Chemie Magazine JAARGANG FEBRUARI Chemelot pluist 630 stoff en uit voor watervergunning Pilot over ‘hoe creëer je een just culture?’ afgerond Lidbedrijf Sonneborn maakt minerale olie volledig inert Verkiezingen Wat wil de politiek met de chemische industrie? CM2101_01_Cover.indd 1 18-02-21 13:38 Kleine investeringen VOOR GROTE OPLOSSINGEN U zoekt een - tijdelijke - oplossing voor een waterzuivering, waterhergebruik of andere waterbehandeling? En u wilt liever niet investeren? Europa’s grootste verhuurvloot biedt u complete full-scale installaties of losse componenten, zoals zandfilters, actiefkoolfilters, striptorens, pompen, bufferbakken, lamellenbezinkers, flotatie, beluchtingen, ionenwisselaars, omgekeerde osmose, ultrafiltratie en MBR. Plug & Play opgeleverd, inclusief de benodigde certificaten. Bel of mail Logisticon Verhuur voor een áltijd passende huur- of lease-oplossing. Logisticon Water Treatment B.V. Logisticon Verhuur B.V. T +31 (0)184 60 82 60 Energieweg 2 E [email protected] 2964 LE Groot-Ammers, Nederland W www.logisticon.com 500 high-quality historical fermentation experiments. Some weeks earlier, a talented fermentation scientist, Jake, had presented a few curiously behaving fermentation runs. He noted an odd relationship between oxygen uptake and strain performance. This led to a hypothesis, which we quickly validated against those 500 historical experiments. We then performed some multifactor designed experiments to confirm the relationship. Just Next, I used JMP to quickly build a statistical model of the metabolic versus oxygen coupling from these DoE studies. Then I fed that into the yeast-reactor simulation we had previously built. It was the missing link. Adding that one relationship to the model delivered near-perfect simulation of strain performance. aby Timd Gardnerd Water... With fresh confidence, I began to play around with the simulated reactor conditions. It was exciting in the way only a modeling nerd “Really Paul, just double the starting volume of the fermentation can appreciate. I felt like I had found the Rosetta stone. I could run broth and you’ll get 10% more productivity from the reactor,” I two-week long experiments in two seconds. I could scan implored. parameter spaces. I could test my hypotheses in no time flat. I went to bed that night feeling like I could literally see the heartbeat Paul, the head of fermentation process development, looked at of a yeast cell. As if yeast were me, and I were yeast. me quizzically – his eyes belaying a degree of humored skepticism. It was like he wanted to say, “here you go again, At some point, I got the idea to play around with the initial reactor entertaining me with another harebrained idea cooked up from volume. I can’t recall whether it was an accident or intentional. But god knows where.” But Paul, being a hopelessly open-minded the outcome was compelling. Just add water, with no other person, actually said: “Sure, why not. I’ll give you two fermenters in changes, and you get more product out in the same amount of the next batch of 12 two-liter runs. If it doesn’t work, it’s just one time. In retrospect, the reason was obvious. But sometimes we more thing to laugh at you about.” need data and statistics and math to clear the noise and see the heart of what matters. OK, he didn’t say that last sentence. He’s too nice for that. A few weeks later, Paul pulled up data from the runs. “Well, it looks And that’s how data, DoE, differential equation modeling, a like it worked. How about that.” Some months later the company collaborative team, and a little bit of JMP changed my life forever. was running 200,000L reactors with double the starting broth Now I lead Riffyn, a company dedicated to making such beautiful, volume and 5-10% more product out over a two-week run. high-quality, aggregated data accessible to all. An operational gain worth hundreds of thousands of dollars per batch – just by adding water. ONLINE I’ve had the fortune to enjoy a rare few eureka moments in Join Tim Gardner on March 16 to learn how to double your R&D science, and this was one of the most memorable. It would capacity and get more products to market in less time – and at a never make headlines, but it’s a poster child of the value of data lower cost JMP.com/TTI-Riffyn as an asset, the impact of tried-and-true statistical methodologies, and the power of first-principle modeling. There was no fancy AI or unfathomable genius here. This was the BIO application of age-old methods of designed experiments, Tim Gardner, Riffyn’s Founder and regression analysis