' a -lt"'~±.MJ~~ ~.:!-· i~t Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan New Series No. 25 Palaeontological Society of Japan April 30, 1957 CONTENTS TRANSACTIONS Page 305. On the Miocene Lucinidae from the Mizunami Group, Japan ........... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Junji hoJGAWA 1 306. Brachiopoda from the Daishaka and Tsurugasaka Fossil Zones. Minami Tsugaru-Gun, Aomori Prefecture ........................... ]iro K<nou 7 307. Fossil and Recent Species of the Genus PatZomya from Japan .......... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. Saburo KAN~o 11 308. Two Carboniferous Corals from Okayama Prefecture .......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Masao MJNATO and Keiji NAKAZAWA 17 309. Some Molluscan Fossils from the Eastern Part of the Tanzawa Mountainland ......................................................... Matsutaro SIIIIIATA 21 310. A Miocene Fossil Crab, Paratymolus yabei, n. sp. from Nagano Pre- fecture ........................................................................ Rikizo IMAJZUMI 26 311. Amussiopecfen iitomietzsis (OnJJ,A) and its Allies from Japan ........... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ...... Masahiko AI<JYAMA 31 PROCEEDINGS .................. .. ............................................................. 40 President: Hisakatsu YABE Councillors: Kiyoshi AsANO, Riuji ENDo (Business and Accountant), Seido ENoo, Haruyoshi FuJJl\IOTo (Publication), Shoshiro HANZAWA, I\otora I·IATAI, Ichiro HAYASAKA, (General Affairs), Kazuo HuzJOI\A, Teiichi KonAYASIII (Editor), Jiro MAKIYAMA, Tatsuro MATSUMoTo, Masao MINATo, Tokio SIIIKAMA, Fuyuji T AKAI (General Affairs), Ryuzo ToRIYAMA. All Communications relating to this Journal should be addressed to the PALAEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Geological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan Trans. Proc. Palae:>nt. So:. Japan. N. S., Ko. 25, pp. 1-6, Pl. 1. April 30, 1957 305. ON THE MIOCENE LUCI:KlbAE FROM THE MlZUNAMI GROUP, JAPAN* ]UNJI ITOIGAWA Kyoto Ur.iversity fliJ~~l!fi!F.~~mttt l.ucinidae: i\\\1~ • !fft-J'j\ljjWlh">f/iJIJ'~fe'ili:J: I) il€ Lt.:. 6 flljQ) Lucinidae t:.llr, -t ~;,ft1.i J;l~t:. --:>~ • -c k'lt& r.HillH\1tfi L. ~t.:.-.k~Jilfn:. --:>i., -c ~~ L t~o '*. t.:... lVallucina .{!j(,Q).:....VJ(m · ~lii!.tH.t.:.o -!M~.Jll w= Introduction and Acknowledgements Wallucina habti ITOIGAWA Wallucina okunptrai ·n. sp .. In the inside zone of southwestern Pillucina (Sydlorina) yokoyam~i (OUTKA) Japan, there are found scatterings of Saxoltlcina (Megaxinus) k-hataii (OTUKA) the Miocene strata that are assumptively Luci~ooma acutili11:ata (CoNRAD) representing the First Paleo-Setouchi Caviluchza (Monitilora)· kitamurai (HATAI supergroup (IKEBE, 1951) i. e. Mizunami, e~ NISIYAMA) Isshi, Ayukawa, Tsuzuki and Tsuyama The writer is indebted to Prof. J. groups etc. Yielding rich faunas and MAKIYAII.IA for his suggestions and revi­ floras, these strata are interesting sub· sion of English. Thanks are also due jects for the members of the Paleo­ to Dr. T. KuRODA and Dr. T. HABE for Setouchi research group. The Mizunami informations about the taxonomic mala· group. the type of the supergroup, was cology. developed in three mutually connected basins, Kani, Mizunami and Iwamura in Paleoecological t-.otes Gifu Prefecture. The present writer is studying the stratigraphy and paleon· Some paleoecologi~al aspects of these tology of this group and he has partly species were observed in field and labora­ reported the results. tory considering the data of stratigraphy This paper is the third result and and fossil fauna. Although these data prepared in view of taxonomic and paleo­ are not complete at present presumably ecological accounts of the Lucinid overlooking minute species, the conclu­ pelecypods from the Mizunami group. sion might not be very different from These are the interesting forms inasmuch that based upon the more accumulated as they are the indicators of various material. environments. Cavilucina ( Monitilora) kitamurai The following species are. collected <lhTAI et NrsrYAMA) and .Wallticina from the Mizunami group in the Iwa­ okumurai n. sp. are found only in ·the mura and Mizunami basins. Shukunohora sandstone associating Mio­ gypsina kotoi HANZA w A, Operculina com· * Read June 28, 1956; received Apr. 28, 1956 · plmzata japonica l-l... NzAwA, Aloidis 1 2 Junji lTOIGAWA m'sataictzsis 0TUKA and Turbo ozawai 0TUKA etc. Both valves of every indi­ Description of species vidual of these two species are attached Family Lucinidae snowing autochthonous origin in the Genus TVallucitza lREOAJ.E 1930 sandy environment. The fauna of Shuku­ nohora sandstone represents the warm Wallucina habei hoiGAWA 1955 sea waters and peculiar to this group. Pl. 1. figs. 3a -b. It seems that this two species inhabited 1955: Wallucin:J habei lTOJGA w A, Mem. Col!. in the warm and shallow waters with Sci., Kyoto U11iv. Ser. B. Vol. 22, No.2. sandy bottom. Art. 1, p. 139, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2. JVallucina hahei hoiGAWA is found in Geological occurrence:- the sandstones as a member of Dosinia­ 1. Kubohara sandstone, Iwamura basin. Nt'PP01zomarcia fauna. It is indicating 2. Togari formation, Mizunami basin. a sandy neritic environment, and the 3. Tsukiyoshi formation, Mizunami basin. attached valves show also the autoch­ Localities :- thonous origin. 