, ' ) 'REGD. GOA ~ 5 , . Panaji, 18th April, 1985 (Chaifra 28, 19C7J SERIES ,m No.3 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF ,GOA~. DAMAN AND DIU- !,w .• 'GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN '0. I. D,Bran~)i; Pannjl i!ifOn)led that Shri I),Souza left Goa ""d lrtlo/~t9r Jew df'ys at Bombil,y tJiom., wItere,'?,!}!;, went to J!;qV.;ii.!t wllere lIe Is serving. Howevei, his0d4rel!S at AND DIU Kuw>dt Is .tlot !=)IYJl. " Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms" !,I!avft ~~IIY ~.ed tM Pl"Ol! and cons Qf' the case ,0lIII )lave come to tile conclUSion 'tlmt Shri D'Souza, !:.ower General Adminlslralion and Co-ordination Division Dlvislon Clerk, W6rk1ng I!'the Office of the DePl!ty Colleetor, Office of the Collector of G:oa South, MargaI' under this Collectorate of Goa, by hl~ un­ authorised a~ee ft""rn duties and nof keepln~ the Office infO~ of his 'whereabouts has committed gross mis.:conduct Order and has, therefQre faUed to lnstntaln absolute' devotion to , duties. I, am there.fore, satisfied that Shri D'Souza, L. D. C .. ' No.'12(6)/128j83-EST/COr. iB pot a fit pe~ t~()r retention in Govei'IlJnent Service as' Shri Joseph D'Souza,' Lower Division Clerk 'Working in r.. D. C. I" am also Satisfied that it is nQtreasonablyprscU" the Office of the Deputy Collector, South, ~'\9 \!Ader , callie to !lold an Inqun-y in a, manner provided under Rule 14 this ColIectorate Is absent from duties from 8-12-1983. and 15 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control ,and Appeal) Rules, 1965 against Shri D'Souza.' Therefore, Shri Joseph D'Souza had applied for earned leave on I feel 'that ,the only course left to dispose of the case is 31-10-1983 for a period of 30 days with effect from 8-11·1983 by invocation of the provisions of ,Rule 19(ii) Ibid, ' to 7-12-1983 wbk:h was granted to him vl(j@ or4<!t' N(>. DYC~ "c~ /EST/Leave dated 7-11-1983_ On 8-12-1983 Instead of jolnln/r Now. therefore, in exe!cise' of the powers confen-ed by ,. " his <!I!tIes Shri D'l!ouza l\a4 I!<!!!t a, telegra!l\ • .sld!!g for Rule 19(1) of Central Civil Services (Class!flcation, Control extension of leaVe for another thirty days whiCh 'Was rejected' and Appel'l) Rules, 1965, the undersigned' hereby <lIsntisses and a memQrandum bearing No. 28/EL/82-EST/6664 dated S4ri . D'So~ L.D.C. of 'the COllectOrate of ~a, Panaji 7-12-1983 was Issued, throUgh the Mamll>t4ar,' Saleete 'fQr fromservlces with effect from 8-12-1983. service and return, direeth>g iIlm to re-joln <luties jnim~<lUitely. Panaj~ 28th Fejll"t\ary, 198~. - The Collector, .T. P. Singh, The Mamlatdar. how.ever. returned the memorandum un­ served stating that Shri D'Souza left for Bombay and fur­ ... nished his Bombay address vide letter No. 1/4/ADM/83. dated 14-12-1983. Another memQrandum dated 15-12-1983 Forest and Agriculture Ilepartment was issued to him on Bombay address by Registered AID whioh was ~rved on him on 81-12.,1983, as per the report Office of the Mamlatd~of Ponda of the postal autli9rities. ,jII:eaI\whUe, Shri D'Souza sent 0lI9ther telegram Ilited 7-1-1984 hIs n;ttlveplace and trOm Notification ther~ OAother metn0r@dum dated 10-1-:!1l!\<I WII!! issue4 on Bombay address direc~1ng him to report to his duties. No. ,16-8-S3/BYE-E;LEC H~wf,\ve~, with thLs memorMdmn was also retumed unserved In p~rsuance of Rule 13(cl of the Goa,. Daman and Diu remarks of the }X>stal authorities "LEF'l':'. Vlllage Panchayat(Electlon of' Cbalrman and Vice-Chair- Shri· D'Souza. has again sent one more telegram dated _ man) Rules 1968, it is hereby notified for public infonnation that the members of Panchayat as appearing in column 3 6~2":1984 from Curchorem Telegraph Office requestin:g for and 4. of 'the s;:tid ~chedule has been declareq elected on 3 months extension 'Of leave statlDg that his father is 9~4-1985 as Chairman' and 'Vice-Chainnan ol'the Panchayat serious. Another memo was issued to him on. .z.,.3-1984 on shown. ~~. column 2 of the saId schedule. , Bombay address a$ltIng t~ show Osuse as to why hls,absence should not be treated as unauthorised abSence. thereby, SCHEPULE enta.illn~ break In, service and loss of pay. This memorandum was also returned Unserved by postal authorities. Name of village Name of the memb'er Name of the member Sr. :No. Panchayat elected as Chairman elected as Vice- 'Vide letter No, 12(6l/28/S3-EST/COr., dated 25-to-19S4 -Chairman the Deputy f\uperintendent Qf PQllce " (OlD) ,Panaji was, 1 2 treqtrested to ma.il.