'Respect Life Sunday/ Oct. 2 South Florida and national may be, Archbishop McCarthy observances of "Respect Life stated, there can be little doubt that Month" begin Sunday, Oct. 2 when they have come about in part pastors will present special homilies through a growing realization on the to their congregations and various part of the faithful of their respon- pro-life groups will inaugurate sibility in protecting the dignity of programs pointing up the need to life and of their calling to be the light respect life, not only of the unborn, VOICE freeing men from sin and its evil but of all ages. consequences. He emphasized that VOL. XIX No. 29 PRICE 25c SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 Respect Life Month is a time of self In a letter to the faithful in the education and self-awareness as well ' .Archdiocese of Miami, Archbishop redouble our efforts to respect life in resistance," Archbishop McCarthy as a time of prayer as principles of '-"• "#ard A. McCarthy emphasized every form, from the womb to the continued. "Human rights violations faith a^e recalled by Respect Life ^,c "Once again our minds and tomb." in our own country and throughout programs. .learts turn to the defenseless all THE Archbishop noted that the world are coming under severe In announcing the observance about us who through poverty, recent actions by the U.S. Supreme criticism. There are increasing efforts Father James Reynolds, pastor, St. oppression, abortion and euthanasia Court and in government have in- to eradicate poverty and its cause James Church, and Archdiocesan become the victims of destruction dicated that after several years of once and for all. In most of these Director of Pro-Life Activities, and misery. Happily, we are regressing, American society is cases/' the Archbishop said, "We see pointed out that the more people are beginning finally to see a vision of a beginning to have second thoughts as yet only a brief flicker of hope sensitized to the real issues which are better day when justice will prevail about its policy of unlimited abor- while we await a full burst of sun- at stake in today's assaults on the and the value of human life will be tion-on-demand. shine which will signal the dignity of life, the more willing they protected," the Archbishop said. "Attempts to enact euthanasia inauguration of a new day." will be to stand up against further "But we are still a long way from legislation in states throughout the HOWEVER small the ac- attacks on things which they regard that moment in time and we must country are meeting with increasing complishments of the last 12 months as sacred. Archdiocese to get new housing loan The Archdiocese of loans. Miami is among 20 Catholic Last year, the first year dioceses and agencies that loans were awarded, Catholic have been awarded a total of agencies received about $60 $75,073,500 in Federal loans million for some 2,000 new and for housing for the elderly. rehabilitated units, about 15 The Archdiocese will percent of the amount receive $4,123,200 for 150 awarded. housing units. The funds will This year, HUD awarded pay for a total of 2,523 units to 200 loans totaling $637 million be built by the various for about 21,000 units. HUD recipients. Catholic agencies received 1,300 applications received about 12 per cent of asking a total of $5.6 billion the available funds. for 194,000 units. The loans were granted HUD limited funding to a under the Section 202 housing i maximum of 150 units per program for the elderly and project because of the large handicapped administered by •i number of requests. the Department of Housing Other dioceses and and Urban Development agencies awarded grants are "Happy Birthday To You," was sung to Mrs. Glbbon, during a recent party marking her (HUD)> All of the loans to the Archdiocese of New Emma FitzGibbon, by more than 50 100th birthday. Mass of Thanksgiving In Catholic agencies were for Orleans, the Dioceses of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Little Flower Church, Coral Gables, housing for the elderly. Springfield, 111., Camden, including four-year-old Anne Marie Fitz- preceded the festivities. The 202 program N.J., Memphis, Columbus, provides funds for nonprofit San Diego; and Albany, N.Y. agencies such as churches and and St. Peter Italian Church, labor unions. Loans are made Syracuse, N.Y.; St. Ambrose At WO, she soys family over a 40-year period at low Church, Rochester, N.Y.; interest rates based on what Sister of the Holy Redeemer, the federal Treasury must pay Abington, Pa.: Franciscan to borrow money. The loans Tertiary Province of the 'just sort of exploded !' are repaid out of income from Sacred Heart, Oak Brook, 111., By MARJORIE L. DONOHUE five great-great grandchildren, Mrs. Fitz- rents. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Local News Editor Gibbon admits that her family "sort of But the federal govern- Church, Cleveland; Catholic exploded." Fifty of her great grandchildren ment also helps low-income Charities, Diocese of Green CORAL GABLES—At age 100 Emma were in Coral Gables for the party as well as persons in the 202 housing Bay, Wis.; Catholic Charities FitzGibbon doesn't find much difference be- two great-great grandchildren, and her pay their rent. Persons with for the Diocese of Superior, tween her life today and that of 30 years ago. grandchildren. One of her grandchildren, incomes below 80 percent of Wis.; Sisters of St. Francis, "Once you reach 70," she commented, Mrs. Louise Bennett, who teaches sixth grade the median income for their Dubuque, Iowa; St. Ber- "You really don't feel any older as the years at St. Theresa School received a copy of a area are eligible for a federal nardine Church, San Diego; pass." story about her grandmother which appeared subsidy for the difference and the Catholic Welfare Recently a guest of honor at a birthday in a local newspaper from each one of her between their rent and 25 Bureau of the Archdiocese of party attended by 100 relatives and friends pupils. percent of their income. The Los Angeles. mviuding her pastor, Msgr. Peter Reilly, Although she was 70 when she came to median income is the income Little Flower Church, who celebrated a Mass South Florida, Mrs. FitzGibbon is described which equally divides of Thanksgiving in the parish church before by Msgr. Reilly as having been very active in households in a given area; the party, Emma points out, nonchalantly, parish projects and activities. She was a half the households have that she has no "secret" for her longevity. member of the Little Flower Society and all of incomes above the median "My sister lived to be 101 and my father lived her descendants living in Coral Gables are income, half below. until age 95," she said. also involved in the parish community, he The U.S. Catholic Inside A native of Union County, Ky., who said. bishops have strongly backed married John P. FitzGibbon, her next door Despite failing eyesight, Mrs. Fitz- Classified 21 the Section 202 program in Editorial 77 neighbor, when she was 21, Mrs. FitzGibbon Gibbon was able to read and was pleased separate statements on care It's a Date 10 moved with her husband to Illinois in 1898. with a congratulatory message sent to her by for the elderly and housing Know Your When he died in 1940, she came to South President Jimmy Carter. She still enjoys policy. Faith.. '. 11 Florida to be close to her daughter, now television programs, particularly sports, and Francis Butler, associate Movies &TV... 15 deceased, and her son with whom she resides, predicts that she'll be a "a St. Louis Cardinal secretary for domestic social Prayers 14 Dr. T.L. FitzGibbon, a retired dentist. fan until the day I die. Right now they're not S. Fla., Scence .. 9 development for the U.S. Youth 8 The mother of three children who has 12 doing so good," she pointed out, "but next Catholic Conference, said he grandchildren', 64 great-grandchildren and year they'll come back." was pleased with the new Teachers called 'special assistants to Lord' Teachers have a sublime witness of their lives, by their calling as special assistants to own personalities, by the the Lord, Archbishop Edward influence that they have on A. McCarthy told members their students, a loving and friends of the Archdiocese concerned influence, are to of Miami Teachers Guild last some extent beginning that Sunday. process of revealing the The Archbishop of Miami presence of the Lord that we was the principal celebrant of aH aspire to," the Archbishop a Mass in Barry College's Cor declared. Jesu Chapel to mark the Pointing out that we live opening of the school year for in a frightening world in which Guild members. A brunch scientists have announced the followed in Thompson Hall on development of a special type the campus. of bomb which can ck ••v "Day in and day out in a people but would pres< very special way you give the material things, the Arcn- truths of the Lord," Arch- bishop said, "At no time in bishop McCarthy told Richard DeAguero, president-elect, and the world have we been in a Religious and lay educators. Teachers Guild president, Concepclon situation— a crisis between "I salute teachers, I salute Garcia, welcomes Archbishop Edward A. his wife, who presented the Offertory good and evil, where the evil educators for their persistent McCarthy to the Fall meeting of the Guild gifts at the Mass which preceded the man has all the intellectual revealing of the truth of God, held Sunday at Barry College.
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