CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 REGIONAL DIVISIONS OF INDIA -A CARTOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OCCASIONAL PAPERS SERIES -1 VOLUME-XIII WEST BENGAL Planning & Supervisipn Dr. R. P. Singh . Assistant Registrar General (Map) General Direction & Editing J. K. BANTHIA of the Indian Administrative Service Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India . 2A, Mansingh Road, New Delhi * Maps included in this volume are based upon Survey of India map with the pellnission of the Surveyor General ofIndia. * The Territorial water ofIndia extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. * The inter-state boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghataya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastem Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified. (For India Map only) * Government oflndia Copyright, 2001. FOREWORD "Regional Divisions of India ~ A Cartographic Analysis", of each State and Union Temtory Volume,1991 is undertaken by the Map Division of this office. The project is in continuation ofa similar 'Occasional'Paper' published during the 1981 Census. In this study, regions are delineated at macro, messo, micro and sub-micro level in e~h state/.union terril:ory. While delineating such regions, the physio-geographic factors are taken into accclunt. These physio-geographic factors consist of (i) Physiography; (ii) Geological strui;ture; (iii) Forest coverage; (iv) Climatic conditions and (v) Soils. The sub"micro regions Yare delineated within the district keeping in view the above physio-geographic factors. The regi.onal boundaries delineated earlier at different levels are retained as such. However, the jurisdictional changes at the district level during 1981-91 were added in the respective regions. ,A few more tables and maps'on educational level of primary and secondary schools and availability of medical facilities at the villages, have been appended in this volume. This publication consists of three parts. Part I contains the brief introductory note on Regional Divisions of India along with a map of India showing the regional boundaries at micro level. Thi~ part is common tor all the States and Union territories Volume. Part II deals with the description of Regional Divisions of each State and Union territory. In this section, th~re are nearly' 21 maps related to different themes e.g. density, sex ratio, growth of population, workers, literacy and the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. These maps .are prepared at the sub-micro level. Part ITl is mainly devoted to presentation of data an.d maps of the districts. The districts are divided into sub-micro regions of the fourth order and brief analysis of each of these sub-micro regions is written and supported by tables miating to the main demographic theme of the districts. This project is executed under the technical supervision of Dr. R.P. Singh, Assistant . Registrar General (Map)' and other officers and staff of the Map Division of this office and Directorates of Census Operations of StateslUnion territories. The officers and the staff associated with this project ate acknowledged separately. An effort is made to publish this volume on Compact Discs also for the convenience of the users. I hope this pUblication will be useful for administrators, geographers, demographers and others interested in different fields of population study. New Delhi Dated: 30.1.2001 J .K. Banthia Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India 111 PREFACE The present volume is a continuation of the original endeavour towards presenting a cartographic analysis of the main demographic, economic and physio-cultural characteristics of the country. The work of delineation of natural divisions in this study was wl~lcomed by the scholars, gl~graphers and planners both in India and abroad. The study of spatial patterns, variations in resources, heterogeneous physio-graphic factors and problems in development bring out the need for a regional approach to planning-planning as related to the situation in the field in order to better respond to local aspirations and for better utilization oflocal n:sources. In order to encourage such endeavour and to bring out such a publication, Government ofIndia s~mctioned a plan scheme for the Census Organization entitled "Regional Divisions' of India - A Cartographic Analysis". The aims and obj ect of this analysis is to study the census villages and towns with physio-geographic characteristics in order to bring out viable homogeneous regions at the micro level within the districts. In this volume, more precise maps have been produced for the study of natural d:,visions in India. In delineating the micro level regions, the physio-geographical factors such as physiography, geological structure, forest coverage, climatic conditions and soils have been includecl in the study. This work ofdelineation ofSub-micro regions within the districts will play an important role in the implementation ofplanning within the framework of the state. However, it must be considered that publication of the study has been delayed. to