CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP r--------------1 Send me a 1985 Computer Catalog. I Mail To: Shack, �A-353 I Tandy Center, Dept. Texas I Radio I 300 One Fort Worth, 78102 I NAME I I ADDRESS I I I I CITY I I STATE ZIP I I PHONE I L ______________ J Cover concept and graphics by Donna Wohlfarth Digre�ons There's No Royal Road to AssemblyLanguage _� 4 --------­ Michael E. Nadeau Will Dennis Kitsz's Learning the 6809 really teach you Assembly? 20 Richard Ramella Instant CoCo Directory ___ 6 Relate Better to Yo ur Data ----------------­ Elite-File is a true relational database manager. 24 Tips on EnteringOur Programs _ 6 Scott L. Norman Feedback 8 A ProductivityTool for Everyone '--·�--� ------------­ 30 The BasicBeat 12 Use Homespread for household number crunching or bookkeeping at the office. �W WoM Adrian Rose Take Stock in CoCo �-------------­ 38 If you want to win on Wall St., these two programs will give you a leg up. e Carl Christensen CoCo for Hire 70 So you want to go into business for A Shaper of Screensto Come __�1� -------------­ yourself? Having trouble designing your textual video screens? Try this helpful utility. 46 Terry Kepner and Linda Tiernan Glen Tapanila and Dick Court 68()1)On Line ROM Hacker Part 72 IV _________________ Happy Anniversary, AT&T. Begin construction of your computer-controlled robot 50 Bobby Ballard James J. Barbare/lo arm. The Educated Guest PrintIt Pretty 74 L�......._J_ ________________ _ Education and the InformationAge. Use your dot-matrix printer to create fancy letterhead or pleasing graphics. 56 Charles H. Santee Robert Smith The DOSsier Adding Advantage 82 '-'�....._,____________ _____ What's up at Computerware? Give your CoCo a calculator mode for statistical analysis. 60 Scott L. Norman Bruce Ellis Doctor ASCII 78 Computer Dating: A Calendar Generator � --------­ Richard E. Esposito, Jesse W. Never find yourself without a calendar again. 65 Jackson, and Ralph E. Ramhoff Brian E. Hawkins Reader's Forum 80 CoCoHex �-------------------- Play this classic strategy game with a friend. 68 Coming Next Month 81 Wally Adams Product News 85 � This symbol Indicates the program's placement on the Instant CoCo edited by J. Scot Finnie � loader, available on cassette. See our Instant CoCo ad for details. TRs-80 Is a trademark of Radio Shack. a division of Tandy Corp. Reviews --------­ 88 Color Compac, Pre-Algebra Inte­ HOT CoCo (ISSN 07-ID-3186) is published monthly by CW Communications. 80 Pine St., Peterborough, NH, and additional gers, EIT, Smith-Corona D-200 mailing offices. Subscription rates in U.S. are $24.97 for one year, $38 for two years, and $53 for three years. In Canada and printer, and more. Mexico, $27.97-one year only, U.S. funds. Application to mail at second class postage rates is pending at Peterborough, NH edited by J. Scot Finnie and additional mailing offices. Nationally distributed by International Circulation Distributors. Foreign subscriptions (surface mail), $44.97-one year only. U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Foreign subscriptions (air mail), please inquire. In South Afri­ ca contact HOT CoCo, P.O. Box 782815, Sandton, South Africa 2146. subscriptioncomspondence should be addressed to Gameware 95 HOT CoCo, Subscription Department, Box Fanningdale, AU Include your address label with any cor­ Three from Tom Mix. respondence. Postmaster: Send address changesP .0. to975, HOT CoCo, SubscriptionNY 11737. Services, Pie- P .0. Box 975, Farmingdale, NY 11737. Peter Paplaskas Entire contents copyright 1984 by CW Communications/Peterborough, Inc. 2 HOT CoCo January 1985 Graduate With DEFT Pascal As a result of the programming language requirement of the Advanced Placement (AP) Tests, Pascal has become the standard language used in High Schools and Colleges today. On the Color Computer, DEFT Pascal is the standard. DEFT Bench $49.95 DEFT Pascal $79.95 DEFT Edit DEFT Debugger DEFT Pascal Compiler DEFT Linker Full screen editor debug Pascal machine complete Pascal language, combines multiple program programs symbolically generates machine objects into one binary DEFT Linker DEFT Macro/6809 language object program (see Pascal) DEFT supports entire 6809 R.S. CaL #90·5000 DEFT Lib instruction set, create and maintain lets you define your own DEFT Pascal Workbench $119.95 program object libraries instructions (DEFT Pascal And DEFT Bench Together) R.S. CaL #90-5001 R.S. CaL #90-5002 All DEFT software and programs developed with DEFT software are BASIC ROM independent and use all of the memory in your Color Computer without OS-9. All you need is DEFT software and a TRS-80 Color Computer with Extended Disk BASIC, at least 32K of RAM and One Disk Drive. With DEFT Pascal ($79.95) you will also need a text editor to write your pro­ grams. Software licensing arrangements are available for schools. Dealer ..