Dr Ur. do, FU., head of the national Dog Hit-and-Run jrganisation, said: "We are entering Rites Tomorrow Watches Probe I :he Ml HAYES RITES Death Costs $50 BODY OF greatest period of prosperity the RUSSELL real estate ever MUNITIONS BLASTS has industry experi- and License Loss enced in this country. It U not a period of wild specuUtion or boom. Put is the beginning of a period of Br tlie Associated Press KILL 5? IN FRANCE MAY BE EXHUMED steady, healthy growth of our busi- NEW YORK. November 17.— ness. I omit — intentionally the word Convicted of driving away after I boom' because I believe it Is odious 200 When Two Ex- Masonic Services to Be Held hia car had killed a dog, Solomon Inquest Order on to all of us. The progress we make Injured Hoffman was sentenced to pay a Depends Delegation, Largest in New in future years will be in the interest Wreck Large for Meteorologist at fine of $50 or serve 10 days 'In Report of Examination of the entire country.” plosions jail and his driving license was Orleans—Waverly Taylor General Sessions Schedule. revoked in Bronx Powder Mill. Lee’s Chapel. Magistrates’ of Pistol. Presides at General sessions will be held start- Court yesterday. Meeting. ing tomorrow and will continue Associated Press. Funeral services Hoffman said he struck the B* the Associate* Frets. By the for Montrose W. BY JAMES Y. NEWTON. through Saturday. At the same time and had tried SAINT CHAMAS. France. Novem- Hayes, 62, principal meteorologist of dog unavoidably LOS ANGELES. November 17.— BiaS Correspondent the Star. meetings will be held of the American the Weather to its owner. ber 17.—The death toll in Powder Bureau, who died yester- unsuccessfully notify The report of a ballistics expert was NEW ORLEANS, La., November Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, one afternoon at his Hulon Hill blasts which wrecked of day home. 2205 Cali- Magistrate Capshaw gave due late today and on it hinged the 17.—The largest delegation that National Mortgage Board, National manufactur- fornia street, will be held at 4 in. Hoffman until Friday to raise Issuance of an France’s largest explosive p order to exhume the Washington has sent to a national Association of License Law OfflcUls, set at tomorrow with Masonic rites at Lees the $50. of ing plants was officially today body Reid Russell for an inquest convention in years prepared today Brokers' Division, Land Developers chapel. Fourth street and Massa- -- 63 persons. into his mysterious shooting two to participate in the opening sessions and Home Builders’ Division, Farm of the 200 Injured employes chusetts avenue northeast. Burial will months on Many ago the estate of the tomorrow of the twenty-ninth annual Lands. Institute, Institute of Real of were in" criti- be at Mat toon. HI., at a date to be an- LILY PONS MARRIAGE ,the government plant novelist, Gouverneur Morris. convention of the National Associa- Estate Management, Industrial Prop- cal condition. nounced later. Capt. E. C. Cross, firearms expert, tion of Real Estate Boards. erty Division, Realtor Secretaries’ Soldiers and gendarmes who dug REPORT IS DENIED Since 1929 Mr. Hayes had been head was given a .32 automatic to Division and States Council. the twisted ruins pistol Overshadowing in number the through expressed of the River and Flood Division of It The D. C. delegation is led F. I* examine. was found clutched in of other in by fear the wreckage hid more bodies. the Central Office representation any city of the United States Andre Kostelanetz Declares Regi- Jtussell's hand last September 25 as Sandoz, president of the Washington No. one a the the two score District Building 104. of long line Weather Bureau here. He was country Real Estate Board. H. wideiy he lay dead in a backyard swing at Clifford «f low was In nald Owen “Was Talking realtors arrived in the Crescent City powder mills, destroyed known in the field of flood forecasting. Morris’ beach estate. Bangs, chairman of the Convention * first terrific blast at dusk late Sunday night. The early part yesterday. MONTROSE W. HAYES. In this work he combined a practical Out of Church.” Committee of the local board, is A man more than a mile was Clyde Plummer, district attorney’s of the week was spent in sight- away of a theoretical scheduled to make a talk the application thorough St (be Associated Press. chief before killed a stone, shot bullet-like from investigator, announced: seeing tours of picturesque New by knowledge of both meteorology and entire convention on the subject of the blast. MEMPHIS. Tenn., November 17.