Decentralized Provision of Public Services and Governance and Management of Renewable Natural Resources: The Senegal Case Preparedby: Sheldon Gellar G6rard Chambas Oumar Kamara Preparedfor: Club du Sahel Associates in Rural Development, Inc. 16 December 1992 D R A F T-Not for Distribution CONTENTS Acronyms i Acknowledgements v I. Executive Summary 1 A. Overview 2 B. Constraints 3 C. Recommendations 3 11. Introduction 7 A. Background 7 B. Approach and Organization of the Mission 8 III. Decentralization and Devolution to Local Government 11 A. Historical Background 11 B. Recent Developments: The Second Administrative Reform 17 C. Organization of Rural Local Government and Governance Issues 19 1. Spatial Organization and Central Village Dominance 19 2. Tensions between CRs and Villages 20 3. CR and Village-based Provision of Public Goods and Services 21 4. Changes in Rural Local Government Since the Second Administrative Reform 22 IV. Mobilization of Local Financial Resources 25 A. Introduction 25 B. Basic Characteristics of Rural Community Resources 25 1. Weakness of CR Resources 25 2. Financial Tax Base Not Adapted to Public Needs 26 C. Propositions for Increasing Rural Community Financial Resources 29 1. Adjustments in the Rural Tax System 30 2. Increased Diversification of CR Revenue Sources 30 3. Additional Tax Revenue Potential 32 D. Conclusions 33 V. Non-Centralized Provision of Public Goods and Services 35 A. Educational Services 35 B. Primary Public Health Services 38 C. Municipal Services 41 1. Garbage Collection and Sanitation Services 41 2. Public Utilities: Water and Electricity Services 42 3. Other Municipal Services 43 D. Rural Water Services 44 E. Rural Road Services 45 F. Mechanical Millet Milling Services 46 G. Rural Legal Services 46 H. Rural Extension Services 47 VI. Decentralized Governance and Management of Renewable Natural Resources 49 A. Introduction 49 B. Policy Option's in Senegal Eighth Development Plan 49 C. Senegal's Natural Resource Base 50 1. Human Environment 50 2. Natural Environment 51 D. Case Studies of State, NGO, and Donor Involvement in NRGM 58 1. Projet Int6gr6 de Conservation et de Gestion des Resources Naturelles (PICOGERNA) 58 2. Project SEN/87/027: Integrated Agro­ silvo-pastoral Development of Four Pilot Villages and a Pastoral Zone 61 3. Le Conseil des Organisations Non-Govemmentales d'Appui au D6veloppement (CONGAD) 62 4. R6seau Afrique 2000 64 E. Land Tenure, Land Use, and NRGM 65 F. Case Studies in Natural Resources Governance and Management 67 1. Introduction 67 2. Basic Characteristics of Field Sites 67 G. Malicka 69 1. Introduction 69 2. Local and Supra-Local Institutions 69 3. Management of Land Resources 70 4. Management of Forestry Resources 71 5. Production Systems 72 H. Tivaouane-Peulh 73 1. Introduction 73 2. Local and Supra-Local Institutions 74 3. Production Systems 75 4. Problems in NRGM 77 I. Djingu6 79 1. Introduction 79 2. Local and Supra-Local Institutions 80 3. Production Systems 82 4. Problems of Pollution Created by the Chemical Factory 84 J. Mbane 85 1. Introduction 85 2. Local and Supra-Local Institutions 86 3. Productions Systems 88 K. Conclusions and Recommendations Related to the Case Studies in Decentralized NRGM 94 1. Observations and Conclusions 94 2. Recommendations 96 VII. Conclusions and Recommendations 99 Bibliography 105 Appendices Appendix A: List of Persons Contacted Appendix B: La mobilization des ressources par les communaut6s rurales s6n6galaises ACRONYMS AM Association des Maires APCRADR Association Nationale des Pr6sidents des Conseils Ruraux et d'Arrondissements de Conseils D6partmentaux et R6gionaux.- APE Association des Parents d'Eleves APS Association pour la Promotion de la Sant6 AVD Association Villageoise de D6veloppement BHS Banque de l'Habitat du S6n6gal CCCE Caisse Centrale de la Coop6ration Economique CDD Comit6 D6partemental de D6veloppement CER Centre d'Expansion Rural CILSS Comit6 Inter-Etat de Lutte Contre sa Sdcheresse au Sahel CONACILSS Conseillor National du CILSS CONGAD Conseil des Organisations Non-Gouvemementale d'Appui au D6veloppement CR Conseil Rural or Communaut6 Rurale depending on context CREDIBLE Regional Center for the Elaboration and Development of Locally Based Initiatives CS Comite de Sant6 CSS Compagnie Sucri6re S6n6galaise CUD Communaut6 Urbaine de Dakar DS District Sanitaire DCL Direction des Collectivit6s Locales i EF Eaux et Forats (Water and Forestry Service) ENDA Environnement et D6veloppement du Tiers Monde FAC Fonds d'Aide et de Coop6ration FAIB Fonds d'Appui aux Initiatives de Base FECL Fonds d'Equipement des Collectivit6s Locales FNGF F6deration Nationale des Groupement Feminins FONGS F6deration des Organisations Non-Gouvemementales du Senegal GIE Groupement d'Int6r& Economique GOS Government of Senegal ICS Industries Chimiques du S6n6gal ISE Institut des