THE SUFFOLK GUILD OF RINGERS For tire Diocese of St.Ednmndsbury & Ipswich ANNUAL REPORT 1989 News, views, reports, personalities and information The Ringing World The only weekly magazine in the World devoted entirley to news and information for church bell ringers Editor: David Thorne The Ringing World, Penmark House Woodbridge Meadows, Guildford GUI 1BL, Tel: Guildford 69535 Write or phone fora current issue for up to date subscription rates ( 3 months, 6 months or 12 months ) & 3 OFFICERS OF THE GUILD 1989 President The Lord Bishop of SLEdmundsbury and Ipswich. The RLReverend John Oennis M A Patron E.Ve*ty Esq. V lca - Presidents Bishop of Dunwtch Tho RtRavarand Eric Davenport Trevor NJ.Bailey, Patriae M.Beiloy. Leslie Bred. Ran aid W.M.OoustonJohn G irt Shirisy G irt Leslie Mills, Goorgo W.PIp* SyMe fl.EPip*. Rw.Lewrence Pizza', Maurie* J-Rose H.daudo Rush, Alan Smith. Chairman Rev.Lawrenco Pizzoy, The Vicarage, Acton, Sudbury.Tel.Sudbury 77207 Ringing Master Stephen O.Pettman, 42 Mill View Close, W oodbrldgaTeLW oodbridge 3023 General Secretary Dr.Bruce Wakefield, Wheatley, Haugh Lane, WoodbrldgoJPI2 4NlTal. Woodbridge 38S203 Treasurer Tarry Howe. Howcroft, Skinners Green, Metflald, HarlestoaTeLFressingfleid 6170 Honorary Technical Adviser Ian J.0.W hltear, 13 W ragg Drive, Newmarkei.Tel.Newmarket 668020 Maintenance Officer Ralph Earey, 26 Low er Street. Sproughton, Ipswich-Tol.lpswlch 42766 Report Editor A drian J.B!umfieid, 38a High Streot, Burwell, Cambridge,Tel.Newmarket 743220 Newsletter Edfter Mrs A.Harrls, I Pine View Road, Ipswlch.Tel.Ipswich 42106 Henorary Librarian Mrs H.Leeson, Aquarius, Ipswich'Road, H arksteadTel.Holbrook 326607 Public Relations Officer George W.Pipe, 0 Lansdowne Road. lpswich.Tel.lpswieh72S847 Peal Secretary Alan P.Mayle, 28 Nethergata Street, ClaraTel.Clare 277138 Honorary Auditor Peter Faiers, 26 O rchard G rove. Olss, Norfolk. TehOiss 642208 Honorary Convenant Secretary A ndrew O.Flsk, 'Blenheim', Thurston Rd, GLBarton, Bury SLEdmundiTeLPakenham 31382 Central Council Representatives 1-J.D.Whltear, S.D.Pettman, R e v.LR P l22oy, A.R.Smith Suffolk Guild Handbell Trustees Mrs W .Lockwood, 2 Thorpe Hill Cottages, Hintlesham.Tei.314 Mrs A.Whiting, Kim berley Hall, Moats Tye, Combs, StowmarketTel.677766 Management Committee V ic e -P re s id e n ts , Chairm an, R in gin g M a tte, General Secretary, Treasure* Technical Adviser, Peel Soereaiy, MaintanancoOffiear, Librarian, flaoon Editor. Nawtletar Editor. CantraJ Council Rets-. Handbell Trustees. two raprosamtOvoa from each District and two r«prosemtsvm from the Recruitment 6 Training Committse and the Rastortton & Maintananca Committee Recruitment and Training Committee Guild Ringing Matte and two represeritlNae from each Oistnd Restoration and Maintenance Committee G uild Technical Actater, Maintenance Office and two representatives from each District 4 THE SUFFOLK GUILD OF RINGEBS INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1989 INCOME £ 1989 £ 1988 Subscriptions 1898 1965 Tux rebate claim receivable 168 80 1'nul Fees 669 885 2735 2930 OTHER INCOME Sundry sales (reports, badgers, certificates and advertising) 126 63 Interest receivable 406 532 128 191 3267 3121 LESS EXPENDITURE Annual Report 446 641 Hinging World advertisements 309 272 Central Council affiliation fee 20 20 Adminisrtative expenses 117 144 linlld Newsletter 62 59 Inaurance premiums 182 182 Wi'eaths/donations in lieu 20 60 Donations 40 140 Officers' expenses 88 36 1284 ____ 1554 1983 1567 SURPLUS for the year TRANSFER TO RESERVES To Restoration Fund (Note 2) 1368 1465 To Handbells Fund (Note 6 ) 75 1443 575 2040 TRANSFER to (from) GENERAL FUND 540 (473) General fund at the 1st January, 1989 437 910 GENERAL FUND at the 31st December,1989 £ 977 £ 437 1 5 THE SUFFOLK GUILD OF RINGERS BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 1989 1989 1988 £ £ £ £ CURRENT ASSETS Sundry Stocks (at cost) 64 98 Debtors & 516 Payments in advance 129 645 205 Cash on Deposit with:- Central Board of Finance C of E 13010 6332 Barclays Bank pic 3613 3960 Bank Current Account 5 103 17337 10698 CURRENT LIABILITIES Sundry Creditors 641 640 Subscriptions received in advance 56 62 Grans payable within one year (note 1) 6520 7217 4360 5062 NET CURRENT ASSETS 10120 5636 LONG TERM LIABILITIES Grants payable after one year (note 1) 6820 2700 NET ASSETS 3300 2936 RESERVES General Fund 977 437 Restoration Fund (note 2) 1264 1694 Library Fund (note 5) • 68 66 Handbell Fund (note 6) 169 13 Jubilee Fund 120 120 St. Peter's Sudbury Fund (note 7) 702 606 3300 2936 We have examined the records of the Suffolk Guild of Ringers for the year to 31st December, 1989 and the foregoing accounts which have been prepared therefrom. We confirm that the accounts are in agreement with the records