A Firefly in the Bamboo Reed

A Firefly in the Bamboo Reed

A FIREFLY IN THE BAMBOO REED The Suttaniddesa of Saddhammajotipā a and the G"ammatica Foundations of The"a$āda Buddhism in Burma Aleix Ruiz-Falqués Hughes Hall PhD Degree, South Asian Studies Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies !ni"ersity of Ca$%ridge Su&ervisor' Dr( ivind )ahrs *his dissertation is su%$itted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Se&te$%er +,-. STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This dissertation is the result of $y own /or0 and includes nothing which is the outcome of /or0 done in colla%oration exce&t as declared in the Preface and s&eci1ed in the text( 2t is not su%stantially the same as any that 2 ha"e su%mitted, or, is %eing concurrently su%mitted for a degree or di&loma or other quali1cation at the !ni"ersity of #a$%ridge or any other !ni"ersity or si$ilar institution exce&t as declared in the Preface and s&eci1ed in the text( 2 further state that no su%stantial &art of $y dissertation has already %een su%mitted, or, is %eing concurrently su%mitted for any such degree, di&loma or other quali1cation at the !ni"ersity of Ca$%ridge or any other !ni"ersity of si$ilar institution exce&t as declared in the Preface and s&eci1ed in the text( STATEMENT OF LENGTH This PhD dissertation does not exceed the /ord limit set %y the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies degree co$$ittee( S%MMARY A FIREFLY IN THE BAMBOO REED The Suttaniddesa of Saddhammajotipā a and the G"ammati#a Foundations of The"a$āda Buddhism in Burma My doctoral thesis assesses the role of P3li gra$$atical studies in the consolidation of Thera"3da 4uddhis$ in 4ur$a 5Myanmar6( Since the esta%lishment of Thera"3da 4uddhis$ in the --th century A(D(, P3li 7ra$$ar and &hilology /ere %y far the most culti"ated 1elds of study in 4urma( 8estern scholarshi& has %een a/are of this &henomenon, %ut the "ast cor&us of grammatical treatises in P3li re$ains &oorly studied( Due to a lac0 of understanding and direct reading of the sources, scholars ha"e considered P3li grammar a merely instrumental disci&line in which monks /ere trained %efore &ursuing the higher studies of the 4uddhist doctrine( 2n $y dissertation 2 dis&ute this "ie/( 2n the 1rst &art 2 examine unexplored &ri$ary sources and 2 sho/ that grammatical studies /ere &art and &arcel of the 4uddhist education( 8hat /e call P3li grammar is nothing %ut the &hilological disci&line that equi&s a 4uddhist scholar for the correct understanding of the doctrine( This is so %ecause the doctrine consists of a set of canonical texts in P3li that need to %e inter&reted correctly, for they are considered to %e 9/ord of the 4uddha: 5buddhavacanaṃ6( After a general introduction discussing the role of P3li grammar in medie"al 4urma, 2 focus on a text called the Suttaniddesa 59Explanation of the sutta ;of )acc3yana<:6( This text /as written %y the renowned scholar monk and reformer Cha&a=a Saddhammajoti&3la in the -.th century( Saddhamma>oti&3la /as a me$%er of the oldest, and therefore $ost &restigious, Thera"3da lineage of 4urma( His Suttaniddesa remains as one of the 1nest exa$&les of the %lend of grammatical scholastics and 4uddhism, a %lend that characterises medie"al 