index.qxd 08/10/2000 1:41 PM Page 555 Index Names were often spelled in a variety of ways in the period covered by this book. I have listed persons under the spelling most commonly used; variations appear in parentheses or are cross-referenced. Only older authors and titles of anonymous works of the time are listed. Abbot (archbishop of Canterbury), 457 Alba, house of, 126 Aberdeen, 435 Alba, third duke of (Fernando Alvarez Aboab, Jacob and Joseph, 193 de Toledo), 18, 126, 300n. 18, 309, Aboab, Rabbi Immanuel, 178, 179n. 53, 310–12, 314–16, 320, 323–25, 327, 329, 184 332, 364, 391, 401, 467f., 522 Aboab da Fonseca, Rabbi Isaac, 177, Alberoni (cardinal), 542n. 61 182n. 67 Albert (archduke of Austria), 116, 324, Abrabanel (Abarbanel; Abravanel), 429 Isaac, 67f., 158, 163, 167f., 199 Albuquerque, dukes of, 77, 154 Abraham bar Selomoh, 163n. 13 Alcalá, Diego de, 131 Abraham ben Eliezer Halevi, Rabbi, Alcalá de Henares, 39, 65, 106, 131, 140, 164n. 14 260, 262; and Irish College, 437; uni- An Account of Spain (1700), 81n. 39, versity of, 153, 181, 300n. 21, 531 101, 119n. 157, 122n. 171, 123n. 177, Alcanterilla, 251 142n. 62, 289 Alcora, 270 Acosta, José de, S.J., 377n. 88, 447n. 8, Alcudeña, 262 487, 499n. 69 Aleandro, Girolamo (papal nuncio), 299 Addison, Launcelot, 239 Alemán, Mateo, 214 Adrianople, 166 Alexander VI (pope), 236, 295n. 2, 296, Aerschot, duke of, 147 357, 373, 377n. 87 Africa, 104, 126, 513. See also North Alexander the Great, 338, 357 Africa Alexandria, 166 Aglionby, William, 86n. 58, 517 Al‹eri, Vittorio, 123n. 177, 526 Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius, 528f. Alfonso I d’Este, 254 Águila, Juan de, 421 Alfonso X of Castile, 538 Agustín, Antonio (archbishop of Tar- Algeciras, 270 ragona), 65, 108 Algiers, 192n. 100, 194n. 107, 206n. 160 Ahmad ibn Qasim al-Hajari, 210f. Alhama, 75 Alarcón, Pedro Antonio de, 123 Alhambra, 52, 103, 110, 111, 249, 252 Alava, province of, 42n. 134 Alicante, 39, 42, 45, 136, 197, 208, 535 555 index.qxd 08/10/2000 1:41 PM Page 556 556 Index Allen, William (cardinal), 301, 367f., Aragonese, 82, 85, 336, 339, 511, 534n. 384, 406, 426n. 118, 427n. 121, 428 26, 540 Almazán, Nicolás, S.J., 418 `Arama, Rabbi Isaac, 195 Almería, 103, 161 Aranjuez, 47, 88, 95, 97f., 106, 534 Alpujarras, 81 Araucana, 450 Alumbrados, 221n. 211, 342 Archers of the Royal Guard, 65f. Alured, Thomas, 466n. 85 Archidona, 251 Alva Ixtilxóchitl, Fernando de, 484 Architects, Italian, 16 Álvarez, Baltasar, 159n. 116 Architecture, Mudejar, 262 Álvarez de Colmenares. See “Col- Aretino, 236 menares, Juan Alvarez de” Arévalo, 521 Amadís de Gaula (Gaule), 169, 448 Argyle, Archibald Campbell, earl of, 39 Ambassadors. See Diplomats Ariosto, Ludovico, 237, 299 America, 192n. 100 Aristotle, 328 Amsterdam, 5, 167, 171, 197, 285, 323, Arles, 12 381; Jewish community in, 174–94, Arlington, Lord, 274 198, 199, 213n. 183, 229n. 248 Armagh, archbishop of, 219 Andalusia (Andalusians), 46, 51, 67, 82, Arnauld, Antoine, 237, 336 88, 100–103, 149, 199, 212n. 176, 251, Arnold, John (Carthusian), 422 253, 262, 269, 401, 411, 418, 424, 512, Arras. See Monks, Benedictine from 536n. 37, 540 