This is Matrix Report draft v 1.0 This report has been conducted in the spirit and honor of one of our most precious rights: Freedom of Speech. This work is totally not-for-profit. All material herein is to be treated and protected as Archived for Educational Purposes Use Under U.S.C. Title 17 Section 107. Therefore, those who would wish to censor this work, or silence us, must first eradicate the laws of free speech. Please bear in mind that I am not a professional writer, just doing my best to come forward with years of painstaking research. Check in for new updates and revisions to this ongoing work then re- download new updated drafts. We encourage everyone to download all the Matrix Report Files and repost all our info on your own websites before this information is made to disappear by "Big Brother." Make all the copies you wish, seed it in P2P networks, bulletin boards, Usenet, email it, Digg, Reddit, Facebook, circulated this report anyway you can. Truth will eventually overcome. Behold, for I present to you: THE MATRIX REPORT By Dr. Houdini, PhZ “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” ..:EMANCIPATE YOURSELF FROM MENTAL SLAVERY:.. "he who has an ear, let him hear, he who has eyes, let him see" For it is written: "the truth shall set you free" TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION TO THE MATRIX THE BIG PICTURE THE ULTIMATE COSA NOSTRA - THE MASTER RULING ELITE AGENCIES OF DEATH & DESTRUCTION THE GLOBALIZATION AGENDA AKA: THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" THE MASTERFUL MANIPULATION OF PUBLIC OPINION THE TERRORIST BOOGEYMEN - "THE PERFECT COMMON ENEMY" MOSSAD/CIA/Mi5 FALSE FLAG CENTRAL 911 THE GREATEST HOAX IN HISTORY - CIA/PENTACON "OPERATION 911 REICHSTAG FIRE" WHAT IS THE MATRIX THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRIAL MATRIX - THE OVERLORDS of CAPITALISM WEALTH vs. POVERTY - ENSLAVEMENT MATRIX - SLAVERY IS ALIVE AND WELL! MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX aka THE MINISTRY OF PEACE MASS MEDIA- PROPAGANDA MATRIX - THE MINISTERS OF TRUTH THE GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL MATRIX THE MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL MATRIX - OVERLORDS OF HEALTH AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIAL MATRIX THE ENVIROMENT MATRIX THE ENERGY CONSPIRACY MATRIX THE EDUCATION INDUSTRIAL MATRIX DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA INC.- THE SYSTEMATIC SELLOUT, DECLINE, and FALL JUSTICE & ENFORCEMENT MATRIX - THE POLICE STATE COMETH PRISON INDUSTRIAL MATRIX THE DRUG WAR HOAX - THE BOGUS WAR ON DRUGS & THE CIA THE JFK ASSASSINATION HAS ALREADY BEEN SOLVED - THE COUP D' E’TAT OF THE CENTURY JUDISM vs. ZIONISTS vs. THE WORLD THE RELIGION MATRIX - RELIGION - RELIGOUS RIVALRY - POLITICS OF GOD THE HIDDEN SECRET OF THE AGES THE INTERNET - CYBERSPACE THE FINAL FRONTIER USE THE K.I.S.S. PRINCIPLE TO WAKE UP AMERICA WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HAVE IN STORED FOR US? CONCLUSIONS ADDENDUMS: OPERATION NORTHWOODS THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION SOME FURTHER PROOFS OF THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION THE CRIMINALS WHO RUN OUR GOVERNMENT REFERENCE SOURCES AND LINKS ABOUT THE AUTHER – CONTACT INFO INTRODUCTION TO THE MATRIX: "It is only the TRUTH that can make a man FREE. It is only the TRUTH that can make a man LIVE. The truth has been branded OUTLAWED & ILLEGAL. It is DANGEROUS to have the truth in your possession. You can be found GUILTY and sentenced to DEATH. My words are the TRUTH and the truth causes OFFENSE. I DON'T CARE what men want to say about me BECAUSE WITHOUT THE TRUTH THERE IS NO CONSCIOUSNESS." Source, unknown. "In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell Each and every chapter of this Matrix Report should be covered extensively as its own book, it’s own report, in order to give each chapter it’s full in depth coverage they individually deserve. But due to the nature of this report’s purpose to basically provide an overall cohesive overview and structure of the matrix, this work must be done as just one report at this point in time. Each and every single paragraph herein has been painstakingly researched, verified and often reviewed dozens of times for validity for it to be included in this work. I wish I could source all the material herein, but due to the fact that almost every single sentence could have up to dozens of source links, it would be a monumental task and take me an additional couple years just in listing sources. This entire report, has taken 3 years just to reach draft version 1.0 stage and still, I am not yet satisfied with the overall comprehensiveness or the extent of clarity in describing key points, therefore, expect further, more thorough drafts