4urmese 4uddhis$( A&'NO(LEDGEMENTS This /or0 /ould not ha"e %een &ossi%le /ithout a scholarshi& fro$ ?a Caixa Foundation 5+,--@+,-A6, a Ra&son 7rant fro$ the de&artment in FAMES-Ca$%ridge 5+,-A@+,-B6, a grant fro$ Staats%i%liothe0 fro$ 4erlin 5Summer +,-B6, the 1nancial assistance of $y Faculty and the S$uts Fund in $y tri&s to Myanmar, the 1nancial assitance of the Myanmar Manuscri&t Project in Ca&an, and a Ro%ert H( D( Ho E Family Dissertation Fellowshi& 5+,-B@+,-.6( 2n the line of acknowledgements 2 /ould li0e to mention, 1rst of all, $y dear colleagues in Ca$%ridge, for their good friendshi& and co$radeshi&' Paolo Fisigalli, 7io"anni Ciotti, Charles ?i, #amillo Formigatti and Alastair 7ornallG 2 ha"e also recei"ed hel& and encouragement fro$ Eisel Mazard( 2 ha"e also %ene1ted fro$ the fellows of the Pali Mailing- ?ist and es&ecially Ci$ Anderson and his kind advice( 2 a$ extremely o%liged to 8illia$ Pruitt, who has hel&ed me in almost e"erything, to Petra )ieHer-Pülz, for her hel&, her &atience and encouragement( 2 ha"e learned what it is to %e a true Pali scholar reading with Dr Margaret #one and knowingly or not she has set the standard that 2 thin0 2 should ai$ to meet( Cohn J0ell /as extremely su&&orti"e /ith $y 4urmese fro$ the "ery 1rst moment and /as 0ind enough to read &assages of the Dy3sanissaya /ith me, and also the Cha&a=a Pagoda 2nscri&tion( 2 a$ also grateful to Custin 8at0ins fro$ SJAS for his su&&ort( 2 a$ also inde%ted to ?ilian Handlin, Charles Hallisey and Charles #artstens at Har"ardG )ate Cros%y, Andre/ Skilton, Pyi Phyo )ya/ at )ingKs College ?ondonG Professor Malhar )ulkarni, Anuja Ajotikar and *anuja Ajotikar in 22* Mu$%aiG Mahesh Deokar, ?ata Deokar, !>>/al )umar in the Pali De&artment, Pune !ni"ersity; Shailaja )atre and the staH at the Sanskrit De&artment, Pune !ni"ersity; Aung Moe and fa$ily, ! Sundara, ! 2ndachariya at the Sitagu Acade$y, Florent Ro%ert in MyanmarG Harn&ol Ti&&ayamonta 59*or:6 in 4ang0o0G D(#( ?ammerts, Alexey )irichen0o, Patric0 Pran0e and Tilman Frasch, for all ha"e gi"en me good advice on historical $attersG Lumi Jusaka, Lutaka )a/asaki and Sunao Acknowledgements )asamatsu in the Myanmar Manuscri&t ProjectG Elisa Freschi and the CoHee 4rea0 organisersG Susanne Henschel and Dicole Fuertig at the Staats%i%liothe0 of 4erlin( My father Carles and $y $other Montserrat, $y sisters Mar, #lara and Deus, and the rest of $y fa$ily, ne"er failed to encourage me( My su&ervisor Ei"ind )ahrs has &rovided me /ith the intellectual su&&ort of a true indologist, and good advise whene"er 2 requested( Jur sessions of P3li grammatical readings in his office at NueensO /ill surely remain as one the $ost cherished memories of $y time in Ca$%ridge( Finally 2 /ould li0e to than0 Jle Holten Pind who, %ac0 in +,,P, encouraged me to follo/ the &ath of P3li scholarshi&, and es&ecially P3li vyākaraṇa( His ins&iration /as crucial in $y decision to underta0e this PhD( 2n the days /e s&ent reading P3li at the office of the no/ disa&&eared Critical P3li Dictionary in Co&enhagen, Jle moti"ated me as if e$%odying the entire tradition of Scandinavian scholars li0e 8estergaard, Faus%Qll, Dines Andersen, Helmer Smith, and many others, including Jle and $y su&ervisor Ei"ind )ahrs( 2 therefore /ould li0e to dedicate this /or0 to Jle Holten Pind and to the great Scandinavian tradition of P3li scholarshi&( CONTENTS Preface: Focus and Aim of this Work i I. Mirror of the Tipiṭaka: the Role of Pāli Grammar in Pa an Burma ". Introduction 3 #. Pāli rammar in !urma: di$erent interpretations 6 #.". An o%erwhelmin corpus of texts 6 #.