Arras Angelus, 142 Art: Italian, in Spain, 254–56; Medieval, Angola, 59, 193n. 104 109–11; Renaissance, 111, 253; Span- Anna of Austria (queen of Philip II), ish, diffusion of, 256–60 144n. 69 Arthur (king), 330 An Answer to the untruthes published Arthur, Patrick, 442n. 185 and printed in Spaine (1589), 386 Artisans. See England, artisans of; Flan- Antequera, 75, 121 ders, artisans of Antiquities, 107–9 Artois, 64, 104 Antonio, Nicolás, 125, 537 Arundel, Thomas Howard, earl of, 35, Antwerp, 57, 65f., 116, 174, 175, 180, 258, 260, 281n. 28, 282n. 29 186, 196, 241f., 251, 252, 316, 318, 323, Ashkenazi, 185 355, 443, 450, 505n. 5, 528; Sack of, Ashley, Robert, 388n. 124 310f., 336, 398n. 7, 448 Assisi, 13 Apocalyptic mentality, 363, 384, 459 Aston, Walter (Lord Aston of Forfar), Apparitions, 139f. 35, 39, 48n. 157, 82n. 44, 85, 119n. Appellant party, 369n. 60, 392–94, 396, 157, 120, 121n. 164, 133n. 28, 138n. 399, 419 45, 154n. 103, 258, 434f., 456, 463f., Arabic, 98, 205, 210, 211; manuscripts 508, 531 in, 67 Asturias, 11, 44, 79, 278, 535 Arabists, 63, 211 Atahualpa (Inca), 486, 488 Arabs, 201 Athias, Joseph, 184 Aragon, 31, 41, 66, 87, 88, 91f., 162n. 9, Atiya, Abraham, 194 205, 206, 212, 219, 220, 225f., 243, Augsburg, 243 262, 274, 300, 403f., 468, 518, 535, Augustine, St., 182, 191, 359 536n. 37; and revolt, 84, 86, 216, Augustinians, 126, 153 387, 389, 422. See also Crown of Aulnoy, Madame d’, 6n. 11, 43n. 139, Aragon 47n. 155, 60–62, 71, 76, 91n. 70, 95, index.qxd 08/10/2000 1:41 PM Page 557 index 557 97n. 91, 100, 111, 122n. 171, 123, Barreiros, Gaspar, 77n. 24, 90n. 68, 91, 153n. 101, 154–56, 229, 233, 243, 289, 92n. 80, 111 349, 531, 536 Barrios, Miguel de (Daniel Levi), Austria, 16 188–91, 193, 199 Autos de fé, 135, 178n. 52, 195, 197f., Barvoet, Alexander, 117 216, 221f., 229, 230, 232, 233, 235 Basadonna, Pietro (Venetian ambas- Autos sacramentales, 136, 137, 139, 140, sador), 512 141 Basle, 14, 249. See also Platter, Thomas Averroes, 111 Basques, 231n. 254, 243, 511; language Avicenna, 111 of, 81 Avity, Pierre d’, 75n. 15, 340, 347, 529, Bassompierre, François de (French 533, 537n. 39 ambassador), 44n. 143, 113, 118n. Ayala (“knight of Biscay”), 493 155, 138, 142n. 60 Aylmer, John (bishop of London), 361 Bathe, William, 451 Bayle, Pierre, 4f., 157, 233, 537 Bacon, Francis, 118, 287, 309, 381n. 99, Baynham, Sir Edmond, 25 387, 444, 453, 458, 459, 476n. 122, 506, Bayonne, 16, 181, 220, 277 507n. 13 Beaulieu (English diplomat), 279, 281 Badajoz, 179, 262 Bedford, Lord and Lady, 358 Badesfort, James, 281 Bedmar, Alonso de la Cueva, marqués Badoaro, Federico (Venetian ambas- de (Spanish ambassador), 297n. 6, 524 sador), 83n. 48 Beg, Uluch (Uruch), 67n. 209, 112 Baglioni (Florentine), 464n. 81 Beira, 270 Baker, George, 449 Belgium, 126, 512; artisans of, 39. See Baker, Sir Richard, 376n. 82 also Flanders Balaguer, 144 Bellarmine (cardinal), 282 Baldi, Pier Maria, 59, 260, 262, 268, Bellièvre, Pomponne de, 336 270 Belon de Mars, Pierre, 165 Bale, John, 359, 377n. 87, 378, 379, 384 Bembo, Bernardo (Venetian), 55 Balearics, 103, 250 Bembo, Giovanni (Venetian), 108 Baltasar, Gracián, S.J., 5 