HINDU POLITY A CONSTITUTIONAL. HISTORY OP INDIA IN HINDU TIMES [ Two Von•u Ill o... ] Bi K. P. JAYASWAL, M.A., {OxoN.), OJ LirtOOl•'• laa-. &vriMM'>GI-IAwl; A·l••ot>ll•, Palrw Hig4 Ou.,l; s.,.,,; ... H"""""!l &Miar, J ...., Oolkgo, Ozjd; • U•i ..r>il!l (}A;...,. ScA'Jlar, OzJonl ( 1909): Ta1oro ProjtUhr oJ Lalli, C<JI<KIIG (1917, •Development ol Law in M&nu and iijiiavolk,ya'j: A atMr of • Au Introduction to Hindu Polity' ; Bdilor of Ch..,U...ra'• Rijonili·Ratnikara (1li..du Jf...-.Ay) ,· Bolilor J utJNJ4J of lAo BiMr """ Orio• But_. sociei,; •· ~ 'fod.'llll'l _. 1111: I •.4 ..I, jlrdl1, To 81' .t r 11!, lAo ...,.., of life a ...I •piril.' -Nftintyimrita. CALCUTTA: • ltl'Tl'EH \\'otnll & l'o. (lxr>u) LTD., 6, HAsTINGs Sr. 192t $; ;.t ~#-"?' 7 ;.t qp~• .t4e ..... VRISHNIS,. KATHAS,. VAIS'ALAS, AND S'AKYAS who announced PHILOSOPHIES OF FREEDOM from. DEVAS, DEATH, CRUELTY. AND CASTE. ~'lf.i!IV\·~~ 'f?lm ~ "Qll: at~'il«fJPT: , "'~ ~.. 'Illt llii"!!IIICQ I "ffT: ~: 'lllTcl CUI 'U'!N'If... '!JU"' I ri «fflll um! at": ~ '(rJNi! !Jllll: I "f~ ~~~ ~wn: d .rt~ ,~1{1f 11fur. 1 'lfo RT• 'liT• 4_ ~ 1\Ct\l. I "When Politics becomes lifeless, the triple Veda ainks, all tho dJiarmaJI [i.e., the I>Mes of ciw1ization] (howooever) developed, completely decay. When traditional 8 tat e-E t hi c a are departed from, all the bases of the divisions of individual life are shattered. ''ln l' o 11 t i c s are realised all the formo ol r e n u n c i a t i o n, in Politic 1 ·are united a~ the sacramenta, in Po I i tic 1 are combined all k no w I edge : in Po! i t i c s are cent'r:ed all the Worlda." · -Mahii-Bhiira/4, Sant>---63·28-29. PREFACE 'H 1 N D u PoL 1 T Y ,' in two volumes (Parts)-the first on V e d i c A s s e m b li e s and R e p u b li c s, the second on 1\l o narc h y and I m p e ria 1 System s-is a sketch of Suhjed and the constitutional iife of the Hindus. The dIm • u It Y subject is great but its treatment has to be mndest. The works of pa1·va-&ilris had long been hidden; the path opened by them had long been lost. It had to be re-searched. In 1911-13 a probable line was laid to dig and diacover the Ancients' highway in the field of Polity. In theae pages that line has been deepened and widened. Aud the way of the Fathers is in sight. The author made a special study to find out what constitutional progress, if any, Ancient Pioncar \\' ork Indiana had achieved. In 1911 and 1912' some resulla of the study were published in the legal journal the c,,/catt<l Weekl:t Note& and the Calcutta monthly the Modem Review. A connected paper waa read to the U i n d i L i t e r a r y C o n f e r e n c e in 1912 and ita translation published in the .1/odern Re!'ierc, 1913, under the title 'An Introduction to Hindu Polity.' BPfore the publication of the In trod u c t i o n there had been no work in any modern language on the aubject. The I 11 t,. o d 11 c t ion fulfilled its purpose. To-~ay the subject finds place in University teaching. And the author has had the satisfaction of seeing his results quoted and ~:eitersted, with or without acknowledgement, almost every year; the subject has become popular; the truth has been recognized, accepted and adopted: it has rightly ceased to be his.' I ltr. B E. Sarkar, however, tbioka otberwi~'But aU the refereucee io Jayuwal'e "atudioa. have beeo appropria.ted by aubaequent writers.' ( PolttirollNiitutio•t, etc, Leipaig, 19~~. p. X VI). CaQ lh•y n"l ret'ft, 'aJG'!' •\i•+ paro <tli gapa"" lagh•• tlflalll 1ft 1 ~ HINDO POLITY ( n. I. V i n c e n 1; S m i t h sugJ;tested to the author to trrat the Preparation of the snhjel't of .Hiorlu _rl'puhlics in dl'tail, and p.....,al Work SPVI'ral frienrla insisted on hHvinp; &LP I n I r