and differential equation modeling. And it CEO, is a scientist who pioneered the was made possible by collaborative colleagues willing to test field of synthetic biology. He was the unexpected access to an aggregated data set of unusual previously Vice President of R&D at quality and accessibility, and a few good hours with JMP. The Amyris, where he led the engineering model underlying this prediction was not complex; there were of yeast strain and process less than 10 equations describing coupled yeast physiology and technology for biomanufacturing of eactor dynamics. The magic was its heart – an empirical renewable chemicals. Gardner has relationship between strain metabolism and reactor oxygen been recognized for his pioneering work by Scientific American, the transfer rate that was derived from linear regression applied to New Scientist, Nature, Technology Review and the New York Times. Register for the upcoming webinar Gaining an edge through smarter experimentation JMP.com/TTI-Riffyn 1. https://www.jmp.com/en_us/events/statistically-speaking/ 2. https://www.chemistryworld.com/webinars/us- 3. https://www.jmp.com/en_us/events/statistically-speaking/ 4. https://www.jmp.com/en_us/events/statistically-speaking/ on-demand/achieve-rapid-innovation-with-design-of-ex- ing-a-doe-mindset-for-successful-experimentation/3010398. on-demand/the-power-of-structured-experimentation-in-sci- on-demand/the-power-of-structured-experimentation-in-sci- periments.html article ence-and-engineering.html ence-and-engineering.html SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries.® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2020, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved. G135479_0820 Cooling, power and heating Tijdelijk stroom, koeling of verwarming nodig? Van Abeelen staat garant voor e ciency, 24/7 zekerheid en hecht grote waarde aan milieuvriendelijke oplossingen en duurzaamheid. Wij werken met een team van specialisten die oplossingen bieden speciaal voor de behoeften van petro(chemische) en pharmacy industrie. Van nood- tot seizoensgebonden situaties, van onderhoudswerkzaamheden tot volledige energievoorzieningen. Ongeacht hoe groot, klein, eenvoudig of complex de aanvraag is, wij zijn binnen zeer korte tijd op locatie voor de juiste oplossing. Neem voor meer informatie contact op met: T +31 (0)161 219 031 | E [email protected] Kempenbaan 1 25 1994-2019jaar 5121 DM Rijen Nederland Hoofdredactioneel Beste lezer, Dit is het eerste nummer van Chemie Maga- zine in de nieuwe opzet. Die houdt in dat we nu ook online volop aanwezig zijn, met een prominente plek op VNCI.nl. Hierdoor kunnen we sneller reageren en dichter op de actuali- teit zitten. Maar het vertrouwde papieren magazine is hierbij zoals je ziet niet verdwe- nen, het heeft alleen een tweemaandelijkse frequentie gekregen. Hiermee bieden we the best of both worlds: lekker bladeren en lekker scrollen, voor elk wat wils. Daarbij hebben we, nu we toch bezig waren, meteen ook maar onze outfi t vernieuwd. Je kunt de vormgeving van een blad zien als een garderobe. Op een gegeven moment raakt die versleten, of uit de mode, of ben je gewoon toe aan iets nieuws. Vandaar dat onze huisvormgever Curve voor een fi kse opfris- beurt heeft gezorgd, waarbij ook subtiel de nieuwe huisstijl van de Koninklijke VNCI is meegenomen. Het doel was betere leesbaar- heid en herkenbaarheid, en dat is onder meer bereikt door een rustigere uitstraling en meer beeld, en – niet onbelangrijk – meer VNCI. Ik wens je veel blader- en leesplezier. En als je uitgelezen bent en er nog niet genoeg van hebt, dan verwijs ik je graag naar Chemie Magazine online, waar alweer nieuwe verhalen over de chemische industrie staan te popelen om gelezen te worden. Igor Znidarsic Hoofdredacteur CM FEBRUARI CM2101_05_Hoofdredactioneel.indd 5 18-02-21 13:40 Do you want a combustion rate over 99,99 %? Temporary Degassing tanks, replacements of mobile tanks & VRU or VPS for suction trucks* road / rail / ship Degassing Degassing vessels & barges cryo-tanks & - loading & pressurized unloading tanks Degassing during refinery Piping & Pipeline turnaround degassing * Protected by European patent THEN USE OUR UNIQUE MOBILE PLUG & PLAY COMBUSTION SYSTEMS! Safety From hydrocarbons to solvents to hydrogen-containing vapors: for people & environment ENDEGS is the only company in Europe with degassing units that burn all kinds of gases, gas compounds and vapors of hazard groups IIA, IIB and IIC, ensuring a combustion rate of almost 100 percent. 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