VOLUME 7 ISSUE 8 SEPTEMBER 2016 BUSINESS MANAGERS…UNDERVALUED FIND OUT MORE ON PAGE 20 Does flooded vehicle move go far enough? ews this week that the govern- “The NZ Transport Agency has “Properly repaired water-damaged ment is tightening down on the investigated cases where the level or vehicles are safe. However, more strin- Nsale of flood-damaged vehicles extent of flooding has been deliberately gent requirements will further increase — both imported and local — has been masked, exposing the driver, their pas- vehicle and road safety.” strongly welcomed from across the sengers and other road users to unac- New Zealand transport agency trade. ceptable risk,” Foss says. group manager access and use, Celia But for some, the move does not go He says that this new requirement Patrick, says that if repaired properly, far enough. flooded vehicles can be safe. Associate transport minister Craig “When water-damaged vehicles Foss announced the new rule requir- are repaired properly, they are safe, ing that all electronic and pyrotech- and we had confidence in appointed nic safety components – includ- repair certifiers to safely implement ing airbags, sensors, pre-tensioner the previous requirements,” Patrick seatbelts and wiring – must be fully says. replaced on imported and domestic “However, determining the extent water-damaged vehicles. Craig Foss Celia Patrick David Vinsen of water damage has become difficult Foss says the more stringent to achieve with certainty when vehi- requirements for water-damaged removes any questions about the level cles have been groomed prior to being vehicles will provide additional safety of water damage to a car, and whether presented to repair certifiers. assurances for vehicle owners and all its important safety components have “Not replacing water-damaged road users. suffered. safety components creates significant road safety risks.” INSIDE Provision has been made for im- A new association for IT 3 ported water-damaged vehicles Imports want in on AoG 4 purchased on or before September to What is Cartopia? 6 be able to be certified under previous A sound solution 11 6 11 requirements, provided they are border Continued on page 10 The market leader for over a decade. Shift to the Autohub Team and experience the Autohub difference. GLOBAL VEHICLE LOGISTICS NZ · JAPAN · AUSTRALIA · UK · EUROPE | www.autohub.co FOUNDATION SPONSORS AutoTalk acknowledges the support of our foundation sponsors: WEEKLY PASSENGER & COMMERCIAL VEHICLE AUCTIONS Vehicle Inspection NZ 2 | AUTOTALK SEPTEMBER 2016 | www.autotalk.co.nz NEWSTALK AutoTalk Magazine and Automotive tech autotalk.co.nz are published by Auto Media Group 8/152 Quay Street, Limited. P.O. Box 10 50 10, Auckland City, 1030. trade bands together Ph. 09 309 2444. MANAGING EDITOR Richard Edwards group of businesses are ignoring this and col- connectivity across software 021 556 655 focussed on automo- laborating as we see a bigger platforms, creating standard [email protected] A tive industry technol- picture. Working together to vehicle classifications and ogy and software solutions is standardise our technology, improving the consistency PUBLISHER banding together to work on the entire industry can enjoy of data. Vern Whitehead behalf of the trade. reduced costs, better access It will also work to repre- 021 831 153 The newly established to data, and other real sent the trade on legis- [email protected] National Auto Industry Tech- business benefits.” lative issues, especially nology Association (NAITA) Greenfield says those involving transac- CHIEF REPORTER has been formed by repre- the rapid growth of tional data at the point Robert Barry sentatives from TSI Group, technology use in of sale. Liaising with 022 0180 998 AutoPlay and Limelight dealerships spurred government and other [email protected] Software. the need for such an David Boshier bodies on appropriate TSI Group general man- organisation. access and how this can be ager Darryn Crothall, Auto- “Other associations within achieved and managed. JOURNALIST Play general manager David the industry have done, and It intends to liaise with Nerine Zoio Boshier and Limelight Soft- continue to do an outstand- government agencies to 021 240 2402 [email protected] ware general manager ing job for their respective understand the needs of Mark Greenfield are the members and the seg- the industry, especially the founding group. ments they represent”, uses of transactional data SALES MANAGER The three founding says Greenfield. “With the at point of sale for best ac- Dale Stevenson members of NAITA rapidly increasing use of cess and efficiency without 021 446 214 are technology technology and data compromising data secu- [email protected] providers within Darryn Crothall a need has arisen for rity. Building an independ- the motor industry with cli- someone to provide total ent point of data collection OPERATIONS ents collectively representing industry representation from and aggregation for