1-=t'- Behaviour of Alkaline Sodic Soils and Clays as Influenced by pH and Particle Charge Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Adelaide by Mostafa Chorom Department of Soil Science Waite Agricultural Research [rstitute Glen Osmond, South Australia 1996 Table of Contents Page Abstract v1 Statement .. xll Acknowledgments .xiii List of Figures xlv List of Tables xvi Publications from the Thesis xv111 Chapter L Introduction.............. 1, Chapter 2 Review of Literature 4 2.1 Sodic soils ......... 4 2.1,.1. Nature of sodic soils ........... 4 2.1,.2 World distribution of saline and sodic soils 6 Australia 7 2.1,.3 Classification of saline and sodic soils......... 8 2.1..3.1. Saline soils .............. 8 2.1,.3.2 Alkaline sodic soils 9 2.1,.3.3 Calcareous soils 13 2.1,.3.4 Measuring salinity and sodicity 13 2.2 Dispersion of sodic soils......... 1,4 2.2.1. Spontaneous dispersion .............. 15 2.2.2 Mechanical dispersion................. 1,6 2.2.3 Factors affecting clay dispersion 1,6, The influence of electrolyte concentration on dispersible clay ........ 1.6 Sodicity and soil pH 1.8 Clay mineralogy 21, Effect of organic matter on clay dispersion 23 2.3 Flocculation of dispersed clays........ 24 2.3.1. Introduction............ 24 2.3.2 Critical coagulation concentration .... 25 2.3.3 Flocculation of pure clays as related to pH and SAR 25 2.4 Interactions between particles in aqueous suspensions 27 2.4.I van der Waals interaction 27 2.4.2 Electricalinteraction 28 11 2.4.2.L Electrical double layers 28 Double layer interaction 30 2.4.3 Combined interaction and colloid suspension stability. 3L 2.4.4 Hydration effects...... 32 2.4.5 Ion-ion correlation forces 33 2.4.6 Polymer bridging 34 2.5 Mechanisms of structural change in sodic soils......... 35 2.6 Particle charge and clay behaviour 38 2.6.1. Net charge and charge location effect....... 38 2.6.2 Effect of heating on particle charge 40 2.6.3 Infrared spectra of clays as related to hydration............. 42 2.7 Reclaiming alkaline sodic soils........... M 2.7.1. Introduction............ 44 2.7.2 Chemical amendment .... 45 Gypsum application 45 Gypsum dissolution 46 Gypsum requirement 47 2.7.3 Biological reclamation............... 48 Introduction 48 Green manure 48 2.7 .3.3 Microbial reclamation through glucose application..... 5L 2.8 Further research needed .......52 Chapter 3 Dispersion and Zeta Potential of Pure Clays 54 3.1 Introduction............. 54 3.2 Materials and methods .................. 56 3.2.1, Characteristics of clays..... 56 3.2.2 Clay Preparation 56 3.2.3 Flocculation of dispersed clay.......... 57 3.2.4 Determination of electrical charge on pure clays minerals ....... 57 3.2.5 Scanningelectronmicrographs 57 3.2.6 Zeta potential measurements 58 3.3 Results and discussion 59 3.3.1 Na-clays 59 Influence of pH on the dispersibility of pure clay minerals 59 3.3.1..2 Influence of pH on net particle charge and dispersibility 62 Zeta potential as a function of pH, EC, and dispersion 65 3.3.2 Ca-clays 67 Influence of pH on the dispersibility of Ca-clay minerals 67 Zetapotential as a function of pH and EC 69 3.3.3 Flocculation values of Na and Ca clays systems 73 3.4 Conclusiorìs ............... 74 Chapter 4 Dispersion of Soil Clays as Influenced by pH and Net Particle Charge ...75 75 4.2 Dispersive potential concept. 76 4.3 Materials and methods 78 4.3.1 Soil samples 78 4.3.2 Clay mineralogy...... 78 4.3.3 Othermeasurements 79 4.3.4 Experimental procedure ........ 80 4.3.5 Determination of electiical charge on soils 80 4.3.6 Soils used for correlation studies 8L 4.3.7 Statisticalanalysis 81 4.4 Results and discussion. 82 4.4.1. Effect of pH on clay dispersion from three selected soils .......... 82 4.4.2 Critical dispersion concentration for aggregates and the flocculation values of soil c1ays......... .........85 4.4.3 Dispersive potential of Australian soils in relation to their pH and CEC...... 86 4.5 Conclusions............ 90 Chapter 5 Changing particle charge and altering clay behaviour...................................91 5.L Introduction........... ................ 9L 5.2 Effect of heating on swelling and dispersion of different cationic forms of a smectite 93 5.2.1. Materials and methods............. 93 5.2.1..1 Clay preparation. 93 5.2.1..2 Exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity. 94 5.2.L.3 X-ray diffraction studies........ 