THE DIAPASON AN INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE ORGAN, THE HARPSICHORD AND CHURCH MUSIC S;:dy · Sev~nlh YL'ar, No. 12 - Whole No. 8M NOVE~IIIER, 1976 Dr. Anderson's pla)'iuK was charac­ Icl"ized hy a greal deal of excitemcnt and rh\"thmic drivc, and wa5 alwa)'s accurate American Institute of and l1It15ical. Although Ihe wholc pro­ gram was noteworthy, I felt Ihat Ihe modern :uIII romantic pieces were the hC5l. Here were Pletl'S which many Organbuilders would as..'mme 10 be ullplayahle on .. "c1a~~ic" !it\'le tracker, hill imlrnment and artic:t comhined 10 make the music Illcmorablc. The pro'lt"ranl con!liisted or }buhlll'i: Prehult< and Fllf!"e in E Minor Fourth Annual Convention ("S!real''); de Grigll\': Panl!e V'H!. ua: naell: Pauncfll!lin a.,d FtU!Iu! i" C Minor; Alain: Suite: Reger: Chorale Fantasia, "H"II~lllia! r.nll ttl loIum," After such a rousing ucrronnance or Ihe ReJrer A Report by Arthur Lawrence p;cce. I "'o·ulert."tl what encore could pn~~ihlv rollo\\': it came in thc form of rllt' final or Guil,"ant's D-Mirlor Sonata. huildcrs SOIIlJ.: :. 11\ 11111 ami expel icnced SWELL :I perpetual,motion picr.c of great hril· rhe (1Il1rlh ;1111111:11 LUm emjun nr lhe liancc and humor. AllIel'i,,:;," 111~liltltc nf Organl,uildcn; firsthand Ihb c\scmial capahilit\, nr the Gl.-.:leckt S' W3S held in UUIISIUII , Tcxils. O(l(Ihcr 3. urgan, The 5Pl'ciril:llinu rollm\~ : Gemshorn S' rt. 1\IIClldcd by nC:lrl)' olle hundred in­ Celcste S' (prepared) The fotlo\\'iul!' morninlZ', Dr. Ander· terested pcr!;()Il!'i, the CVCnlli wcre heac! · Spitznote 4' ~n was aV:Iit'1 Ihe feafured f)CTformer, (IU;lrlclctl at Ihe MlliTiott :-fotor Hotel. :":a!'iat 2-2/ 3' Ihis time with a \"ery articlliate speech, ;1.1 ,'''u \1. Waldnike ~' \1 hClc muse of che S4..'!'lsiulI! werc held. Rohrflolc S' whkh i5 printed elsewhere in this iuue. I'urlions or nile day were dc"uh.'tl to Ten 1·3/ 5' h was nne of ~\'f!T31 One artdr~~ ~ hiuzipal -I' 7.imbd III 2/ 3' (prepared) ,h:lllon~lrnliolls. lOurs. ~lId a rt.'Cilal, \\'aldnotc 2' others werc Toscoh Blanton·s "Practietl R' held .. I \'ariolls IUC;llioll!o in Ihe cil\, Krummhorn AspeCls of Case-OesiP1l:· lOIn 'Rowland', I.arignr 1·1 / 3' Tremolo ' A Snnd3)' c\'cuing baroccllc'Il.'CcIHiull Mixtl1l"c III " Pre1... ure.Rise in the Pipe,Foot and WilS foJlom. .'d hy Ihe first present.tlion: ,'Olne lnmlicnliom," Dr. ?barten Vente'!!; PEllA I. " SoIlIC Aspects of Iberian Orymnhuild· ""resent Trends ill U ~"i . OrgOlulmihl. M;\:\li AL II Subbass )(j' (unit J) in!.!." Pete Sicker's "OI'ft3" Oe!'ih~'n and iug." it report hl' Frilz ;\nllck. re;lll in Rnhrnule", (Mallual I) Quintb.:lSl 10-2/ 3' (unit I) Ihe aUlhnr's absence by Roy Rcdm:lII. Placement: Problems and Solution"," I'rinzipal ," (Manual I) I'rincipal S' (unit 11) Otto Hormann's "Reneclions after Thir- Mr. Noack emphasized the "nious iurl,,­ Cededt S' (unil 1) clle(.":'; in '\mcnGI1I nrg:mlluildillg (jurill); 1\' Y(.":Irs." and Pieter Visser'lI "Some l'En.