Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04297-1 - Bramante’s Tempietto, the Roman Renaissance, and the Spanish Crown Jack Freiberg Index More information I N D E X Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, Caliph, 92 Charles VIII and, 60 , 149 Academia Española de Bellas Artes en demarcation of New World Roma, 195–97 , 201–2 and, 32 Acqua Paola, 181 Ferdinand and Isabel and, 60–61 , 126 Acts (Bible), 131 Hadrian and, 78–80 Adam, 88 , 116 historical background, 2 , 5–6 , 220–21n18 Adrian VI, Pope, 21 Kingdom of Sicily and, 149 Aelst, Pieter Cocke van, 171 Order of Saint James Major and, 126 Aeneas, 76 , 77 , 99 , 159–60 San Pietro in Montorio and, 50 , 59 , The Aeneid, 77 205 , 208 Aguado, Francisco, 279n6 Santa Croce in Gerusalemme and, 13 , Albert, Archduke of Austria, 24 , 228n66 , 226n50 277n99 Tivoli and, 78–80 , 81 Alberti, Leon Battista Treaty of Granada (1500) generally, 92 , 99 , 127 and, 266n56 Bramante compared, 71 , 99 Alexander VII, Pope, 278n106 centralized plan and, 99 Alexander the Great, 88 , 169 , 170–71 , Doric system and, 105, 115 244n56 , 272–73n46 pavement and, 134–35 Alexander Minorita (Alexander of Rucellai chapel (Holy Sepulcher) and, 96 Bremen), 19 Albertini, Francesco, 24 , 26 , 77 , 115 , Alfonso V, King of Aragon and Naples, 2 , 220n16 , 234n41 , 243n39 148–49 , 150 , 152 Albunea (Tiburtine Sibyl), 81–83 Alfonso V, King of Portugal, 48 , Alexander VI, Pope 222n6 generally, 11 , 43 , 83 , 132 , 184 , 220–21n18 , Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, 18 244n52 Alfonso X the Wise, King of Alexander the Great and, 80 Castile, 6 Amadeite order and, 55 Alfonso XII, King of Spain, 195–97 , Annius of Viterbo and, 115 201–2 Bramante and, 3 , 72 Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 202 , 281n31 , Carvajal, Bernardino de, and, 5–6 , 20–21 , 281n35 73 , 145 Alighieri, Dante, 134 Chapel of Saint Helen (Santa Croce in Altar of Tempietto, 153–57 , 268n87 , Gerusalemme) and, 30 268n89 303 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04297-1 - Bramante’s Tempietto, the Roman Renaissance, and the Spanish Crown Jack Freiberg Index More information 304 • Index Amadeo (João de Meneses de Silva) Belgrade, Battle of (1456), 5 , 161 generally, 48 , 264n33 Belvedere (courtyard), 103–5 Amadeite order, 45–49 , 50 , 51 , 52–53 , 87 , Benedict XIII, antipope, 6 144–48 , 162 , 234n49 , 247n82 , 264n31 Benedict XIV, Pope, 281n24 Apocalypsis nova, 87 , 144–48 , 157 , 225n41 , Benigno Salviati, Giorgio, 87 , 145–46 264n27 , 265n48 , 269n6 Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 191–93 Ferdinand and, 47–48 Bessarion, Cardinal, 5 grotto at San Pietro in Montorio and, 87 , Biondo, Flavio, 42–44 , 76 , 78 144 , 146 , 247n81 Boccafuoco, Costanzo, 271n19 Leo X and, 87 Borghese, Scipione, 182 Louis XI and, 46–48 Borgia, Alfonso. See Callixtus III San Pietro in Montorio and, 45–49 , Borgia, Gaspare, 184 , 210 , 213 , 52–55 , 87 , 161 214 , 218 Sixtus IV and, 45 , 46 , 47 Borgia, Lucrezia, 78 Tempietto and, 87 , 146–47 Borgia, Rodrigo. See Alexander VI Amalaric, King of the Visigoths, 91 Borromeo, Charles, 270n15 Ambrose, Saint, 24 , 58 , 230n4 Bracciolini, Poggio, 76 Ammanati, Bartolommeo, 162 , 241n14 Bramante, Donato. See also Tempietto. Andrew (Apostle), 