A PUBLICATION OF THE WASHINGTON STATE DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES WASHINGTON GEOLOGIC NEWSLETTER JULY 1975 BERT l. COLE VOLUME 3 - NUMBER 3 COMMISSIONER Of PUBLIC LANDS DON LEE FRASER, SUPERVISOR VAUGHN E. LIVINGSTON, JR., STATE GEOLOGIST DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION Of GEOLOGY ANO EARTH RESOURCES. OLYMPIA, WASHING10N, 9850 4 INCREASED VOLCANIC ACTIVITY since the mid- l 800's. Some increases in perforo­ tion of the snow due to steam discharge were noted OF MOUNT BAKER1 WASHINGTON!/ in photographs taken during the period 1940-1956; On March 11, 1975, the U. S. Geological however, the present increased steam discharge prob­ Survey office in Tacoma, Washington received re­ ably represents the greatest volcanic activity on the ports of increased steam activity on Mount Boker, mountain during at least the last 84 years. a quiescent volcano located about 26 km south of Mount Baker (3,285 m) towers some l ,500 m the Canadian border in northwestern Washington. (meters) over the immediate Cascades. Possibly, sev­ The activity, which was first observed Morch 10, eral eruptions of Mount Baker occurred in the middle 1975, included a greatly increased emission of steam 19th century, In 1843, Mount Baker reportedly erup­ from a known fumarole field in Sherman Crater (on ted simultaneously with Mount St. Helens, covering the south side of the mountain about 300 meters below the Cascades with a light cover of volcanic ash. In the crest), the appearance of several new fumaroles 1854, the nearly perfect ondesi tic cone of Mount where none had been before, and a discoloration of Baker was obscured by rolling clouds of steam and gos, the steam and the snow around and in the crater. which reached some 600 m above the summit. In 1859, Steam discharges from this crater and one other lo­ bright Flashes of light and explosive sounds from Baker cality on the flank of the mountain had been known were reported. On Morch 31, 1975, a team of university and l/ Data was generously supplied to the federal scientists was lifted to the flank of the moun­ Division of Geology and Earth Resources by the U.S. Geological Survey office in Tacoma. tain by helicopter to observe conditions first hand and View of steam emission from Mount Boker. U.S. Geological Survey photo by Austin Post, Moy 28, 1975. to install a telemetering seismometer at the rim of the and carried upward by fumorolic gases. crater. Reports from these and other observers in late The greatly increased heat output from March indicated: the crater is accompanied by increased crevasse The steam discharge from the crater is formation, increased exposure of bore rock {es­ roughly 10 times as much as it was before Morch pecially for winter conditions), and increased 10, with over half of the total discharge now subglocial melting and subsidence of ice in the coming from 2 new clusters of fumaroles and center of the crater. Components of gos from a much of it from one single fumarole. fumarole as measured by geologists from Eastern The discoloration of the steam and snow Washington State College show a 20 times in­ is from a medium-gray clayey material, which is crease in H2S. derived from older hydrothermally altered rock On Moy 27, the fumaroles were putting 2 Steam vents due to increased steam discharge on Sherman Crater visible in upper center and 3 upper right-hand corner. U.S. Geological Survey photo by Dan Miller, April 21, 1975. out about 1,300 kg per hour of sulfur, occordi ng Recent studi esY have shown that smal I debr1s ta measurements by the Cloud and Aerosol group ot avalanches in at least the last 17 years have moved the University of Washington. down from Sherman Crater an overage of once every The seismometer is recording many small 2-4 years. Large mudflows from the some oreo have events, which may be ottrlbuted to near-surface reached as far as the Boker River volley {about 11 km) volcanic processes and to movements of the gla­ at least twice in the post few hundred years; the most ciers; also recorded is o high level of background recent forms the surface where a campground is now noise, which may be due to the venting of steam. located. The largest postglacial mudflow at Mount The seismic data are telemetered to the geophysics Baker occurred about 6,000 years ago, moved at program at the University of Washington. least 29 km down the middle fork of the Nooksack Boulder Creek, the stream that drains River and, at o point about 17 km from the volcano, filled the 0.8 km-wide valley with at least 100 m Sherman CraterI hos apparently become much more acid (pH measured 11 km east of the crater of debris. was 3. 7 to 3. 