UNITED NATIONS SOCIAL AND Working Paper ECONOMIC COUNCIL No. 39 Seventeenth Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) New York, 13 - 24 June 1994 Agenda item 9 Working Group on Toponymic Data Files and Gazetteers A new map of German landscapes at 1 : 1 millions scale Submitted by Standiger AusschuB fUr geographische Namen (StAGN), Frankfurt am Main prepared by H. Liedtke, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany - 1 - GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERA’IANY Compiled by the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names in the Federal Republic of Germany and prepared for publication by Prof. Dr. Herbert Liedtke, Department of Geography, Ruhr-University , Bochum. Frankfurt am Main Mai 1994 Adresses: Sttindiger Ausschut? fiir Geographische Namen (Permanent Committee on Geographical Names) Chairman: Dr. J&n Sievers Institut fur Angewandte Geodasie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11 D 60598 Frankfurt am Main Telefon (069)-6333-313, Telefax (069)-6333-425 Prof. Dr. Herbert Liedtke Ruhr-Universit# Bochum Postfach 102148 D 44780 Bochum Telefon (0234)-700 3313; Telefax (0234)-7094-180 -2- HOW TO USE THE LIST OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES Alphabetical order Aa,Aa Hh 0 0,o a vv Bb ww r’i PP cc Qq xx Dd Kk Rr YY Ee Ll ss ZZ Ff Mm Tt Gg Nn U&ii Annotation: A ai, 8 ij and U ii are handled as a, o, and u. 13 can be handled as ss. Examples Breisgau m: Names in bold letters are well known geographical names. They are recorded on the map and are surrounded by a configuration line. These names are recommended for maps at scales up to 1: 500 000, if space is available for placing the name at the correct site and if possible not overstepping the area of extension. Bitgau m s. Bitburger Land: Names which are also existing and which are used more or less synonymously. Sometimes, it is difficult to decide which name is more common than the other. (Oberledingen n *2*) s. Overledingen Names between brackets are not recommended for usage because of antiquated spelling, different meaning, or other reasons. ,m/ 59” T-his. @VWthe-- gagap!ilW’ co*tinates and means 7 de-grees-eastern longitude and 51 degrees northern latitude. Abbreviations The grammatical gender of geographical names (” de?‘, “die”, “das”) is shown by : m masculine f feminine n . neuter -3- Mz indicates the plural. The gender is not mentioned, for the German plural article “die” is the same for all genders. s. see ic1 * In topographical maps the combined form-of the article plus geographical name is preferred, e.g. Das Gau. * 2 * The article is only used together with an adjective. This concerns all islands and some other geographical names, e.g. Das reizvolle Schwansen. * 3 + A dialectic connection with a preposition is customary and therefore used on topographical maps, e.g. Auf den Waldern. +4 + Besides the standard German spelling in words ending with -er, there exists a shorter spelling which is more regionally used, e.g. Dresdener Heide, Dresdner