a great extent for reasons beyond our control. However, I sincerely hope that such an analysis for the 2001 census will be published much before the next dl~cennial census due in 2011. I am highly indebted to Dr. P. C. Coomar, Deputy Director, Directorate of Census Opera- tions who made valuable contributions in editing the entire project. The credit fi)r bringing out the volume rightly goes to the map section ofthis office. A list ofofficials associated with this project is given sepa­ rately. I avail this opportunity to thank Shri O. Manaoton Singh, Sr. Geographe'l' who not only drafted the analytical notes but also shouldered the responsibility to supervise the work in map section for bringing the pUblication. I am very grateful to Shri J. K. Banthia, Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India who inspired us in bringing out the publication. I express my sincere gratitude to Smt. Minati Ghosh, Deputy Registrar General (Map) and Dr. R. P. Singh, Assistant Registrar General (Map) for their careful scrutiny and valuable supervision in finalizing this volume. VikramSen' Director Census Operations, West Bengal v TECHNICAL STAFF OF Rdl HEADQUARTERS WITH THIS PROJECT Planning & Supervision : Dr. R. P. Singh Assistant Registrar General (Map) Progress & Monitoring: R. N. Chhipa Research Officer (Map) R. K. Chourajit Singh Research Officer (Map) Upto 31.8.2001 Computor mapping and other Pooran Singh, Senior Geographer computerised work: Dinesh, Draughtsman Anil B. Dhengle, Sr. Draughtsman Cover Design : Mohd. Ishaque, Sr. Drawing Assistant Secretarial Work : A. K. Jain, P.A. P. K. Ajmani, P .A. DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, WEST BENGAL Technical Supervision of Dr. P. C. Coomar Deputy Director Maps & Cartographic Work: O. Monaoton Singh, Sr. Geographer B. N. Mallick, Sr. Drawing Assistant R. C. Das, Sr. Draughtsman A. R. Halder, Sr. Draughtsman :Pradip Das, Sr. Draughtsman H. R. Banerjee, Sr. Draughtsman A. K. Paul, Sr. Draughtsman S. K. Chatterjee, Sr. Draughtsman Suman Topno, Sr. Draughtsman Prashanta Roy, Draughtsman N. N. Das, Draughtsman Sanjib Das, Draughtsman Ashok Mandai, Draughtsman Kartick Munnu, Draughtsman T. Bhattacharj ee, Draughtsman VI CONTENTS Pages :F'oreword ill :Preface v Technical Staff of the R.G.I. Headquarters and Directorate of Census Operations, West Bengal. vi PART-I GENERAL NOTE: Regional Divisions ofIndia-A Cartographic Analysis-General Note' 1-4 Brief characteristics ofRegional Divisions 5-14 .Physio-Geographic Regions ofIndia (Regional Divisions) 17-25 PART - II Regional Divisions of West Bengal 29-41 GENE~~MAPS :Position ofWest Bengal in India 1991 45 Administrative Divisions 1991 (C. D. Block) 47 Administrative Divisions 1991 (Police Station) 49 Relief And Drainage Sl Normal Monthly And Annual Rainfall 53 Normal Monthly And Annual Temperature SS Geology 57 Soils 59 Growth of Population 1981 - 91 (Sub-micro level) 61 Density of Population 1991 (Sub-micro level) 63 Distribution of Population 1991 65 Variation in Density of Population 1981-91 (Sub-micro level) 67 Rural Density of PopUlation 1991 (Sub-micro level) 69 Variation in Rural Density of Population 1981-91 (Sub-micro level) 71 vii Urban Density of Population 1991 (Sub-micro level) 73 Variation in Urban Density of Population 1981-91 (Sub-micro level) 75 Sex Ratio 1991 (Sub-micro level) 77 Scheduled Castes 1991 (Sub-micro level) 79 Scheduled Tribes 1991 (Sub-micro level) 81 PART - III REGIONAL DIVISIONS OF DISTRICTS: 1. DISTRICT JALPAIGURl (i) Regional Divisions ofJalpaiguri 85-86 (ii) Data on Regional Divisions of Jalpaiguri Table-l 89 (iii) Region-wise village codes, 1991 Table-2 89-90 (iv) Data on Regional Divisions - Total (Workers I Non-Workers) Table-3 90 (v) Data on Regional Divisions - Rural (Workers / Non-Workers) Table-4 91 (vi) Data on Regional Divisions - Urban (Workers I Non-Workers) T able-5 91 (vii) Data on Regional Divisions (Literates & SC/ST) Table-6 91 (viii) Statement on Region-wise Physio-Cultural Details of Jalpaiguri 92-96 2. DISTRICT DARJILING (i) Regional Divisions ofDaIjiling 97-98 (ii) Data on Regional Divisions ofDarjiling Table-! 101 (iii) Region-wise village codes, 1991 Table-2 101-102 (iv) Data on Regional Divisions - Totll (Workers I Non-Workers) Ta~le-3 103 (v) Data on Regional Divisions - Rural (Workers/Non-Workers) Table-4 103 (vi) Data on Regional Divisions - Urban (Workers /Non-Workers) Table-5 104 (vii) Data on Regional Divisions (Literates & SC/ST) Table-6 104 (viii) Statement on Region-wise Physio-CuituraI Details ofDaljiling 105-111 viii 3. DISTRICT KOCH BIHAR (i) Regional Divisions of Koch Bihar 112-115 (ii) Data on Regional Divisions of Koch Bihar Table-l 11S (iii) Region-wise village codes, 1991 Table-2 115-116 (iv) Data on Regional Divisions - Total (Workers / Non-Workers) Table-3 116 (v) Data on Regional Divisions - Rural (Workers I Non-Workers) Table-4 117 (vi) Data on Regional Divisions - Urban (Workers I Non-Workers) Table-5 117 (vii) Data on Regional Divisions (Literates & SC/ST) Table-6 117 (viii) Statement on Region-wise Physio-Cultural Details of Koch Bihar 118-121 4.
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