and are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.' CHARTOTEtT'ACCOUNTS, NORWICH, DISS ETC. 6 THE SUFFOLK GUILD OF RINGERS NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, I989 1. Grants unpaid 1989 1988 Assington 560 < Boxford 3800 3800 * Chediston - 2700 Fraralingham 2790 *■ - Grundisburgh 1350 *• - Monewden 2380 * - Metfield 3020 -* 13340 7060 Due within one year 6520 * 4360 K Due in more than one year 6820 2700 2. RESTORATION FUND Income Non Resident Life Membership fees 21 83 Donations and Fund Raising from Guild Meetings and Events 503 427 Other donations and events 1051 1605 Interest Received 861 420 Tax rebate claims receivable 247 - Income from Friends of Suffolk Bells (note 3) 1799 663 4482 3198 Grants approved during the year (note 4) 9540 Grnnts withdrawn - Assington ( 560) - Chediston (2700) 6280 260 (1798) 2938) TRANSFER FROM RESERVES From General Funds 1368 1465 South East District Fund “ 125 (430) 4528 llnttoration Fund at 1st January 1989 1694 (2834) RESTORATION FUND AT 31ST DECEMBER 1989 1264 (1694) \ 7 THE SUFFOLK GUILD OF RINGERS 3.FRIENDS OF SUFFOLK BELLS INCOME 1989 1988 Sundry donations/contributions received 730 663 Sponsored slim (J. Stannard) 120 Norman Tower Open-day 53 Profit on Training - day 122 295 Covenanted donations receivable 723 Interest received 51 £1799 £663 4. GRANTS APPROVED DURING THE YEAR Framlingham 2790 Grundisburgh 1350 Metfield 3020 Monewden 2380 Walsham le Willows “ 260 £ 9540 £260 5. LIBRARY FUND Donations received 5 Less Purchases (additions) (3) Library Fund as at 1st January 1989 66 66 Library Fund as at 31st December, 1989 £ 68 . £ 66 6. HANDBELLS FUND Donations received 80 44 Interest 1 Transfer from General Fund 75 575 156 "619 Handbell Fund as at 1st January 1989 13 ( 606) Handbells Fund as at 31st December 1989 £ 169 £ 13 7.ST. PETER'S SUDBURY FUND Donations received 15 130 Interest 81 37 96 167 St.Peter's Fund as at 1st January 1989 606 439 £ 702 £ 606 8 Convenant Secretary’s Report I have now completed my second year In mi* post and am pleased to report mat me concerted effort to encourage convenanted subscription* has resulted In slxty- three new one* being taken out mi* year. Tbls Is in addition to an exfsiting twenty- mree convenants from previous sources, and has resulted in me Guild being able to reclaim £168 of tax deemed to have been deducted at source. I would Ilka to thank those members who have made convenants, and me District Secretaries for their assistance. However It l* still apparent mat many members who could covenant have failed to do so, given mat me Guild has an adult membership of 496. The response o f members has varied, me district with the smallest membership (North-West) ha* produced thirty- two new convenants, over half me total) Therefore I urge all members where possible to convenant their subscription as the procedure* are relatively simple. I will gladly assist members with mis task and answer any queries they may have. The ‘Friend*’ have also received seven new convenanted donation* during the year, and tax amounting to £240 will be reclaimed on mis. Hence a total of £408 has been generated for me Guild mi* year through convenanted payments which would otherwise have been lost, so do please convenant your payments In future. Andrew D Fisk Membership Summary District Sen'r. Adult Junior Total Assoc. Totals Member Member Ringers Member* NE 14 80 18 110 5 115 (13) (85) (18) (116) (5) (121) NW 11 91 10 112 112 (12) (86) (9) (107) (1) (108) SE 16 177 10 235 11 246 (20) (186) (45) (251) (12) (263) SW 15 92 27 134 12 146 (15) (101) (30) (146) (12) (158) TOTALS 89 56 440 95 591 28 819 TOTALS 83 (60) (458) (102) (620) (30) (850) NOTES:- (1) Total membership - down 31 = -4.8% (2) Ringing membership - down 29 = -4.7% (3) Total* per District NE - 6 = - 4.7% SE - 17 = - 6.5% NW + 4 = + 3.7% SW -12 = -7.6% 9 Secretary’s Report A* I write this report I am conscious of the fact that to many of you I may be comparatively unknown, especially In the region* beyond Woodbrldge, having been a member of the Suffolk Guild for only a few year*. My ringing career, though, doe* span some 35 year* or more, firstly In Gloucestershire, then In Oxford, Liverpool and London. However since the AGM last April when you appointed me a* the Guild’s General Secretary, I have attempted to attend as marry of the District's meetings as 1 could to try to get to know you. Apologies to the NW District I promise I will visit you during 1990. Looking back over the past 9 months, I believe the most Important event to have been the launch of the 'Friends of Suffolk Bells’ appeal. The county is blessed with many fine rings of bells, but at the same time ha* many tower* that are sadly In need of restoration.
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