Heide. * 5 * In topographical maps a combined form of the specific article plus geographical name is used every time, e.g. Der Werder. * 6 * Besides the geographical name a place name is existing which was officially created during the time of a new organisation of the smaller communities, mainly dur.ing the 70’5, e.g. Saterland. * 7 * This name covers a large area which is not shown on the above-mentioned map for avoiding confusion with other configuration lines. But these areas are included in the outline.map at the left fringe of the sheet, e.g. Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. * 8 * A grammatical comment for this name is given in the book of Herbert LIEDTKE: Namen und Abgrenzungen von Landschaften in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.-Trier 1994. * 9 * Geographical areas (Landschaften) which by natural or historical reasons are spreading over the boundary of Germany, e.g. das Oderbruch. The following 16 letter-combinations show the “Lander” of the Federal Republic of Germany: I33 Brandenburg NI Niedersachsen. BE Berlin NW Nordrhein-Westfalen BW Baden-Wfirttemberg RP Rheinland-Pfalz BY Bayern SH Schleswig-Holstein HB Bremen SL Saarland HE Hessen SN Sachsen HH Hamburg ST Sachsen-Anhalt MV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern TH Thtiringen If there are two or three units concerned, the one which occupies the larger area is mentioned first. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY ALPHABETISCHES VERZEICHNIS DER LANDSCHAFTSNAMEN IN DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND Abteiland n: ,,13/48” BY. Bayerische Alpen Mz *4,7* Adelegg f: ,,10/47” BW. (auch Bayrische Alpen Mz *7*): ,,09- Ahlsburg f ,,09/51“ NI. 13/47“ BY. Aiscbgrund m: ,,10/49“ BY. Bayerischer Wald m *4* (auch Bayrischer (Alb t’) s. Schwiibische Alb Waid m):,,l2-13/48-49” BY. Albuch n: ,,09-10/48” BW. Bayerisches Vogtland n *4* AilgZu n: ,,09-10/47-48” BY, BW. (gelegentlich noch Hofer Vogtland ABgibter Alpen Mz *9*: ,,10/43” BY. n): ,,l l-12/50“ BY. Altdorfer Wald m: ,,09/47“ 0W. Beckumer Berge Mz: ,,OS/51” NW. Alter Stolberg m: ,,lO/Sl“ TH, ST. Beilin m s. Lgndchen Bellin Altes Land n: ,,09/53” NI. Beiziger Landschaftswiesen Mz: 12/52“ Altmark f: ,,lO-12/52-53” ST. BB. Alzeyer Hiigelland n: ,,08/49” Rp. (Bentheim n *2*) s. Niedergrafschaft Ambergau m *8*: ,,lO/Sl-52” NI. Bentheim und Obergrafschaft Bentheim (Ammergauer Alpen Mz) s. Ammergebirge Berchtesgadener Alpen f +4* (Ammergauer Berge Mz) s. Ammergebirge (gelegentlich auch Berchtesgadner Ammergebirge n l 9* (auch Alpen f *4*): ,,12-13/47” BY. Ammergatter Alpen Mz, Ammergauer Berchtesgadener Land n *4* Berge Mz): ,, lO-11/47” BY. (gelegentlich auch 3erchtesgadner Ammerland n: ,,07-08/53” NI. Land n *4*): ,,12-13/47” BY. Amt-um n *2,8*: ,,08/54“ SH. Bergisches Land n: ,,07/51“ NW. Angeln n *2,8*: ,,09/54“ SH. Bergstraße f: ,,08/49“ HE, BW. Angerland n: ,.06/51” NW. Bienwald m: ,,08/48-49“ RP. (Ankumer Höhe f) s. Fürstenauer Binger Wald m: ,,07/49” RP. Berge Bitburger Land n, gelegentlich auch Annaburger