1. J 3011I, Kamigiri, Iwamura-cho, Ena­ Pillucitw (Sydlorina) yokoyami (0Tu­ gun, Gifu Prefecture. KA) is found in the marginal facies 2. ] 40026, Nenga-hora, Togari, Mizunami developed near the basement with the City. following species: 3-a. ] 40041, Matsubara, Toki-cho, Mizu­ Nippmwmarcia nakamurai lKEBE, nami City. Vcnerupis siratm·iensis (OTUKA ). Nassa­ 3-b. J 40049, Kujiri, Toki City. rius simizrei 0Tuic-\. Turritella s·hataii Associated fonns :- NoMURA. 1. Dosiuia nomurai 0TUKA, NipP01zo­ Most probably this species sho\vs the marcia nakamurai IKEBE, Clitzocar­ similar environment to that of Wal­ dium slzinjiense (YoKOYAMA), lucitza lzabei hmGAWA. Glycymeris minoensis hoiGAw.~. Saxolucitza (Afega:r:itzus) ll-hataii Euspir:J meisensis MAKIYAMA, Tur­ (OTuKA) accompanies with Vicarya yoko­ rilella s-Jzataii NoMURA, Nassarius yamai TAJ<EYAMA. Vicaryella ishiiana simizui 0TuKA etc. (YoKoY A 1\J A), Sanguinolan·a minoensis 2. Doshzia nomurai OnrJ\A, Nippono­ (YoKOYAI\1,\), Cyclina japotzica KA:o.JADA marcia uakamurai I 1< •mE, Gibbula and Ceritltium kanelzarai FuJITA and lukiyosicnsis (On.:o.JA et SAKA) etc. 0GosE etc. and indicates the sandy 3-a. Vicmyella ~~~lziiaua (YoKoYAMA), brackish environments. Ccrithium kaneharai FuJITA et Lucinoma acutilineata (Co:-~uAu) is the 0GosE, Sanguinolaria minoensis common and important species in this (YoKOYA~lA) etc. district. Two different occurrences are 3-b. Turritella s-lzataii NoMURA, Euspi1·a known ; the one being autochthonous mcismzsis MAKIY Al\IA, Protorotella showed by the attached valves is in the togaricnse MAKIYAl\IA etc. muddy and silty sediment and tt:e other JVallucina okumurai hoiGAWA n. sp. ca!'e being allochthonous is in the sand­ Pl. 1, figs. 1, 2. stone. In the former case, this species is a good indicator of an environment Shell small, suborbicular, as long as under a mttddy inland sea. high, thin, moderately inflated, roundly On the 1\Iiocen~ Lucinidae from the Mizunami Group. Japan. 3 produced anteriorly : antero-dorsal mar­ Genus Pillucina PILSBRY 1921 gin short, concave : p<>Stero-dorsal side slightly convex, graduall}· descending to Pillucina (Sydlorina) yokoyamai (0TUKA) posterior margin : anterior margin round­ Pl. 1, figs. 4, 5. ed : ventral side arched : beak small, 1934: Lucina yokoyamai Ona;:A, Bull. Earthq. prominent; sculpture consisting of fine Res. ltzst. Tokyo Imp. Univ. Vol. 12. p. regular concentric lamellae and obscure 615. pl. 47. figs. 29-32. radiating striae ; dorsal area more or 1935: Luci11a (Lucinisca) yokoyamai OTUKA, less marked: lunule small, cordate, four. Fac. Sci. Imp Univ. Tokyo, Vol. dissymetric: hinge plate narrowly long, 5, p. 27. pl. •1. fig. 38. delicate: cardinal and lateral teeth frail, Shell small in size, suborbicular. as well developed: inner margin denticulate; long as high, moderately convex: beak inner side with fine radiating striae. smalL pointed, turned inwards, touching, Dimensions:- Height. 5 mm., length, placed slightly back of dorsal margin: 4.5mm. antero·dorsal margin short, concave, Holotype :- ]C 1500001, Paratype :- JC bluntly angled to subrounded anterior 1500002. margin: postero-dorsal margin also Remarlls :- This species is closely short. nearly straight descending to subtruncated J:OSterior margin ; ventral resembling TVallucina habei hoiGAWA, 1955, but it is distinguished in having margin regular:y rounded. connecting the thin and inflated shell with the fine both to posterior and anterior ends concentric lamellae, and the narrowly gradually ; sculpture consisting of many delicate hinge plate. Wallucina lamyi radiating striae · crossed by concentric CHAVAN, 1938 is another allied species incremental lines: radiating striae not but the present species has the thinner di\'aricate. weak at middle part; con­ and more orbicular shell, and its hinge centrics fine, ocassionally strong; lunule plate is more delicate v.ith the fine and ovate. deep, well marked; teeth of right frail teeth. valve consisting of a cardinal and 2 laterals : teeth of left valve consisting This species is named in honor of
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