Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47013-1 — Sylvia Plath in Context Edited by Tracy Brain Index More Information Index Abels, Cyrilly, 47, 134 Angotti, Violet, 130 Abse, Dannie, 28, 29 animal body, 198 Adams, Henry, ‘The Dynamo and the Anouilh, Jean, Antigone, 38, 256 Virgin’, 267 anthropomorphism, 223–4 Adcock, Fleur, 30, 333, 353 Antigone, 34, 38, 81, 256 The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual anti-pastoral elegy, 108 (Hooker), 172–3 anti-war activism, 241 advertising, 87–8, 127–8, 152, 186–7, 191–2, Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare), 367 196, 210 ‘Apparel for April’ (Plath), 133 Aeneid (Virgil), 39, 40 ‘An Appearance’ (Plath), 338 Against Our Will (Brownmiller), 187 ‘The Applicant’ (Plath), 60, 87, 89–90, 140–1 Agard, John, 354 Apuleius, 34–5 Aldrich, Ann, We Walk Alone, 175–6 Metamorphoses, 35 Alexander, Paul, Rough Magic, 363, 364, 365 ‘Aquatic Nocturne’ (Plath), 335 ‘Alicante Lullaby’ (Plath), 78–9 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious All that Fall (Beckett), 49 (Jung), 272 ‘All the Dead Dears’ (Plath), 302, 332 archives Alliston, Susan, 311, 314 Emory University, 258 Alvarez, Al Lilly Library, 118, 124, 276, 277, 278 Ariel editions, 205, 341, 342, 360 Smith College, 236, 258 British poetry trends, 2, 23–5, 26–7, 28, 29, 31 Arendt, Hannah, 193 ekphrastic poetry, 162 ‘Ariadne’ (de Chirico), 366–7 The New Poetry, 341 Ariel (Plath collection) Plath in London, 306, 307, 309, 310, 314, 324 American editions, 9, 340, 342–4 ‘Poetry in Extremis’, 2, 23–4, 26–7 anti-pastoral, 109 The Savage God, 23 Auden, 16 ‘Sylvia Plath’ radio tribute, 342 auteur cinema, 139, 140, 142 ‘America! America!’ (Plath), 20 bee poems, 39–40, 59, 110–11, 355–6 American cuisine, 4, 119, 122, 123–4 British editions, 9, 340–2, 344 American Isis (Rollyson), 363, 364 British poetry trends, 23, 31 American Poetry Now (anthology), 20–1 criticism of imagery, 205 American poetry scene, 1–2, 13–22 death of Plath, 314 Ames, Lois, 77, 347 electroshock therapy, 264 Amichai, Yehuda, 29 experimental poetics, 332 ‘Amnesiac’ (Plath), 60 isolation in Devon, 324 ‘Among the Bumblebees’ (Plath), 40 the lyric, 3, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103 ‘Among the Narcissi’ (Plath), 59, 336 the pastoral, 111, 112 ‘Ancestral Houses’ (Yeats), 95 Plath biographers, 360–1 Anderson, Jane V., 267, 289 Plath legacy of influence, 351, 354 Anderson, Linda, 66 religious contexts, 214 ‘Anecdote of the Jar’ (Stevens), 163, 164 West Yorkshire poems, 8, 300, 304 397 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47013-1 — Sylvia Plath in Context Edited by Tracy Brain Index More Information 398 Index Ariel (Plath collection) (cont.) Bayley, Sally, 127, 149, 160, 323 whimsy, 78, 79 Eye Rhymes, 19, 159 ‘Ariel’ (Plath poem), 7, 16, 101, 103, 249–50, 253, BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 336, 366 Alvarez ‘Sylvia Plath’ tribute, 342 ‘The Armadillo’ (Moore), 261 Hughes recordings, 293, 311 Armstrong, Tim, 273 Plath correspondence, 352 Arnold, Matthew Plath interviews, 235, 300, 309, 366 ‘The Forsaken Merman’, 94 The Poet Speaks, 235 lyric poetry, 95 The Poet’s Voice, 43 ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ (Plath), 39, 102–3, Third Programme, 2, 48, 49 110, 356 Under Milk Wood, 47 art Beauvoir, Simone de, The Second Sex, 182 American poetry scene, 19–20 Becker, Gerry, 124, 310, 311, 312, 313–14 ekphrastic poetry, 158 Becker, Jillian, 124, 310, 311, 312–13 journals and Woolf, 246–7 Beckett, Samuel the lyric, 98–101, 102 All that Fall, 49 Plath and visual art, 5, 158–65 Embers, 49 The Art of Teaching (Highet), 257, 259 The Bed Book (Plath), 91 Artaud, Antonin, 265 ‘The Bee God’ (Hughes), 40 artifice, and play, 333–6 ‘The Bee Meeting’ (Plath), 35, 111, 320–1, 356 Arts Council of Great Britain, 25 bee poems, 2, 39–40, 59, 110–11, 355–6 Ashbery, John, 18, 21 ‘The Beekeeper’s Daughter’ (Plath), 107, 111 Ashe, Maria, 209 Beer, John, 249, 251 Astruc, Alexandre, 146 The Bell Jar (Plath) ‘At Grass’ (Larkin), 27 American editions, 9, 340, 346–8 The Atlantic, 53, 55, 56, 268, 290, 293 British editions, 9, 340, 344–6 Atlas, James, 368 British poetry trends, 28 atomic bomb, 154, 205, 206, 233 culture of hygiene, 191, 194, 195–6 Auden, W.H. electroshock therapy, 264, 271–2, 273 American poetry scene, 14, 16 fashion, 127, 129, 133 British poetry trends, 24 food, 117–18, 120, 124–5 Faber and Faber photograph, 306 London launch, 310–11 the lyric, 94–5 Neupert letters and Germany, 238 ‘Musée des Beaux Arts’, 158 original title, 59 Plath biographers, 361, 362 Plath and Stevie Smith, 3, 66, 67, 68 Plath’s correspondence, 287 Plath biographers, 361 teaching contexts, 256 Plath’s correspondence, 284, 285, 288 auteur cinema, 4, 138–46 queer writing contexts, 5, 170–1, 172, 173, Averno (Glück), 357 174–5, 176–8 Axel’s Castle (Wilson), 257 Rosenbergs and Enemy Within, 6, 203–12 Axelrod, Steven Gould, 14, 15, 234, 333, 335 teaching contexts, 259 ‘The Babysitters’ (Plath), 58, 197 television influence, 149, 153 violence against women, 5, 180–9 Bachelard, Gaston, 321, 323 whimsy, 77 Bacon, Francis, 266 you (second person address) 84, 87, 90–1, 92 Badia, Janet, 204 La Belle et La Bête (Cocteau film), 138 Balázs, Béla, 143 Bellow, Saul, 290 ‘The Bald Madonnas’ [‘The Munich Bensing, Robert, 182 Mannequins’] (Plath), 60, 95, 239 ‘Berck-Plage’ (Plath), 139–40, 214, 219, 224, 268, ‘Balloons’ (Plath), 60, 95, 112, 155, 353, 357 269, 320 Banister, Rodney, 29 Bergman, Ingmar Bannon, Ann, Odd Girl Out, 175 auteur cinema, 138, 139–40, 143–5 Barbera, Jack, 70 Brink of Life, 50, 143–4, 148 Barker, George, 24 The Magician, 138 Bate, Jonathan, 309–10, 311, 315 The Seventh Seal, 138, 139–40 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47013-1 — Sylvia Plath in Context Edited by Tracy Brain Index More Information Index 399 Through a Glass Darkly, 144–5 on ‘Purdah’, 323 Berry, James, 354 Brand, Millen, 272 Berryman, John, 20, 26 Brans, Jo, 76 Between the Acts (Woolf), 35 ‘Brief Encounter’ (Plath), 238 Beuscher, Dr Ruth, 107, 289, 364 Briggflats (Bunting), 354 Bible, 215 Brink of Life (Bergman film), 50, 143–4, 148 Bieber, Irving, 173 Brinnin, John Malcolm, 80 Binger, Dr Carl, 174–5 British cuisine, 4, 119, 121–2, 123–4 biographers, 9, 360–8 British Library, 311 biographical contexts British Poetry Revival, 29 electroshock therapy, 7, 264–73 British poetry trends, 2, 9, 23–31, 353–4 overview, 7–8 Britzolakis, Christina, 160, 