#. Grammar as reco%ery 10 #.). A Mar'ist approach 12 ). The concept of vyākaraṇa: from *ashmir to Pa an 15 +. The *ātantra rammar and its in,uence on *accā(ana 25 -. The *accā(ana .ystem 33 /. .addhammasiri of Pa an and his philosophy of lan ua e 43 /.". The Saddatthabhedacintā 43 /.#. The ori ins of sound 0.!C #2 45 /.). 3ow sound 4ecomes meanin ful 0.!C )5+2 47 /.+. 6inendra4uddhi7s theory of sound production 54 /.-. .entence as inference 0.!C "+ 5 "- 2 55 /./. 8on9eternality of sound 0.!C #: 5 #-2 61 ;. The Kārikā on the role of Pāli vyākaraṇa 72 ;.". <hammasenāpati of Pa an and the Kārikā 72 ;.#. Why stud( vyākaraṇa= 75 ;.). The >%efold use of Pāli vyākaraṇa 80 ;.+. The >re of understandin 92 ?. Concludin remarks 95 II. A Fire,( in the Bam4oo Reed: @'plorin the Suttaniddesa of Chapaṭa .addhammajotipāla ". The author 97 ".". T&o Chapaṭas 97 ".#. The .addhammaAotipāla of the %erse colophon 98 ".). The Chapada Pa oda Inscription 100 ".+. The prose colophon 103 ".-. Chapaṭa .addhammajotipālaBs texts as s(m4ols 104 "./. .addhammajotipālaBs &orks 105 "./.". Nāmacāradīpaka and Nāmacāradīpaka-ṭīkā 107 "./.#. Saṅkhepavaṇṇanā 109 Aleix Ruiz-Falqués "./.). Sīmālṅkāra-ṭīkā 111 "./.+. $inayasamuṭṭhānadīpanī 112 "./.-. $inayaguḷhatthadīpanī 112 "././. 'ātimokkhavisodhana 112 #. The Suttaniddesa 114 #.". Introduction to the Suttaniddesa 114 #.#. The oral method of rammatical de4ate 115 #.). Cuotations and lost sources 116 #.+. Dost rammars 117 #.+.". Atthabyākhyāna 118 #.+.#. Ṭīkābyākhyāna 121 #.+.). Tracea4le %erse quotations 121 #.+.+. Saṅgaha 123 #.+.-. Niruttijotaka 124 #.+./. +ījākhyā 125 #.+.;. +hassa 127 #.-. Authorit( of the *alāpa 0*ātantra2 131 #./. The Suttaniddesa and the textual transmission of Kaccāyana 132 #.;. Far fetched interpretations 133 #.?. Word enumeration 136 #.F. Grammar vis a vis !uddhist Philosoph( 137 #.F.". Philosoph( em4edded in paribhāsā suttas 138 #.F.#. T&o philosophical approaches to rammar 139 #.":. Gptionalit( 142 #."". Poetic lan ua e 144 #."#. 8on9!uddhist approaches 148 #."). 1anonical Pāli: like a face re,ected in the mirror 149 #."+. 3ellishly !i 8umerals 153 #."-. The commentary on the ākhyātakāvya 154 #."/. The re%ealed aphorism 155 ). Conclusion 158 III. The Samāsakappa of the Suttaniddesa: Critical @ditionH Translation and 8otes ". Introduction 163 ".". The style 163 ".#. Editorial criteria 164 ".). .ources of this edition 165 #. Text and Translation 167 *acc )"? nāmānaṃ samāso yuttattho 167 Contents *acc )"F tesaṃ vibhattiyo lopā ca 197 *acc )#: pakati cassa sarantassa 208 *acc )#" upasagganipātapubbako abyayībhāvo 217 *acc )## so napuṃsakaliṅgo 225 *acc )#) digussekattaṃ 230 *acc )#+ tathā dvande pāṇituriyayoggasenaṅgakhuddajantukavividha- viruddhavisabhāgatthādīnañ ca 234 *acc )#- vibhāsā rukkhtiṇapasudhanadhaññajanapadādīnañ ca 238 *acc )#/ dvipade tulyādhikaraṇe kammadhārayo 240 *acc

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