 , 41 , 42 – 45 , 46 , in Shumnu (city), 188 116 , 121 , 122 , 139 , 146 , 148 , Aş ıkpaş azade, 54 , 57 , 82n. 187 , 83 , 118n. 8 160 , 162 , 163 – 64 , 203 , 204 Aydın, Emirate of, 15 bathhouses (hammam s), 171 , 176 , 177 , 187 Baba İ lyas Horasani, 53 Batkun Chronicle , 35n. 87 Babagan (branch of the Bektashi Batova, 210 , 215 , 216 , 217n. 41 , 238 order), 250 Batovalı Ali Abdal, 245n. 178 Babai Revolt, 53 – 54 , 97 Battle of Ankara, 17 , 98 Babais, 250 Battle of Uhud, 76n. 156 , 235 Babinger, Franz, 8 , 8n. 19 , 114 , 218n. 42 Bayezid Baba, 81 bachelors Bayezid I, 17 , 43 , 58 in Ali Baba, 143 Bayezid II in Chernovi (city), 190 assassination attempt on, 88 and çift resmi , 267 and Ottoman- Safavid conl ict, 19 , 22 and demographic analysis, 268n. 47 persecution of dervishes by, 88 – 89 , in Eski Cuma (city), 198 , 200 277n. 73 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18263-9 — The Ottoman 'Wild West' Nikolay Antov Index More Information 307 Index 307 reforms of, 29 , 87 – 88 see also First Bulgarian Kingdom ; reign of, 19 Second Bulgarian Kingdom ; mention of, 277 specii c cities ; specii c villages Bayram Dede, 144 Bulgarian chronicles, 35n. 87 Bedreddin, Sheykh Bulliet, Richard, 258n. 16 appointment of (as kadı‘asker ), 100 Byzantine Empire biography of, 101 – 02 control of Bulgaria, 179 , 189 disciples/ followers of control of Dobrudja, 97n. 12 dispersal of, 104 weakening of, 15 – 16 in general, 102 integration in other groups of, 248 – 49 Cahen, Claude, 159 and origin of Muslim communities in Çandarlı Ali Pasha, 65 , 94 , 167 , 179 Balkans, 8 , 113 – 14 Çandarlı Kara Halil Pasha, 28 , 67 peregrinations of, 102 Çatalcalı Ali Efendi, 256n. 5 rebellion of Catholics (Latinan ), 184 in general, 101 – 04 cavalry, see sipahi cavalry and heterodoxy, 249 Cavalry of the Porte, 19 , 60 interpretations of, 104 Çavuş , 197 , 198 as messianic movement, 104 çavus (ofi cer/ agent), 198 and origin of Muslim communities, 113 Celal, Sheykh, 23 , 136 , 170 originating in Deliorman, 2 , 104 , 118 celibacy, see practices support for, 103 Çelebis (branch of the Bektashi order), 250 mention of, 18 , 94 Central Asia, 50 vita of, 102n. 31 Cesarini, Giuliano, Cardinal, 105 Beheim, Michel, 180 Chernovi (Cherven) city Behram Bey, 173 archiepiscopal seat at, 189 , 196 Bektashis development model of, 165 , 197 , 201 and Abdals of Rum, 248 fortresses at site of 190 assimilation of other groups by, 246 – 47 in general, 189 , 190 convent network of, 69 , 243 , 247 destruction of, 190 in Deliorman, 250 restoration of, 191 – 92 and Demir Baba, 243 – 44 , 248 medieval settlement at, 189 – 90 in Gerlovo, 114 Ottoman growth of, 247 decline of, 195 – 96 hagiographic traditions of, 61n. 88 market in, 191 history of, 82 – 83 population of and Janissaries, 83 , 247 agricultural activities of, 193 – 95 and Otman Baba, 83 , 248 Christian, 190 – 91 , 192 , 193 Beldiceanu- Steinherr, Irène, 65n. 105 military personnel, 193 Belovo Chronicle , 35n. 87 Muslim, 192 – 93 , 195 Bengal, 45n. 19 , 67 , 264n. 35 , 285n. 6 urban status of, 192 Bentley, Jerry, 4 surroundings of, 190 Bongars, Jacques, 270 see also Chernovi (sub- province) Boril, Tsar of Bulgaria, 189n. 123 Chernovi (sub- province) Börklüce Mustafa, 101 , 102 , 103 , in general, 109 , 126 118n. 8 derbend villages in, 156 Bosnia, 18 , 32 , 33 , 38 , 164 descendants of the Prophet in, 147 Budim (Buda), 209 , 225 , 229 , 230n. 106 , Muslim communities in 235 , 236 , 237 , 238 , 279 founding of, around dervish Bulgaria convents, 141 – 43 Byzantine control of, 179 , 189 increase in, 127 – 28 early history of, 94 with registered dervishes, 140 Mihalog ulları’š contribution to subdivision of, 129 development of, 48 waqf villages in, 150 – 52 Muslim population in, 8 – 9 see also Chernovi (Cherven) city ; specii c Ottoman rule in, 31 , 33n. 81 cities ; specii c villages scholarly literature on, 8 – 9 chieftancies, conquest- oriented, 24 – 27 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18263-9 — The Ottoman 'Wild West' Nikolay Antov Index More Information 308 308 Index child- levy (devshirme ), 35 conquest campaigns of, 57 , 63 – 65 Christian Orthodox Church, 274 convents of, see convents/ lodges Christian village/ communities impact of frontier zones on, 55 – 56 , 59 in Balkans marginalization of, 3 – 4 , 71 in Deliorman and Gerlovo migration of decrease in, 128 , 259 to Anatolia, 50 distribution of, 128 , 133 to Balkans, 1 increase in, 129 missionary activities of, 56 number of, 133 mysticism of, 50 , 52 – 53 subdivision of, 130 network of convents of, 45 Muslim communities taking root non- Sharia- mindedness of, 49 – 50 in, 261 – 62 origins of, 50 and town status, 162 role in see also Christians ; derbend (mountain colonization of Balkans, 58 – 60 , pass) villages 68 – 69 , 139 – 47 Christianity conversion to Islam, 263 – 65 conversion in, 255 formation of Muslim communities, proselytization in, 263 37 , 44 – 45 , 139 , 140 Christians sedentarization of, 2 – 3 , 68 , in Chernovi (city), 190 – 91 , 192 , 193 92 – 93 , 139 – 47 in Deliorman, 112 , 259 tax privileges of, 139 , 140 – 42 in Eski Cuma (city), 199 , 200 and Turcomans, 1 , 71 in Gerlovo, 259 waqf s to, 57 – 59 in Shumnu (city), 181 , 182 , 184 as warrior dervishes, 45 see also Christian village/ communities ; see also abdals of Rum derbend (mountain pass) villages colt- breeders (güreci s), 136 , 137 , 138 chronicles, 35n.
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