163, 330 Plath’s correspondence, 8, 284–94 Brock, Edwin, 30 Plath’s journals, 7, 123, 245–53 Brontë country, 8, 34, 297–305 Plath’s scrapbooks, 7, 275–82 Brontë, Charlotte Plath’s teaching, 7, 255–61 Jane Eyre, 35, 90 Birthday Letters (Hughes), 17, 110, 113, 131, 159, Villette, 90 268, 309, 312, 363 Brontë, Emily ‘A Birthday Present’ (Plath), 59, 151 Plath in Yorkshire, 8, 297, 301, 302–3 Bishop, Elizabeth Wuthering Heights, 293, 301, 302, 303 American poetry scene, 14, 20 Brooke-Rose, Christine, 34 A Cold Spring, 20 Brooks, Cleanth ‘The Fish’, 261 ekphrastic poetry, 162–3 ‘Large Bad Picture’, 20 the lyric, 94, 95 North & South, 20 The Well Wrought Urn, 95, 162–3 Plath influences, 362 Brown, Marcia, 129, 154, 267, 279, 281, 286 ‘The Prodigal’, 20 Brownjohn, Alan, 30, 354 Vassar College, 175 Brownmiller, Susan, 180 ‘Wading at Wellfleet’, 20 Against Our Will, 187 Bitter Fame (Stevenson), 119, 264, 363–4, 365, 368 Brueghel, Pieter, 158 Black, Eugene, 192 Bryant, Marsha, 76, 151, 321–2, 323 Black British community, 354 ‘Bucolics’ (Plath), 106 ‘Black Coat’ (Hughes), 164 Bundtzen, Lynda K., 320–1, 340 ‘Black Rook in Rainy Weather’ (Plath), 298, Bunting, Basil, Briggflats, 354 300–1, 302 ‘The Burnt-Out Spa’ (Plath), 56 ‘Blackberrying’ (Plath), 41, 58, 109, 353 Burt, Stephen, Close Calls With Nonsense, 18 Blake, William, A Vision of the Last Judgement, Burton, Richard, 48 271–2 Butscher, Edward, Sylvia Plath: Method and ‘Blue Moles’ (Plath), 223 Madness, 362–3, 364, 368 ‘Bluebeard’ (Plath), 15 ‘By Candlelight’ (Plath), 218, 219 Blumenfeld, Erwin, 127 ‘Byzantium’ (Yeats), 96 Boland, Eavan, 354 Botkin, Daniel, 228 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (film), 272 Bowen, Elizabeth, 287 Calder Valley, 297–8, 299, 304 The Bradford (newspaper), 279 calendars, 280–1 Brain, Tracy The Calm (Hughes), 49 American poetry scene, 14 Cambridge University Ariel editions, 340 British poetry trends, 24, 29–30 The Bell Jar contexts, 170, 210 fashion, 134 film influence, 148, 149 food, 121–2 The Other Sylvia Plath, 75 Fulbright Scholarship, 24, 159, 250, 255, 289, Plath biographers, 363 291, 292 Plath’s electroshock therapy, 264, 271 Plath biographers, 9, 362 Plath’s environmentalism, 232 Plath’s correspondence, 291–3 Plath’s journals, 277 visual art, 159 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47013-1 — Sylvia Plath in Context Edited by Tracy Brain Index More Information 400 Index Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 233 auteur cinema, 138–9, 140, 141 ‘Candles’ (Plath), 43, 57 La Belle et La Bête, 138 Canon, Poppy, The Can Opener Cookbook, 119 classics, 38 Caprio, Frank Orphée, 138–9, 140 Female Homosexuality, 172 Cohen, Eddie, 288 sexology, 176 Cohen, Lona, 204 Carey, Father Michael, 213, 214, 218 Cohen, Mark, 344 Carmichael, Virginia, 209 Cohen, Morris, 204 Carne-Ross, D.S., 43 Cohen, Ruth, 291 Carson, Rachel A Cold Spring (Bishop), 20 Plath and nature, 221, 223, 231, 232 Cold War, 6, 26, 150, 171, 203, 206, 207, 211, 234 The Sea Around Us, 221, 231 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 364 Silent Spring, 232 Collected Poems (Plath) Under the Sea Wind, 221 ekphrastic poetry, 160–1 Catch-22 (film),
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