8) , and may have i ncreosed in flow. The potential hazards from the activity of Boulder Creek flows into upper Boker Lake, a the present level ore ova lanches, mudflows, and reservoir for power generation and the upstream floods down the east side of the mountain, especially one of a poit of such reservoirs. At present, along the course of Boulder Creek. A moderate-size the acidity of the inflowing Boulder Creek water mudflow down this course might destroy o highway is being chemically buffered by water and sedi­ bridge and a small campground. If the volcanic ac­ ment in Boker Lake. However, if large amounts tivity Increased, then o greater probability of hazard of acidic water continue to pour in from Boulder would exist. The greatest likely hazard from mudflow Creek, the buffering capability of the lake is activity would occur if a large mudflow entered likely to be exhausted, and the lake water can Boker Lake while that reservoir was at a relatively be expected to acidify progresslvely. high stage, Filling the reservoir more rapidly than it Through June, 1975, ice breakup hos in­ could be drained. In such a situation some of the creased and fumaroli c activity hos continued at water would overtop Boker Dom and spill into Lake least the some level. Airphoto surveys and Shannon. If the mudflow were sufficiently large, ground investigations through June also show that and fast moving, and if the surge of water were large 2 a shallow, hot lake {about 11,000m and 34°C enough, a Flood could be generated that would pro­ on June 11) has formed in the bottom of a 40 m gress down the Skagit River volley. In brief, with a ice pit in the center of the crater. volcanic eruption, avalanches, mudflows, floods, The maJor potential hazards from increased activity and possible eruption of Mount Baker are ~/ References: Fro nk, David; Post, Austin; Friedman, J. D., 1975, rock avalanches, mudflows, and floods along valley Recurrent geothermally induced debris ava­ floors. Other potential hazards from an eruption ore lanches on Boulder Glacier, Mount Boker, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Journal the follout of volcanic ash in areas downwind from of Research, v. 3, no . 1, p. 77-87. Mount Boker I pyroclostic flows, and lava flows. Hyde, J. H.; Crandell, D. R., 1975, Origin and age of postglaciol deposits and assessment of poten­ Possible lava flows probably would not extend beyond tial hazards from future eruptions of Mount the present flanks of Mount Boker, but mudflows and Boker Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open:file Rept. 75- 286, 22 p. [Available floods could be caused by rapid melting of snow and for inspection in the Division of Geology ice by such lava. Qnd Earth Resources library.] 4 ash falls, pyroclastic flows, or lava flows might be petroleum with little or no commercial success, only expected. about one-fourth of the ho les were located by the The mountain a nd nearby areas most likely to use of modern technology. be a ffected by volcanic aativity are within the U.S. Considering the size of the areas within the Forest Service's Mount Baker- Snoqualmie National state and on the adjacent Continental Shelf that are Forest . Acting upon information supplied by the U.S. regarded as favorable for the occurrence of oi I and Geological Survey, the U.S. Forest Service issued gas, it can be calculated that less than one test well closures to entry without special permit for Sherman for every 200 square miles has been drilled. Becouse Crater, the Bou lder Creek drainage, and the Baker of the complex structures and poor exposures in Lake oreo. The area of closure hos recently been Washington, much closer spacing of exploration updated and enlarged . Information on closed areas drilling must be done before the favorable areas hove may be obtained from the U.S. Forest Service. been adequately tested . Several sizable areas within Washington State and its Continental Shelf possess all of the major geologic characteristics that are required for the O IL AND GAS IN WASH INGTON accumulation of commercial quantities of petroleum; By for example, source rocks, reservoir rocks, and Weldon W. Rau proper structures and(or) stratigraphy. One of the most promising areas is the Conti­ Over 75 percent of the total energy consumed nental Shelf, which includes both state and federal in the United States comes from petroleum products. lands. Continuous seismic profiling surveys indicate According to National Petroleum Council studies, that structura l and stratigraphic conditions are favor­ our nation's requirements for energy wi 11 double by able in many places in this large area where very 1985. Obviously, in this period of time, the need little drilling has taken place.
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