Benavente, count of, 259, 531 Bandits, 40, 46, 89 Benedictine Order, 413, 440; and English Barberini, Francesco (cardinal-legate), émigrés, 64. See also Monks, Benedic- 49, 112, 137 tine, from Arras Barcelona, 11, 38n. 114, 45–47, 50, 56, Bentivoglio, Guido (cardinal), 326 66, 75, 79n. 35, 81, 85, 87, 88f., 91, 99, Benvenisti, Abraham (Augustín 100, 109, 119n. 158, 119, 228n. 240, Enríquez), 167 232, 243, 246, 250, 253, 260, 262, 269n. Benveniste, Rabbi Moses, 193 64, 277, 279, 287, 511, 512, 518, 535, Benzoni, Gerolamo, 7n. 12, 302f., 304, 541; British consuls at, 39; convent of 333, 379n. 95, 470, 504 Junqueras in, 88; procession in, 146n. Bermingham, Richard, O.P., 434 74; sardana at, 59 Berners, Lord John Bourchier, 446 Barclay, Jean (John), 340f., 504, 532, Berry, Richard, 457 534, 537, 542 Bertaut, François, 60, 71, 77n. 24, 93, 97, Baretti, Joseph, 3, 56 98, 102, 110, 111, 123n. 174, 129n. 18, Bargrave, Robert, 42, 92, 93n. 81, 140, 145n. 72, 152, 153, 228, 231, 232, 537 145 Bérulle, Pierre de, 50, 51n. 163 Barnes, John, 410 Berwick, 422 index.qxd 08/10/2000 1:41 PM Page 558 558 Index Besian, Arroy, S.J., 344 Bothwell, Francis Hepburn Steward, Betanzos, Juan de, 488 earl of, 422n. 98, 430, 457n. 54 Béthoulat, André de (comte de La Vau- Bothwell, Lord (“bastard sonne”), 47 goyon), 93n. 83, 152 Bradford, John, 360 Biblical language, 13, 91, 136–38, Bradforth (Bradford), John, 354–56, 140–42, 153, 174, 183f., 186, 202, 357, 390n. 130 285, 305, 315f., 344, 357, 361, Braga, 74 386, 388f., 406, 407, 449, 469n. 100, Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeilles, 478 seigneur de, 43, 54, 124, 141f., 144n. Bilbao, 83, 228, 440, 441; British consuls 69, 220, 310f., 326, 328–32, 333, 335, at, 39 345n. 78, 524, 527n. 33 Birch, Thomas, 286n. 37 Braun, Georg, 65, 251 Biscay, 41, 45n. 147, 250; Bay of, 87; Bis- Brazil, 179f., 512. See also Pernambuco cayans, 339, 442 Brenan, Gerald, 56 Blackfan, John, S.J., 407 Breval, J., 269f. “Black Legend” of Spain, 233, 302, Brigands, 83, 105. See also Bandits 309–27, 376f. Bright, Timothy, 362 Blaye, 11 Brihuega, battle of, 517 Bluet, Thomas, 393 Bristol, 370; earl of (see Digby, Sir John) Boccaccio, 387 Brittany, 37, 408 Boccalini, Traiano, 301, 467, 469, 504, Bromley, Sir William, 98, 136, 139n. 46, 511n. 36 229, 541 Bodenham, Roger, 371 Bronseval, Claude de, 42n. 135, 87n. 59, Bodin, Jean, 8, 127n. 9, 127, 165, 331–33, 89n. 64, 91, 92n. 75, 143n. 65, 504 220 Bodkin, Augustine, 441f. Browne, Sir Thomas, 133, 239 Bohemian revolution of 1618, 459f. See Bruce, Robert, 422n. 99 also Frederick and Elizabeth of Brueghel, 258, 259; the Younger, 323n. Bohemia 43 Bohemians, 201 Bruges, 65, 423 Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, 538 Brunel, Antoine de, 15, 60, 71, 76, 77, Bologna, 236, 254, 505 86n. 57, 87n. 59, 87, 97, 104n. 110, Books, published in Spain, 125 122, 130, 530, 534, 538; English trans- Books, trade in, 218, 221, 401; and lation of, 54n. 174 French booksellers, 227; and Protes- Bruni, Leonardo, 295n. 2 tant books, 218n. 199 Bruno, Giordano, 307 Boorde, Andrew, 13, 41, 446n.
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