— "If Capt. Cross’ report shows that Orleans, a few of the hydrology. only Washing- special services rendered real CIRCULARS ISSUED Andre the orchestra Ihe has not been flred in some by Burning splinters showered on an I Kostelanetz, pistol ton delegates taking part in the I estate men. adjacent mill, and befoce firemen had Native of North Carolina. leader, said Reginald Owen, screen time, will ask that Russell's body executive sessions which precede the be exhumed and will a chance to fight the chemical-fed ON KIDNAP SUSPECTS A native of Charlotte. N. C., Mr. actor, was "talking out of church” caliber the opening of the convention. when he at Port Worth to- bullet wound to determine whether it blaze, a second terrific explosion lifted Hayes entered the Weather Bureau reported Moderate Homes Plan. WORKER HURT IN FALL that Kostelanetz and Pons, was a .22 or .32 caliber bullet that the building. Service in 1892 as observer. Soon day Lily Taylor, real- his Waverly Washington Officials said the cause of the ex- Brunette and Vandenbush Put on after the War lie opera and screen star, were married. caused death. Spanish-American tor, who is chairman of the Land Charles Harton Owen. Kostelanetz and Miss Pons "We suspect no one at this time, Seriously Injured plosion was not determined, but that assisted in organizing the hurricane Development and Home Builders’ O-Men's “Public Enemy’’ were aboard the same (Ameri- but intend to continue our they had found no evidence of sabo- warning service in the West Indies, plane investiga- Committee of the national associa- in 15-Foot Plunge. tage. List. serving at Havana. Cuba, from can Airlines) when it passed through tion until it is established definitely tion, presided over a session yesterday Charles 53, a wa? The victims included in this here about 10 a m. tC. S. T.) whether this is a plain case of suicide Harton, plasterer, Pierre La January, 1899, to July, 1902, today j a Harry Brunette and Merle Vanden- I out of which grew plan for sponsor- seriously injured today when he fer Rocque, manager of the factory, and work. en route to New York from California. or murder.” bush, named the Federal Bureau of ship of development of livable homes 15 feet from a scaffold on which h( by Miss Pons remained aboard the Coroner Prank Nance ex- •everal powder experts. From 1904 to 1906 Mr. was I said if Investigation as the kidnapers of Jer- Hayes of moderate co6t throughout the was a plane. A crowd gathered around the humation is requested he will call working in room in the Senate -•- sey State William A. Turn- engaged in organizing the National United States. The plan will be given Office Trooper in an effort to see her. an He said Building. Weather Service in ship inquest. he personally bull on Armistice day, moved Forecasting Argen- to the full committee for considera- was today observed powder burns inside Rus- The workman taken to Casualty into the unenviable circle of tina. Subsequently he was in charge tion later this week. "public sells wound. His Hospital, where it was said he maj 19 BUS LINES ASK of various Weather Bureau his scalp autopsy enemies" deemed important enough offices, a surgeon, Frank Webb, reported the MRS. GOUVERNEUR j On the eve of the. general sessions have fractured spine. He lives a< to be the subject of special "wanted” longest service being in St. Louis from VOTE AIDS CHEST of the Walter Rose of 1112 Sixth street. 28-year-old jobless salesman appar- MOtitiiS, convention, W. TO BE MERGED INTO 6 circulars. 1910 to 1929. While in St. Louis he died in the as became nationally known in connec- ently instantly swing, The bureau today was distributing A resolution to withhold donations indicated the tion with the River and Flood Fore- by quantity of blood throughout the Nation approximately from the Community Chest until the i oeneath the head in the Economies of Are Cited casting Service for the Mississippi and post-mortem Operation 300.000 circulars bearing photographs Y. M. C. A., one of the Chest bene- i examination. other rivers in that area. in Greyhound Applications of the desperate pair, with the notation ficlaries. accorded union wages and : Russell’s death, listed by Manhattan "Wanted for kidnaping and bank rob- Won Record. conditions to its firemen and Filed With I. C. C. Efficiency engineers Beach police as a suicide, drew a was defeated a bery.” While chief of the River and Flood by one-vote margin at j district attorney’s investigation last BJ the Associated Press. the Central Labor Union last Such notices In the past have been Division here he had played a leading meeting veek after his mother, Mrs. Victoria Consolidation of 19 subsidiary Grey- night. reserved by the F. B. I. for outlaws of part in increasing the efficiency of that ft us sell, insisted he did not take his hound bus lines into six operating j the John Dillinger, “Baby Face” Nel- branch of the bureau's work through- After half an hour of spirited de- < >wn life.
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