RAUWOLF et al. 2008, SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1, page 1 of 11 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 1) Oenothera strains of the subsections Oenothera and Munzia used in RAUWOLF et al. 2008 Genetic Reference for complex Strain Reference for plastome Renner complex (α·β) Diakinesis Strain first described constitution (α and β) Oenothera elata subsp. elata h chapultepec AA-I STUBBE (1963) chapultepec 7 prs. STEINER (1951) STEINER (1951) h cholula AA-I STUBBE (1963) cholula 7 prs. STEINER (1955) STEINER (1955) h puebla AA-I STUBBE (1963) puebla 7 prs. STEINER (1955) STEINER (1955) h toluca AA-I STUBBE (1963) toluca 7 prs. STEINER (1951) STEINER (1951) Oenothera elata subsp. hookeri 2) h franciscana de Vries AA-I STUBBE (1959); franciscana de Vries 7 prs. CLELAND (1935) DAVIS (1916); STINSON (1960) RENNER (1941) 2) h franciscana E. & S. AA-I STUBBE (1959) franciscana E. & S. 7 prs. CLELAND (1935) DAVIS (1916); RENNER (1941) h CLELAND and BLAKESLEE hookeri de Vries AA-I STUBBE (1959) hookeri de Vries 7 prs. DE VRIES (1913) (1931) h johansen AA-I STINSON (1960) johansen 7 prs. CLELAND (1935) CLELAND (1935) Oenothera villosa subsp. villosa 3) St St bauri Standard AA-I STUBBE 1959 laxans· undans 14 BAERECKE (1944) RENNER (1937) RAUWOLF et al. 2008, SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1, page 2 of 11 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 (continued) Genetic Reference for complex Strain Reference for plastome Renner complex (α·β) Diakinesis Strain first described constitution (α and β) Oenothera biennis 4, 5) dV dV biennis de Vries AB-II DE VRIES (1913); albicans· rubens 8, 6 CATCHESIDE (1940) DE VRIES (1901-1903); RENNER (1924) DE VRIES (1913) 4, 5) biM biM biennis München AB-II STUBBE (1959) albicans· rubens 8, 6 CATCHESIDE (1940) RENNER (1917) Col Col chicaginensis Colmar BA-III STUBBE (1963) excellens· punctulans 12, 1 pr. RENNER (1956); RENNER (1950) STUBBE (1963) 6) lawrenceville 3 AB-II CLELAND (1962) α-lawrenceville 3·β-lawrenceville 3 14 CLELAND (1958) CLELAND (1958) St St nuda Standard AB-II STUBBE (1963) calvans· glabrans 14 JEAN et al. (1966) RENNER (1956) h purpurata AA-II STUBBE (1959) purpurata 7 prs. CATCHESIDE (1940) KLEBAHN (1914) 7) Th Th BAERECKE (1944) rubicaulis Thron AB-II STUBBE (1963) tinges· rubens 8, 6 BAERECKE (1944) CATCHESIDE (1940) G G suaveolens Grado AB-II STUBBE (1959) albicans· flavens 14 STUBBE (1953); STUBBE (1953) STUBBE and DIERS (1958) Fü Fü suaveolens Fünfkirchen AB-II STUBBE (1959) albicans· flavens 10, 2 prs. STUBBE (1953) STUBBE (1953) St St suaveolens Standard AB-II STUBBE (1959) albicans· flavens 12, 1 pr. CLELAND and BLAKESLEE BLARINGHEM (1914) (1931); CATCHESIDE (1940) Oenothera biennis x Oenothera glazioviana St St conferta Standard AB-II STUBBE (1963) convelans· aemulans 12, 1 pr. RENNER and HIRMER (1956) RENNER (1950) RAUWOLF et al. 2008, SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1, page 3 of 11 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 (continued) Genetic Reference for complex Strain Reference for plastome Renner complex (α·β) Diakinesis Strain first described constitution (α and β) Oenothera glazioviana8) 9) St St coronifera Standard BA-II STUBBE (1963) quaerans· paravelans 12, 1 pr. ROSSMANN (1963) RENNER (1937) 10, 11) h blandina de Vries A/B-III