\1. Quinte 5-1 / 3' (uult 1) Tholll;hts 011 Tonal MaUers and Tun­ 1he c:ighteellth :lnd llillt'lcCl1th (CIIIIII' '-''S , SublJa!'lll 16' Choralbas.1 4' (unit II) ill~-PractiCt.'S," Jad: Sic\'ert chaired a ;tlld. for the pn,'SClit duy. he had cum. Man. I 10 I'edal Tefl 3-1 / 5' (unil 1) I)ancl di~cIL\... ion, with :an attorne\, and pilL'f) all inlen'!lling sun-c}' of iurnnu:I' Man. II to 1'c.."tJal ~lixture III 2' CPA pr~I1t . on ",\dministrntive Prob­ tiull. gathered fmm some 39 American General trl'IIIII13111 Fagolt 16' (prepare-d) huilders, The statistics or thc stln'c}" lems racing thc OrJr-lnbuilder," Dr, dl'arly showed a growing (reml loward Vente \\'a!'i also the keynole speaker at The day came In a suitable close with the closing' hanquet, at ",hich time he Ihe building of more (mcker organs, a recital by Rohel't Anderson. played Lalcr, we went to rhe \,i'i~r·Ro","1311(1 was presented with 410 honorary mem­ 1I10st of which would he enca5Cd aud nn the Bcckerath tracker in the Fine would han! electric stop action: a large shop. where c\'el)'ollc was free 10 look he~hip in the Institute_ in sollie detail :at \'arious wor"-Oj in prog· Arts Building at the Universit}' of Hous­ At a business mcctinlZ', the following ntlmbcr of electric·actinn instl"tllllcnts Ion. Completed lale in 1974, this organ wuuld, of coune, continue to be built. ress. The 0PCI1CSS and rriendliness of officers wcre elected: H. Ronald PoU, this ,'bit (and. indttd. of the whole and its setting constitute an organ teach. president: Randall E. 'VOllmer, vice. Rl'prc::scntath'c sHdes or recent American er's dream: .,9 r.lnk~ of well-finished organs were shown at the conclusion. COII\'clltion) was much in contrast with president; Rubin S_ Frcls, secretaf)'; and thc non-comnnmicath'c aspects of the piperi. housed in a case which is !'iitu­ Charles W. McMani" treasurer. Mr. ·n.c con\"lmtion has its fom.al Opt.'Il­ ;lIed :tt the front or a medium-sized hall ing Monda}" morning. when presidenl IIn(ricudl), competition which one often Poll, Mr. Frels, :and Harry J. E.ben were cncounlcrs. Hcrc. pt.'Ople who will e\-CII' desigut.-.:I spccificall)' to contain the 01"­ elected new board members. Other busi­ Earl Bcilhan welcomed all those at­ ';<In. The spccifiCltion 15 a~ follows: tending. Following this, Roland Killing. tunlly compete wilh each other WCI'C ne1." tr.msac:ted included prt!§Cnlation or cr. or the Siiddeutsche Orgelpfcifenfab­ engagcd in honest and interested ex­ GREAT all apprenticC!'ihip program for further rik in Freiburg-Beihingen, Gerl1lOUl\', Icc· change of ideas. all £or the good of QlIillladena 16' !ilUdy. Principal S' IIIred on "Reeds with Short.Length rhe art, and, ultimately. for the good Rohrnote S' ReIDl1atOl"s." Mr. Killinger is a person ur the player and listener. There werc many posith.'e conclusiol15 Octave 4' who obviousl}' knows hb SUbject well . The next organ clemonl'ill"ation was 10 he drawn from thi, three-day ~ther· IKlth rrom theoreticd .md practical the 197:1 Ril.'gel :11 St. Vincent de I'aul SpitzOot:c ," lng, The