Appendix: Lakes of the East African Rift System

Appendix: Lakes of the East African Rift System

Appendix: Lakes of the East African Rift System Alkalinity Country Lake Latitude Longitude Type Salinity [‰]pH [meq LÀ1] Djibouti Assal 11.658961 42.406998 Hypersaline 158–277a,d NA NA Ethiopia Abaja/Abaya 6.311204 37.847671 Fresh-subsaline <0.1–0.9j,t 8.65–9.01j,t 8.8–9.4j,t Ethiopia A¯ bay Ha¯yk’ 7.940916 38.357706 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia Abbe/Abhe Bad 11.187832 41.784325 Hypersaline 160a 8f NA Ethiopia Abijata/Abiyata 7.612998 38.597603 Hypo-mesosaline 4.41–43.84f,j,t 9.3–10.0f,t 102.3–33.0f,j Ethiopia Afambo 11.416091 41.682701 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia Afrera (Giulietti)/ 13.255318 40.899925 Hypersaline 169.49g 6.55g NA Afdera Ethiopia Ara Shatan 8.044060 38.351119 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia Arenguade/Arenguadi 8.695324 38.976388 Sub-hyposaline 1.58–5.81r,t 9.75–10.30r,t 34.8–46.0t Ethiopia Awassa/Awasa 7.049786 38.437614 Fresh-subsaline <0.1–0.8f,j,t 8.70–8.92f,t 3.8–8.4f,t Ethiopia Basaka/Beseka/ 8.876931 39.869957 Sub-hyposaline 0.89–5.3c,j,t 9.40–9.45j,t 27.5–46.5j,t Metahara Ethiopia Bischoftu/Bishoftu 8.741815 38.982053 Fresh-subsaline <0.1–0.6t 9.49–9.53t 14.6t Ethiopia Budamada 7.096464 38.090773 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia Caddabassa 10.208165 40.477524 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia Chamo 5.840081 37.560654 Fresh-subsaline <0.1–1.0j,t 8.90–9.20j,t 12.0–13.2j,t Ethiopia Chelekleka 8.769979 38.972268 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia Chitu/Chiltu/Chittu 7.404516 38.420191 Meso-hypersaline 19.01–64.16 10.10–10.50 22.6–715.0f,t f,j,t f,j,t Ethiopia Gemeri/Gummare/ 11.532507 41.664848 Fresh-subsaline <0.10–0.70a,f 8f NA Gamari Ethiopia Guda/Babogaya/ 8.787114 38.993297 Freshwater <0.1–0.2t 9.08–9.36t 8.6t Babogay/Pawlo Ethiopia Hora/Biete Mengist/ 8.762769 38.991666 Fresh-subsaline 0.06–1.00f,t 8.80–9.02f,t 21.0–26.8f,t Mengest Ethiopia Kilotes/Kilole 8.802975 39.083319 Fresh-hyposaline <0.1–6.9f,r,t 8.75–9.60f,t 2.8–63.4f,t Ethiopia Koftu/Kuftu 8.834188 39.048815 Fresh <0.1t 7.93t 1.8t Ethiopia Koka 8.410564 39.091301 Fresh <0.1–0.2j,t 7.73–9.00t 2.3–2.6j,t Ethiopia Kuriftu 8.779183 39.000428 Fresh <0.1t 7.76–8.40t 2.6t Ethiopia Langano/Langeno 7.594621 38.754845 Fresh-subsaline <0.1–2.4f,j,t 8.95–9.46f,j,t 12.0–14.6f,t Ethiopia Mechelera 7.040416 38.086138 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia No name 1 7.887698 38.386545 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia No name 2 7.785068 38.360982 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia No name 3 7.779455 38.394885 NA NA NA NA Ethiopia Shalla/Shala 7.470730 38.522758 Hyposaline 9.96–18.10f,j,t 9.65–10.10f,j 162.2–218.0f,j (continued) # Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 375 M. Schagerl (ed.), Soda Lakes of East Africa, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-28622-8 376 Appendix: Lakes of the East African Rift System Alkalinity Country Lake Latitude Longitude Type Salinity [‰]pH [meq LÀ1] Ethiopia Tilo 7.063586 38.094892 Hyposaline 8.83w NA 178.9–186.5l Ethiopia Ziqualla 8.542149 38.855073 Fresh 0.24e 7.91e 1.5e Ethiopia Ziway/Zway/Zwai 7.980358 38.826942 Fresh <0.1–0.4f,j,t 8.23–8.70f,j,t 3.8–4.0j,t Kenya Baringo 0.652385 36.065111 Fresh-subsaline <0.1–0.7f,o,t 8.14–9.10f,o,t 4.4–5.5f,t Kenya Bogoria/Hannington 0.252084 36.101317 Mesosaline 29.96–35.99 10.3–10.5 54.6–992.8s,t b,f,s,t f,o,s,t Kenya Elmentaita À0.440135 36.242466 Hypo-mesosaline 3.11–28.42 9.4–10.9f,h,n,t 4.8–352.1n,t f,n,p,t Kenya Lake 92 0.479144 36.095624 NA NA NA NA Kenya Logipi 2.229319 36.554432 NA NA NA NA Kenya Magadi À1.923105 36.263266 Hypersaline 69.63–140.10 9.8t NA i,t Kenya Naivasha À0.770393 36.353703 Fresh <0.1f,t 9.51–7.80f,t 3.2t Kenya Nakuru À0.359113 36.092434 Hypo-hypersaline 5.34–62.10 9.8–10.9f,h,n,t 16.5–540.3n,s,t f,n,q,t Kenya Oloidien À0.813648 36.276455 Fresh-hyposaline <0.10–4.11f,t 9.10–10.01f,t 6.7–73.0h,t Kenya Solai 0.058794 36.148782 Fresh-subsaline <0.10–2.29f,u 8.6u 885.7u