in the future (any help and constructive input is also welcomed). Again, I cannot stress enough how I wish I had the luxury of providing literally dozens upon dozens of source proofs to every sentence that is written here, but this report would become another 1,000 pages longer in doing so and take me 2 or 3 years longer to complete, with that in mind look at the very few links and videos listed here and there as mere examples of points I am trying to elaborate on, and if you have any doubts or want more info please look into the matter at hand further. All I can do at this point in time is wish and hope that everyone that reads this report will actually take it upon themselves to initiate their own fact finding mission and verify everything I say here. Behold: for I come forth, speaking not for myself but for the authority vested in me, for the time has come for all to know the full extent of what was, what is and is yet to come The “powers that be” have been proceeding cautiously due to what has been emerging as a “truth movement.” For only TRUTH can expose all and derail their best laid plans. Therefore you have been witnessing a massive concerted effort to discredit, ridicule, mock, scorn, rebuke, attack, and even imprison those of us who dare come forth to reveal the TRUTH to the world. One need look no further than the recent A&E FBI show which portrays 9/11 truthers as DOPE SMOKING TERRORISTs, for a perfect example of the lengths that “big brother” will go to alienate and distance the public to the TRUTH. As more and more biased “programs” such as that TV show are aired, the general public, subject to the constant barrage of misleading propaganda critical of the “truth movement” combined with the phenomena of group (follow the crowd) mentality, naturally turns away from the ridiculed (TRUTH) subject matter. Such are the forces we are up against. The information we are going to be revealing here is of such a nature that an over whelming majority of the people will refuse to even consider the general message. Our message is so heart breaking, so devastating, so alarming, so profoundly disturbing that many people will not, CAN NOT, psychologically accept it, for the message goes against what you have been PROGRAMED to believe. The knowledge we present can and will shake the very foundation of your beliefs about the world you live in. From the days even before you were a child in school holding your right hand to your heart, the indoctrination began, pledging unwavering "allegiance to the flag" on a daily basis. Get in line, single file, obey those in authority. Oh the blemish free, wonderful fairy tale like, magnificent country we have been taught to blindly believe in. How blessed and benevolent art thou! Many people will try and find any little piece of info that has any little flaw in it so that they can use that little flaw to dismiss and discredit the entirety of the facts being presented here, thereby making an excuse to just walk away and pretend that their lives and the world around them are just hunk dory. Statistics prove that a full 30% of the population will NEVER accept any truth that challenges their predefined life programming, thus they are pre disposed to go to their graves in a perpetual state of denial no matter what solid evidence is ever revealed and presented to them. Obviously this report is not meant to try and reach those hopelessly lost minds. Therefore the time has come for YOU to choose. Will you continue to live in INGNORANCE, or will YOU break free and EMANCIPATE YOURSELF FROM MENTAL SLAVERY? Statistics state that very few people even read anymore. For the masses would rather spend their free time engulfed in being entertained, preferring the deep hypnotic slumber of sitting in front of the bloob tube... engulfed in the latest "entertainment PROGRAM", sports, shows, games, drama, etc., the list of fun distractions to keep your mind busy and “boxed” is huge indeed. Rock music is also a central core hypnotic programming medium. Is it not interesting in that the media networks call their output over the airwaves, designed for our consumption: "programming", for that is EXACTLY what they have been doing to the population: programming them. Thus we can readily observe that “big media” is “big brothers” right hand man. The common accepted "truth" of every society is derived from the news and media outlets. "They" are the ones whom program you, who shape and mold everyone's perception of reality... they set the stage, the rhythm, the ambiance, the common public vibe, the prevailing winds, flow of attitudes and ideas, what’s cool, what’s hot. In essence THEY decide what is and what is not, why and how, before you even had a clue if it ever was..
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