~ 'Inquiry and Inform whether Sl\ri Joseph P'SoUZ3, fr9m Ch~9r, S!l\Cete, Goo. has, really left 1!!<!la I; Vill~e P~nchayat of 'ShriShripad Sl1ri Rohidas , 3.lUl gone, abroad, M 'U\ere ~ strQ11g suspic.19P an4 rea!1!on Durhhat. Yesso Naik. Popat Naik. to belleve that Shrt D'Souza, might have gone abroad with­ .o:ut seelQng pennission from this Office~ The Office of the ):'on~a, 91.11 Aprll,198;, - The ~lat<lar, S: D. D<i/!vi • SljiRIES ·lIIN:o.' 3 Irrigation D"partment Works Division V" ,1i~:pl:/:,~~im4Satari-Goa 'fi:-: : ' \j;:, -:;z- ", ;> . ..•...• •.... .••... .... TeIlder Notice lfo. ll/l!lD/AIP/ ACCTS/T. N./85·S« , ,," . "~~The1':+ExecJ~~ve _~E~e-~~J Y-')vO~~:l' h~t(>n .:t;y, (I.'?') __ -.'-Ke~im~S~tatj~Goa;~'inviteS; on behalf.:-,~f pr~Jdent';'§f. ~~dia,;-; . sealed Item rate~ tenders ". from-:,'·the" approved,· and eUg1.b~e co~tractors_ of --e:J?W.D.~ - and· those" on approved ;~lisuV-',of Union Territory/State P.W.D./M.E.S./Rallways/P&T upto 3.00 p. m. on 22-4-1985, for below mentioned work: ~ sr~/flo . -,' L ,Gul)ltltig upstream fa",e. 9£ .MasoIlllXY Dam. o(Anjunem. •. 11.000.00 30 days,'.. Rs. 50/- - Irrlga:tio:n' Project; Kerim-satari from- R~·L. "62.00 Mt: /. to R. L. 75.00 Mt. ; '.'.' ""; ", .,' : :" :". ':':":;i oj"~ -, ,,:- , - _"" The. tend~s -wnl :b~-: .opened' ,at- a.30 p. m.' ~n the ~e' day: contractors must' produce their valid Income Tax Clearance The earnest money, should be deposited with State Bank' of Qe'x:.tificate befor'e the issue, of tender' forms.' ~\)..~~ India or any other Sheduled Bank, In the forln of IlepoSit At the time 9f purchaSe of ten4ers the contractors must at can Receipt drawn in favour of Executive :Engineer. produce a definite proof of ha_g satisfactorily completed \-Vorks Division V, I. D., Kerim-Satari-Goa, and should be at least ope .work of above ,nature and ma.gn1tude-:~er'Wise, enclosed with the'tender: The 'Conditions and,tender forms no teridet forms will be issued. ., . '. ,-' , can be had from this Office upto 20-4-1985 till 4.00 p.m., on payment of . its respective cost.lf, requIred l?y, po,st, . an Right '00' reject _any ;or all '-the' tenders" includi.ng: the, lowest amount of'Rs.. 10/- will .be charged extra. tender without assigning any reason, is reserved. The ,tenders of, tJte q<)ntracto~ who do ,not deposit, tb.e Satati, . 9th' April, 19&5. :c.. The I!lxecutive Engineer, J. 8. lpMP ,in pre~c~ibe? ,m~,nDJ~r are liable to.. be ,reject.~. ~e Khanuja. ... 'Public Works. and Urban Development Department; . \'Voiles Department Publi~.' .' - . , Tender Notice No. PvvDfWDI!ASW-17/1/1985-S« The Executiv.e Engineer, Works. D~vision I" (Bldgs.), P.~~D",Pali.aji inyites on behalf of the Presid~p.t of.;~cna." ""-- sealed/lte!-'U-.. rat~ tep:'d~rs fornlapproved _and eligible ,contractors .of Goa PWD/CPWD/MES;Rail~~ys etc. for the ~onow- ing .works upto 3..00 p •. m. on 26-4-85. '., Estimated Earnest Tlmetimlt 'money iricluding Class of Cost ,of· Sr. No. 'Namf: and situation of work cost . tender Rs. deposit monsoon contractor Its . period Rs. " 1. Additional works to the factory safety centre, for 1,78,467/- 4,462/- 180 days III &aho~e 100/-. I.T.I. at ~~t~o, Panaji; Tender will be: opened' at '3.30 p. m. on the same d3.y. extra. Tender· of Contractor who do not deposit .-earnest Earnest money should be d~osited by challan in the State money in the prescrib~d" 'form are- liable to be rejecte9. Bank of India or any other Scheduled Bank in the form The Contractor must produce Income Tax Clearance Certi­ of Call Receipt to be enclosed' with tender. Conditions and -ficate before the issue of tender. Right to reject or accept'any tender Forms can be ha:d from the above Office upto 12.00 noon· 'or all the' tenders without assigning any reason -is .resel,'Ved on 24-4.85 during - the -'working 'hours on payment of the with, the Department. " cost of tender fo1'Il1 (non-refundable). _If, required by post Panaji, 4th April, 1985. - The Executivb' -EngIneer, V.- v. an aqlount of Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten only) -will be. charged .Bantha'!lam • . Tender Notice No. PWD/WDI/ASW-17/2/85-86 'annual rent offered which will be -returned on, successful pel':­ formance of the contract. The Executive Engineer, -Works Division I, P. W. D., Panaji mvites on behalf of the President of ' India, sealed tender for The tenderers shall quote_ their highest bid.f'or the' _rent of the "Rl1I1Ililig of the Circuit House Canteen-Alt1nho-Panaji" the premises including, Kitchen, Dining Hall, .Store ~ etc.
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