use by MANAGER more than 1000 dealerships a technology and data per- the industry with the aim of Deborah Baxter across new and used, plus spective across all business enhancing the benefits of 027 530 5016 more than 2500 aftermarket types.” purchasing within the indus- [email protected] clients. “As technology com- try dealer networks. Initially membership will panies directly serving Among NAITA’s first IDENTICAR be available to the respec- the industry we are on calls to action will be MANAGER tive networks of AutoPlay, the front line of this need applying to the NZ John Stephens TSI Group and Motorcen- every day, and feedback Transport Agency for 027 530 5023 tral, plus corporate suppli- from our clients is that special authorisation [email protected] ers within the industry. It is they want representa- to access the Motor intended that all technology tion – for the benefit Mark Greenfield Vehicle Register as a Auto Media Group Limited makes every endeavour to ensure information suppliers to the industry will of all - between them, representative body. contained in this publication is accurate, eventually become mem- the public, the government This has come about however we are not liable for any losses or issues resulting from its use. bers. and other bodies”. from the proposed changes Annual subscription: “The three of us all have Initial aims include advis- to Class Authorisation for $84 + gst ($96.60) some cross-over where we ing and assisting members access to the MVR, which is Printed by: Alpine Printers. are in competition with each and the broader industry planned to come into effect other”, says Crothall, “But we with standardisation and in October this year. autotalk.co.nz INDUSTRY SUPPORTERS RECOGNISED BY dieseltalk.co.nz autotalk.com.au evtalk.co.nz carandsuv.co.nz CAR & SUV identicar.co.nz AUTOTALK SEPTEMBER 2016 | www.autotalk.co.nz | 3 NEWSTALK Commission issues draft guidelines in Sportzone wake epercussions from the guidelines,” says Commerce our approach to enforce- cates a transaction-specific Commerce Commis- commissioner Anna Rawl- ment, so we are pleased to approach to the setting of Rsion case against Motor ings. “These guidelines aim be able to issue the draft fees.” Trade Finance and Sportzone to clarify how lenders should guidelines for consultation “It is not permissible to Motorcycles continue to flow approach the task of setting today. We look forward to take all operating costs (or onto the industry. credit fees. They also provide hearing feedback on the virtually all) and allocate This week the commis- them to one fee or the oth- sion released updated draft er. The consequence of this guidelines for lenders when is that any costs incurred by setting credit fees. a credit provider will not be The Commission’s previous referable to particular credit fees guidelines were published transactions and will there- in 2010 and remained in draft guidance on the limitations draft,” said Commissioner, fore have to be recovered in pending the outcome of its that apply to the fees lenders Anna Rawlings. the interest rate”. long-running case. may charge.” The guidelines are clari- The guidelines can be “Now the final judgment in “We recognise it has been fied based on the Supreme found at http://comcom. the MTF/Sportzone case has some time since our 2010 Court decision in the case govt.nz/consumer-credit/ been issued the Commission draft guidelines and that which had the view that the guidelines-post/guidelines- is able to consult with the lenders are keen to under- Credit Contracts and Con- for-credit-fees/ Consultation credit community on fees stand their obligations and sumer Finance Act: “indi- is open until October 24. Import trade wants in on government EV tender he used import trade technological advances as The Procurement initiative vehicles in that model,” he is showing an interest they come onto the mar- is part of the government- says. Tin being part of the ket,” Joyce says. industry programme to ac- Autohub Europe man- All of Government Procure- “Following a fea- celerate the uptake ager Joe Barnett has also ment process - which is now sibility study, New of electric vehicles discussed the issue with undergoing changes to make Zealand Government in New Zealand to MBIE. it easier for government and Procurement is inviting reach 64,000 vehi- “MBIE and I met some corporate fleets to get a deal providers of electric cles by 2021. months ago, when their on Electric vehicles. vehicles to be con- Imported Motor planning was in it’s infancy, The government moved sidered for the AoG Vehicle Industry they are interested, but need last month to fix there being vehicles panel, in order David Vinsen Association chief input from businesses to only one plug-in vehicle on to increase the num- executive officer understand what is required its All-of-Government (AoG) ber of electric vehicle David Vinsen says from them,” Barnett explains.
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