state or contemporary Ameri­ OCla\'e 2' SI:lIIdpoinl5. sillce he hl.'3cbi an Olpll. Roman COilholic Church, Thi!i 3,manual c:tll organbllildfng. especially among the huihhng program, .md he included a tracker of ;3 r.lnks was illllJressivc, Scsquiallera II smaller huihll'1"!i (the AIO is all OfJ:!:ani­ Mi'(ture V grcat deal of \'alliable tcchnical infor· housctl in il conlempor.u1' case in the latioll!i of individuals, ralher Ihan 1 nunpct 8' mation. Using equipment set up in the rear gallcr)' of a modcrn bUilding, What linm) , i~ a healthy one, both in terms ought 10 line bl.ocn a stunning insl311a II1l'1.'ting room, he demonstrated the ef~ I'OSITIVE or bushll.'!is and artistry. The cduCl­ fects of \'af)'ing wind channel length tinn "as spniled by an acoustical tile t iOlla) potential of thc group is con­ ceiling. .. phenomenon which did nol Gedac:kt S' nn sc\'cral different reeds with short Principal 4' $iderahlc: the prospect or all apprentice­ resonators, and he also playcd a tape go unnoticed. The specificatioll or this l'ihip program is a welcome and long ofhran rna}' he found ill THE DIAI'/\ ' ",lilJrJote 4' rccurciing of a number of regal \"3riallts, Nasat 2.2/3' m'enlue OIiC. and the cxchange of ideas "ach hcard in the same piece of music. SON, june 1974. p. 15. amoug memben is good. There were We (hen \ isitcd a nearly-completed Octa\'c 2' Pcrhap5 the lI10st ob\'ious ract that R1odnote 2' a numher of interesting afh'erti!'iing dis· t:lllcrged from this presentation W3.!I the iustrument b )' Rubin Freb, ill lhe \lcm­ pla}"s; hllilde~ and !iupplien alike wele orial Wan.1 Chapel. Church of jcslI! Tierce 1.3/ 5' bct that Ihe whole subject of reed!i, Seh:ur I\' repre!iClltcd. For- one who can remem­ their construction :md ,"oicing. is :m es­ Christ or the Laner na}' Saints. Here, ber da\'5 when 100 many organ men 1)leasing ,'iSllal and aural n..'sults ha\"C KrllmmhoTII S' trcmcly complex one - one which bears Tremolo were proud. of their lack or musical a great dC:l1 of rurlher stUdy. blocu ilchie\'cd with Ihe usc or some re· J.:nm\'ledge, it was rcas."'lfillg to rind a Following Mr. Killinger s delllollstm· built material, hut the organ is esscn­ SWELL Ih'cI)" and intelligellt interest in the tion. busses look us to St. Chrislophcr's tiall), new. The manual I..c}' aClion is Bordun S' artistic aspl."Cts or thc org:m (many of Roman Catholic Churdl, ,,'here \\'C heard mechanical, while the pedal and stop Koppelflote 4' thc remarks made reneCled. a more pro­ ;Uld inspecled a lIew Visser-Rowland action i!'i elcctric. The huilder thought­ I'rincipal 2' round knowledge or Ihe inSlrument than Irackt:: r. A !illlall instrument in a lIIod· full)' pro\'ided hi!'i own organist, who Quinle 1-1 / 3' that exhihited by somc o~nists), The l'rau:-sizro building, it appeared to be ga\'e Of, thorough dcmonstration, and the Oherlone III group was largel)' a youngish one, open ~, good solution for a church which registrations were announced.
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