DE VRIES (1913); blandina de Vries 7 prs. CATCHESIDE (1940) DE VRIES (1917) RENNER (1924) 10, 11) h decipiens de Vries A/B-III DE VRIES (1913); decipiens de Vries 7 prs CATCHESIDE (1939) DE VRIES (1919A) RENNER (1924) 10,11) h deserens de Vries A/B-III DE VRIES (1913); deserens de Vries 7 prs. RENNER (1943A) DE VRIES (1919b) RENNER (1924) CLELAND and BLAKESLEE (1931); 12) S S rr-lamarckiana Sweden AB-III STUBBE (1959) r- velans·r- gaudens 12, 1 pr. EMERSON and STURTEVANT HERIBERT-NILSSON (1912) (1931); CATCHESIDE (1940) Oenothera grandiflora h bellamy A BB-III SCHUMACHER et al. (1992) bellamy A 7 prs. STEINER and STUBBE (1984) STEINER and STUBBE (1984) A h A castleberry A-4 BB -III SCHUMACHER et al. (1992) B-castelberry A-4· B -castleberry A-4 12, 1 pr. SCHUMACHER et al. (1992); STEINER and STUBBE (1986) SCHUMACHER and STEINER (1993) A h A chastang 7 BB -III SCHUMACHER et al. (1992) B-chastang 7· B -chastang 7 8, 3 prs. SCHUMACHER et al. (1992); STEINER and STUBBE (1986) SCHUMACHER and STEINER (1993) h castleberry B-8 BB-III SCHUMACHER et al. (1992) castleberry B-8 7 prs. SCHUMACHER and STEINER (1993) STEINER and STUBBE (1986) h stockton 1 BB-III SCHUMACHER et al. (1992) stockton 1 7 prs. CLELAND (1972) CLELAND (1972) h tuscaloosa BB-III SCHUMACHER et al. (1992) tuscaloosa 7 prs. STEINER and STUBBE (1984) STEINER and STUBBE (1984) RAUWOLF et al. 2008, SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1, page 4 of 11 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 (continued) Genetic Reference for complex Strain Reference for plastome Renner complex (α·β) Diakinesis Strain first described constitution (α and β) Oenothera nutans elkins 2 BB-III WASMUND (1990) α-elkins 2·β-elkins 2 14 WASMUND (1990) WASMUND (1990) CLELAND (1972); CLELAND (1972); horsesheads 2 BB-III α-horseshead 2·β-horseshead 2 14 CLELAND (1972) WASMUND (1990) WASMUND (1990) marienville 3 BB-III CLELAND (1962); α-marienville 3·β-marienville 3 14 CLELAND (1958); CLELAND (1958) WASMUND (1990) WASMUND (1990) mitchell BB-III CLELAND (1962); α-mitchell·β-mitchell 14 PEER (1950) PEER (1950) WASMUND (1990) Oenothera oakesiana St St HOEPPENER and RENNER ammophila Standard AC-IV STUBBE (1959) rigens· percurvans 12, 1 pr. BAERECKE (1944) (1929) Oenothera parviflora 13) St St atrovirens Standard BC-IV STUBBE (1959) pingens· flectens 14 CATCHESIDE (1940); DE VRIES (1901-1903); BAERECKE (1944) DE VRIES (1913) St St silesiaca Standard BC-IV STUBBE (1959) subpingens· subcurvans 14 BAERECKE (1944) RENNER (1942; 1943b) 6) CLELAND (1962); st. stephen BC-IV α-st. stephen·β-st. stephen NA CLELAND (1972) CLELAND (1972) CLELAND (1972) RAUWOLF et al. 2008, SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1, page 5 of 11 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 (continued) Genetic Reference for complex Strain Reference for plastome Renner complex (α·β) Diakinesis Strain first described constitution (α and β) Oenothera argillicola h douthat 1 CC-V STINSON (1960) douthat 1 7 prs. STINSON (1953) STINSON (1953) 6) CLELAND (1962); h williamsville 2 CC-V williamsville 2 7 prs. STUBBE (unpublished) DIETRICH et al. (1997) CLELAND (1972) 6) CLELAND (1962); 14) wilson creek 1 CC-V NA NA GREINER (this work) GREINER (this work) CLELAND (1972) Oenothera villaricae 15) berteriana Schwemmle NA NA B·l 14 HAUSTEIN (1952) SCHWEMMLE et al. (1938) 1) For a detailed taxonomy see DIETRICH et al. (1997) and DIETRICH (1977). 