A Basic Assumptions In this chapter, we repeat the basic assumptions for plane and solid geometry, plus a number of definitions. Definition. A metric space is a set M with a metric d. We call the elements of M the points of the metric space. To every pair of points X and Y ,the metric d associates a real number, the distance from X to Y . This distance satisfies the following properties: for every X, Y , Z in M, 1. d(X, Y ) ≥ 0; 2. d(X, Y ) = 0 if and only if X = Y ; 3. d(X, Y )=d(Y,X); 4. d(X, Z) ≤ d(X, Y )+d(Y,Z). Basic Assumption 1 The Euclidean plane V and 3-space W are both metric spaces containing more than one point. Definition. For any pair of points A and B in a metric space M with metric d, the line segment [AB]isgivenby [AB]={ X ∈ M : d(A, X)+d(X, B)=d(A, B) } . If A and B are distinct, the line AB is given by AB = { X : X ∈ [AB]orB ∈ [AX]orA ∈ [XB] } . Basic Assumption 2 Every line l in the plane or in 3-space admits an iso- metric surjection ϕ from l to R. Basic Assumption 3 The Euclidean plane V and 3-space W each contain three noncollinear points. 334 A Basic Assumptions Definition. For lines in the plane V we define the notions parallel and inter- secting. We say that lines m and n are parallel if m = n or m ∩ n = ∅.Ifm and n are not parallel, we say that m and n are intersecting lines. We call the point P the intersection point of the lines l and m if P lies on both l and m. Basic Assumption 4 For every point P and every line m of the plane V , there exists a unique line passing through P and parallel to m. Definition. Let l and m be intersecting lines of the plane V with common point C.Wesaythatl is perpendicular to m if for every point A of l and every point B of m we have d(C, A)2 + d(C, B)2 = d(A, B)2 . Basic Assumption 5 For every point P and every line m of the plane V , there exists a line l through P that is perpendicular to m. In the plane V , two intersecting lines l and m define four angles.IfP is the intersection point of the lines, any two points A and B other than P on l and m, respectively, determine exactly one of these angles. Every angle has an interior. Definition. We say that an angle P is congruent to an angle Q if there is an isometric surjection from angle P onto angle Q. Basic Assumption 6 The intersection of any angle P in the plane V and the circle (P, r) with center P and radius r is an arc. If r =1, we denote the length of this arc by ∠P ;ifr = R, the length of the arc is equal to R × ∠P . Moreover, we have the following properties: 1. 0 < ∠P<πfor every angle P . 2. If angles P and Q are congruent, then ∠P = ∠Q. 3. For every real number c satisfying 0 <c<∠AP B, there exists a point Q in the interior of angle AP B such that c = ∠AP Q. 4. If a point Q lies in the interior of angle AP B,then ∠AP B = ∠AP Q + ∠QP B . Definition. Let A, B,andC be three noncollinear points in W .Theplane α through A, B,andC is the subset of W with the following properties: 1. A, B,andC lie in α. 2. If D and E are distinct points of α, then the line DE lies completely inside α. 3. A point X lies in α if and only if there is a series of points X1, X2,...,Xn = X such that for 1 ≤ i ≤ n the point Xi is either equal to A, B,orC, or lies on the line XkXl for some 1 ≤ k<i,1≤ l<i. A Basic Assumptions 335 Basic Assumption 7 For every plane α in W there is an isometric surjec- tion ϕ from α onto the Euclidean plane V . Definition. Two noncoplanar lines in W are called skew. Two coplanar lines l and m are called parallel if either l = m or l ∩ m = ∅;otherwise,theyare called intersecting lines. Definition. Two planes α and β in W are called parallel if either α = β or α and β have no point in common. If the planes α and β are not parallel, then we say that they intersect each other. Basic Assumption 8 Two intersecting planes α and β meet in a straight line. Definition. Let l and m be two lines, and let C be an arbitrary point in 3-space. Draw the lines l and m passing through C and parallel to l and m, respectively. We say that l and m are perpendicular to each other if l and m are perpendicular to each other. Definition. Given a line l and a plane α in W ,wesaythatl is perpendicular to α if it is perpendicular to every line in α. Basic Assumption 9 For every point P and every plane α in W ,thereisa line l through P that is perpendicular to α. References 1. Bachmann, F., Aufbau der Geometrie aus dem Spiegelungsbegriff, Springer, Berlin, 1958; revised 2nd ed., 1973 2. Barnsley, M.F., Fractals Everywhere, Academic Press, Boston, 1988; revised 2nd ed., 1993 3. Berger, M., G´eom´etrie, vols. 1–5, CEDIC et Fernand Nathan, Paris, 1977; English translation Geometry I & II, Springer, Berlin, 1987 4. 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