Sciences de l'Environnement ISRA Institut S6n6galais de Recherches Agricoles LDN Loi sur le Domaine National MDRH Ministare du D6veloppement Rural et de l'iydraulique MEFP Minist~re de 'Economie, des Finances, et du Plan MFEF Ministare de la Femme, de l'Enfant et de la Famille MEN Minist~re de 'Education Nationale METM Ministre de 'Equipement, des Transports, et de la Mer MI Minist~re de l'Interieur MSPAS Minist~re de la Sant6 Publique et de l'Action Sociale MTPN Ministare du Tourisme et de la Protection de la Nature MUH Ministare de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat ii NGO Nongovernmental Organization NRGM Natural Resources Governance and Management NRM Natural Resources Management OCS Organisation Communautaire Sanitaire OHLM Office des Habitations ALoyer Moder6 PARCE Projet d'Am6nagement de Reboisement des Forts du Centre-Est PAST Projet d'Ajustement du Secteur des Transports PDESO Projet de D6veloppement de l'Elevage au S6ngal Oriental PIC Plan d'Investissements Communaux PLD Plan Local de Developpement PICOGERNA Projet Integr6 de Conservation et de Gestion des Resources Naturelles PREVINOBA Projet de Reboisement Vilageois Dans le Nord-Ouest du Bassin Arachidier PS Parti Socialiste PEUL Projet Environnement Urbain de Louga RNR Renewable Natural Resources SAED Societ6 d'Am6nagement et d'Exploitation des Terres du Delta SENELEC Soci6t6 S6n6galaise de Distribution d'Energie Electrique SIAS Soci6t6 Industrielle d'Am6nagement Urbain du S6n6ga SICAP Soci6t6 Immobilire du Cap-Vert SONATEL Soci6t6 Nationale des T616communications SONEES Soci6t6 Nationale d'Exploitation des Eaux du S6n6gal TR.IMF Taxe R6presentative de l'Impot du Minimum Fiscale iii UASP Unitd Agricole-Silvo-Pastorale UNDP United Nations Development Programme USAID United States Agency for International Development iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The team would like to express its special appreciation to som of the people who made our study missions possible. First, we would like to thank John Van D. Lewis of the Club du Sahel who helped organize the mission. We owe a special debt to Madame Madeline Ciss6 and Aziz Dedhiou of CONACILSS in Senegal who did an outstanding job in arranging meetings and providing logistical support for the team, often on very short notice. Their help was indispensable. Madame Fatou Khadre, documentalist for the USAID/Senegal mission provided valuable support for the team's review of the current literature on decentralization policies in Senegal. We would also like to especially thank Mr. K6ba Tour6, head of the Direction des Collectivites Locales (DCL) in the Ministry of the Interior who, despite a very busy schedule, always found time to receive the mission cordially and to facilitate our meetings with Senegalese officials and local government leaders in the field. Deputy Director Mamadou Diouf offered extremely valuable insights concerning the evolution of Senegal's Second Administrative Reform and gave the team helpful feedback at the conclusion of our mission. Abdou Diop, the national Coordinator of the ProjectIntegrg de Conservation et de Gestion des Ressources Naturelles (PICOGERNA), provided the team with invaluable assistance in facilitating meetings with other Senegalese officials involved in natural resources governance and management (NRGM) and in arranging a short field trip to the Kaffrine sector of the PICOGERNA project. We would also like to thank Aly Lo, President of the Rural Council of Taiba-Ndiaye and President of the National Association of Rural Council Presidents (APCRADR) for his collaboration in sharing his views and documentation concerning local government reforms. The team also owes a great debt to the people of the villages of Malicka, Tivouane- Peulh, Djingu6, Mbane, and other communities visited by the team who took the time to discuss their problems and who are courageously working under difficult conditions to overcome them. Warm thanks also go to our driver and colleague, Mahmoud Diallo, whose good humor and knowledge of the countryside made our field trips an enjoyable as well as fruitful experience. Space prevents us from thanking individually the many people--donor, nongovernmental organization (NGO), and Senegalese officials, members of the academic community, local government officials, and members and officers of community-based associations--met by the team during the course of the mission. Their names are listed in Appendix A. V I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Overview Senegal is very much in the forefront of Sahelian decentralization efforts. It probably has the most developed and comprehensive system of local government in the region with 317 Rural Councils and 43 urban municipalities as well as a broad array of well-organized nongovernmental
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