91 , 125 generally, 1, 3 , 78 , 197–98 , 202 , 204 Angelini, Annibale. See Pietro di Madre Alberti compared, 71 , 97 , 99 di Dio Ammanati and, 71n14 Anghiera, Pietro Martire d’, 31–32 , 151 , Belvedere courtyard, 103–5 267n72 arrival in Rome, 71 Annius of Viterbo, 115–18 , 119–20 , 257n78 Brunelleschi compared, 70–71 , 102 Anthonisz, Cornelis, 172–73 Carafa, Olivero and, 72 , 78 Antiquarie prospettiche romane , 71–72 Carvajal, Bernardino de, and, 72–73 Antoniazzo Romano, 13 Francesco di Giorgio compared, 71 , Apocalypsis nova (Amadeo), 87 , 144–48 , 157 , 106–7 225n41 , 264n27 , 265n48 , 269n6 intellect of, 102–5 Apsidal chapels in San Pietro in Montorio Julius II and, 1 , 103–5 , 137 , 248n98 and antecedents, 55–56 Leonardo da Vinci and, 71 , 80 , 103 , 131 Arculf, 95–96 Milan, monuments, and, 253n31 Arévalo, Rodrigo Sánchez de, 4 palace of Adriano Castellesi and, 113 Aristotle, 6 palace of Raffaele Riario and, 107 , 111 Augustine, Saint, 82 Pavia Cathedral and, 73 Augustus, 83–85 , 171–72 petrology and, 106–7 Averroes, 6 poems by, 102–3 Avicenna, 6 Saint Peter’s and, 1 , 66 , 72 , 251n11 Sangallo, Giuliano da and, 71 , 126 Balustrade of Tempietto and antecedents, San Giacomo degli Spagnoli and, 3 , 99 , 126–32 72–73 Barbarossa, Hayreddin, 167 , 168 Santa Croce in Gerusalemme and, 26 Barberini, Francesco, 175 Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan and, Barbo, Pietro (Pope Paul II), 11 58 , 73 Barocci, Federico, 159–60 , 269n5 Santa Maria presso San Satiro, Milan, Baronio, Cesare, 271n20 and, 123 Basilica Aemilia, 113 , 120 Tivoli and, 80 Bede (Venerable Bede), 95–96 , 230n4 Vasari on, 2–3 , 70–73 , 80 , 102–5 , Bejazet II, Sultan, 86 107 , 121 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04297-1 - Bramante’s Tempietto, the Roman Renaissance, and the Spanish Crown Jack Freiberg Index More information Index • 305 Vigevano and, 73 coat of arms, 32 , 33–34 , 230n96 , Visconti, Gaspare and, 102–3 271n27 Bramantino (Bartolomeo Suardi), 147 Council of Pisa (1511) and, 146 Brant, Sebastian, 19 , 93–94 crusade and, 272n38 Brasca, Santo, 97 demarcation of New World and, 32 Brescia, Silvestro da, 48 device, 229n89 Breydenbach, Bernhard von, 93–94 , 96 epigraphs and, 141 Brunelleschi, Filippo foundation stone of Tempietto and, generally, 71 139–40 Bramante compared, 70–71 , 102 historical background, 3 , 5–8 , 63 Florence Cathedral and, 88 , 123 Julius II and, 146 , 230n96 Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence Kingdom of Sicily and, 149 , 266n58 and, 58–59 as Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, 36 , San Lorenzo, Florence and, 11 , 58–59 230n96 Santo Spirito, Florence and, 55 , 58–59 Leo X and, 146 , 244n47 Bull as symbol of Spain, 83 Leto, Giulio Pomponio and, 32 , 74 Buonarroti, Michelangelo. See Michelangelo Anghiera, Pietro Martire d’ and, 31–32 Burchard, Johannes, 12 , 13 , 73 , 143 Maximilian I and, 19–20 , 34 , 36 , 73 Byzantine imperial inheritance, 152–53 Mendoza, Pedro González de, and, 9–10 , 13–14 Caccianemici, Ubaldo de (Pope Lucius Milan and, 73 II), 12 portrait medal, 220n7 Cacus, 76–77 prophecy and, 19 , 20 , 85 Caius Sestius, 43 San Giacomo degli Spagnoli and, 7 , 8 , Callixtus III, Pope, 2 , 4–5 , 6 , 91 , 161 , 72–73 , 150 272n44 San Pietro in Montorio