2) The strains franciscana de Vries and franciscana E. & S. are derivates of Davis’s franciscana B (DAVIS 1916), as summarized in RENNER (1941). 3) A very similar strain is known under the name “Oe. hungarica”. 4) Based on crossing data published by de Vries (DE VRIES 1901-1903; DE VRIES 1913) and own data, RENNER (1924) determined the plastid type of biennis de Vries to be identical to that of suaveolens. All suaveolens strains investigated carry plastome type II (STUBBE 1959). 5) dV biM The two strains of Oe. biennis differ in the inheritance of their rubens complex, rubens (♂) and rubens (♀♂) (DE VRIES 1913; RENNER 1917), but not in their meiotic configurations (CLELAND and OEHLKERS 1930). With respect to chromosomal arrangement of their α- and β-complexes (albicans and rubens) no distinction can be made RAUWOLF et al. 2008, SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1, page 6 of 11 between both strains (RENNER 1938; CATCHESIDE 1940; RENNER 1950). Both strains, as well as all strains of Oe. biennis in the strict genetic sense of albicans·rubens are phenotypically highly constant throughout Europe (RENNER 1937; RENNER 1950). 6) For the plastome type of this strain no primary data have been published in the literature. For its identification see CLELAND (1962; 1972), RAVEN and STUBBE (1979), DIETRICH et al. (1997) and this work. 7) The rubens complex of rubricaulis Thron was identified to be identical to rubens of true Oe. biennis (albicans·rubens) (BAERECKE 1944 and citations therein). 8) Synonyms: Oe. erythrosepala and ex genetica: Oe. lamarckiana 9) This strain of Oe. glazioviana is not identical with Oe. lamarckiana in a strict genetic sense. In general it is a BA-II species (ROSSMANN 1963; STUBBE 1963) which basically does not exist in the taxonomic systems of CLELAND (1962) or DIETRICH et al. (1997). CLELAND (1972) assumes that the strain coronifera Standard is a hybrid between Oe. biennis and Oe. glazioviana and not a strain of Oe. glazioviana as assumed in DIETRICH et al. (1997). 10) Decipiens de Vries and deserens de Vries are a so called “full”-mutants (DE VRIES 1917; DE VRIES 1919a; DE VRIES 1919b). For review and a possible mechanism of “full”- mutant appearance see CLELAND (1942) and RENNER (1943a). Both originated from Oe. glazioviana strain lamarckiana de Vries (DE VRIES 1919a; DE VRIES 1919b), and are a mixture of the complexes velans (A) and gaudens (B). With hblandina de Vries the situation is more complex. That complex did not arise directly from lamarckiana de Vries but from a hybrid of two mutants of lamarckiana de Vries, mut. laxa x mut. semilata (DE VRIES 1917). Because the original material was lost, it is nearly impossible to reconstruct the h h mechanism of chromosome rearrangement, how blandina de Vries could have been developed. DIETRICH et al. (1997) state blandina de Vries as an A complex, which is true in various respects, especially as de Vries calls this mutant species “Oe. blandina” also “Oe. lamarckiana mut. veluntina”. He saw blandina de Vries as some kind of stable “velans species”. The reason why hblandina de Vries is described as an A/B-complex in this work is its association with plastome III (see footnote 11).
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