94 Measurements of dispersible clay....... 94 1\/ 5.2.1,.5 Zeta potential measurements 95 5.2.1..6 Clay particle size 95 5.2.2 Results 95, Chemical properties 95 Physical properties 98, Swelling 98 Dispersion r02 Zeta potential and particle aggregation ....... 104 5.2.3 Discussion.............. ...104 5.2.4 Conclusions............. .................. 106 5.ó Slaking and dispersion of different cationic forms of illite and kaolinite as influenced by heating .....108 5.3.1 Materials and methods........... ...................108 Characteristics of clays L08 Other measurements............. 108 Slaking test 108 5.3.2 Results and discussion L09 Chemical properties L09 Physical properties ....LLz X-ray diffraction 1t2 Slaking 112 Dispersion 113 Zeta potential and particle aggregation ....... 1 L5 120 5.4 Behaviour of alkaline sodic soils after heating . L21. 5.4.L Introduction............ 121 5.4.2 Materials and methods........... L22 Soils r22 Sample preparation............... ......122 Soil chemical analyses ................. 122 Slaking measurement 123 Saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements ......t23 Other measurements.............. 123 5.4.3 Results and discussion 123 Characteristics of soils used......... I23 Chemical properties 124 Physical properties 126 5.4.4 Conclusions................. 127 5.5 Infrared spectra of heated clays 128 5.5.1 Introduction ................ t28 5.5.2 Materials and methods........... L29 5.5.3 Results and discussion L29 Li-clays 1.30 Mg-clays 1.32 v Al-clays 135 137 140 Chapter 6 Influence of Amendments on the Behaviour of an Alkaline Sodic SoiI... L41 1,41, 6.2 Materials and methods t43 1.43 6.2.2 Treatments and experimental design 1,43 6.2.3 Gypsum trial 1,43 6.2.4 Green manure treatment 1,43 6.2.5 Glucosetreatment 1,M 6.2.6 Soil chemical analyses 744 6.2.7 Physical measurements.......... 1,45, Wet aggregate stability......... t45 Soil friability........... 1.45 6.2.8 NMRanalyses..... L46 6.2.9 Biomass measurement ..... 146 6.2.10 Methane measurement..... 147 6.3 Results 1,47 6.3.1, Gypsum and green manure effects 1,48 6.3.L.1. Chemical properties 148 6.3.1..2 Physical properties L5L 6.3.2 Glucose experiment .................... 156 6.4 Discussion L58 6.5 Conclusions 1,61, Chapter 7 General Discussion..................... 762 7.1 Introduction............. 162 7.2 Dispersion, pH and particle charge 162 7.3 Altering particle charge and clay behaviour L65 7.4 Amelioration of sodic soils 1,69 7.5 Perspectives............. 170 References L73 VI Abstract Sodic soils occur in about 30% of the total land area in Australia and86"/o of these sodic soils are alkaline (pHt 8.4), particularly in dense clayey subsoils (Rengasamy and Olsson 1991). Many of these alkaline soils also contain lime (CaCO3) ranging from 10 to 2000 t ha-1 up to a metre depth. In spite of the presence of calcium compound, sodicity is highly prevalent and affects soil physical properties related to transport of air and water. High pH of these soils also interferes with nutrient availability. These constraints are considered to reduce the potential yields of crops to less than half. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the factors affecting swelling and dispersion of alkaline sodic soils contairi^g lime and the ways to manage these soils to improve their physical conditions. Studies on pure clay systems have been included to understand the fundamental process involved in swelling and dispersion of pure and soil clays. The literature review has identified . soil pH as an important factor affecting these properties. Therefore, the mechanisms by which pH controls swelling and dispersion as well as how to reduce soil pH by utitising the native CaCO3 are the foci of this thesis. The investigations of this study are described in the following chapters dealing with: 1) Dispersion and zeta potential of pure clays 2) Dispersion of soil clays as influenced by pH and net particle charge 3) Changing particle charge and alteringclay behaviour 4) Influence of amendments on the behaviour of an alkaline sodic soil vll The effect of changing pH and electrolyte concentration on the dispersion and zeta potential of Na- and Ca- forms of kaolinite, illite and smectite was investigated in relation to changes in their net negative charge.
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