and, 3 , 37–39 , Cambio, Arnolfo di, 102 49–51 , 59–60 , 230n3 , 236n68 Camporese, Giuseppe, 197 Santa Croce in Gerusalemme and, 3 , Capistran, John, 5 9–10 , 13–14 , 20–22 , 24 , 34–36 , 37–38 , Capponi, Gisella, 282n37 163 , 165 Carafa, Oliviero, 72 , 78 , 141 , 261n118 Savonarola and, 145 Caramuel, Juan, 137–38 , 139 Tempietto and, 63 , 81 , 157 Cardinal of Portugal Chapel (San Miniato al Carvajal, Juan de, 3–5 , 161 Monte, Florence), 59 , 133–34 Carvajal family, 3 Carracci, Agostino, 160 Casa de la Conchas, Salamanca, 259n102 Carvajal, Bernardino López de Castelar, Emilio, 197 generally, 74 , 150 , 161 , 219–20n5 , Castellesi, Adriano, 113 227n57 , 244n47 , 264n31 Castellon, Jorge de, 49 Amadeite order and, 145 , 148 Castel Sant’Angelo, 79 , 169 , 244n52 as ambassador of Ferdinand and Isabel, 3 , Cavallini, Pietro, 83 5–7 , 8 , 32 Celestine V, Pope, 43 , 231n16 Apocalypsis nova and, 144–48 , 157 Cesati, Alessandro, 169–71 Benigno, Giorgio and, 145–46 Chapel of Saint Helen (Santa Croce Annius of Viterbo and, 117–18 , 257n78 in Gerusalemme), 23–34 , 59 , 73 , Bramante and, 26 , 72–73 , 144 277n99 burial of, 165 Charlemagne, 170 Chapel of Saint Helen (Santa Croce in Charles I, King of Spain, 2 , 19 , 36 , 127 , 129 , Gerusalemme) and, 23–34 , 229n88 151 , 239n104 . See also Charles V, Holy Charles VIII and, 149 Roman Emperor © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04297-1 - Bramante’s Tempietto, the Roman Renaissance, and the Spanish Crown Jack Freiberg Index More information 306 • Index Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. Cosmatesque pavements, 132–34 , 188 See also Charles I, King of Spain Council of Ferrara-Florence (1438–39), generally, 272n38 , 272–73n46 , 274n61 232n20 Battle of Tunis (1535) and, 167 , 272n44 Council of Pisa (1511), 146–47 Paul III and, 164–71 Council of Trent, 170 San Pietro in Montorio and, 180 , 272n36 crusade, promotion of, 4–5 , 14 , 18 , 20 , 36 , Tempietto and, 164–80 150 , 153 , 168 , 249n106 , 272n38 Charles VIII, King of France generally, 142 , 153 , 266n60 Damasus I, Pope, 6 Italy, invasion of, 60 , 149–50 , 151–53 , Dampiés, Martín Martínez, 93 266n54 Daniel (Bible), 169 , 170–71 Naples, invasion of, 142 , 149–50 , 152 Daniele da Volterra, 162–63 Santa Petronilla and, 91 Dante Aligheri, 134 Charles I of Anjou, King of Naples and David, 118 , 167 , 272n31 Sicily, 148 , 150 Delfi ni d’Amelia, Egidio, 145–46 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, del Monte family, 162–63 152–53 Dolera, Clemente, 163 Chosröes, King of Persia, 16 , 19–20 Domenico di Gesù Maria (Domingo Christ. See Jesus Ruzola), 137–38 , 182–90 , 193–94 , Ciboria, 85–87 , 88 , 132 , 154 , 174 , 178 , 209–13 , 214–18 232n19 , 246n76 , 247n86 Dome of the Rock as model for Tempietto, Circignani, Nicoló (il Pomarancio), 228n66 92 , 93–94 , 249n106 Cisneros, Jimenez de, 127 Dome-upon-drum design, 88–89 Clement I, Pope, 110 Doric system, 111–20 Clement IV, Pope, 148 Dragišić , Juraj. See Benigno Salviati, Giorgio Clement VI, Pope, 151 Durandus of Mende, 99 Clement VII, Pope, 74 , 161 , 164 Clement VIII, Pope, 190 , 276n80 Egas, Enrique, 173–74 Codex Coner, 66 Egidio da Viterbo, 117 Codex Magliabechiano, 1–2 , 241n12 eschatology.
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