O• duct ion in book-form Ahout thP same thoe, Sir A 11 u to a h M o o k e r j e "• Pr•·sident of the t ~council of Pcoet 'Onod •ate• teaching, C a 1 .. u t t a. U n i • e r 11 i t y, askeol biru to prepare a curri ulnm of anl'iPnt luoliao History. N .. Pd at that time wa10 baoll.v ftlh for a ll"mPwhat. compr.. bPnlliVP buok on ancient 'Hiudu polity. The author towarrla the cl.. se of 1917, uod.. rtouk to reviHe the In t ,. o due I ion wit b a Yiew both to CHrry out. the Bllgge><tinn ·•·f Dr Smith and to !lnpply the want The pr sent work was the outcome.. In April, 1911\, the revi~ion wa,. compiPte and the mtmuacript ready. The book was. mad .. over to 1'1 i r A " u t o s h M o o k e r j e e wh., kioolly ·,,>Ok upon himRt>lf thP poblication of the work, pl~cin~ i• oo tht' Uuh-Pr.. ity syllabus. When a few chHptPrs had · bePn in typP th autltor Why rl•lay ia wae mfurmed that scientific plH~i•ri10m .pahlicaoioo was at work ThPu, thl! innun~l'ript Wall· stolen from ~ i r A 11 u t o s h, no .othPr bt>lou"ing out of the gi-onp from which the box of maunRCrtpt Willi mi>< .. ing Wall toncb .. d bv th" critiCRI tboul(b secret adruirrr Sir A 11 u Lu 1 h iuformPd tbe p·•locP, wtth the r"'sult that a pru£.. 8110~ who chiruPol to have r .. cov .. rPd the m•nnMCript made it ovt'r to· S i r A a u t o s h, ·After tbrf'e dayat' confitoeruf'Dt tbl'l boOk ohtainPd lihPration. H .. d,ug no otLI'r Copy of tlie h•"•k, thl'l Calcutta Uuiv.. nity Pr....., b ... iup; 100 sJ,,w, an•i' LhA oesire to puhJ,sh "origi 1al reBPt~rchett" iu CPrtain qu~r!Rr" i11 f~alcut.ta heing gr.... t, ihe author Lruught b~tck tu" m''noilf·ripL to Patna l':n,;cajlPUJent Will tb .. n C<oJJclude•l to print tht' hook ,.r Allah .. bad lo the mPBDtirue the houk Wall ci!Rrl by S i r 8 a o k a r a n N a i r from thP mauu~ript in hi a . Note to the G o" ern men t. uf I n tf i a' e F•nt D,.pateh on CoMtit•.tional Reforrn.a (dated 5th, MArch, 1919•, and chap&Pre were printed in the Modern Aeuiew (Ftob., 1920.) When the vi wholA of Part I was in type the En~li .. b aPction of the PrPss ar. Allahab~d was I!*>J.l away an•l thA bonk ouCf' more came hack hmn"'. Until this autumn, owing to the difficuhiPs of potting a suitable prP&d from a 'mofna11il' town, and owing to pmfe.. ·i••nal duti.. s, no fre.,b arrangement could be made for the vubliC>ttioo of the work. The linesla;d down in the I" trod u c t ion (1913) have b-n do.<f'ly fullowf'(l in the prPSf•nt work. Ex cApt the chaptPr on P a u r a-J i n " p a d a there bas bPen no addiri••n to tboll6 broad lin..a. The whole work ot!u•rwit~e is only a c.,mmo>ntary on the I n trod u c t ion. Tbe book ie pr&o~ente<l in rhe f·•rm and substance just as it wall co.npl.. tt.d in Ap il, 1918, hut for the amahramation of the matt.or puhlio•ht>d hy tb,. author in the JJ ode r n R t,. it ltJ in Aunl, 19:!0, on Pan r a J I " a pad "• an•l tbP addition of one pltS>Illlle § 27 J on a datum from the AhhiJla4na­ R4j•nJt·d. tl919). of the last lioP of tb .. footnote at p 33, anJ of AppenJic>s C and D. The date of the K a o ~ i I i y a ll·•· of K,,.1ill•• (A r t b a·~ i a t r a) baa h.... u rPtaiued 1 A r b • S 1 • •; • as originally givPn, although Dr J o 1 I y h11.~ rer,.n~ly reviv.-d the comrovttrsy through bia Pdition of 1he Anb.. ~&-tra Oo account of tlat- importauc> of the .. uhj..et the pr.. St•ut writer brut re·CoDI•i•ler .. d it here.' He is un.. ble to agree with Dr. Jolly's coucluiuons. The author's thaoli.s are •Ina to hi~ aind fri .. nds Dr A B a n e r j i·$ a a t r i an•l Dr. Suoiti K. C h • t t ,. r j i for reading the proofs and v' lu.. bl.. eu,~:g .... timos, to Mr. H. C b a k l a d a r and Mr Data K.
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