Kenya Sonachi À0.782666 36.261992 Sub-mesosaline 1.98–21.75 9.90–10.17f,t 27.5–437.4t f,m,t Kenya Turkana 3.709412 36.031036 Fresh-subsaline 0.45–2.89a,f,t 9.3–9.7f,t 19.5–24.5f,v Tansania Babati À4.294375 35.721245 NA NA NA NA Tansania Balangida À4.351204 35.349770 Hypersaline 63.74h 9.7h 925.6h Tansania Balangida Lehu À4.683192 35.230293 NA NA NA NA Tansania Basodesh À4.297004 35.128136 NA NA NA 4.2k Tansania Basotu À4.385083 35.079490 Fresh <0.1f 6.60–8.58f,k 4.5k Tansania Big Momela À3.223280 36.909454 Hyposaline 8.75–10.52h,n 10.4h 168.2–239.0h,n Tansania Burunge À3.884807 35.880661 Fresh 0.26t 9.37t 1.1t Tansania El Kekhotoito À3.233605 36.877993 Subsaline 1.52h 9.7h 42.1h Tansania Empakaai/Embagai À2.913039 35.840807 Hyposaline 7.73h 10.1h 183.3h Tansania Eyasi À3.599772 35.122490 Subsaline 2.39t 9.5h 116.4h Tansania Gawali À4.490318 35.058711 NA NA NA NA Tansania Ghama À4.434263 35.085287 Hyposaline 6.56f 9.37–10.50f,k 163.0–163.3h,k Tansania Gidabuid À4.303892 35.125905 Hyposaline 4.01f 8.48–8.50f,k 27.4k Tansania Gidaburk À4.394862 35.090193 Hyposaline 6.10f 9.00–10.35f,k 87.4h,k Tansania Gidamuniud À4.412473 35.067441 Hyposaline NA 9.0–9.5k 42.8–323.0k Tansania Gidamur À4.322480 35.104181 Saline 3.91f 9.36–10.30f,h 70.0h,k Tansania Kindai À4.843996 34.733849 Subsaline 1.77h 8.3h 2.6h Tansania Kitangiri À4.048522 34.347954 NA NA NA NA Tansania Kusare À3.225866 36.880826 Subsaline 0.78h 9.3h 38.7h Tansania Laja À4.336721 35.090968 Fresh <0.1k 9.4k 85.2k Tansania Lekandiri/Lekandiro À3.210823 36.895440 Subsaline 1.80h 10.1h 50.6h Tansania Lgarya À2.990502 35.033441 Mesosaline 28.79h 9.8h 554.0h Tansania Magad À3.194250 35.538440 Hyposaline 5.02h,n 10.2h,n 84.1h,n Tansania Manyara À3.601142 35.805588 Fresh-hyposaline 0.17–4.38n,t 9.20–10.13n,t 3.5–78.0n,t Tansania Mikuyu À4.562222 34.944906 Hyposaline 5.33f 8.54f NA Tansania Nadnakid À4.309418 35.113286 Hyposaline 3.23h 8.9–10.5h,k 30.2h,k Tansania Natron À2.386090 36.011753 Hyposaline 12.27t 9.46t 13.1t Tansania Ndobot À4.317556 35.107573 NA NA 9.5k 144k Tansania Reshitani/Rishateni À3.231811 36.907589 Hyposaline 7.73–10.05h,n 10.1h,n 164–233h,n (continued) Appendix: Lakes of the East African Rift System 377 Alkalinity Country Lake Latitude Longitude Type Salinity [‰]pH [meq LÀ1] Tansania Silver Sea À3.230232 36.867149 Fresh <0.1h 9.1h 14h Tansania Singida À4.785837 34.756508 Subsaline 2.42h 8.6h 5.7h Tansania Small Momela À3.226931 36.896157 Subsaline 1.72h 9.8h 46.7h Tansania Tulusia À3.210952 36.906877 Hyposaline 8.33h 10.4h 188.8h Data compiled from various sources (see below). Classification according to: <0.5 freshwater; 0.5 < 3.0 subsaline (transition zone between freshwater and saline); 3 < 20 hyposaline; 20 < ¼50 mesosaline; and >50 hypersaline. For some lakes, only conductivity data were available. These were converted via: Salinity [‰] ¼ Conductivity [mS cmÀ1]– 1.509 (n ¼ 695, r ¼ 0.975, unpublished data from various soda lakes). Fresh ¼ freshwater, NA ¼ no data available Sources aBaxter RM (2002) Lake morphology and chemistry. In: Tudorancea C, Taylor WD (eds) Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden: 45–60 bBeadle LC (1932) Scientific results of the Cambridge Expedition to the East African lakes, 1930–31. 4. The waters of some East African lakes in relation to their fauna and flora. J Linn Soc Zool 38:157–211 cBelay EA (2009) Growing lake with growing problems: integrated hydrogeological investigation on Lake Beseka, Ethiopia. Dissertation, Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn dBoutaiba S, Hacene H, Bidle KA, Maupin-Furlow JA (2011) Microbial Diversity of the Hypersaline Sidi Ameur and Himalatt Salt Lakes of the Algerian Sahara. J Arid Environ 75(10):909–916. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2011.04.010 eDegefu F, Herzig A, Jirsa F, Schagerl M (2014) First limnological records of highly threatened tropical high-mountain crater lakes in Ethiopia. Trp Conserv Sci 7(3):365–381 fGasse F, Talling JF, KIlham P (1983) Diatom assemblages in East Africa: classification, distribution and ecology.

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