-243 inquiries welcome. Quantity of Each: _ Pascal _ Bench DEFT Systems, Inc. DEFT DEFT _ Pascal Workbench Suite Damascus Centre DEFT 4, Method of Payment (check one) 0 Check Enclosed Damascus, MD 20872 ["] VISA 0 Master Card 0 COO Account Number 0000 0000 0000 0000 Card Expiration Dale 00 f 00 Signature --------------------­ Name ---------------------- Street ---------------------- Orders and Sales Information 1-800-992-DEFT City State Zip Technical Assistance 1-301-253-1300 ------------- 00 00000 All orders are shipped UPS within 24 hours of receipt Add for shipping and handling; Maryland residents add for Stale Sales Tax; add $2.00 for COO. 3% a a DEFT ts Trademarl<of DEFT Systems, lnc TilS-IO is T1ademarkof TANDYCorpofabon 5% ·, lliI®1fCoco Publisher ....-----DIGRESSION--------------. JEFF DETRAY Editor-in-Chief MICHAEL E. NADEAU Managing Editor MARK E. REYNOLDS Review/New Products Editor OuRMEAT J. SCOT FINNIE Education Editor NANCY KIPPERMAN AND POTATOES Technical Editors PETER PAPLASKAS, GUIER WRIGHT, KEITH JOHNSON (INSTANT COCO) ersonal-productivity software has received a lot of press lately, Art Director P DONNA WOHLFARTH arid for good reason. The best of it truly justifies owning a Production Supervisor microcomputer, and the worst of it gives ammunition to those who SUSAN HAYS consider owning a micro frivolous. Advertising: 1-800-441-4403 BEYERL Y POIRER Word processors, database managers, calendar organizers, and West Coast Office: 1-415-328-3470 or even typing tutors fall into the personal-productivity category. The 3471 programs let the individual do more work in less time, whether it's 160 Marsh Rd. Menlo Park, CA 94025 at home or in the office. Sales Manager: But many programs sold under this label are of dubious value. A GIORGIO SALUTI prime example is the checkbook balancer. Ads will tell you that these Sales Representative: programs will straighten out your bank book and help you manage ALLISON WALSH, KAREN LETENDRE your money better. Human nature dictates, however, that if a person Production Manager: cannot keep a written reco�d of check transactions, it is unlikely that JOYCE PILLARELLA this person will do so on a microcomputer. On the other hand, the Manufacturing Consultant: SUSAN GROSS meticulous record k(fep�r will find little use for such a program, al­ Typesetting Manager: ready having an accurate written account. DENNIS CHRISTENSEN Personal-productivity software is what makes the microcomputer Film Production Manager: world go 'round. Games provide entertainment, arid programming ROBERT M. VILLENEUVE provides intellectual stimulation. But no one can argue that spread­ Darkroom Manager: NATHANIEL HA YNES sheets, word processors, finaricial-planning programs, and the like Vice President/General Manager haven't made life easier for those owning microcomputers. DEBRA WETHERBEE One of HOT CoCo's main goals is to bring you programs that Vice President/Finance ROGER MURPHY help you work better at home or in the office. After all, you buy this Assistant to Vice President/GM magazine to make your Color C0,nputer more useful, don't you? MATT SMITH · · .. ; Programming techniques are the appetizer, and games are dessert, Assistant .; vice President/Finance DOMINIQUE SMITH and we'll give the best of both. But personal-productivity software is Marketing Manager our meat arid potatoes. -Michael E. Nadeau PAM ESTY Director of Circulation WILLIAM P. HOWARD Assistant Circulation Manager FRANK S. SMITH HOT CoCo is a member of the Communications/Inc. group, the world's largest publisher of computer-related in­ formation. The group publishesCW 52 computer publications in major countries. Members of the group include: Direct Newsstand Sales Manager & Argentina's Computerwor/d/Argentina; Australia's Australia19 Computerworld, Australian Micro Computer RAINO WIREIN: 1-800-343-0728 Magazine, Australian PC World and Directories; Brazil's DataNews and MicroMundo; China's China Computer· world; Denmark's Computerworld/Danmark and Micro Verden; Finland's Mikro; France's Le Monde lnformatique, Director of Credit, Sales, and Collection Golden (Apple) and OPC (IBM); Germany's Computerwoche, Microcomputerwelt, PC Welt, Software Markt, CW WILLIAM M. BOYER Edition/Seminar, Computer Business and Commodore Magazine; Italy's Computerworld Italia; Japan's Computer· world Japan and Perso ComWorld; Mexico's Computerworld/Mexico and CompuMundo; Netherland's CW Benelux Executive Creative Director and Micro/Info; Norway's Computerwor/d Norge and MikroData; Saudi Arabia's Saudi Computerworld; Singapore's Spain's and Sweden's CHRISTINE DESTREMPES The Asian Computerworld; Computerworld/Espana MicroSistemas; Com· puterSweden, MikroDatom and Min Hemdator; the UK's Computer Management and Computer Business Europe; Founder United States: Computerworld, HOT CoCo, inCider, InfoWorld, jr, Mac World, Micro Market World, Microcomput­ ing, PC World, PC Jr. World, RUN, Magazine and Micro. WAYNE GREEN 73 80 4 HOT CoCo January 1985 From Co11:1puter Plus to YOU ... " after after PLUS PLUS ...·.------ PLUS .. '"' tmw*zr@ttr&rwt&Wttrw*mtW&tttttm ·Color Computer II Model 4 16K $629 Model 100 8K $495 Model 64K w/16K Ext. Basic $135 4 · �odel 100 24K $625 w/64K Ext.
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