MARCH 2011 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL MARCH 2011 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON On your mark, get set GO CAMPING! Resource position a boon to parishes and developed a wide-ranging BY ANA WATTS recruitment strategy. It is aware Just as Neil Armstrong’s first that although there are people step on the moon was “a small with expertise in both steward- step for a man but a giant leap ship and congregational devel- for mankind,” with the recent opment, it is possible two people approval of a development officer with complimentary qualifica- position, Diocesan Council took tions may share the position. a giant leap toward the transfor- “We are going to be flexible,” mational change envisioned for says Archbishop Miller. “We will this diocese by Synod 2009. wait and see who God sends us. “Council took a true leader- The Rev. Bob LeBlanc — mem- ship role here today,” says Martha ber of council and the Steward- Jo Hoyt, chair of the Stewardship ship and Financial Development and Financial Development Team Team as well as an enthusiastic that recommended creation of musician — said that unlike the the position at the Jan. 22 council Rolling Stones, time is not on our meeting. “We feel very strongly side. “I can’t stress enough how that our parishes need a resource urgent it is that we get this kind person to consult in the areas of of leadership on board. There stewardship and congregational may be some parishes that do development. We are certain that not want or welcome this kind of person will give all parishes, not help, but this position is for the just the ones that struggle, the parishes that do want it, for the help they need to fully embrace parishes that want to thrive. This the Nicodemus Project and we support person is for the parishes will become the kind of Church who want someone to offer them CAROL ANNINGSON God is calling us to be.” new ideas to meet the needs of a Summer is coming and with it, the joy of Christian camping at Medley and Brookwood. Re-live Archbishop Claude Miller new world, to help this diocese some of last year and look forward to the 2011 season on pages 6 & 7. celebrated council’s unanimous fulfill its mission to proclaim the support for the position as well Gospel of Christ for the making as General Synod’s financial of disciples.” commitment. “The world is The Nicodemus Project grew changing quickly and we need out of recommendations from to take advantage of opportuni- three task forces: Budget Support, ties to respond to things that Support for Rural and Struggling Hard road to popular really matter. General Synod is Parishes, and Sharing Ministry. our financial partner in this new Synod delegates received their initiative for at least the first two reports and recommendations years. The position will have no in advance of Diocesan Synod in impact on our 2011 budget but I 2009. Meeting as archdeaconry Hard Stone Café am sure it will have a profound groups during synod they dis- BY JONATHAN SPRINGTHORPE We gained some credibility impact on our future.” cussed and prioritized hundreds The Hard Stone Café (HSC) came with the youth at the first café Archdeacon David Edwards of recommendations. Those pri- from humble beginnings in De- and they did invite their friends of Saint John, who has exten- orities were further discussed in cember of 2002. The Saint John for the second one, but it took sive experience in the field of a plenary session and diocesan (Stone) Church Youth Group some time to make the café the congregational development, priorities emerged. In order they helped to construct a stage for ministry we prayed it would be. wholeheartedly agrees that are: to re-learn what it means to musicians, put up decorations, Early on, several colleagues in stewardship and congregational be Christian and Anglican; to and create a menu of slushy youth ministry inquired if they development need be pushed prepare our leaders for change; drinks (non-alcoholic of course). could bring their youth groups. in this diocese. “But we must to support our struggling par- As the event approached my David (the Ven. David Edwards, move beyond the present model. ishes; to assess and understand anticipation grew. Visions of on Carleton Street to attend the rector of Stone Church) and I Parishes need to engage in the our parishes, archdeaconries and crowds of youth piling into the first Hard Stone Café. Members were committed to reaching the community at the mission and diocese; and to commit ourselves church ready to hear the Gospel of the youth group had not unchurched, and we wanted the economic development lev- to transformational change — to danced in my head. Instead of invited their friends with any to protect the Hard Stone Café els. We need to find alternative become a diocese of mission- crowds, only two brave souls enthusiasm because they feared I from becoming another event for revenue streams.” focused, healthy, welcoming and passed through the doors of the would use the café as a “bait