Heide f ,,13/5 1” ST, SN. Bitgau m: ,,06/49-50“ RP. Ardeygebirge n (auch Ardey m): ,,07/5 1“ Bitgau m s. Bitburger Land NW. Bleicheroder Berge f: ,,10/51“ TH. Arnsberger Wald m: ,,08/5 1“ NW. Bliesgau m *9*: ,,07/49“ SL. Artland n: ,,07-08/52” NI. Blockland n: ,,08/53” HB. Asse f ,,10/52” NI. Bock m: ,,12-13154“ MV. Auf dem Eigen m: ,,14/51” SN. Bodanriick m (auch Badanrücken m, Auf dem Sand m: ,,10/49” BY. Bodanruck m):,,09/47” BW. Auf den WHldern Mz l 3,8*: ,,10/49” BW. Bodenwahrer Bucht f: ,,12/49“ BY. Aukrug m *6*: J29154” SH; BGhmerwald. m *9*; in der Karte ohne. Abgrenzung:., 1% 14/48+49” BY. B6hrde f: ,,08/52” NI. Baar f: ,,08/47-48” BW. Bgkingharde f *8*: ,,08-09/54” SH. Baltrum n *2*: ,,07/53” NI. Baldecker Land n: ,,10/52” NI. Barnbruch n: ,,10/52” NI. Banninghardt f *8*: ,,06/51“ NW. Barnim m: ,,13/52” BB, BE. (Borde f) s. Magdeburger Borde Barwalder Landehen n Borkenberge Mt: ,,07/51” NW. (volkstttmlich auch Larrdeken Borkum n *2*: ,,06/53” NI. n):,,I3/51” BB. (Bornwald m) s. Heinzewald Bauland n: ,,09/49” BW. Bourtanger Moor n *9*: ,,06-07152-53” Baumberge Mt: ,,07/51-52” NW. NI. Bramwald m: ,,09/51“ NI. -5- Brechte f *8*: ,,08/52” NW. NI. Dose f: ..07/52” NI. Bregenzer Wald m *9*: ..09-10/47” BY. Drawehn m: ..lO-11/52-53“ NI. Breisgau m: ,,07/47-48” BW. Dresdener Heide f *4*. auch Dresdner Brcisigcr Liindchen n: .,07/50” RP. Hcidc f:,, I3iS 1” SN Breite Struth f *8*: ,,08/51“ HE. Drigge f: ,, 13154” MV. Briloner Hochfläche f: ,,08/51“ NW. Drömling m *8*: ,,IO-l li52" ST. NI. Brohmer Berge m: ,, 131.53” MV. Dübener Hefde f: ,,12/51“ SN, ST. Bückeberge Mz: ,,09/52” NI. Düffel f *1.5*: ,,06/51" NW. Büdinger Wald m: ,,09/50“ HE. Duinger Berg m: ,,09/5 1-52” NI. Bug m: ,,13/54” MV. Dün m (auch Der Dün. Duen. früher auch Burgwald m *6*: 08/50” HE. Dhün m):10/51“ TH. Buschdörfer MK ,:13/; 1” ST. Dungau m s. Gihtbodcn Butjadingen n *2,6,8*: .,08/53” NI Dürrnbucher Forst m: ,.1 li48“ BY. Calenberger Land n: ,.09/50“ Ni. Ebbegebirge n (auch Ebbe f): ..07/5 1” Cham-Further Senke f *9*: ,,12/4Y” BY NW. Chiemgau m: ,,12/47-48” BY. Ebersberger Forst m: .. 1 l-12i48" BY. Chiemgauer Alpen Mz *9*: 12/47“ BY. Eggegebirge n (auch Egge f): ,,08-09i5 1” Coburger Land n: ,,lO-11/50” BY. NW. Colbitz-Letzlinger Heide f ..l li52” ST. Eichsfeld n: .,10/51” TH, NI. Crailsheimer Hart f *8*: ,,10/49” BW. Eiderstedt n *2,8*: ,,OS-09/54“ SH. Eifel f: ,,06-07/49-50“ RP. NW. (Eigen m) s. Auf dem Eigen Dacbauer Moos n: .,l li48” BY. Einrich m *8*: ..07/50” RP. DahTener Heide f: .,12-13/51” SN. Elbsandsteingebirge n *9*. auch Dahner Felsenland n: ,,07/49” Rp. Sächsische Schweiz f: ,, 13- 14i50“ Dammer Berge Mz: ..08/52“ NI. SN. Dänischer Wohld m: ,,09-10/54” SH. Elfas m: 09i51“ NI. Dar% m: ,,lLi54“ MV. Ellwanger Berge Mz: ..09-10/48-49” Das Giiu n * 1 .S*: ,,08/49“ RP. BW. (Das Rote Land n) s. Rotes Land Elm m: .,10/52” NI. Davert f *1,5*: ,,07/51“ NW. Elstergebirge n: ,, 12i50” SN. Deister m: ,,09/52” Ni. Emsland n: ,,07/52" Ni. Delbriicker Land n: ,,08/5i” NW.
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