and An implementation team growing parishes. imposing gothic revival church switch” evangelistic event. finalized a position description Find the job description on page 2 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN MARCH 2011 D I O C E S A N N E W S Abbreviated job description for Diocese of Fredericton Congregational Development Officer The Congregational Development officer will: s2EPORTDIRECTLYTOTHEBISHOP s7ORKWITHPARISHLEADERSANDTERRITORIALARCHDEACONS s3UPPORTPARISHEFFORTSTOBECOMEHEALTHY MISSION FOCUSED WELCOMINGANDGROWINGCONGREGATIONS s$EVELOPANDIMPLEMENTAPLANTOSUPPORTSPIRITUAL lNANCIALANDNUMERICALCHURCHGROWTH s%DUCATELAYANDORDAINEDLEADERSHIP s#REATEANDLEADTRAININGPROGRAMS s3UPPORTEXPANSIONOFPARISHOUTREACHANDMISSION s"EARESOURCEFORTHE3TEWARDSHIPAND&INANCIAL$EVELOPMENTAND0ARISH3UPPORTAND Development Teams of the Diocesan Council. s0ROMOTEPROPORTIONALGIVING s(ELPPARISHESANDCONGREGATIONSACQUIRERESOURCESFORMISSION MINISTRYANDSPECIALAPPEALS s#ONDUCTGROUPFACILITATIONANDLONGRANGEPLANNINGSESSIONS s)DENTIFYRESOURCESFORCONFERENCESANDTRAININGEVENTS s5NDERSTANDBIBLICALSTEWARDSHIPANDITSAPPLICATION s5NDERSTANDTHE!NGLICAN#HURCHOF#ANADA ITSCHALLENGESANDOPPORTUNITIES The Congregational Development Officer is: s!UNIVERSITYGRADUATEOREQUIVALENT s!LEADERTEACHERTEAMBUILDER s%XPERIENCEDINCHANGEMANAGEMENT s&AMILIARWITHTHE!NGLICAN#HURCH Although envisioned as one full-time position, consideration will be given to job sharing. Application deadline April 15, 2011. C O M M E N T A R Y Fall to Grace ~ A Review by George Porter ay Bakker has had plenty version, but “more gradual: He doesn’t even stop with Grace, Bakker asserts, is not love in grace, and in doing so, of opportunity to experi- a grace evolution” (p 13). His grace as either merely the pri- limited to “hot topic issues” to change inside, in relation ence the challenges and story is well worth the read. vate experience of an individ- but neither does it fear them. It to others in the church and in difficulties of life — and The book is not, however, ual or a corporate experience of calls for courage and integrity regard to the world. Jto find that he has fallen not those who belong to the church. just a memoir of his personal to rethink interpretations, stan- The book is fairly short, easy from, but to, grace. He tells part journey. It is also a reflection Grace, Bakker contends, is the ces and convictions, to read- to read and well written. It is of his story in his new book on the theologically radical spiritual force behind our voca- dress issues, and to re-relate to also a valuable resource for Fall to Grace: A Revolution of inclusive nature of God’s grace. tion to love the world as Christ those who are often tradition- those of us trying to figure out God, Self, and Society (Jay Bak- Through Luther’s commentary loved it. Grace has societal ally considered enemies of our how we ought to live in light of ker with Martin Edlund, New on Galatians, Bakker was lead dimensions that go beyond the own selves, of our churches, of what God is doing in our time. York: Faith Words, 2011, $22.50 to look again at the Apostle boundaries of denomination, our nations or even of God. He The Rev. Canon George M. Porter, [in Canada]). Paul’s writings. In doing so he religion or church, addressing challenges the reader to live D.Phil. is Diocesan Youth Action Growing up amidst a rather “encountered grace again for the crying needs of the world in grace, to move in grace and Director legalistic conservative ethos, as the first time” (to paraphrase beyond what I have elsewhere well as in the public eye during Marcus Borg). This grace, called “the stain glass curtain.” the rise and fall of his famous reflective of the unconditional TV evangelist parents, Bakker love of God, has no limits. This went to some pretty drastic grace is not coercive but a com- extremes to escape a religion pelling invitation to experience of “legalism” and “judgmental- again the loving heart of God www.anglican.nb.ca ism.” When he got to what he and know one’s self to be part OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON describes as his lowest point, of God’s family. In the introduc- A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL he discovered not rejection tion, Bakker wrote: “Grace goes and condemnation, but divine beyond mere tolerance: it calls The Rt. Rev. Claude Miller Bishop and Publisher acceptance, love and grace — us to think of ourselves as all an experience he describes as belonging to one body, the body Ana Watts Editor being not like a Pauline con- of Christ” (p xiv). DEADLINE Published 10 times per year. Price of subscription $10.00 for copy and photo Mothers’ Union Please send news and photo submissions to submissions to the Ana Watts, 773 Glengarry Place, Fredericton, NB E3B 5Z8 Diocesan Spring Rally New Brunswick Phone: 506-459-5358; E-mail: [email protected] Anglican is the first Please send subscription renewals and changes of address to: May 7 9:30 a.m.
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